
Monday 3 May 2021

T sTands for Too Much....

Hi Everybody! 

Thanks to all who sent well wishes after my fall last week. It's healing well, I still have scrapes and bruises but the pains are much less and I think I can venture out again on Monday. Although it's May, we're still having very changeable and unseasonably cold weather, with storms and winds promised. BUT, the weather men are promising us good weather for next week, let's see if it's true!

This evening Elizabeth will be celebrating her T sTands for Tuesday Link ParTy, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here. Yesterday was Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, where we share posts from previous years, so here I have some pics to share for that. I chose a theme I hosted at AJJ back in 2015, post and postage.

Postage stamp men:

There is one ex-president I hope never to see on a postage stamp!

This was my take on an English stamp, and I use part of it for my avatar:

Sport is often a postage stamp theme:

And postman Pat and his cat will be well known to many:

And to keep up with the post theme, I have some coffee stamps as my entry ticket to the T Party:

And last but not least, on Monday evening at 9 pm the new challenge at Tag Tuesday will begin.  This time our wonderful Sandie is hosting with the theme of 'Sport', and has made some fantastic and inspirational tags for you , so please hop over, take a look, and join us!
I made a golf tag:
(And yes, the golf ball at the top is bigger than the golfer's head!)

That's all for today!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great stamp images and I do remember Postman Pat, we had videos and books when the boys were little. Great golf tag. Good to hear you are on the mend.

    1. Thanks, Postman Pat was a fave with the kids! Have a wonderful week!

  2. All the postage stamp art is fantastic. If one ex-president ever ends up on a postage stamp I certainly shall not buy them either. I like how you used all the stamps. Very clever. And also a clever way to use them for T too. Nice golf tag too. It has me guessing what the latest challenge will be. But mostly I am glad to hear you are almost back to normal. Some things seem to take so long to recover. Happy May and Happy new week. and happy early T day too valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Oooops, I forgot the theme for TT, I've corrected it now! I wasn't trying to make you guess! Have a wonderful week, hugs!

  3. I am so glad to hear you are doing better Valerie. All of your art is fantastic, but of course it always is. I hope that nice weather shows up for you this week, hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, this morning it's sunny, I hope it stays that way! Have a wonderful week!

  4. Glad you are feeling much better. Cute stamp art and tags.

  5. Das sind alle sehr schöne und fantastische Kunstwerke!
    Ich freu mich zu lesen dass es dir besser geht und bald wieder mehr draussen sein kannst.
    Bei fängt schon das Wetter mit Windböen und Regen und es wird noch mehr!
    Es könnte ruhig mal wärmer werden bei mir.
    Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche(hoffentlich ich drück dir die Daumen, wenn es so einfach gehen würde "zwinker")
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke. Ihr kriegt immer das stürmische Wetter ab an der Küste. Noch ist es ruhig hier! Dir eine gute Woche, bleib gesund!

  6. Hi Val, good morning, hope you slept well! Love your beautiful stamp-art, and the golf tag is fabulous. Clever to use the stamps for T Day, too. Stay safe, all is well here, have a great week, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Stamps are always good to use in art. Have a great week, stay safe, hugs to all!

  7. Great projects and post, Bella sends hugs. x

  8. Good morning Valerie: First, it is good to hear that your bruises and scrapes are improving and that you will be able to go for your walk today. In fact given the time difference between us you may be doing that right now. If so, I hope that the weather is pleasant and that flexing your limbs speeds up the healing process. As for this retrospective of past creations, they are all well done, and very creative. I am not surprised, of course, to see coffee featured so prominently, but I could not help but note that not a single bird is featured anywhere. It is encouraging that you have moved on and now include them regularly in your art. Perhaps soon you will show them drinking coffee! As for stamps, they seem to be getting rarer and rarer. We hardly mail anything any more and even when we do, instead of real stamps the post office prints a computerized sticker. And I doubt that would inspire too much creativity. Stay well, stay safe, stay upright! Until the next time, hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! Just came back from my walk, it was enjoyable if rather windy, and I stayed on my feet all the time! I have a journal page I made somewhere with a bird drinking coffee, I'll try to find it for you! You get stamps here, but have to ask for them, otherwise they just use their machines. Now you can get a code, scribble it on the envelope, and no stamp needed. Shame, as the stamps are always so pretty. Now I'm back at my desk, drinking coffee, and will soon put my feet up and read the daily newspaper. Have a wonderful day, take care, stay safe! Hugs to you both!

    2. Over the years I have been given unused stamps with wildlife, trees, flowers etc, and I always enjoy them. I actually stick them in a book, at the species account if it's possible, if not at the front of the book. It's ironic that some countries have flora and fauna extensively on their stamps while decimating their populations and destroying habitat.

    3. This is unfortunately very true!

  9. Wszystkie znaczki są mniej lub bardziej ciekawe. Nie spotkałem się jeszcze z tak silną motywacją do tworzenia własnych znaczków pocztowych. Dla mnie to coś egzotycznego. Tak jakby lekko zapomniana profesja. Salut. :)

  10. Very fine post �� have a nice day ��

  11. Thanks Laurie. I love the idea of mental flossing, so it appealed to my sense of humour, too. Have a great week!

  12. The stamp men are so fun. Very clever. I don't know Pat the Postman, but his cat is very cute. Coffee stamps, such a great idea for T Day! Take care!

  13. Glad you are improving. Did you use Arnica? Weather is awful here too, pouring rain and 70mph winds. My village is full of dripping wet holiday makers for May Day and nowhere open for them to go.

    1. I didn't have arnica, but I did use witch hazel. I think we're all in for bad weather this week! Poor holiday makers! Have a great week!

  14. I want to stamp out metered mail because, as you have shown, postage stamps are wonderful. They cover so many events and subjects. And of course, they work great for art, too. I had no idea part of your avatar was based on a postage stamp. I love the presidents. Let's hope people in the states are smart and never issue a stamp of the person who tried to dismantle, along with his crony postmaster general, the post office. This is a wonderful second look and I enjoyed seeing several of these stamps as a second look, while a few were a first for me. Thanks for taking time to link. It's greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, too, for sharing T with us today. I'm sure your coffee inspired postage stamps are well taken. They sure are by me. These are wonderful and you included so many coffee inspired stamps from around the world. Thanks for sharing your art and postage stamps with us for T this Tuesday.

    I am not a sport person unless it's the Lakers (pro basketball team). However, I got a good laugh out of your golf tag. Thanks for sharing the tag with us, too, dear. And yes, I'll link you to T, too.

    1. Thanks E! I had the wicked thought that that huge golf ball might fall onto a certain golf glad he's not in office any more. I am not a sport watcher at all. And thanks for linking this evening!

  15. I'm glad to hear you're recovering well from your fall. I'm sure being able to get out will aid healing :) Count me in as a "coffee lover". Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks so much! It was good to get out again today, and I am being very careful now!

  16. Very interested article! Have a great evening! 🐥🐇🐣

  17. Thanks Carolina, have a great week!

  18. I am glad that you are mending so well. Love all those stamps!

    1. Thanks Glenda! It's good that the pains are lessening!

  19. So glad you are doing better. Love your creations they are great. Have a wonderful week. Anesha x

  20. this postman is from series Postman Pat and his cat:D

  21. What lovely pieces, I am glad you are feeling better.

  22. Glad to know you are healing and feeling better.
    What fun you have had -especially with postage today! Love it.
    Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, that was a great theme! Have a great week!

  23. Hi Valerie, I hope you are keeping well.
    I absolutely love your Sports Tag, love the different images that give the tag so much depth.
    Thank you so much for playing along with my theme..x

  24. So glad to hear you are recovering well after your fall and sending get well wishes! So much amazing art today, loving the umbrella men and the way that you used the postage stamps - so clever 😀. Of course all the coffee related pieces are perfect for T Day too! Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I had fun with hose postage stamps! And the coffee stamps were a serendipitous find! Hae a great week, happy T Day!

  25. Morning Valerie, pleased to hear you are recovering from your fall, I love all your artwork and the amazing coffee stamps, who knew there was so many!
    Take care and have a HappyT Day
    Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan. I didn't know about all those coffee stamps until I started searching for them! Have a great week, happy T Day!

  26. Glad to see you are healing, Valerie.

    Fun past projects - I love the stamp theme in them. Also love all the postage stamps. Very fun to make the Presidents into full body and I think I know exactly which one you hope not to see but I will probably happen anyway....could be a fun journaling activity thinking of how to do him up though!

    Great sports tag - I may have to play in this one! Love the "giant" golf ball - golfers would love that tag for sure!

    The coffee stamps are VERY fun - wish I had some of them.


    1. Thanks Nancy, it's good to be able to move without pain. I had fun with the stamps and the umbrella man die. Yes, I think everyone will know which one I don't want to see, but who knows? I didn't have a smaller golf ball sticker! Would love you to join in the challenge! Happy T Day!

  27. Hi Valerie,
    Glad you are recovering. I’m surprised you didn’t include the recent “Espresso” stamps from the real US Postal Service along with the very funny parodies from Zazzle! I’ll have to get some of the real ones. Great idea to feature stamps.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, I will have to look for them, sounds like fun! I just used those that I had here! Have a great week!

  28. These are fantastic Valerie. I am sorry to hear about your fall, but glad to know you are healing up.

  29. Glad that you are recovering from your fall. Seems like those bruises and such can hurt for a while afterwards.
    Your postage art is fabulous! I am loving all of it.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. Glad you like the postage art. Happy T Day!

  30. Fabulous art works today Valerie, your postage art is such fun! I'm glad you are feeling better today, but you certainly wouldn't be walking round here today, if the rain didn't get you the wind would! Take care and have a fun week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! We have the samr ghastly weather here today! Have a great week!

  31. A wonderful selection of art Valerie! Glad you're feeling better.
    Alison xx

  32. Fantastic stamps! Great tag, too. I like the theme but haven't done the tag yet. I am glad to hear you are feeling better. Happy T Day.

  33. I love your post today. Especially the Post themed art. All those beautiful stamps, all coffee themed of course. I didn't know Burundi grew coffee.
    I remember Postman Pat (Who doesn't)
    The golf tag is great.
    If one particular president appears on a postage stamp, not many people will buy them. But I think they would have done it by now should they have wanted to.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  34. So happy you are feeling better! I love your avatar!!!
    Very cool stamp art you showed us! Thanks!
    Big Hugs!

  35. I'm so sorry you had a bad fall Valerie!! I hadn't realised. Glad you are on the mend but do take care!! Your projects are so beautiful today and I especially love your sport tag! Would go down a treat with the boys in my family for sure!!

    1. Thanks Pinky. I feel fine again, and I'm being more careful! Have a great, new week!


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