
Saturday 1 May 2021

New challenge at Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ, and Elle is hosting. Her theme is language, which she explains as follows:

"This month's theme of language, can be interpreted in many ways - your own language, language of flowers, language of love, words, books, communication, sign language, gestures, symbols, icons, or even your own "art" language meaning your own favourite things you like to use, colours, materials, things that you use when creating, that become your own unique signature style."

I hope to see lots of you joining in, for more details and the rules and regulations please view our AJJ blog.

I made a very simple 8x8" piece. The background was painted with acrylics, to which I added stars and glitter. The moon is one of my photos, and the quote I have used is spoken by Dumbledore in J.K. Rowling's 'Harry Potter'. He goes on to explain that words - language - can be used to heal or to wound:

 And some photos from my walks before I had my fall, I'm staying home for a few days now:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I truly love this first entry you have given us using Elle's theme at Art Journal Journey. I love that you added that words can heal or wound. I think you have created a real gem. I love how rich and glittery the page is, too. It's a lovely example.

    Your walk is fabulous. I laughed at the egg tree, but found those flower baskets and box simply stunning. I hope you are resting after your fall, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you like my page. It's a quote I love!

  2. Hi Val, good morning. It's a sunny May Day here, so hope you have the same good weather. Love the page you made with that wonderful quote from Dumbledore, I always enjoy his wise sayings, too. Hope you are feeling better after your fall, keep resting. We are all well here! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I am resting! Just rolled out of bed! It's sunny here, too, let's hope it stays that way! Hugs to you all!

  3. What a beautiful piece Valerie, I love the glitter and the stars in the sky, and what a fabulous quote! I hope you are feeling better after your fall and not still discovering new bruises. Take care and have a happy weekend xx

    1. Thanks Sue. It's not easy being a fallen woman, but it's slowly getting better! Happy May!

  4. Beautiful designs and gorgeous quotation used.. Have a lovely weekend. [with out any more injuries]♥

  5. Oh my gosh, I love that quote. One of her best statements in all the books (which I love). Great page which has elements of magic in it as well. Love the moon and the magic dust - wow.

    Love your pictures too - each is wonderful. The one of the basket of flowers is inspiring - I think I am going to get one this weekend!

    Hope you are healing my friend! Take it easy!


    1. Thanks Nancy! It's one of my fave quotes, too, and so true. A lot of people here have those baskets in front of their doors, and they do look lovely! I am healing slowly, thanks! Have a wonderful May, take care!

  6. Ah Valerie, you give a whole new meaning to the term "fallen woman"! But I do hope that you are healing well and that your bruises are not too tender. After all you have been through to be banged up and scraped is just not right. I have never read any of the Harry Potter books but I subscribe to the sentiment expressed in the quote you use. Words are indeed an inexhaustible source of magic, and I wish I knew how to use them better. Your page has a sort of magical quality to it today, a kind of glittering fairy-tale image, and with a moon above and birds below what could be more perfect? A fallen woman, huh? My word, I could have fun with that! Better not go there, David! Rest up, enjoy the weekend even if that just involves quiet times with a book. All your friends around the world, crafters and would be wordsmiths alike are all hoping for a speedy return to the slim and nimble friend we know, prancing through the pathways along the Rhine, spotting birds, snapping pictures, with admirers gazing at your funky shoes. Hugs and kisses. David.

    1. Yes, I am a fallen woman, but slowly healing. Soon I hope to be running around again as usual. I think you use your words very well, I'm still chuckling about the shambling celibates shuffling about! I am resting today, reading, crafting and sorting through papers are all on my programme. If you have time, read the Harry Potter books, they are good. I wish I had a magic wand and spell to heal the sorry condition of the world today. Have a good day, dream of fallen women falling at your feet, have fun!

  7. Good morning, your page is so lovely
    You captured beautiful photos-I always enjoy visiting your page. Hoping you are not as sore now Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. I'm still sore, but it's getting better. Not easy to deal with falls when you get older! Have a wonderful May, take care!

  8. Thanks Laurie. I hope your husband will soon feel less sore. These things take time when we get older! Have a wonderful May!

  9. Sweet page and I love the colors. I love the walks around your town. I get so many ideas from seeing the window boxes and baskets by the doorways. Too bad I don't have a green thumb. I hope you're feeling better.

    1. Thanks CJ. I asked at one of the shops how they get their boxes to look good, and they have a gardener who plants the boxes in the various stores. Now I need a gardener! Thanks, I'm feeling a little less sore!

  10. Beautiful art and perfect quote to go with it. Have a great weekend Valerie. Hugs!

  11. Dumbledore was a very wise man. Words can be kind or not, and of course, they way they are said is a lot too. I love that beautiful colored background of your art today. Hope you are still not sore. Happy May. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, there's a lot of wisdom in the Harry Potter books. I'm still stiff and sore, but it's slowly getting less. Things take time at my age! Have a great May!

  12. Absolutely gorgeous background color combo and another pleasant journey through your photos.
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sandy. I often think of you when I'm out walking! Have a great May, hugs!

  13. Lovely interpretations of the theme! And I'm very fond of that egg tree! Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks. I'm wondering why the eggs are still hanging there!

  14. Very fine post:) Have a nice day :)

  15. Hope you are doing well after your bad fall. Take care of yourself. I agree with you about words being magical, sometimes. Love those little colorful bulbs hanging in the tree.

    1. Thanks Glenda, it is slowly getting better, but still lots of aches. It will pass. Have a great weekend!

  16. I'm sorry/glad you are stopping in. Sorry that you are indisposed and hurting, but glad you are being sensible about it.
    I have long believed that "the pen is mightier than the sword" and learning to very carefully word what I wish for, for words are indeed powerful magic!
    Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks for the sorry/glad bit, I know what you mean. I don't like staying in, but sometimes we have to do things we don't like. Your quote about the pen and the sword is on another of the pieces I have prepared for this challenge, and yes, sometimes we have to choose our words very carefully! Have a happy May, Deb, stay safe!

  17. What a wonderful scene here Valerie - I knew that moon was one of your photos. Great wise words and in the light of a recent famous televised interview words certainly can either heal or wound. I love the photos (I have pansies outside my door too) and so sorry you can't get out just yet. I do hope the muscle pains start to ease soon. Enjoy the rest of your cosy weekend - I suspect that it is colder in your part of the World too! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Yes, words can cause a lot of bad things as well as good ones, and it's hard to take them back! I'm resting, reading, TV bingeing and playing, so not really a bad way to spend the day! Happy May to you and yours!

  18. A fall can be scary :( I hope you're able to get back out there in nature soon.

    1. Oh yes, it was scary! I Hope to resume my usual service asap! Have a great May!

  19. Beautiful page and lovely flowers I hope to see you out walking again soon.

    1. Thanks, that's what I am looking forward to!

  20. What a gorgeous background you have made Valerie. I just love all the different colours you have used - they blend in so beautifully and create the perfect background. The two little birds, the photograph of the moon and the Harry Potter quote finish it all off perfectly. A lovely introduction to the new theme.
    Sorry to hear you have had a fall, hope it ewas not too bad andthat you are healing. Take things easy. Rest.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. That Meet. I'm still stiff and sore but it's slowly getting better. Happy May!

  21. wishing you a speedy recovery!...mae

  22. An awesome page Valerie, I love the quote you added, where would we all be without language in our lives.
    Hope you are feeling a bit better today.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  23. Such a beautiful page! I love the quote you added and those stars look so magical too 😀. Great photos, the tree with all those eggs is amazing! Happy May and I hope you're having a lovely weekend too! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, usually the eggs get removed after Easter, but it does Look pretty!

  24. A purrfect piece and beautiful photos.
    How are you feeling? I'm hoping better.

  25. Wonderful creation, love your words. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs Anesha

  26. This artwork is anything but simple, Valerie, with the gorgeously coloured background, the glitter, your very own moon and the little birds, I just love it.
    Sorry to hear about your fall, it's so easy to do. Hope your are all much better today.

    1. Thanks Sheila! I'm feeling a lot better now. Have a great week!

  27. Beautiful page💐😊👏👏👏 congrats

  28. What a glorious spread this is!! I love the texture and movement in it.

    1. Thanks so much, have a great week, take care!

  29. Your page is beautiful Valerie! I love the colours and quote.
    Wonderful photography too.
    Alison xx

  30. Thank you for the beautiful art piece! So meaningful! Loving all the photos! Big Hugs!

  31. Great page Valerie, and wonderful quote - very true! I really love the colours in this one and all the sparkles and the moon (great photo). Working backwards through my commenting to catch up (wasn't well) and now I'm at the beginning/end. Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx


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