
Saturday 21 November 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy, stay safe!

Today I am sharing my second version of the Earth Mother, made after watching a lesson from Melanie Rivers .

I made an A3 mixed media page with painting, doodling, stenciling and collage. The words are from a Navajo prayer:

And my messy work-table:

And I have made another tag for my 'pets' challenge at Tag Tuesday, but am rather sad that so few people are joining in:

And more photos from my good weather walks this week:

The stream next to where I live:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. LOVE this earth mother Valerie. She is gorgeous, and I love the gold corona around her face. The poem is wonderful too. It works perfect here. And I just finished my post for tomorrow before I even read this, and my tag is there. So don't be too sad. I had my posts for the last couple of days pre-written because it seems I spend too much time in the morning on the computer otherwise. Not so bad in the longer days, but when it is getting dark around 4, I need to get outside for my walk. Smile. Have a great start to your weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like her! And I'll be happy if you have a tag, too! I always have to prise myself away from the computer, too! Stay safe!

  2. Beautiful photos from your walks, Valerie.
    I was really busy during the last months (and you know the reason why), but be sure that soon I will start joining you again on Tag Tuesday. I love making tags!
    Your tag is beautiful but my favorite is your gorgeous mystique page. Lovely painting, my friend. Kisses!

  3. Beautiful art and sunny photos Valerie!

  4. Lovely art and photos! Have a great weekend

  5. Fabulous journal page, love that super design and awesome colours. have a lovely weekend. ♥

  6. Your latest version of Earth Mother is beautiful. I loved the poem, but what got me was what I perceive as hair. Is that gold leaf? It is SO dimensional. And your die cuts are put to good use, too.

    I believe my favorite photo today is from your work table. I looked outside yesterday when the wind was whipping around at over 50 mph and saw there were NO leaves on any of the deciduous trees in my neighborhood. You still have a few in your world, at least.

    1. Thanks E. I stenciled a sunflower with gold paste around her head to make a sort of halo. We still have quite a few leaves here. Have a good and safe weekend!

  7. Ich bin begeistert von deiner Darstellung von der Erdmutter und wie du das gemalt und gestaltet hast mit den Worten. Grossartig Valerie und dein Tier-Tag ist so süss! Deine schön Wetter-Fotos machen richtig Laune!
    Ich wüsnche dir ein schönes gemütliches Wochenende und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Bei uns war es meist die Katze die Unfug gemacht hat Zuhause! Dir ein schönes Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  8. Hi Val, good morning. Your earth mother is wonderful today. I liked the other one, too, but this one is very special! Great words, too, and I love the walk photos. Your work-space is looking great! My mum keeps 'tidying' my desk, so I can never find anything! Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, much appreciated. I hate it when my things get tidies away, which is probably why I mostly don't do it! Enjoy your weekend, hugs to all!

  9. It was the cat.Ha.That's pretty much how it is at our house.
    You have a serene, pain free weekend.

  10. I just love your Earth Mother! She's fabulous. Sorry people aren't joining in the tag challenge, it's a busy time for many trying to do a "normal" Thanksgiving and Christmas, so maybe they are distracted by these? Your third landscape photo is amazing! That natural frame created by the circular branaches is spectacular and a good capture.
    Have a lovely and safe weekend, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. It's the people on my design team I mean, they just don't bother unless it's their own challenge. I think I will close the challenge at the end of the year, it's a lot of work with little result, so perhaps better to forget it! Have a lovely weekend!

  11. Love your Earth Mother creation, such lovely details. I just adore your pet tag. Will try hard to get one done today. Hugs Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha, the pet tag is fun! Enjoy your day!

  12. Earth Mother today looks like a Mayan goddess to me. And if she was a goddess in my belief system I would obey her completely. Who would dare transgress? As for your art table, I immediately took to the internet to search for new report of a minor nuclear explosion at Balconia-by-the-Rhine, but could find nothing, so perhaps it was just an earthquake or something! That gives a whole new meaning to searching for the right brush! You could organize treasure hunts to Valerie's studio and charge admission! The serene autumnal views are lovely as always, refreshing I am sure in pleasant late fall weather. Yesterday it was like that again here, warm, sunny, more like the end of April than late November. I went for a stroll along the Mill Race Trail with many birds and industrious Muskrats to keep me company. They were tidying up their lodges, putting all the twigs and sticks in place, smoothing around the edges - shall I send them to help with your atelier, chère artiste? The weekend is here so I will have no Valerie fix tomorrow. Woe is me! But Monday will soon be here. Until then don't let Covid anywhere near you. He is a sneaky bugger who can creep up unannounced. Ever your dedicated pal, David xo

    1. Hi David. Perhaps the earth mother is a Mayan goddess, who knows? The people on our planet don't seem to give much thought to mother earth these days, when I see what#s happening all around us. Since Covid began, many people are buying takeaways and eating them outside somewhere, and although there are garbage bins everywhere, they just drop their litter where they were sitting. And talking of litter, I'm glad you enjoyed my messy table. It's often much worse that that, this was just messy mild! The genius can find her way in chaos. Which perhaps doesn't explain why she bumped into the bathroom door last night and nearly broke her nose....But don't worry, the door was not damaged! Muskrats are fun to watch, they often swim through the stream next to the house. But I'm not sure I want them in my kitchen cum studio. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, with enjoyable walks and lots of birds to keep you company. Look after yourself, hugs to you and Miriam. Till Monday!

  13. Beautiful Earth Mother. Your tag made me laugh. Kitty being naughty and puppy getting the blame. 😺 Lovely photos. I especially like the 3rd one down. The tree branches forming a circular frame around the scene. Enjoy your day and take care.

    1. Thanks CJ. If I said something to Scruffy and Kitty they used to look at each other, all innocent, as if they were wondering hat I was on about! No, they hadn't opened the fridge door and left it open, no way! That tree branch was very serendipitous! Enjoy your weekend, Valerie

  14. Your earth mother is gorgeous and the pet tag is too cute! I love the way you framed that one photo with the branch. Beautiful photos as always :)

    1. Thanks Martha. The branch was a happy coincidence.

  15. Your lady is elegant and the poem beautiful. That tag is adorable. It made me laugh. I love all the photos of paths, inviting me on a walk with you. God bless you today.

  16. These pictures look very nice. Very a good weekend:)

  17. I love your beautiful earth mother Valerie! Cute tag and wonderful photos too.
    Alison xx

  18. I love your interpretation of Mother Earth and that's a beautiful poem you added - your messy desk looks quite normal to me! Love the pet tag - such fun.
    Lovely photos from your walk and it was nice to see the little ducks in the stream.
    Have a good weekend.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, glad my mess doesn't scare you too much! Enjoy your weekend!

  19. Hi Valerie, Bill here. Beautiful painting and Photos. Have a great Weekend, Bill

  20. Thanks Bill, you have a great Weekend, too!

  21. Love your Earth Mother. We should listen to her :)

    You have such lovely woodland and lake views!

    1. Thanks, that's very true. Have a great Weekend.

  22. Your art is stunning and your photos...WOW!!!
    Have a lovely week ☕

  23. Beautiful Earth Mother and saying. Great walk photos.

  24. I do like your Earth Mother, she is beautiful.
    Lovely to see photographs from your walk, lovely blue skies and great Autumn colours.

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  25. wonderful, It's a LONG time since I've been making cards and playing with paper. Book writing has just taken up so much of my time.
    but now I have started a little coloring again -
    I do love your art very much and is still following you on your blog

  26. That caftan the woman is wearing in your first picture is beautiful. It is the kind of clothes I would wear.

  27. Very interesting article! The pictures are great too! Have a great week! 🍂🌾🍁

  28. Love your tag..the sentiment is great...xx

  29. Wow your piece is absolutely stunning, and I love your quote. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  30. Lol I love your tag, around here though there is no dog to blame, just the cats all blaming each other haha. I like your Earth Mother too. I am also doing the taster sessions (slowly) still not sure if I will sign up for the full course. Are you going to do it? Elle xx

    1. Thanks Elle. I enjoyed the taster course very much, and a friend has gifted me the full courses as an early Christmas/birthday present, so I will be joining in. Have a great week!

    2. oh what a wonderful gift! I have enrolled in a few other courses, so I don't want to over-extend myself,but at the same time I really wanted to do it in 2020 and wasn't able to, so perhaps next year is the one! Still deciding

    3. Thanks, it is indeed a wonderful gift! Hope you join in, too!

  31. Lovely Earth Mother -- and such a charming animal page. Big smile on my end!

  32. I love this Earth Mother! Beautiful colours and I love the words which you definitely reflected in your photos! Hope you feel better soon! Hugs, Chrisx

  33. Lot of fun in the tags. Thanks for the photos

    much love...

    1. Thanks Gillena, we need a bit of fun just now! Hugs!


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