
Wednesday 2 December 2020

Midweek post

 Hi Everybody!

Just a quick post today, I have a lot to do this week!

Today I am sharing a face made in one of the extra lessons after the Lifebook taster course. It didn't turn out as I wanted it to, but that's life!

I am linking to Tracey's 'the meaning of' challenge at AJJ

A few photos taken in the evening from my armchair, I didn't want to go out in the cold!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I think the face came out beautiful! I love the pretty sculptures you have in your window, they are gorgeous. Bundle up and stay warm - hugs!

  2. Nice face and photos from the warmth of your home!

  3. That is a beautiful face, and you can see the glow from her spirit.Perfect for AJJ. And I like seeing out your window from your chair. It's nice to see a different view. Hope all is well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I like my view. I love to see the moon and have the moon watching me!

  4. That's actually a beautiful face, Valerie. It may not have turned out as you expected, but it's still a beauty.

    You have a great view from your cozy chair. It puts my views to shame. Hope you are not stressed and are OK, dear.

    1. Thanks E, the view is the best thing in the apartment!

  5. Hi Val, good morning. I LOVE that face, and think you did it very well. I like that you can see the moon from your chair, that's good! Have a wonderful day, hugs, Sarah

  6. Isn't that quote so beautiful, there's many pages that could be created with those words alone. She's fantastic, what do you mean she didn't turn out how you wanted her too.. She looks so at peace surrounded by the warmth of those colours. Yes it's getting colder, Little Freya is very thankful of her Winter jumpers on her long walks.. stay warm & take good care of yourself & do not worry yourself about the email reply, I know you have a lot on your mind right now... When ever you get a moment my friend.
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. P.S and thank you for linking this lovely to my *The meaning of..* AJJ theme xx

    2. Thanks Tracey, much appreciated. I think I always have a picture in my head and try to bring it onto paper, and it's never quite right. Perhaps I need to change the pics in my head! Have a good and safe day!

  7. I like the face you made, its colourful background, and the lovely quote. Hugs, Teresa

  8. A very beautiful window view!
    I really love that face and the full moon too!
    Have a great Wednesday! Hugs!

    1. Thanks. And as it was dark you can't see how dirty the window is, I just noticed it when I went out! Have a great day, hugs!

  9. Now this looks like a woman to be reckoned with, Valerie.I think I want to regress to about twenty years of age and find a whole series of girlfriends that look like your creations. Maybe I could take them to the dance classes we talked about yesterday. In any event, you do come up with some exotic looking beauties. As for the pictures from your armchair, they reveal a charming view, and you are wise not to go out and face the cold biting at your cheeks when you are able to enjoy those scenes through the window, sipping hot coffee no doubt. Yesterday we had our first major snowfall of the season and I had to get out and shovel my driveway. Looks like we got a little more overnight, so I will have to do it again this morning. A neighbour a couple of doors away has a snow blower and he sometimes does the sidewalk for me, but yesterday he must have been feeling grumpy, or he was pressed for time, because he left it all for me. It's one of those chores that comes with the season, and we have to do it, so there is nothing to do but wear a smile and get in over with. Maybe when we get really old and decrepit we'll move into a condo where someone else takes care of it - or stay in the house and pay for the service. My reward for shovelling yesterday was a clean and tidy drive and sidewalk, and hot, steaming coffee with a blueberry muffin. And that's not bad at all. Take care of yourself - and that's an order. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Hmmm, David, only 20 years?! At the moment I would like to go back 50 years and pick things up from there! Anyway, enjoy dancing with my exotic lady! We haven't had snow here yet, but in the south of German they got a lot. And I don't need to scrape snow away, if it snows someone appears with a little snow-plough and removes it. I used to like shoveling snow when I was younger, I don'T know if I would enjoy it today. And if you got coffee and a blueberry muffin as a reward, it was worth it! I just had lunch here, I'm eating my way through all the leftovers in the fridge before Friday! Now I'm going to have a coffee and put my feet up. No cookies, I ate them all yesterday! The Covid test today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! Have a good day, take care of yourself, Miriam and the birds! Hugs to you both!

    2. I wanted to go back to twenty years of age, not twenty years ago. Glad the COVID test wasn't too bad.

    3. Yes, that sounds more like fun!

  10. I have attended the lesson too, Valerie, and I think that your face is fabulous. I see a face in peace with beautiful eye lashes and lips. Great background too. It is lovely, my friend. And what a stunning view you have! These photos from your armchain make me crazy! I will tell you again that you live in paradise. You are sooo lucky, sweetie. I live in the city! Kisses!

    1. Thanks Mia, your words so me good. I feel uncertain of everything just now. The apartment I live in is old, shabby and has windows which let in too much heat and/or cold. But I have a wonderful view, and that's something, with the sun rising in front of my window every day! Have a good week, stay safe!

  11. I think your face is wonderful! Some beautiful brush marks and colors. Impressive for sure - I think you are soooo talented.

    Even your pictures from sitting in your chair are amazing! Such a warm glow you captured and your moon is fabulous. Your home is so lovely.

    Super lovely post! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, that's very kind. That's my fave place to sit, my room with a view! Have a great day, stay safe, hugs!

  12. Wie schön also mir gefällt sie auch sehr sie hat was besonderes liebe Valerie und deine Deko sieht so verzaubert aus auf deiner Fensterbank und die Fotos aus dem Fenster sind toll.
    Ich lese dass du ins Krankhaus musst deswegen den Coronatest nah ich hoffe dass alles gut geht mit allem was es ist und auf deinen Wohnung aufpassen kann. Ich denke an dich ganz liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke, dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  13. Very impressive. It says volumes in itself. Excellent! What the eyes see the heart sees better.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  14. Your page is beautiful Valerie, I love the quote!
    Wonderful photos too.
    Alison xx

  15. You have a beautiful view. Gorgeous!

  16. I completely agree with quote and picture is very beautiful. Also your photo of full moon is amazing.

    New Post -

  17. As always, you got some great shots. You have a magnificent view.
    I love your piece. She comes through as being a warm, serene person.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

    1. Thanks Sandra, much appreciated! Have a safe day!

  18. I like that face and inspirational quote. Your window scene is lovely.

  19. Very fine photos:) Have a nice day :)

  20. You've got a nice view ...
    That's a lovely moon in your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  21. Your page is beautiful Valerie and I love that quote! Fantastic window scene, I love the candles with the moon in the background!
    Hugs, Tammy

  22. beautiful face and the view from your armchair is wonderful, love the candle light.

  23. I'm loving the warmth of your page and the quote is just perfect - I love it! Your lady turned out so beautifully too 😊. My pages never turn out how I imagine them either, that's just the way it goes 😉. Hope you had a good week and wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. That true, the pictures we have in our heads stay unique! Have a great weekend!

  24. Your face is lovely, I like the fact that you have only drawn half of her face on the page, not easy to do. Well, at least I don't think it is. I love the colours you have used for her skin tones and the hair and she certainly has lovely lips.
    Why go out on a cold night if you don't want to when you can have a view like you have. Love the little lit candles and he whole sill decorations.
    Hugs, Neegt xx

  25. Thanks Neet. I like doing half faces. Normally I don't mind going out, but sometimes it's good to stay cosy!


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