
Monday 18 January 2021

T sTands for This and ThaT

 Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good and safe weekend. Here it has been cold, and yesterday we had a misty day with a covering of snow. I will show thed pics later in the week when I download them from my camera.

This evening it will be time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so I have a series of coffee related photos as my entry ticket to the party:

And I even have some peppermint tea on offer today!

I hope by now that you all know my favourite drink!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. It all looks so good, now I want one!

  2. Lovely coffee images, some pretty mugs.

  3. Wow! Coffee, tea, cups, and a statue. This is a lovely post. Have a nice evening.

  4. Hi Val, good morning, Hope you had a restful weekend. We had snow here, too, the Kids were happy! Have a great week, Take care. Hugs, Sarah

  5. OHhh can I have one of each! Great photos and I can't wait to see the snow! Hugs!

  6. Interesting post with loads of gorgeous cups. xx

  7. So many yummy coffee variations! And look at all the beautiful mugs and coffee sets. Makes me want to buy one. Have a nice Monday! :)

  8. Some lovely cups and mugs, but especially the little red lidded one! How jolly it is.
    Stay safe and well, hugs, Deb

    1. The Kidderminster are good for tea! Have a great week!

  9. Hi baby! How are you doing today?!
    I am also a mugs freak, but you are even bigger than me! I just miss the days when I was looking for the beautiful cups and mugs at the thrift store!
    Have agreat new week! Hugs!

    1. I am definitely a mug freak. Or just a freak?! I'm doing well here, thanks. Have a great week, Sweetie!

  10. Oh I love these cups and mugs, especially the bright, abstract ones. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  11. I absolutely LOVE the Miro mugs. They are SO his work. These are absolutely beautiful. Of course, I always enjoy sharing a cup of coffee or cappuccino with you in one of the coffee shops. It's so sad we can't do that these days. And here I thought your favorite drink was hot chocolate (JUST JOKING)!

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos of days gone by when we could actually visit these places and enjoy a drink like you shared in your photos for T this week. Don't worry, dear. I'll be glad to link you at T time today.

    1. Thanks E. Hot chocolate is nice occasionally! Thanks for linking, I have to go to bed early here!

  12. Good morning Valerie: The coffee looks terrific, of course, but the interesting mugs are a story unto themselves. Do we all have a favourite mug? Probably. Mine is a black and green University of Waterloo mug, given to me as part of a thank you basket put together by a group of students I inculcated into birds as part of their field ecology course. In three days they learned a lot! They were such a great group too. Many different ethnicities. It was fun for me. I will look forward to seeing your snowy landscape there. It will rival our own. We had a weekend of Snowy Owls, seeing four in total. Lockdown is in place but we seem to get mixed messages from the government and confusion is the general state of the populus! Take care, stay safe, stay well, drink coffee (from appealing mugs, of course), eat chocolate, walk often, get better! Hugs and kisses.David

    1. Hi David! Coffee and coffee mugs always look good! I love all of mine, so usually use a a couple of different ones each week. Your university of Waterloo one sounds good, I am glad the students honoured your work.. Lucky you to see snowy owls, I see lots of squirrels playing in the trees outside my window here. Here they are planning on tightening the lockdown more. I'm drinking plenty of coffee, don't worry! Have a great day, hugs to you and Miriam!

  13. There are so many choices for T today Valerie. They all look good-at least the mugs since I'm not a coffee drinker as you know. But that peppermint tea, that looks wonderful. It would be fun to have space for a big mug collection as there are so many beauties, but then again, you can only use so many. Hope all is well and the weather improves. Stay safe and take care please. Hugs-Erika

    1. I'm sure you would enjoy the peppermint tea, it smells really good. It's milder today, every day is different. Take care, happy T Day, Valerie

  14. Fun coffe themed photos. I love the pretty flowered tea set and the little doll beside it.

  15. So many cute mugs! I'd love a cup of tea right now -- no caffeine or even de-caf drinks for me today. Le sigh....

    1. Thanks Jeanie! Have a great week, stay safe!

  16. Cute tea set and knowing that sitting out at a cafe and having a coffee or tea will be coming back soon. The Miro Mugs are fabulous! Take care and Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ. We need to stay positive and hope for the best!

  17. You always have the most delightful pictures Valerie. My favorites are your homemade food, be it a soup or a pastry, they always look so yummy. Although I am making cards again, I still haven't decided if I want to take up a blog again.
    I know how much you love your coffee!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sandy! I wonder how everyone knows that I love coffee !? It would be fun if you would blog again!

  18. Those pictures of coffee look so good. I love coffee, too.

  19. Here we've had sunshine and highs in the low 50sF. Pretty typical, actually, for this time of year, though my Facebook memories keep showing me photos I took of snows from past years lol

    I _love_ the Miro mugs! Soon we'll be having coffee out places. Well, maybe not "soon" but I can see it coming :) Happy T Day!

  20. I can not wait to go back to going out for a coffee. Great mugs. Have a lovely day. anesha

  21. Ein herrliches Posting, das mich schumzeln lässt leibe Valerie
    Bei mir rast gerade das Virus ums Haus bei mir steigt es weil gegen über ein Altersheim mit über 30 Menschen angesteckt haben und das Krankenhaus und paar Meter weiter noch ein Altersheim und mit vielen Pflegern, usw.
    Also da ist bei mir Achtung an gesagt und noch mehr auf passen.
    Drinnen bleiben mehr auf jedenfall.
    Ich hoffe dir geht es wieder besser und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Es klingt sehr gefährlich, Pass bitte sehr gut auf dich auf! Alles Liebe!

  22. Do you like coffee Valerie?! Lol!
    Great photos of mugs and beverages.
    Have a good evening.
    Alison xx

    1. I shall have to think very carefully to find an answer....! Have a great week!

  23. Veru=y nice photos:) I very like coffee ;)

  24. lots of wonderful cups and mugs with your coffee, that peppermint tea looks wonderful!

  25. I love the first photo with the great depth of field. Really special. Oops - there's another one. All the photos are beautiful.

    We're on tight lockdown until the end of the month. People over 60 aren't allowed to leave their homes. I know that's nothing compared to what you're experiencing. I hope you'll be back in your lovely apartment very soon.

    We live in a gated community; so it was quiet a fun surprise to see a chicken ambling down the road outside my kitchen window yesterday. This morning, we heard ducks quacking nearby and saw a big fat white feral cat exploring our yard.

    It's interesting how the wildlife come out of hiding when the humans get out of their way.

    Happy T-day! Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. The lockdown Here is getting Fighter and Fighter. How fun to See a Chicken running past. And ducks, too. Here in the clinic I've been watching squirrels playing. Happy T Day!

  26. Hi Valerie, I enjoyed see all of your different coffees, and I would love a cup of the peppermint tea with you
    Happy T have a good week Hugs Kathy

  27. Great post Valerie! You got me thirsty and hungry! LOL! Loved all the pictures! Keep warm! Big Hugs!

  28. Your drink photos are wonderful. I especially like the unique mugs.
    Happy Tea Day,

  29. Oh, I love that tea set in the window! What a perfect post for our tea party for TSFT.
    Happy t day.

    1. Yes, it's very pretty, they have great things there.

  30. How fun! Lot's of wonderful coffee in all kinds of cups to enjoy ~ that peppermint tea needs to be strained before it looks like it would be challenge to sip! Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Karen! It would be a Challenge for me because of doesn't taste Like coffee!

  31. so many wonderful cups and mugs to choose from! A pleasure getting out with you for a cuppa;) Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, Hope we can soon go out for a cuppa again!

  32. Wow, how amazing! You have captured so many beautiful cups for T Day - perfect 😁. Thanks for sharing and wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  33. Such lovely coffees. I almost want to have one now. (Only it is late in the evening). The Miro mugs are fab!(are they yours? or in a shop?)
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. The Miro mugs are mine, I love them! Stay safe!

  34. So many lovely mugs.
    I'm going to make a cuppa :)

    All the best Jan

  35. Oh Valerie...when will we get out for coffees again? Our lockdown is continuing until at least mid February!Chrisxxx


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