
Monday 23 November 2020

T Stands for This and That on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good week - stay safe and well! Sorry, I can't write much just now, I'm still feeling far from good.

Today I am sharing another of my crazy doodled pieces. As there is also a bird on it, I am linking to Wendy's Birds challenge at AJJ:

And as there are cups and a glass hidden in the picture, it qualifies as my entry to Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party. And last week I baked some cookies. As no visitors visit just now, I had to eat them all myself!

Some pictures from our little town from this time last year:

The pics from the Christmas market in Düsseldorf are also from last year:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your doodles are delightful Valerie!
    Feel well soon - you're lovely to keep blogging your way through as you do.
    A year ago... it's nice to look back to that time. I've been doing that too. Enjoying the moment is the best way to live I think.
    All good wishes to you xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Let's hope this time next year things will be back to normal, that would be great. Look after yourself, take care!

  2. Wonderful doodles, I love that gingerbread house in the shop window. Christmas seems extra special in your part of the world.

    1. Thanks a lot, The baker always has huge gingerbread houses in the window, they look so pretty. Take care!

  3. Ohh I like your doodle art. I love your town. I wish I could go there. Enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks Nicole. The decorations here are usually very pretty. Have a great week!

  4. I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well Valerie. Of course you deserve to eat all the cookies right now! Love your art and all the photos from last year. I sure hope you feel better soon. Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. Perhaps I'll make another batch of cookies....Thanks for the good wishes! Stay safe!

  5. Hope your doodles cheered you up Valerie, hope you feel better soon. Lovely photos from last year, hopefully new ones next year.

    1. Thanks Christine. Let's all hope that next year will be better! Stay safe!

  6. Sorry to hear you still aren't feeling wonderful. Did the cookies cheer you up? They look delicious. And I just love your drawing. The 2 ladies on the bottom right look cheery and they stole my heart. I think you need them in some other art work. Happy early T day and I hope your week goes well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you liked my fun ladies. The cookies cheered me up, and I always love the smell of something baking. Happy T Day!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Sorry you're still not well, hope all gets better soon! The cookies look tooooo delicious! Yummy! Your doodles are BIG fun, too. Have a good week, take care, will ring you this evening. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks, I'll make some and send them to you. Have a good and safe day, hugs to all!

  8. Amüsant schauete ich dein Bild an und ich finds super die Darstellung.
    Ich hoffe mit dir dass es bald besser wird und die Kekse sind lecker richtige Trostkekse. Schön die Erinnerung von letzten Jahr Weihnachten zu sehen!
    Ich wünsche dir einen gemütlichen Tag, lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Die Kekse waren in der Tat Trostkekse! Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  9. Fun journal pages, honestly they are fabulous. Love your photos and gives the real Christmas spirit. xx

  10. So sorry to hear you are still not feeling great. Sending a big, virtual hug to you. Your new header is lovely. Now, that's the one big drawback these days, if we bake we have to eat it ourselves! I love the Christmas windows, and hope we'll see such prettiness return next year.
    Feel better soonest, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb,for the well wishes, too. Yes, if we bake we have to eat it ourselves! But the cookies were good! Let's stay hopeful that next year will be better. Stay safe, have a good week!

  11. Hi Valerie, I've been having what now seems to be a weekly catch up.
    I 'm sorry you are still feeling low and unwell. Your art pages all looked amazing and so do the photos. I loved the doodles page today and those cookies looked delicious.
    What a year its been for us all and we cannot turn back the clocks but only hope that the coming days will get better.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Hi Yvonne, to see you around again. The cookies 🍪🍪🍪 were too delicious! Yes, let's hope for better things next year. Stay safe and well, hugs!

  12. I love your doodled pages, such fun.Thank you for including birds again. Hope you feel better soon, hugs Wendy.

  13. Lovely doodles.. You have a child alive in you to come up with this VJ

    1. Thanks Ashok. Sometimes the child takes over!

  14. Good morning Lady Valerie of Balconia. I am sorry to hear that you are "feeling far from good." I suspect those darn fingers are not responding well and causing you all kinds of pain. Everything you do must be a challenge, let alone your various on-line craft challenges. Acts as simple as getting dressed must be difficult. There is injustice in this world that you have to struggle through this alone. If only Miriam and I lived closer......Your artwork today is whimsical and charming, very much like folk art that has universal and enduring appeal. As for all the festive scenes from the past, they remind us what normalcy is like, and if the vaccine is successful perhaps by next year we can get back to it. Here in Canada the incidence of COVID-19 is rising exponentially and more and more regions of the country are going into conditions approaching lockdown. Yet some people don't even take it seriously, and there are the idiots and conspiracy theorists who still believe it is a hoax. But then again the earth is flat isn't it, and Elvis still lives? Maybe he will come and reclaim that old buried Cadillac you showed us. Try to stay cheerful, Valerie. This must be an incredibly difficult time for you. At least blogging helps a little. With love, David

    1. Hi David, good morning to you in faraway Canada. Nothing is working well just now, but that's sometimes how it is, it can only get better. Yes, the conspiracy Covidiots aRE HAVING A big time just now spreading their lies and misinformation. Some here are comparing our government to Nazis because the are trying to protect us, and in the US dead dictators have evidently corrupted the ballots to make life hard for the Orange Dictator, what a world! I'm sure Elvis is still in the building somewhere, hope he knows where he can find his Fleetwood Cadilac! Let's hope that the vaccine will be a success and that things will slowly return to normal, although we will all need long to get over the psychological effects of this crisis. Have a good day, enjoy your birds and walks, stay safe. Hugs to you both!

  15. Love your doodle pages! So creative and so fun and so full of little secondary stories! The cookies look yummy - wish I could have come visit to help you eat them.

    Love the festive pictures too! Your town does Christmas decorating beautifully. So fun to look at these - thanks for sharing!!! Hugz

    1. Thanks Sweetie! Next time I bake cookies I'll give you a shout out! The were sooo good, filled with chopped dates and walnuts! Have a great week!

  16. It shows your beautiful, positive spirit that you can be creative when you're not feeling well. Those store displays are so wonderfully festive. They put me in mind of an old-fashion Christmas. I hope you feel better soon. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa. Being creative helps a lot to feel better! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  17. Your doodle art is so colorful, happy and charming...loving it!
    I hope that you are feeling better soon dear Valerie.
    Thank you for sharing the beauty of the holidays where you live.

    Hugs ❤☕

    1. Thanks Ja, so glad you like it! Have a good and safe week!

  18. Fun doodles. Cookies! Yum. I especially like the spice or ginger cookies in your banner. They remind me of the cookies my Auntie used to buy. Those cookies were shaped like a Dutch boy, Dutch girl, and a windmill. The store windows are your town are so beautiful. I think I could spend hours window shopping. I also like the dude on the weathervane. I hope you feel better soon. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ. The cookies were indeed yummy! The spekulatius are always wonderful, I will buy some for Christmas, but not before in case this naughty mouse nibbles them all away beforehand! The dude on the weathervane belongs to a famous and well frequented brewery. Have a good and safe week!

  19. Nooooooooo!!!!!!! Valerie, please stop eating the cookies!!!!!!!! Save some more me!!!!!! They look delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!
    As Greece is still in lockdown and there are no Christmas decoration in the (closed) stores, I really loved your photos, my friend.
    And: Your spread is amazing! I doodle too very often and certainly when I go out for a coffee! Hugs, sweetie.

    1. Thanks Mia. I'll save some Cookies for you next time! Stay safe!

  20. So sorry you are not very well, hope things improve soon. Love your doodling on your pages, great job. The place looks very festive. Have a good week. Hugs Anesha

  21. Loving the doodles, and I don't think that plant needs pruning ;)

    I remember when stores decorated their windows in glorious full scenes for Christmas. That hasn't happened for years, with the most I seem to see being spray-on snow in the corners or a few oversized ball ornaments scattered around. Your windows do it right :)

    I hope you feel better soon.

    1. I have been working on a new plant today, I wonder how it will grow?! The store all do fabulous decorations here, I love seeing them. Have a good week, stay safe!

  22. I love your doodled pages, they made me smile Valerie!
    Your cookies look very tasty, and lovely photos too.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. The cookies were very good indeed!

  23. Your little town looks really special Valerie, love your doodle pages, and your cookies looked delicious. Happy Monday T hugs Kathy

  24. I am so sorry to read you aren't doing well, Valerie. I'm trying to get over something I thought was a food problem, but now I think I may have a touch of a cold. Please feel better soon, dear.

    I love the pages you drew and doodled. I love the tree, the plant, the clothes hung on it, and the bird. That's perfect for Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey, too. But the part that made me so very happy (other than those incredible cookies) were the cups, mugs, and take out cups you drew along the way. They are a great addition to your art and perfect for T this Tuesday, too.

    Isn't it amazing how different the world was pre-COVID. One thing, you wouldn't have to blank out faces since the masks people must now wear would obliterate the face, anyway. Although I adored seeing all those images from the Christmas bazaar from last year, my favorite photos were of the carousel. I want to ride the elephant (grin). Stay safe, warm, and healthy please.

    1. Thanks Ellzabeth. Sorry you are feeling poorly, too. I Love doodling, it's all a bit silly and childish, but it's fun. Things have really changed this year, that's true. I would like to see you on an elephant! Happy T Day!

  25. Oh your pages are awesome Valerie, I love all of your cute doodles, so fun!! Gorgeous photos today, love the Christmas market photos, looks like a very nice place to visit.
    Take care & stay safe.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, much appreciated.I had fun with the doodles. The Christmas markets are always beautiful to visit. Have a great week, stay safe and well!

  26. I love your doodled pages, such fun, and what an imagination! We didn't know how lucky we were did we before lockdown, bring on the vaccination! Take care, and I hope you are feeling much better soon xx

    1. Thanks Sue, so true, we only know when it's too late! Have a great day!

  27. sorry to hear you're still not feeling so well. sending prayers for healing.
    Super fun doodle art, and I love how the drink image fir for TSFT:):)
    Nothing like some home baked cookies-yum.
    Dusseldorf looks so inviting and charming- esp. during holidays! Such a shame it has to be different for so many in so many places this year...
    wishing you well, and happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, much appreciated. Yes, this year everything is different, let's hope next year will be better!

  28. Great doodling! I enjoyed your Christmas market from the past. I hope next year we'll be back to taking delight in all kinds of social events.

    be well... mae at

  29. Oh Valerie! I love this! I have had to scroll up and down to take all of this post in! I love the roaming plant and I can see that coffee is on your mind!! It's so lovely to look back at your photos from last year - I hope that next year it will be as if this year never happened! Hubby rolls his eyes when I say I have missed window shopping this year - it's sad but true! I have been baking a little bit lately and kept meaning to take photos - I will have to put a knot in my hankie!!! Happy T day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I hope things will get back to normal for us all next year. Coffee is always on my mind!

  30. Lovely artwork. Your cookies look delicious. Wonderful photos from last year. Happy T-Day!

    1. The cookies were indeed delicious, I must make some more! Happy T day!

  31. Beautiful post and it looks like everyone's getting into the Christmas spirit! The shop windows looks amazing and I can't decide whether to try one of your cookies or those intricate looking biscuits, maybe both bet they taste yummy 😀. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. If in doubt, try both! Have a happy T day!

  32. Same here, we went into lockdown yesterday for 28 days as people are still too stupid to simply follow the rules!

  33. Darling doodles, Valerie. I'm sorry it's taking so long to stop your flare-up. Your cookies look yummy!

    Thank you for the lovely holiday photos to help us all get in the mood, despite COVID!

    Happy T-Day! Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

  34. I love your header. Speculaas! Yumm! I'm sorry to hear you are still not well. I know you are having problems with your fingers, and then sometimes everything else then goes out of sync and that's not nice. I hope things get better soon.
    I pretend walk and a pretend visit to the coffee place is in order, and I enjoyed last year's photos of the Christmas market. (Did I see Glühwein?)
    Your doodle pages are really fun and whimsical.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca!.That sums it up well, I feel very out of sync! No Christmas market without Gluehwein! Have a good week, happy T Day!

  35. Lovely doodles and great photographs from last year.

    All the best Jan

  36. I love your fun doodled piece, and I could eat all the cookies. LOL Those photos are all fabulous; I like the angel. :)
    Hope you feel good soon.

    1. Thanks Sharon. Cookies seem to taste even better at this time of year! Have a great week!

  37. I loved the trip today. If I were there I could help you eat those cookies. I want that man weather vane!!! lovely seasonal shots with lots of angels... so pretty

    1. Thanks, I love baking, so you could eat lots of cookies here. I need someone to make for!


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