
Thursday 17 December 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a green face to share with you, I think she must be a tree-nymph. I worked in my A5 journal using coloured pencils and water colours. I am linking to Tracey's theme at AJJ and to Rain's Thursday art date, portraits:

The other 'portraits' were inspired by lessons from Melanie Rivers

 And I have some pics taken in the clinic showing the Christmas decorations, not quite in the order they should be, Blogger was creative!

In the kitchen:

A poinsettia my neighbour gifted me:

At the Rhine:

A rainy day:

Flowers in my room:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh I love your tree-nymph, so pretty! The others are great too but she's my favorite. The clinic looks festive, especially the kitchen table. great photos too. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, the kitchen is one of my fave places!

  2. Beautiful art! -And many lovely pics.
    Wish you a joyful merry x-mas! Hugs xoxo

    1. Thanks Mariann, happy holidays to you and yours!

  3. I like your tree-nymph.
    The clinic does look nice and festive, and the Poinsettia is wonderful.
    It's not Christmas-time without one :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, poinsettias really belong to the season!

  4. Beautiful portraits for the art date! The clinic looks cheerful with the decorations. Love your room flowers.

  5. Incredibly beautiful post. The clinic look peaceful. xx

  6. So many wonderful faces Valerie. I like the new green face. And the blue eyes on the red haired woman. Boy that food bar at the clinic looks nice. With covid and not shopping for food so often, I feel like I have veggie binges and then nothing for a few day. Nice poinsettia too. Take care. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, we're living in strange times, that's for sure!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Love the tree nymph, and the other portraits are great, too. Here we are all keeping well. Take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

  8. The tree nymph is lovely. Nice decorations at the clinic, that fruit stand looks wonderful. Keep safe.

  9. Wunderschön deine Baumnymphe mit Worte und die anderen alle, immer wieder erfreut mich deine Kunst. Schön ist es dort geschmückt und liebevoll. Das Wetter ist nicht gerade so toll für die Adventzeit!
    Ich wünsche dir alles gute!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Heute ist das Wetter hier Recht mild. Bleib gesund!

  10. Your green Tree Nymph is very beautiful, the twisted leaves around her could almost double as little lights to light up her expression, she looks so at peace. Melanie Rivers is a great teacher, your pieces show just how you've taken influence and made them your own. The red haired girl is very expressive and I love the sweet deer. Sending love and hugs your way I see you have many Christmas symbols around you, I delivered a Poinsettia to my Mom yesterday, a present from my Daughter from overseas. Need to do the same for my MIL today, just stopping by to say Hi with a cuppa, looks like I have lots to catch up with over the weekend. Stay safe Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Melanie ist indeed a good teacher and inspiration. Have a good and safe day!

  11. I KNEW you would rock this theme, Valerie. You paint faces so well. Your tree nymph is beautiful and so nicely done for Tracey's theme, too. Your other faces are priceless, though. Loved the one with the gold "halo."

    You must eat very well at the clinic. I could live on all that fruit you can choose from. And coffee 24/7, too. I want to stay at your clinic, Valerie.

    1. Thanks E. I'll give you a shout when there's a bed free!

  12. What a lovely little tree nymph. I hope you are doing well.

  13. WOW! Your tree nympth is very cool as are all the portraits. Such talent you have. Looks festive where you are - hope you get to go home soon though. Great pictures and creations, Valerie! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy!. I will be here for another few weeks.

  14. You do create some interesting women, Valerie! Now this one really speaks to my heart - the green of nature with a butterfly on her forehead! Who could possibly resist the charms of such a siren? Your whole collection is quite exotic, I will have you know. That is quite a variety of fruit on the table in the clinic. You will be full of good health by the time you leave there, with food like that to fuel each day. And you have fresh flowers in your room. Are you deceiving us, are you checked into a high end spa? It may be intrusive to ask, and if it is simply ignore it, but perhaps you could tell us a little of the treatment you are receiving. It has turned cold here. Yesterday the high barely made it up to minus 7, but it is winter in southern Ontario after all. Last night I made chicken stew with dumplings for dinner and it was delicious. It is a recipe I have made several times and there is enough left for at least one more dinner for the two of us. What is better than hot stew in a winter's night? Take care, stay well, stay healthy, eat fruit, smell flowers, take the vaccine when it's offered, get better. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Thanks David. It's a good place to be, not quite a spa but definitely dedicated to healing and rest. It's wet and mild here. Your chicken with dumplings sound wonderful. We had pot roast with potatoes and green beans today, it was good. I have had lots of examinations here, they are checking everything. We even have creative therapy in a well equipped studio 3 times a week, that's great! Have a great day, look after yourself, and hugs to you and M!

  15. I'm so glad that the clinic is decorated in such a lovely and festive way. It makes it so cheery. That tiered tray of fruit is beautiful and so inviting. And what a lovely gift from your friend. I do love a poinsettia!

    1. Thanks Jeanie! Lots of fruit and Coffee - paradise!

  16. Each unique and beautiful, talented lady.
    Your photos are gorgeous,too!!!

    Hugs ☕🎁🎅🎄

  17. Beautiful portrait art and wonderful photos Valerie! The clinic looks very homely with those lovely decorations and the fruit.
    Alison xx

  18. I love your pieces, especially the redhead with the blue necklace.
    Your hospital looks homelike.
    Thinking of you.

  19. Beautiful work! I especially love the nymph!

    I love seeing all the holiday decorations. Such a festive time of year and this year we can all use some extra smiles and light. :)


    1. Thanks Jess?! We all need lots of good cheer Just now!

  20. Interesting seeing how you have interpreted this theme :) I especially like the little deer. Your decorations look welcoming.

  21. Oh Valerie I love your tree nymph. That color of green is amazing. I am glad the clinic decorates and that there always seems to be plenty of food. Have a nice day today.

  22. That green nymph is beautiful. The green goes very well with the orange lips. Love the decorations in the clinic. Be well.

  23. I'm impressed by how much the clinic decorates. That must improve spirits :) And that fruit looks delicious!

    1. Thanks. They have made everything very nice here!

  24. Beautiful portrait and i luv your vibrant pointsettia

    Have a good Thursday


  25. Oh WOW Valerie, I love your green tree-nymph, she's beautiful and green is one of my favorite colors! The clinic looks very festive with the decorations and I'm glad you have a poinsettia in your room, what a nice gift.
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

  26. Your tree-nymph has such mesmerizing eyes. Such pretty decorations. Even the fruit looks festive. Those grey clouds almost look like cotton balls (cotton wool) I hope you are feeling better. Take care.

  27. I wanted to join Melanie's classes too but until today I did not find the time. All your paintings are beautiful but I especially love your "green" lady and the deer. Kisses!!!

    1. Melanie is a great teacher! Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  28. You really "wowed" me this week, Valerie. Your paintings, all of them are rich with beauty, color and expression. Your tree nymph made me smile ... I am surprised her eyes aren't crossed trying to see the butterfly on her forehead :) Your clinic is so cheerful (would love to know more about your clinic and what you do there) and you must be a wonderful neighbor to receive such a beautiful poinsettia as a gift. There is so much of you that speaks to us through your art ... it is such an honor to be able to share this little bit of time with you each week. Have a blessed Christmas, Valerie and do all you need to do to be safe in these difficult times.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. The clinic is a beautiful place to heal and recuperate. I am taking care not to get infected with Corona. Enjoy your weekend, hugs!

  29. The tree nymph is lovely ~ I'm glad your receiving the care and attention you need. I Love all the fresh fruit displayed so nicely. Breathe ~ rest & create ~ Sending blessings and healing your way ~

    1. Thanks Karen. Creating and recreation are what I need now. Stay Safe!

  30. What fabulous pieces Valerie, you are SO good at these! The clinic looks to be a really nice place, so calming and not at all cold and clinical. Take care, Sue xx

  31. Hi Valerie :) I love your Nymph, she's very pretty and so is your deer! :) Wishing you all the best at the clinic, I'm glad to see they have nice decorations to cheer you up! :)


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