
Thursday 1 April 2021

New Challenge at AJJ - inspired by....

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ - Inspired by....

Our lovely Eileen should have been hosting this month, and we are all very sad that she died during surgery some weeks back. The theme was chosen by Eileen, so we are keeping it to honour her memory. Erika and Chris will be hosting instead. We hope to see lots of beautiful creations to pay tribute to Eileen, a very talented crafter,  this month.

As many of you know, I love watching the clouds, and this page was inspired by the clouds which scud by everyday, always changing colour, bringing different weather, and sometimes letting the sun through.

And I  added a castle in the clouds for Eileen.

Some photos of clouds.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What an amazing way to honor Eileen. This is a real beauty, a genuine gem, and a fabulous painting. I really LOVE the clouds you created and the quote, too. It was great that you gave Eileen a castle in the clouds, too. Thanks for a great start to this month inspired by Eileen.

    And of course, your photos of the clouds are always joyful. So pretty. It shows how much you love clouds, too. I'll be back soon to catch up on what I've missed, dear.

  2. Hi Val, good morning. I love the tribute you made to your friend, what a wonderful thought. It's a beautiful painting. It's always hard to lose people we love. Have a great ay, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a wonderful day, stay safe! Hugs to all!

  3. Lovely post and gorgeous clouds, love the tribute you made too.... That puppy is my Bella.... I was in day surgery yesterday so missed a few posts last couple of days. ♥

  4. So sorry for the loss of your friend. Love your creaion is stunning. Have a great day. Anesha x

  5. So sorry for your loss, and your art community has done a lovely thing honouring Eileen with this challenge. Words are not enough, but what you have created is a beautiful, fitting tribute to your friend and I know she is looking down and smiling from her Castle in the Clouds. Lovely photos of clouds to compliment your art tribute. {{{Hugs}}} Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! Eileen is missed by us all! Have a great day!

  6. Es ist traurig mit Eileen und du hats ein wundervolles Kunstwerk für sie erschaffen. Deine Wolkenfotos sind der grossartig an zusehen.
    Ich war diese Woche müde und viel zu tun gehabt aber ich habe trotzdem an geschaut alles bei dir, e sist immer spannend was du ausgdenkst dir!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönen Tag und pass auf dich auf und es braucht Zeit bis du wieder fiter wirst.
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe ELKE! Ich hoffe du fühlst dich jetzt besser! Pass auf dich auf!

  7. What a wonderful tribute to Eileen. Valerie, I love the way you have given her a castle in the clouds. That is a truly lovely thing to do. I am so pleased it all came about from your love of clouds, and you have given us some beautiful photographs that you have taken over time of them in the skies above where you live. Always beautiful photography.
    The idea of using them as your inspiration is lovely and your painting reflects all that you love about the great outdoors, with that one addition the castle for your friend.
    Take care Valerie I do hope that you are beginning to feel much better now and ready to face a lovely summer that surely we deserve and need.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps I love the word "scud" and rarely see it used so thank you for reminding me - it is the perfect and only word to describe the clouds flitting across the sky.

    1. The cloud page started as a clean-up page for my sponge, and then I just carried on and made it into clouds. I love the word 'scud' too, and I love watching the clouds. I am beginning to feel better, which is good. Have a wonderful day!

  8. I find clouds quite fascinating too. I’m sorry to hear about Eileen. It sounds to have been very unexpected.

    1. Thanks Teresa, it was very unexpected, and we are all sad.

  9. Scud. Now there's a lovely word. And as far as I know it is used only in relation to clouds. I think we should expand its usage, Valerie. Maybe I will start to refer to birds as scudding by. In fact I have been scanning the pictures for a view of a Yellow-billed Blue Whistler, scudding or otherwise, but I found not a one. I suspect that they must be really rapid flyers, and doubtless their blue colouration blends in so as to render them almost invisible. I have to make an early run to the grocery store this morning, to take advantage of their early hours for seniors. Shall I scud there? It would probably provide great amusement for many if I were seen scudding. No one really knows what scudding is so I could improvise and put on a bit of a show. I could cut quite a figure scudding around the cabbages! There is no end to the possibilities. I hope that YOUR day does scuddingly. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, scud is really a fun word. I was scudding along the path by the Rhine this morning, admiring the daffodils and crocuses. I don't think you will ever be able to spot the yellow billed blue whistler over there, they only drink water from the Rhine.... If you decide to scud through the cabbages, take selfie, 'David scudding' - it would be an instant hit! I did a little bit of housew**k today, sort of scudding along with the dust bunnies! Have a fun da, take care, hugs to you both!

  10. Lovely painting with the castle for Eileen. A great tribute. I also love clouds and really like the photo of the one with a nearly black cloud. Pleased you are feeling much better. Good weather will help, that is if we get enough. It's dull and windy here.
    Hugs Wendy.

    1. Thanks Wendy. That black cloud was really spectacular. The weather is still warm here, but cold days are on their way!

  11. I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend Eileen. You've honored her in a beautiful way here!

  12. I think this is the most amazing piece of art today Valerie. Wow. I see people running along the beach, but mostly the beautiful sky you get there with nothing to block your view. But it doesn't have to be the beach obviously which is what makes this so great. And your cloud photos are wonderful too. Glad the card arrived. You don't have to share it unless you want to. I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you. Have a great start to April. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I enjoyed making this enormous sky and the tiny figures. Your card made me very happy and I want to share it, it was so good to know that you had thought of me! Have a wonderful day!

  13. Like you, I find inspiration in the skies. The big difference is, you capture its beauty in your photos and artwork. The pics you posted are fabulous, but your artwork steals the show. It's a wonderful tribute to your friend. In fact, I like it sooooo much, I may attempt to paint something similar to hang on my wall. :)

    Take care, sweet lady, and Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks Susan. The sky is always a joy to see. Keep looking up!

  14. I love the quote, and your cloud art is amazing! I like the colors and how you did the figures all along the bottom. My heart goes out to those who had such close online association with Eileen :( I'm sure that loss will continue to be felt.

    1. Thanks so much. Eileen was a talented friend.

  15. I love your clouds. So sorry to hear about Eileen's passing.

  16. I really love the technique you used in the clouds. It has so much texture and energy. Odd, I never thought of doing something where the sky was probably 80 percent of the vertical and the water/foreground 20 percent or less. It really gives it a remarkable feel. Love this one a lot.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I wanted to show how small we are in comparison to the sky!

  17. I am so sorry that you lost your friend. Clouds are heaven and we always look at the sky when someone leaves us. Your works and photos are beautiful. Lots of health.

    1. Thanks Lucyna. It's good to look up to the sky!

  18. Such a beautiful page! The sunshine and clouds are fabulous and how wonderful that their is a castle in the clouds for Eileen; it's perfect and such a lovely tribute to her 😀. I love that we can celebrate and remember Eileen this month by joining her chosen challenge theme, thanking you and the rest of the AJJ team for organising this! Happy April! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! Have a great Easter weekend, look after yourself!

  19. i love watching the sky:) and adoring clouds:)

  20. The photos are lovely Valerie as is your artwork. It's a nice tribute. I didn't know the lady, but it's always very sad when a friend passes away. My condolences. xx

    1. Thanks Rain. It is indeed sad, we will miss her! Have a great weekend!

  21. Beautiful artwork and photos Valerie, those clouds are wonderful. I love how you have put a castle up there for Eileen. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, it hard losing friends. Have a great, happy Easter!

  22. Beautiful photos and art Valerie, your page is a wonderful tribute to dear Eileen! Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Have a lovely Easter weekend!

  23. Sky and clouds always fascinate me. Your photos are beautiful, Valerie, especially the third one with the black clouds. And I LOVE your page. I think it is one of the most beautiful pages I have ever seen from you, my friend. Brilliant! A great tribute for Eileen.

    1. Thanks Mia, glad you like it. Clouds and sky are always so fascinating! Have a great Easter weekend!

  24. Wow this is a great art piece and I love the photos today too. Have a nice day.

  25. Beautiful page and amazing photos!

  26. This is such a great page to honour Eileen's memory! The weather and appearance of clouds was so important to Eileen. Loved seeing those cloudy photos! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. A lovely page Valerie and the castle in the sky is a wonderful tribute to Eileen.
    Loved seeing the cloud photos and the rainbow one was beautiful.
    Avril xx

  28. A very magical, dreamy post! Thank you! Big Hugs!

  29. Oh how easy to imagine her there! This is sooo touching and so fun and so well done, Valerie. I love where your heart and mind took you on this AJJ piece/tribute. Lovely and inspiring. GREAT pictures of clouds too. It is raining cats and dogs here - the thunder woke me up from a great sleep and the rain splatter on our tin roof is lovely. Many hugz


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