
Thursday 3 December 2020

Thursday post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I have a lot to do just now, but this evening I'm going to sit down and watch a thriller on TV  the rest will have to wait!

I have another tag for Sandie's anything goes/Christmas challenge at Tag Tuesday, this time with birds:

And I have an altered photo journal page for Tracey's 'The meaning of'' challenge at AJJ. One of the things which I find very meaningful is to change photos using  digital additions and texts. This is a snow photo taken of the pigeons in the tree behind the garden, with a snowy filter and a beautiful verse from William Alexander:

Some pics taken in our thrift shop back in 'the good old days':

And my fave time of day!

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful China Ware here love looking at things like this. Great post with artistic desires and beauty of nature. xx

  2. Oh my those skies are simply wonderful.
    Enjoy the remainder of the week, the days are flying by so quickly.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, we get wonderful skies here, I always enjoy them!

  3. Gorgeous art... beautifully created but then you are one of the best!!!
    As an eclectic collector I love those photos!!!
    I was drooling over those beautiful treasures...or maybe it is just because I'm old :)

    Hugs 🎅❄🎄☕

    1. Thanks Jan, I think we all see things that bring us back nice memories! Stay safe!

  4. Beautiful art and gorgeous photos. I think thrifting is one of the things I've missed the most during the pandemic. Stay warm and stay safe!

    1. Thanks Martha, I miss it, too. But sooner or later it will be possible again!

  5. Enjoy your thriller, not for me! Lovely tag and page today. The photos are nice, and with a vaccine coming, it won't be long before you get new ones!

    1. Thrillers, murder and mayhem are my daily bread here! Have a great day!

  6. I love the tag and the birds in that wintery tree. Birds are your theme today-and a good one too. And I have to say your thrift shop looks like a good one. Not filled with junk like some are. One of these days we'll get back to be able to shop in actual stores. Even if the good thing is life is less expensive not shopping. Hope the thriller was a good one! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, and yes, the thriller was good. It's a three part series, so 2 more to come! I hope we can all go shopping again one day! Stay safe!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good night's sleep.Love both wintry pieces today, they are beautiful. Have a good day, take it slowly, and enjoy your day. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for the good wishes. I just need to do some cleaning, tidying and sorting today! Have a great one, hugs to all!

  8. I do love the tag, I see each day how grateful the birds are as the come visit my birdfeeders. I could stand for hours just watching them. You digi creation is just as lovely, how I wish my brain had time to play in this style but it just tells me the pencil is a much quicker way. Strong words from WA we could all listen and learn from those. I too miss the thrift shops at the moment it feels like shops like these are a thing of the past, I really do hope not.
    Enjoy those beautiful skies Valerie, sending hugs your way and Thank you again for joining me this month @ AJJ Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Bird-watching is indeed a wonderful occupation, I love to see them at my feeders. I'm sure things will get back to normal one day! Take care, have a great day!

  9. uh oh, some of those things in your local thrift {charity shop as we call them} store would definitely be coming home with me! I have a rule now, one thing comes in the house, two things must go out.
    Hugs, Deb

  10. Hi Valerie, just had a catch up session and I was blown away by all the beautiful photos as well as your fantastic art pieces. I loved the words on this journal page.
    Stay safe and well and I would happily join you for a visit to that thrift shop.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. There are always so many things to look at in the thrift shop, I usually love going there, just not now! Have a great day, stay safe!

  11. Das sind wieder wunderschöne Kunstwerke mit den Meisen oder mit den Tauben, passt prima zum Thema und der Gebrauchtwarenladen ist klasse schade dass es bei mir nicht so was gibt. Grossartig diese Naturfotos, ja da kann man träumen und zu ruhe kommen bei dem Anblick!
    Schönen Tag und viel Spass beim Triller an schauen!
    Liebe Ummarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dire ienen schönen Tag, pass gut auf dich auf!

  12. Liebe Valerie: Now this is a post to make my heart sing so early in the morning. It starts with a pair of Great Tits and what guy with a pulse isn't motivated by that! This is a great illustration of why the convention in English is to capitalize the names of the birds, Great Tits having a different connotation than great tits. Did you see a Great Egret this morning, my dear, or a great egret? A Brown Booby or a brown booby might be more apt in the context of the way this started! I will cease immediately! The thrift stores you portray were certainly filled with stuff back in the day. I am not sure whether the ones you show would have a book section, but here they often do, and I always go through them carefully. Often there is not a lot to interest me, but once in a while a real gem shows up and I come away dancing on air! One of my ornithological heroes is Alexander Skutch and I have most of what he wrote, but a long out of print volume called "Birds Asleep" had eluded me for years, and I went through a table full of books all piled at random, and among the Stephen Kings, the John Grishams and the Danielle Steeles there it was - for a dollar! Great happiness is not always expensive. You will be in my thoughts as you prepare for tomorrow. Good luck and many hugs, Valerie. David

    1. Thanks for the smiles, you naughty boy! Yes, capital letters are sometimes a help to clarifying the meaning. Glad you liked the b irds, anyway. In German they're called 'Meisen'. If you say that someone has a Meise, it means they're crazy! The thrift stores all have very good book sections, I have found many treasures there, and there's even an armchair to sit and have a read! Just a short reply today, need to pack my case! Have a fun day, hugs to you both!

  13. What a beautiful tag you created. I love the birds and that theme. Wonderful art. Of course, I was blown away by the digital entry for Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey. I love the design and the composition. What a clever quote, too.

    I want to visit that thrift store when the lockdown is over. I really liked those cobalt blue and white beer steins. Of course, I love all things cobalt blue that would go in my kitchen. Wonderful photos.

    1. Thanks E. Yes, hop over and visit the thrift store, you would like it. There's even a store cat which hides itself among all the clothes!

  14. Oh my, I LOVE your tag. Nice snowy looking journal page too. And that is the nicest looking thrift shop I've ever seen. I miss thrift store shopping too.

    1. Thanks Teresa! Perhaps we can organise a tour to my thrift stores when Covid is over, that would be fun! Stay safe!

  15. I love those birds. Quite incredible.

  16. Beautiful tag Valerie, I love those great tits!
    I really miss my local charity shop. I'm running out of books to read!
    Keep safe,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! Out thrift shop is open but I don't want to go in there now. Too many people in a small space.

  17. Very interesting things in the photos ;)

  18. I like your William Alexander quote and the perfect setting for it. Beautiful image! I miss thrift shops! That's one thing I look forward to going back to more than anything else, maybe even more than eating out. Lovely skies!

    1. Thanks! I'm longing for Cafés and thrift Shops!

  19. Chickadees on the tag very cute and the altered page is gorgeous. Lovely choice of text. As always beautiful sky photos especially the sky blue pink. Take care.

  20. Beautiful tag Valerie, love the birds. There were a lot of treasures in your op shop. Wonderful skies. Keep safe.

    1. Thanks a lot. That shop is small but we'll stocked. Take q!

  21. The only thing that would save me in your thrift shop is that china and glass is hard to pack! Love the art and hope all is well.

  22. Such a beautiful tag! I love the background colours and pretty birds - perfect 😀. So lovely to see inside the shop too, the shelves were laden with goodies! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  23. A gorgeous tag Valerie...the birds are so pretty.
    A wonder selection of photos on your page all the types of crockery,lol..x

    1. Thanks Sandra! That shop is full of treasures! Have a great week!

  24. Absolutely adore that tag. How did you get the light to look light that, it was fabulous. The other picture is very cleverly done and such lovely words. Just wish I could do other that type on a computer. I never learned to use Photoshop and programs like it - such a regret of mine.
    I enjoyed the wander around the shop with you, some lovely bit and pieces on display.
    As I am on catching up I will say I hope you are feeling well today and all is going in the right direction,
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, much appreciated. Digital playtime is fun, and I love using my photos this way. Have a great week!

  25. Love the bird tags and your poem and snowy tree journal page, Valerie. Both are so lovely and full of a peaceful spirit.

    I can imagine that thrifting there would be so much more fun than here! Lovely sky pictures! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! I love shopping at thrift shops, they have great bargains.


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