
Saturday 16 January 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good and safe weekend!

Today I am showing a journal page in honour of the bees and other insects, whose work of pollination is so important for us. The honeycomb was stenciled using acrylics, and the insect was fussy cut and placed on it. I added the stars using a gold pentel pen:

I am linking to Erika's challenge at AJJ, my fave things.

The pictures today are from a flea market in Düsseldorf, which usually takes place every Saturday. You can buy almost everything you can imagine there, and there is a cafe as well as several snack bars, live music, and loads of friendly people. I miss it just now!


In the café:

This lovely pink lady allowed me to show her photo and sent greetings to all the world:

I am sure we are all missing a lot of things just now, let's hope things will soon get better!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love the flea market and could spend all day there back in pre-covid times. I have a hard time with insects, even in art lol. Have a great weekend Valerie. I hope you are doing well.

    1. Thanks Martha, too a place I love visiting in normal times!

  2. Lovely page and photos of happy times!

  3. Your bee is awesome, Valerie. You are correct. If we lose the bees, we lose our ability to have food. They are SO important to our food chain. I need to get a gold pen, I guess. Yours really showed in the photo. It's another great entry for Erika' theme at Art Journal Journey.

    It's a bit sad to see happier pre-Covid times. I saw several things that caught my eye at the flea market that I would have trouble resisting. Let's hope we can return to some semblance of this again one day soon.

  4. Great journal page. The flea market and cafe look like fun. great photos.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  5. Eine schöne tolle Tagebuchseite für all die Insekten hast du dir ausgedacht!
    Flohmarkt o ja wie gross er ist und ich vermisse es auch hier bei mir und der Fischmarkt.
    Bei uns gehen die Zahlen hoch direkt gegenüber hat unser Pfelgeheim mit 30 Insassen und den Angestellten und auch das Krrankenhaus erwischt, ich bin gespannt wie es weiter geht.
    Ich bleib daheim und wenn dann fahre ich Fahrrad eine Runde ohne irgendwelchen zu begegnen.
    Ich wünsche dir ein shcönes Wochenende und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Pass auf dich auf, wir muessen sehr vorsichtig sein!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well! Love your bee page, so pretty! Here we are all well. Take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks. Glad you're all doing well, stay safe!Hugs to you all!

  7. Have a creative weekend VJ !

  8. I always thought you were as sweet as honey ... 🌺
    Great journal page!
    Can't wait until we are all vaccinated to discover more flea markets in Germany!
    Have a nice weekend, sweetie!

    1. Sooner or later we will get back to normal! You have a wonderful weekend, too!

  9. I love flea markets, but oh, do they ever overwhelm my senses! I come away entirely exhausted, so this little visit was perfect for me. The ornamental parrots made me smile; imagine having one hanging at home, what a talking point it would be.
    I've actually used my Gelli plate! I bet you have one and love it too.
    Hugs, have a peaceful weekend, Deb

  10. Thanks for paying homage to our bees, Valerie. They are threatened everywhere around the world, and we neglect them at our peril. At least in the United States this is the last weekend with Trump, and the slow and difficult recovery from four years of environmental madness can begin. It is not going to be easy. As for the flea market, as you say it can be a lot of fun to walk around them, even if you have no intention of buying. It has been a long time since I attended one, but I have also found the odd treasure or two. I don't think we are going to be meandering around the stalls any time soon. It seems that every day there is news of one delay or another in getting people vaccinated, and new strains of the virus are surfacing to thwart our attempts to eliminate community transmission. And then there is the simple fact of human stupidity and a reluctance to obey basic safety measures. I don't expect radical improvement much before the end of the year. In the meantime, stay safe! Hugs and kisses from Ontario.

    1. Without the pollinators we will have hugs problems. Let's hope things will improve when the orange peril goes. I rarely buy things at the market but it's fun seeing everything and people watching. We need to be patient with all the delays, and too many people are really stupid and careless. Stay safe in car away Ontario, hugs to you and Miriam!

  11. Lovely page. You know I love bees. I miss things like flea markets too. You can find unusual treasures sometimes.

    1. Thanks Teresa. Let's hope we can soon get back to normal! Have a great weekend!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Oh I love a good flea market! I've hosted my own booth in the past too ~ I love the thrill of the hunt and the surprise of a good find ~ also the $1 books and puzzles that the seller sometimes recommends too. Your Bee journal page is terrific ~ great background and fussy cutting ~ Enjoy the weekend! Love, Karen

    1. Thanks Karen! Flea markets are always fun. Have a great Weekend!

  13. Oh I do love this bee page Valerie. I have been doing a lot of bee research lately and this page really speaks to my heart. Time to get some bees ordered so I can set up my hive this spring. I'm excited about that. Love the added stars too. And I can see why you miss those flea markets. I see a lot of cool items. I could certainly fill my house with things if I visited those, unless of course it is too pricey to buy. Smile. Hope you're having a nice weekend. It's rainy and dark today. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Great that you are going to have your own hive soon, that's a fabulous Project! Enjoy your weekend!

  14. Wow I would really love love to visit your market-so many treasures there! Hi to the Pink Lady too Happy weekend Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! You would Love our Market, that's for sure. The pink lady was a Sweetie! Have a great Weekend!

  15. Wonderful bee page. I'd like to set up and apiary like Erika, but I'm allergic to bee stings so not a very good idea for me. I assume there is a vaccine roll out in Germany? Once a lot of us are vaccinated, we'll be able to get back to the things we miss. Like roaming the flea market and sipping hot beverages and nibble pastries at the cafe. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ! The vaccination Here is going very slowly, but it would be great to get back to normal! Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Fabulous page Valerie, I love the large insect with the honeycomb background! That flea market looks awesome, so many treasures and goodies. Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. It is indeed a great fleamarket! Stay safe!

  17. Great photos and wonderful art Valerie! I miss flea markets.
    Have a good weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. We are all missing so much just now! Have a great weekend!

  18. Always enjoy the beauty of your art and photos Valerie.


    1. Thanks Jan, have a good and safe weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  19. Your art is beautiful Valerie. :) Oh man...flea markets, I miss them too. Actually Alex and I were just discussing how we miss going to thrift stores, but we just don't like the risk of doing anything non-essential. Valerie, I've gone back to your posts for a bit and I can't find where you wrote about why you are at the clinic? I hope your health is good and you are going to be well enough to go home soon!

    1. Thanks Rain, fleamarkets and thrift Shops are always fun. I am doing well at the clinic, the treatment is doing me good. Have a great weekend!

  20. Loved your art today.
    Also really enjoyed seeing the photographs from the market. Those were the days! Let's hope they can come back sooner rather than later.

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks. I think we're all missing a lot just now.

  21. The pollinator focus and the inspiration quote both strike a chord with me :)

    I miss the flea markets and antique malls almost as much as (maybe more than) the used book stores. I look forward to the days we can wander those aisles again.

    1. Thanks, one day things will get back to normal!

  22. oops pushed the button too soon, the flea market looks amazing, so much to see.
    Keep safe Valerie.

    1. It's a wonderful, huge market. You keep safe, too!

  23. I love your bee piece, it is sweet yet powerful. That looks like an amazing place to visit!

    1. Thanks Lisa, it is an amazing place. Stay safe!

  24. Drooling over the gorgeous flea market, so many goodies I would have loved to grab...enjoy it.
    Great bee project ....take care lovely lady. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, there are always lots of goodies there!

  25. Love the bee!!! Yes they are so important. I like to follow them in my yard in the summer. Your trip to the market almost made me cry-right now I can hardly remember what it's like to be with lots of people. Hope for the future though! All the best to you...

  26. Nice looking bee. I like the activities at that flea market.

  27. Wonderful street market! I would dearly love to go to one of these in Dusseldorf. I even spotted a couple of things I would buy - if I had the money that is!!
    Your art work is always one of a kind and you always have delightful pictures for us arm chair travelers.
    Sandy xx

  28. That bee looks stunning on your page Valerie and I enjoyed seeing the pictures of the flea market, it looks huge, I bet you could spend a good few hours there.
    Hope you're keeping OK.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, there's always a lot to see there.

  29. Valerie, love your bee page - great bee and love the hive. I recently watched a show on them and learned they are way more important that most of us realize. Your pictures of the market are fabulous and I so want to go there. Such wonderful treasures to look at! I love places like that and wish they had them around here! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, bees are indeed very important for us all. Have a great week!

  30. How fun to have a flea market each weekend. Oh, for the times when we can go again! And I love your bee piece -- it's lovely and a good reminder.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, let's hope things will be better soon!

  31. I really like your work. I love colorful people like this pink lady. I wish you health:)

  32. Very fine photos:) Have a nice day :)

  33. I love your bee art! Bees are so important! I would miss that market too! Looks wonderful! Big Hugs and stay safe!

  34. Ohhh I want to go to this place. I just love the lady in pink. She looks like a lot of fun. Your bee art is lovely.

  35. I love your bee piece Valerie, I always try to do my bit for the bees as they are so important. Oh to do something normal again, like just looking around a market. I think we are all going to apprciate the simple things again so much when hopefully they return. Take care, Sue xx

    1. We all seem to be missing many small,everyday Things.

  36. Love that bee on the honeycomb! I'm sure you mis that market...and the cafe...we have to keep believing that this will end soon!! Hugs, Chrisx

  37. How fabulous is that flea market and how good is the cafe! If ev er I get to Dusseldorf I would love to go there. You are so lucky living in such a beautiful city, some of my happiest Christmas Market memories are there, which is why I have had to go back twice.
    I am keen on banning the use of pesticides that kill our bees so your page was lovely for me to see. It is a lovely page and it holds a special place in my heart. The Bee is the emblem for my home city and I wear my tiny bee ear rings and pendant the whole time. I cannot bring myself to have a tattoo though. Enough's enough.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. The fleamarket is really fabulous, it's been there every Saturday for as long as I can remember, and I hope it will get going again after Covid. You would love it! Bee earrings sound good, but tattoos are an absolute no-go to me, too!


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