
Monday 26 July 2021

T sTands for a new challenge aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you enjoyed your weekend and I wish us all a good and safe week!

This evening we will be starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely and talented Pinky is hosting, with the theme 'Flowers, floral' You always have 2 weeks to join us, and tags of all formats are welcome. Hope to see YOU there! The challenge goes live on our blog at 9 p.m.

I made 2 small  and narrow tags, as I need them as tags for birthday presents. The background papers are from Gecko Galz, the card from some recycled cards and the rest was in my stash:

This evening we start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm greeting to all of the nice ladies who visit here.
I am showing some photos of a trip to a little place near the border to Holland:

I just had cappuccino, my companion had a pot of coffee and 2 slices of cake:

On the way back home we stopped again and had plum pancakes, yummy!

There was a delightful little chapel there:

Between the two coffee and more breaks we walked along a stream and then round a lake:

A dragonfly:
(Thanks for the corrections, David!)

A damselfly that would not keep still!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Lovely floral tags perfect for gifts. Your companion must love cake! A lovely outing you had.

    1. Thanks Christine! It was a lovely outing indeed! Have a great week!

  2. The tags are gorgeous and I love all of the photos. Hope you are feeling well.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Still lots of pain and other health problems, I hope it's better soon! Have a great week!

  3. Pretty tags! Cake is just AMAZING 😋. I love all of the photos you took of the nature! They are so pretty and aesthetic!!! Have a great week Valerie.

    1. Thanks Aishu, They make nice cakes here in Germany! Have a great start in the new week!

  4. Great tags and the photos are beautiful! Wishing you a fantastic week Valerie. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. We had rain here again yesterday, but no damage here, some places in Belgium were hit really badly again. Have a great week!

  5. Hi Val, good morning!. Another lovely post, with so much beauty to see. It looks a great place to walk around that lake in the woods. The tags are very pretty, love the colours. Have a great week, take care, hope you are feeling better! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. hope all is well with you. Take care, have a great week, hugs to you all!

  6. Good morning, your tags are beautiful. and I really enjoyed the photos near Holland, yum those pancakes look so good-loved all that fruit baked in, great spot for cakes and coffee too, loved the pretty blue dragonfly. Have a great new week ahead and Happy T Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. I love pancakes, sweet or savoury. Have a wonderful, new week, take care! Hugs!

    2. us too I haven't made us any in a long time-should do that

  7. Such pretty tags. The chapel looks like a happy face!

    1. Thanks Deb! It does indeed, it was beautiful inside and out!

  8. LOVE your amazing work of art, and as always your photos are always a journey to me. Bella has finally decided having a nap near my desk is better than going into the crate....she looks contented, will post a pic tomorrow. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, glad Bella is learning! Hugs!

  9. Good morning Queen of Balconia and its Dominions, Principalities and Possessions: I hope that I find you in good health, or at least improving health, Your Majesty, and that the food that enters your mouth is becoming tastier by the day. Your tags are lovely and cover but two of your many qualities, known to all your subjects, Grace and Charm. I always view these tags as bookmarks, of which I am inordinately fond, and have many. I use them perhaps more than most, however, and some of the large tomes to which I refer frequently can have as many as twenty peeking out atop the pages. The first picture of the damselflies is in fact a dragonfly, the long slender one with wings folded above its abdomen is a damselfly. Having consumed so much coffee before perambulating along the stream and around the lake it's amazing that you didn't feel the need to top up the water levels yourself! You obviously had a glorious day out that day and gorged on your entire sugar quota for the week. 'Tis Monday here and still Monday there too. Enjoy the week ahead, Valerie. Make sure you conduct yourself with grace and charm, but I am sure that you always do. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! Thanks for the corrections, I have altered my text to accommodate them! My food is still not quite to my liking, but I'm hoping one da to be able to sink my teeth into something hot and spicy! Oh yes, (dis)grace and charm definitely apply to me, of dear! Tags can really be used as bookmarks, I use a lot of mine like that as well. But also old envelopes, strips of paper etc when Im too laz to look for a book mark! Yes, coffee can sometimes lead to the need to seek out a shady spot, but there were toilets there, so I didn't need to increase the water levels. Here it's going to be Monday all day, too. I'm rather sad because the farmer mowed the lovely meadow behind the garden, all of the lovely flowers have gone. The words I was thinking about him din't include grace and charm, you can be sure of that! So, I'm off to make myself some lunch. Have a great day, tke care, hugs to you both!

  10. Wow! Those tags are so bright and cheery, and I love them. Plum pancakes sounds like something truly unique and yummy, and I'm always in for the soothing scenery pics. Sending you lots of hugs, RO

    1. Thanks Ro! The plum pancakes were very delicious. Have a great Week!

  11. Great photos. Have a nice day;)

  12. Lovely tags. They could serve as the gift itself :) The food all looks tasty. Great photos of your peaceful lake walk. It's an inviting area, perfect for my idea of a walk :) Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks, flowers are always a great theme.The food was good, too good! It's a great place to walk. Happy T Day!

  13. I agree with Divers and Sundry, the tags would make great gifts. I love the chef and the food looks awesome. The little bird holding down the check is adorable, too. What a beautiful spot to walk around. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ, next week they will be gifted! The place we stopped to eat was really beautiful. Happy T Day!

  14. I love your tags. So pretty! And yum to all that food!

  15. Beautiful floral tags, and lovely photos Valerie!

    1. Thanks Alison, have a good and safe week! Hugs!

  16. I love your tags Valerie, so pretty! What a fab day out, those cakes look delicious. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! Cakes are unfurtunately always delicious! Have a good week!

  17. Beautiful tags Valerie, love the colors, they are perfect to add to a birthday gift! Gorgeous walk photos and all of the baked goods look delicious!
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! Have a great week, stay safe!

  18. Those tags are incredible. I really LOVE both of them, but the one with the butterfly was special. Of course, the one with the lavender flowers was simply beautiful.

    I had to laugh at the coffee your friends got. Having to split two little creams is not my idea of fun. I use at least six each time I use the tiny cream pots. However, the pie looks good. I enjoyed the trip around the lake and the beauty of the serene photos. That chef, like everyone else, caught my eye, too. Thanks for sharing your incredibly lovely tags, and taking us with you on the trip near Holland. Gotta love the architecture of the area, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I never use tose little pots of milk, if I can't get cappuccino I drink it black! It was a nice trip out indeed! Glad you like the little tags!

  19. I do like your tags.
    What a lovely outing you had, a very nice selection of photographs.
    The little chapel does look very nice.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, it's always good to get out for a few hours! Have a great week!

  20. Those are great tags and what a super idea to make tags to use on gifts. And you look like you had a wonderful little trip. And a very yummy looking snack with your cappuccino. I have never seen a plum pancake before but it sure looks good too. And a walk, you can't go wrong. I hope you have a super T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I had never eaten plum pancake before, either, but it was delicious. Happy T Day!

  21. what really pretty tags Valerie!! And what another lovely excursion with nice treats, coffee and wonderful scenery. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda! Yes, it was a nice little trip. Happy T day!

  22. Hi Valerie, gorgeous tags, so pretty and I love the colours too.
    Looks as if you had a lovely trip, beautiful scenery and a lovely place for a walk.
    Tasty looking cakes as usual and the plum pancakes really look yummy.
    Happy T Day

    1. Thanks Jan! It was indeed a lovely, shady walk for a hot day. The plum pancakes were totally yummy! Happy T Day, hugs!

  23. Happy T Day, Valerie! Your tags are fun - love the flowers and colors plus the butterfly. The pictures are wonderful as I love seeing different places and things and you have a knack for finding them. I can't decide if my favorite is the plum pancake or the dragonfly, but all are a treat. I would have two cakes too if they looked like those! Looks like it was a great trip. Thanks for sharing. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! Make some plum pancakes, they're really good! Happy T Day!

  24. Wow, what a wonderful place to visit! So pleased you shared all the amazing food and views, I so enjoyed the virtual tour and walk 😁. Your cakes and those plum pancakes look so delicious - yum, yum! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I didn't try the cakes, but the plum pancakes were fantastic! Happy T Day!

  25. What a beautiful walk around the lake. A lovely location indeed.
    The coffee and cakes look inviting and the plum pancakes look really tasty. I have never had plum pancakes even though pancakes are very popular in Holland. But for me the cheesecake really 'takes the biscuit'. My mouth is watering.
    Your tags are really gorgeous. Whoever receives those will be so happy!
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, it's a beautiful place, and the plum pancakes were out of this world! Glad you like the tags, they are for 2 special friends. Happy T Day, hugs!

  26. The narrow tags are really a good idea and just lovely. And so, too, are the photos from your excursion to the village near Holland. I like the chef!

    1. Thanks. I would have liked to bring the Chef home with me!

  27. Luv your charm and grace. Thanks for the awesome photos
    Happy Tag Tuesday


  28. Beautiful tags, Valerie. Love all the flowers. That chef is just adorable! Thanks for sharing your walk around the pretty water. Happy T Day.

  29. Your tags for the gifts are so pretty! They will be cherished!
    I will have some cake and pancakes! LOL!
    Thanks for sharing such gorgeous photos! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy, help yourself, the pancakes are soooo good!

  30. Your tags are lovely. I love the long and narrow design of them.
    That cake looks huge but those plum pancakes really caught my eye. I love fruit in anything and these sound delicious! Beautiful pictures from your trip.
    Happy Belated Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate! I'm sure you would love the plum pancakes! Have a great week!

  31. oh! Lovely food! And here am I having to have a blood test and no eating till thats done tomorrow morning. Those cakes look soooo yummy! Fantastic pictures and of course the tags are lovely too! Happy T day

    1. Hope the blood test went well. I had one yesterday, and m veins had all disappeared again, so it was hard!

  32. your flower tags are perfection! be well! xo

  33. Very pretty tag Valerie.
    As always you have posted some fab photos on your blog.
    Hope you are keeping well.x

  34. Your tags are just beautiful Valerie! I now want a nice cup of coffee and sweet snack though. Photos are inspirational as always.


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