
Monday 22 March 2021

T sTands for This, ThaT and Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!  Sorry to moan, but I am still struggling, trying to be patient, and hoping that I soon feel fit and strong again . I have been resting, had 2 days completely at home with my feet up, and have been serving myself exquisite diet food, such as  toast, mashed potatoes, rice-pudding and tea. Coffee? No, not yet.... But soon!
This evening we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, hosted by our lovely and talented Michele, who has chosen 'mostly monochrome' as her theme. I made a coffee tag - what else - which fits this challenge and Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, where we share our beverages. Here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang!

I am still not very organised, so just have some photos from the hospital where I spent my last week. This was a kitchen - with coffee machine - for the patients. I think it was the first time in my life I have ignored a coffee machine:

My room. Meals were always served under a silver cloche even it was just bread and jam....

Or rice pudding:

The tree outside my room:

That's my door on the right:

From the window I could see all the way to Düsseldorf:

I have to go back into the hospital for a couple of days in April to have the stent removed, but I hope there will be less complications next time!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely coffee tag. Thinking of you Valerie!

  2. You sure must have made yourself hungry making that tag, it even made me drool a little! You have every right to moan as much as you want to, you've been through a lot! I hope you are feeling better and able to eat better soon. Have a great week Valerie. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. Strange to make a tag about coffee and cake when you can't eat it, but it was just right for the colours!

  3. I do like your coffee tag, it's brilliant :)

    Thank you for sharing the photographs.
    I think your hospital room looks very nice.
    I think you have done very well but feel free to have a moan among friends, it can so often help.
    Sending healing thoughts and good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. Sometimes it does good to moan! Have a great week!

  4. I love your coffee tag too-perfect for the challenge and for T
    Your hospital room is really nice, and looks and very clean too. sending healing prayers for a quicker recovery-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. I had a nice room, roomy and quiet, but being home is much better! Happy T Day!

  5. Thanks Laurie. Complications happen, and I know they will go away again, but I am impatient! It will soon be back to coffee time again!

  6. An lovely post and looks like your hospital stay was pleasant, sending hugs and love...
    Brilliant tag. x

  7. Love your coffee tag. Your accommodations look very spacious, clean and comfortable, but there's no place like home. Keep resting, don't overdo things and full fitness will come.
    Hugs, Deb

  8. Good morningValerie: I am saddened to hear, as I am sure is everyone else, that you are still not back to your fighting best. I had no idea exactly why you were in the hospital/ clinic for so long, and what treatments/ operations you had - and of course it is none of my business, but I had the impression that you were now "good to go" so to speak. It appears that is not the case. We are all cheering you on from afar, but that is of little practical help is it? I hope you will be able to get out and about a little quite soon and enjoy the spring. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! I'm still not good to go, but hopefully soon. I am taking my tablets and being good, the inflammation is just taking it's time to go away! Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs to you both!

  9. Hi Val, good afternoon! Hope your day is going well. Love the beautiful tag, I wouldn't mind some cake right now either. Hope you are getting better from day to day! I'll ring you this evening, hugs, Sarah

  10. That is a great tag Valerie. Monochrome. I think that's doable. And what a nice hospital. It looks better than some I have seen. When I was in for the kidney transplant it was not that nice and I had a very ill roommate who was loud all night. Did you have a roommate? I hope you improve every day and get back on your feet soon. But better to rest and not have a relapse. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It is a lovely hospital, and I had a room just for me. I am not keen on roommates, and always try to get a single rooms. I am resting and being good!

  11. I don't usually eat breakfast, but your toast looks so inviting... :) I hope you're back to feeling fine soon. Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Thanks. I'm not usually a breakfast fan either! Happy T Day!

    2. I keep several jams and such in the fridge and rarely use them. I've found the perfect dessert! :)

  12. I am glad that you are well enough to participate in these art challenges. Take care and God bless.

  13. Hi Val, Bill here, have a good week!

  14. Wunderschön deine Herausforderung vom Kaffe auch wenn du noch keinen trinken darfst!
    Ach schön ist es im Krankenhaus auch wenn kein Mensch da drin möchte sein aber wenn es sein muss.
    Ruhe dich gut aus und wenn die Entzündung weg ist dann wird es auch besser sein mit dem laufen und alles. Also pass auf dich gut auf und gute Besserung
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Bald gibt es wieder Kaffee und Kuchen! Pass gut auf dich auf!

  15. I feel bad that you are still not well. I look forward to you improving every day. Your monochromatic tag is wonderful, even if you can't drink coffee or eat cake at the moment. It's still absolutely perfect for T this Tuesday. I absolutely LOVE the way you created it, too.

    Your room in the hospital looks amazing. I can't believe how well you are treated and how much they do there. I know you are glad to be home, BUT, if you had to be anywhere, you were super lucky to be in that incredible place where you were so well taken care of. It was SO clean, too. Color me impressed. Hope you are resting well right now. Please take care of yourself. You need to regain your strength, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! It's a great hospital, I was in good hands.

  16. Dear Valerie, I was very sorry to just learn from your comments that you have been having health problems! I have been out of touch for awhile. It sounds like you are slowly getting stronger and I pray that continues!

    1. Thanks Sherry, I am on the way to getting better, so that's really good! Hugs to you!

  17. Sorry to hear that you are still not feeling your usual fit self. I hope that you will be back to your normal strength soon. Loved seeing your temporary residence. That tree outside your room is gorgeous! I would love one of those.
    Also, love your coffee tag.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, that tree was fascinating, I would have liked to tke it home, too, but didn't! Happy T day!

  18. Your recovery seems slow, but you do seem to be making progress. I hope you’ll be 100% very soon.

    best... mae at

  19. Love the tag art!! It's been a long haul for you so no wonder you feel a bit tired of it all. The clinic does look really nice and clean and even a bit homey-at least more so than the hospitals and clinics in my parts in the US. Wishing you increasing doses of wellness with each day. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. It's a good clinic, but I'm happy to be home! Happy T Day!

  20. Hi Valerie, so pleased to hear you are home and getting plenty of rest. I must admit I hate hot drinks from those machines!
    Great views from your hospital room, My dH had views over San Francisco when he was in hospital over there, i enjoyed them even though he couldn't see them from his bed.
    I love the tag, those muffins look good enough to eat.
    Take care and keep safe Valerie, Happy T Day
    Jan S

    1. Thanks Jan. I love looking out of windows. Happy T Day!

  21. Glad to hear that you are taking it easy now your back home - yay! Your tag is wonderful, I always struggle with monochrome but you've mastered it beautifully 😀. Wow, that hospital is so amazing and it looks like they look after you so well! Take care and wishing you well ❤️. Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, I love monochrome. It's a good hospital and near home for me, so that's good. Happy T Day!

  22. So glad you are home and soon you will be able to have your beloved coffee. How fancy to have your food served under a silver cloche, even if it’s toast and jam. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ, it was fun seeing the waiter carrying in the meal under the cloche and then lifting it to reveal bread and jam! Happy T Day!

  23. all of that and your spirit soldiers on to connect with ours! Heal!

  24. It looks like a super hospital Valerie. Such a shame you couldn't use that lovely coffee machine.
    A wonderful tag, I hope you can have your coffee again soon.
    Alison xx

  25. Love the tag - don't blame you for thinking of coffee or for having a little moan - the time will come...soon I hope! Your hospital room looks quite spacious! Last time I was in hospital the room was quite small, although it did have an ensuite shower room and loo! How lovely to sit in that window and look out over Düsseldorf. When will you be a able to eat a little cake? Happy T day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. From next week I can get back to 'light/ normal ' food, whatever that is! It was a huge room, much bigger than my bedroom here, and with all mod cons, even a filled fridge. I just couldn't eat or drink anything out of it!

  26. Ooh Valerie, I can't imagine you without your coffee, tea just doesn't cut it does it! That first cup will taste all the better after its enforced absence. Take care xx

    1. It seems so wrong to be making myself herb tea when I get up in the morning! Next week....

  27. Coffee breakfast tags, nice.
    I had a beer and cheese sandwiches breakfast today

    Have a nice Tuesday Valerie


  28. Making g the coffee tag might have made you want coffee more!! The hospital room looks very spacious, nice tomhave a view too.

  29. Ohhhh that tag could be used for a coffee commercial. Excellent. Hope you are fully recovered soon.

  30. It looks like a lovely room, filled with light and they seem to do little things to make the patients feel special, like how they serve the meals. I'm sorry you have to return but hopefully all will be well for you. Meanwhile, lay low and take it very easy. It will be worth it in the long run.

  31. Your tag is really lovely. What a shame you can't have coffee yourself. I hope you soon can.
    Great to see photos of your room in the hospital. It looks nice enough, but of course there's no place like home.
    I love that cloche over the plates. Makes it look very posh.
    I'm sorry to hear that you have to return to hospital. I hope it will be a shorter stay this time.
    I'm late again commenting. But have a valid excuse this time, I was busy celebrating my birthday!
    Happy belated T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. You are excused, birthdays are always more important. Hope you enjoyed it! Have a good week!

  32. Lovely post! What a shiny Cloche over your food! I hope everything goes better for you.

  33. what a surprise to see coffee and muffins on your tag! ha! very prettily done! xo

  34. A super Tag Valerie, love those muffins, I could eat them right now, not the coffee though,I went off that about a year ago.
    Hope you are recovering well xxx

    1. Thanks Sandie, muffins are always good. I'm doing wdll, but have to go into hospital again for a few days. Happy Easter!

  35. You take care of you and don't rush anything! The place where you were at, looks so nice! I'm glad! Big Hugs!


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