
Tuesday 23 March 2021

Stencils, stars, birds and a flower

 Hi Everybody!

Hope your week got off to a good start. Some people wanted to know what was done when I was transferred to another department in the hospital 10 days ago. If you don't like murky details, don't read on! I had been having a lot of abdominal pain for a few weeks, and although I was examined with a Sonography, an MRT and a CT they couldn't find an exact explanation, except that it was to do with the bile duct and the pancreas. So when I arrived in the hospital on the 11th, they placed an access in my arm straightaway, tested my blood again, and dressed me in one of those delightful hospital gowns. Then I was rolled in my bed to the esophago-gastro-duedenoscopy department. After having a bite ring put into my mouth, through which they could push their tubes, I heard the doctor say 'sleep well' and they got to work.  I slept! They did three different procedures. I was awake for a time in between which I spent in the recovery room before they carried on. As I was asleep, I can just tell you what's listed on the report -a duedenoscopy, an endoscopic ultrasound, an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaotography. During this last procedure they cut through a blockage, widened my bile duct by pulling a balloon through it several times, removed stones from the duct and then inserted a 10cm plastic stent to keep it all open and functioning. This has to be removed on the 12th April. When I woke up my throat and abdomen were very sore - no wonder - but I didn't feel too bad. Later in the evening I felt really bad, couldn't stop vomiting and had non-stop diarrhea. They had explained beforehand that the treatment could cause a pancreas inflammation, and that's what happened. I will spare you the sordid details, main thing it's over, I'm home, and it's slowly getting better.

For Sheila's single flower challenge at AJJ I have an A3 mixed media journal page made during one of the creative therapy sessions in the clinic. As I used three different stencils I want to remind you of our challenge at TIOT, use a stencil or 2:

This beautiful bunch of flowers was a present when I came home last week:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That was a lot to go through Valerie, no wonder you are still recovering! Beautiful art and photos. Hugs!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! You went through a lot at the hospital, ad you have just been home for week, so give yourself time to heal. Things will get better, be patient! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I know, and I'm not patient enough! Hugs, to all!

  3. So glad you explained your procedure. I feel for you, but hope you are doing better. Please know I'm thinking of you.

    Your journal page is amazing. I love it. It is dark and moody and perfect for Sheila's theme at AJJ, too. Great use of stencils, too.

    LOVE the flowers. So nice of someone to care enough to send them to you. Speaking of send, please check your e-mail.

    1. Thanks E. No new mail from you. I already answered your mail from yesterday! Glad you like the journal page!

  4. That was a vivid description, Valerie. It is so amazing what they can do and I hope that it is all sorted now and you can go back to being fit and well.
    I absolutely love the Moon flower and I see there are some Moon birds too. Together with the stars and the wonderful background it makes a stunning piece for our challenge them at AJJ, thanks very much indeed for it.

    1. "theme". I know how to spell but sometimes my keyboard doesn't.

    2. Thanks Sheila. I know how to spell, too, I blame my fingers!

  5. Your procedures sound terribly painful, and I hope you won't have to repeat any of the pain and suffering, but will quickly recover!

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, I hope the removal will be less painful!

  6. Your artwork is very beautiful, Valerie, in total contrast to the torture you had to endure at the hospital. All I can say is, thank goodness they are able to perform all these procedures and we can only hope that once the stent is removed all will have been restored to normal, and that they issue you with a lifelong warranty. Work guaranteed or money refunded, so to speak! Spring really felt like it had arrived yesterday and perhaps it felt that way too where you live. The temperature nudged twenty degrees and we saw three species of butterfly recently emerged. Miriam and I went for a nice long walk, which was terrific but very muddy! TodayI have to start cleanup chores in the backyard. Ugh! I'd rather be birding. Take good care. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! I am glad it's over. I like your idea of a lifelong warranty, I will ask about it when I go in again! It's still cold here, but the sun is showing itself here and there. Great to see butterflies again. Glad you were able to enjoy a walk, even if it was muddy. Have fun with your hard chores! I need to clean my balcony, but not yet! Hugs to you both!

  7. Happy to hear you are through the ordeal and on the mend. Your artwork is beautiful. I love how the white jumps off the dark background. Stay well.

    1. Thanks a lot! Have a great week, take care!

  8. Well now I think I get the jest of it all. I watch your blog a lot and love all the pictures. Since I cannot stay on the computer long because of a collapsing vertebra in my neck, I usually do not read the posts. And then BAM I read that you have been in hospital for an extended period of time. Did they ever put you through the ringer or what! Glad you are home and hopefully all problems have been straightened out.
    Your artwork is always so original and unique. My daughter gave me some Moon Flower seeds and they were planted in our yard. But they have decided that they do not like it here so have not peeked through the ground.
    Keep smiling and when you can get out and about again - take loads of pictures. The only way I can get to Germany is through your blog!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Hi Sandy, great to see you. Sorry you are having problems with your neck. My moon flowers on my journal page grew quickly! I am looking forward to running around and taking photos again!

  9. I hope after going through all those procedures, you’re doing much better. Your moonflowers page is gorgeous. I love the colors and the stars around the flowers. Lovely flowers you got when you got home.

    1. Slowly by slowly! My flowers were a wonderful surprise. Happy T Day!

  10. Such lovely flowers, and your tag work is amazing! I sure hate that you had to go through all that suffering, but I hope the problems all resolved and you're pain-free. I know you must be thrilled to be at home. Sending you lots and lots of hugs and healing vibes, RO

  11. Good Grief Valerie, they all but turned you inside out - for goodness sake get plenty of rest! It clearly hasn't had any great detrimental effect on your creative abilities as this is a wonderful page.
    I love the variety of tulips in your beautiful bouquet! I hope you recover quickly enough to see some growing outside! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! The tulips and daffodils are everywhere outside. I am resting, that's all I can do just now!

  12. Wow! You went through a lot Valerie. Glad you are taking it easy, hope you have a full recovery and get back to your walking again soon.
    Your page is beautiful, and such lovely tulips.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, I hope to feel better soon, I miss my walks!

  13. i wish you good health and take care! Those flowers are amazing;)

  14. What a horrible procedure, but at least you know that things will start to get better now. I love your artwork, and what beautiful flowers, it must be so good to be home! Take care, Sue xx

    1. It's great to be home, and I hope I will feel really better soon!

  15. Hope you're feeling better after all that lot. Lovely flowers.

  16. Beautiful creation, love the colours. Sounds like you have been through the wars. Hope you are getting better. Sending lots of hugs. Anesha x


  17. Get well and take great care of yourself. Everything will be fine. Beautiful bouquet . Your job is lovely.

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna, your kind words and encouragement do me good!

  18. Oh Valerie thanks for sharing, you have been through so much. Sending healing prayers. Your art and flowers are beautiful.

    1. Thanks a lot Christine, it's been a hard time!

  19. A.ways good to have those testsand hopefully the problem has been fixed for you, but the after effects sound pretty bad. I hope you are over them now. Your art work is lovely and the flowers are beautiful.

  20. your page and bouquet of flowers are beautiful, but my what an ordeal you went through. I'm glad you are feeling better and on the mend.

  21. I am so glad you are getting better. That was an ordeal for sure. Your art is lovely as are the photos.

  22. Gorgeous, loving this post, the photos and all the cute images and papers. Glad you are improving, sounds like you went through quiet a bit...hugs. xx

  23. ich schnaufe laut aus al ich zu ende gelesen habe und ich bin gottfroh dass du wieder daheim bist udn es bergauf geht nach dieser Geschichte. Ich drück dich sehr lieb und raune dir zu wiedermal so wunderschön deine Journaseite!!!
    Schön dein Blumenstrauss er soll dich erheitern über den Tag!
    Gute Besserung, lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke vielmals, liebe Elke. Ich hoffe auch, dass alles bald gut wird! Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  24. It sounds like you have been a very VERY brave girl Valerie, not a nice procedure at all. I'm glad it's over for you too and that you are home for a while to recover. The flowers must have cheered you up no end. Lovely journal page, the stars, birds and flower all seem to burst out of the darkness. Take care lovely Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! I am just happy that's it's over and hope that it all heals up well! Have a great day, take care!

  25. That doesn't sound like a fun procedure at all Valerie. But the good news is they were able to do something for you and now you are home and recovering. I'm keeping my fingers crossed your improvement happens quickly. That is a beautiful piece for TIOT and AJJ. I love the light colors on the dark background. Makes it more mysterious. And those are great flowers you received. It is nice to bring the outside in. Hope your day is going well. Hugs-Erika

  26. I'm glad you are back home. You went through a lot!!! Your art piece is great, and the flowers are gorgeous. Take care and do rest when you can.

  27. You've been through a lot! I'm glad you're on the mend :) That moonflower is an encouraging image coming in the dark as it does. Your flowers are lovely!

    1. Thanks so much....encouragement is really important just now.

  28. You've been through a lot Valerie, I hope you are getting plenty of rest and enjoying your time back home. Gorgeous page and flower, I love the rich colors!
    Take care, Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, it's been a hard time, but I hope things will soon get better! Have a great week!

  29. What an ordeal! I hope all goes well with you, Valerie. Your flowers are beautiful as is your art.

  30. Fantástico, me ha gustado mucho. Un abrazo desde el norte de España.

  31. I love the energy and beauty of your piece. Also your flowers. Glad they were waiting for you. You were really put through the ringer.
    Welcome home. Hugs

  32. Thank you, Valerie, for sharing this information about your hospital procedure. Lie others, I was curious but didn't want to ask, knowing some things are private, so I really appreciate your openness. It sounds like your treatment there was very thorough, which, of course, is exactly what one wants. I think the scariest part is when you don't know what's wrong -- after you do, then at least you can begin taking action. I'm so glad you are home and hope you are soon allowed your coffee!

    1. Thanks Jeanie! I'm so looking forward to Coffee again!

  33. A beautiful piece of artwork I love the velvet rich background and those moonflowers are so beautifully delicate with a perfect glow about them.
    Glad to read that you are on the mend after what sounds like a pretty evasive proceedure that you had done. Your tulips are so pretty, I do love tulips, they have a serene beauty to them and a reminder that Spring is here. Michelle x

    1. Thanks Michelle! Today even feels like spring!

  34. That was a lot to go through, sending you lots more healing wishes.

    Loved your art and the flowers are gorgeous.
    Thinking of you.

    All the best Jan

  35. Oh my dear, you have been through a lot! I am glad the doctors were able to help you and that you are on the mend and getting better each day. Sending lots of healing energy your way. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Jess, it's been a hard time! Have a great weekend!

  36. What beautiful flowers, I love tulips. Even though they do not last me that long I enjoy each stage as they open and drop and often keep them until the petals are ready to fall. The stamens in the centre are so beautiful.
    Saying that I love your picture. Gorgeous background, such deep rich colours, and the flower is lovely but what I really do like is the way you have used those dots and shapers in white echoing the shape of the flower. Truly beautiful!
    Well Valerie, certainly sounds as if you went through an awful lot in the clinic. I have had an endoscopy and several colonoscopies but I have not a clue about the others. Never heard of them. Must have been a nightmare to be sick like that afterwards. Thank goodness you were in a place where they could help you through it all. I sincerely hope that you are much better now and well on the way to a full recovery. Take care.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. Glad you like the page, it turned out well. The time in the hospital was not good, but I'm glad it seems to be on the mend now! Have a great week!

  37. Oh my, I bet you're glad to be home! Wishing you a speedy recovery 😁. Your page looks so magical, I love the dark background with the flower and patterns! Your flowers are gorgeous, what a wonderful present; the colours and delicate petals are so pretty! Take care and wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x

  38. Please take care of you! We love you!!!
    Your art piece is so special, like you!!!!!
    Love your flowers! Gorgeous! Big Hugs!


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