
Wednesday 10 February 2021

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

We've had heaps of snow, freezing rain, ice and very cold temps here this week, and to top it all the Rhine is flooding! Apart from that, everything's fine! 

Today I have a hybrid piece to share, a Buddha painting superimposed onto a photo of a dilapidated wall. The text was added digitally. I am linking to my 'heavy metal' challenge at AJJ. I used lots of gold and bronze paint:

Last week we had a few mild but cloudy days:

Then it started to rain:

The snow and flood pics are still in my camera, I will show them soon!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another gorgeous piece! Beautiful photos as always. Bundle up and stay nice and warm!

  2. Love this piece for AJJ Valerie. The Buddha works so well with the photos-peaceful! It looks so green in those photos. I know it can still feel cold. Today it snowed all day. Funny all the ways winter can show its face. Have a wonderful mid-week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. We all seem to be having lots of winter weather. Stay warm!

  3. I truly love your art piece and I love the quote! So true!! I am so sorry about the weather! Please take care of you!!! Love your photos so much! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy! It's rare to have floods and snow at the same time! Take Care!

  4. Your art page is amazing! wow some crazy weather for you-can't get over how green the grass is we got allot of rain too last week but not warm enough to turn it green this week we are in a super deep freeze very very cold stay warm-

    1. Thanks Kathy. We are all in the GRIP of winter. Just now everything is White, and the cold will stay for some time. Stay safe!

  5. An amazing art piece. Love the composition and color. We have snow on the ground yet with more due to come. Very cold here.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you're keeping warm and well in this cold! Love your beautiful Buddha page, it's lovely! Great photos, too! We're slowly drying out, not easy in this weather! Take care ❤, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad you are drying out again. Take care, hugs to all!

  7. It looks like you were able to have a lovely walk, and I don't know about you but I enjoy walking in the rain. I hope where you live isn't that close to the river if it is flooding. Yikes! Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, I love walking in the rain, too! We are near the river so need to be careful! Stay safe!

  8. The sky on these photos are beautiful!;)

  9. I think you need to take this spam off your site, Valerie, and not give this jerk the free exposure he is seeking. As for Buddha, his image brings back great memories for me of travelling through countries where his image is ubiquitous, and his blessings are dispensed to all and sundry! Your Buddha looks both wise and kind. He would be right at home in Bhutan. The Canada Geese, I am happy to note, are munching away on the grasses of Germany, no doubt repaying their debt of appreciation with copious quantities of organic fertilizer. Watch where you step! Hugs and kisses from Canada. David.

    1. I took it off as soon as I saw it, some people try all the tricks! I enjoyed painting Buddha and love his wisdom. The Canada geese love our wet and green meadows, that's true! And you're right about the fertilizer! Have a good and safe day, hugs to you both!

  10. Lovely journal page, Valerie. The metal touches and patterns are awesome, but the words grab me. We all miss out on so much by dwelling in the past or future (it is easier for me to avoid living in the past, but it is harder for me to worry about the future with all that is going on...).

    Thanks for sharing the pictures - so lovely. Hope you are staying bundled up and water-proofed while you are out on these walks!


    1. Thanks, bundle up well when I go out! Take care!

  11. I meant not worry about the future above - lol!

  12. Gorgeous post , full of vibrancy and design is fabulous. xx
    words of wisdom similar to what my dad used to tell me when I worried.

    1. Thanks. Your dad was right, we shouldn't worry so much!

  13. I like your Buddhist art, the best art in your collection in my opinion. I love the quote, too.

  14. Oh My! Love this page Valerie! Great photos, hope you didn't get too wet! Thanks for the snowdrop pic too- haven't seen any here yet! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks! The snowdrops have now been covered by the Rhine!

  15. The piece is wonderful as is the saying.
    Love the pictures.
    How are you feeling?

  16. So many outdoor photos are good to see :)

  17. The weather is crazy nuts this year. I love your Buddha art piece today. Take care a be safe over there.

    1. Thanks Nicole, you are so right about the weather! You take care, too!

  18. ach so lovely photos;) I see nature who is awaking after the winter time:D

  19. Beautiful art work and photos Valerie.

  20. Hello Gorgeou!
    Very gorgeous piece!
    Is there no snow? We are almost buried under ... And it is so cold ... -16 at night and -6 during the day!
    I love your snowdrops picture!
    Enjoy your day,

    1. Thanks Ella. Lots of snow and freezing cold, the photos are all in my camera! Take care Sweetie!

  21. Your weather looks messy Valerie! We are very dry, very cold and awaiting a fall of snow at the minute so will probably look like this in a few days lol. Loving your art work today. I hope you are keeping well and improving every day xx

    1. Thanks Pinky! Messy is a good word, rain, snow ice and floods! Stay safe!

  22. Some of these rainy pictures look like our backyard. Heh.

  23. Fabulous hybrid art and wonderful photos Valerie! I hope the river goes down soon.
    Alison xx

  24. Cannot imagine something as large as The Rhine flooding - mind you I only know the bit in Dusseldorf which is huge. It's cold here too but not as much snow as you describe. More on the way I believe. Stay warm.
    Love that Buddha - what a gorgeous face and how clever the way you have superimposed it on the background. I wish I could manipulate things on a computer like you can. Very clever.
    HJugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! The Rhine oftentimes when the snow melts, but just now we've got everything together! Stay safe!

  25. What an amazing piece Valerie, really beautiful. We are having a very cold time at the moment, lots of snow and ice, so I'm really looking forward to Spring. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks. We are all longing for spring! Take care!

  26. Nice to know all is fine, apart from ice and flooding. It really is quite beautiful but I'm glad you don't have to go out in the ice! Take care!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Beautiful but very cold and slippery. Take care!

  27. So rich in those metal paints, the quote works super. Makes me want to go sit and take some time out to ponder.. and then paint. The weather has been so cold here with more snow but there's change coming next week I believe. Stay warm Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! Next week the weather is supposed to get even worse! Take care of yourself!

  28. The gold and copper paints with the Buddha painting superimposed looks so beautiful! It looks like you had a lot of rain,we've been having snow flurries, but they haven't lasted long 😁. Those photos of the clouds with the sliver of yellow looks amazing, very atmospheric. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, this is ihr coldest winter in years. Have a great Weekend!

  29. Love the creative things you done. It pretty cold here in North Idaho.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, you stay safe and warm, enjoy your coffee!


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