
Tuesday 30 March 2021

New Challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

We are enjoying a few days of warm and sunny weather here after a cold and stormy weekend. But over the Easter days it's going to be cold again....

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT, and our theme is 'Hello Spring' . Spring is here in full swing, the trees are blossoming, fresh green leaves are sprouting and the gardens are full of daffodils and tulips. In the woods I saw violets, too. Lots of inspiration for creative pages, so hope to see YOU there. As always, projects of all formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to link to us. Have a look at the great creations of my teamies on our blog!

I made an A4 mixed media page in my journal. The bird is one of the widely unknown species which are only found here in Balconia-by-the-Rhine, and is a yellow billed blue whistler:

And some photos of my walks from the past few days. I'm a lot slower than usual, but the main thing is I can get out and about!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I am so happy you are able to get out for walks again-no matter that it is slower. I really like your latest art too hugs

  2. Lovely photos and a new Balconia bird!

    1. Thanks Christine, there are lots of strange birds living here!

  3. Your journal page is adorable! We have a little cold snap coming our way too and I'm sure it will be the last one for us. I sure do see plenty of signs of spring there, the colder weather will be done and over with for you soon too. Hope you are doing well Valerie. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. The cold snap will be affecting many places, but let's hope when it's through that all will be well again!

  4. Your bird is so darned cute, it makes me smile. Doesn't matter how fast you are -- what matters is you can get out and enjoy spring. I'm so happy for you.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, glad you like my bird! It's good to be out and about!

  5. Oh this is the most prettiest blue bird around, love your page...hope you are doing fine. xx

  6. Love your yellow billed blue whistler!! What a wonderful bird. Good to hear you can go walking, enjoy the spring flowers, we are heading for a hot week and weekend here.

    1. Thanks Sue! Enjoy the hot weather, stay safe!

  7. Wonderful page, love the bird. Glad you are able to get out again. Take care and keep well. Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha, it's great to be able to walk around again! Take care!

  8. With such lovely places to walk, embrace the slower pace and enjoy the scenery. You'll pick up pace soon enough. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! You certainly see more at a slower pace! Have a great day, stay safe!

  9. Hi Val, another lovely post, with a fantastic bird! S is delighted! The photos are great. Glad you can get out, but take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I will print out a photo for S! Have a great day!

  10. Great page! Love the bird and the happy words. We do need to tell people more that we love them! People need love! Beautiful pictures and so glad you can get out and do more now. The flowers are gorgeous. It is turning cold here now too - a shame for the egg hunters. Happy Spring and Easter to you, Valerie. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. We do indeed need to tell people we love them more often. There's a cold snap on the way here, too. Have a wonderful Easter! Hugs!

  11. Your cute bluebird made me smile. Have a lovely day.

  12. Aah! I love your big, bold bird - lots of feather to ruffle there! Love seeing the signs of Spring - the blossom is beautiful and those Violets must have found a sunny spot to bloom so early! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I was happy to see the violets so early! Have a great day!

  13. Your Balconia Blue Bird with the Long Stripey Legs made me smile. So glad you are able to get out for a walk. Beautiful scenery. My favorite is the pic of the violets. Still a month or two away before the violets bloom here. Enjoy your day

    1. Thanks CJ, perhaps you will see a similar bird someday in your garden! Your spring will come soon!

  14. Your bird is a lot of fun Valerie. She is certainly perfect for spring. As is your quote too. And nice spring walk photos. You are a bit ahead of us here in New Hampshire but yesterday all the snow in my yard disappeared so spring is really on its way! I hope you are feeling better each day! hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad the snow has gone. Now the rest will follow soon! Have a super week!

  15. I have been waiting so long, Valerie, for an introduction to the most recent ornithological discovery in Balconia-by-the-Rhine, and the Yellow-billed Blue Whistler exceeds my highest expectations. It is a creature of rare beauty and, deducing from the message on your card introducing it to the world, has a song that urges love for all. It continues to amaze me that with your perceptive ear you are able to discern immediately the significance of avian burblings and interpret them for all the world to see. In the annals of bird scientists, taxonomists and yes, musicians, you are without equal. No doubt universities around the world will be plying you with honourary doctorates. I shall make it my personal mission to advocate on your behalf with Canadian institutions. May I be so bold as to suggest the scientific name Sonorus caerulescens? No doubt there will be recognizable sub species, the principal one being tupsicus. Once again you have put Balconia of the map. The City Fathers, and Mothers too, will be handing you the key to the city tomorrow. With awe, respect, and unbridled affection from Canada. David

    1. Hi David! I thought this post would make you happy! Yes, I have a good ear for hearing between the lines by birds and people! I hope the avian specialists will soon realise how special this bird is, and you have chosen a good name for it. I'm not sure I want the keys to the city tough, too much work! Thanks for a fun comment which put a big smile on my face! Hugs to you both!

  16. I love the little hearts on the blue bird. Your area is so beautiful. Glad that you are feeling better.

    1. Thanks so much, it's good to be feeling better and getting out and about!

  17. Such a fun page! Your yellow billed blue whistler really made me smile, so adorable with the wording too 😁. We have warmer weather forecast here for this week- yay! Take care and wishing you a lobely week! Hugs, Jo x

    1. That's so funny ... that should be lovely lots lobely 😀. xx

    2. Thanks Jo, Keyboards sometimes have a life of their own!

  18. Beautiful spring, good photos. Your bird is lovely. Lots of health, take care of yourself :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, I am getting better. Stay safe!

  19. Thanks Lucyna, I am getting better. Stay safe!

  20. Wonderful photos, and I absolutely love your sweet bluebird Valerie! xx

  21. Gorgeous photos. Good on you for getting out and about.
    Love the bluebird piece.

  22. The blue bird look fantastic, its a great inspiration page for the Springtime TioT's theme Valerie and the words you added were good to read as well.
    It was lovely to see your photos and that you were able to get out for a walk .
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne! Hope you will soon start feeling better, take care of yourself! Hugs!

  23. I love that Balconia-on-the-Rhine bird! I wonder if he would like to visit me someday! Your spring photos are welcome here-we are still not so warm, with no flowers out (except violets in my yard). I'm glad you are getting out and walking. Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks Debra, perhaps He will migrate one day! Happy Easter

  24. Oh I love this Valerie, such a fun bird and the perfect sentiment - you are so lucky to be living in just the right place to see him lol. I'm so glad that you are our walking again, it really is good for the soul. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, every region has its Specials! You have a great week, too!

  25. Bluebird, Bluebird what do you see - I see a Bluebird looking at me. The minute I saw you stylized Blue bird I started singing!!
    Sandy xx

  26. I love your bird. And your message is perfectly appropriate :) The photos show an inviting walk, and I love how your framed them showing the scene through the trees. That path is calling my name.

    1. Thanks. There are lots of great places to walk!

  27. That header is purrfect for Easter. So pretty and perky.
    Take special care.

  28. I loved seeing your yellow billed blue whistler, such a rare bird!
    Lovely photos from your walks, I'm glad you're able to get out and enjoy now. Hooing the weather picks up for you to enjoy more next week.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, it's a rare bird! Happy Easter!

  29. I love your cute bird! I love your quote! So happy you are out and walking! Gorgeous pictures! Truly gorgeous! Such a treat! Big Hugs!


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