
Thursday 5 November 2020

New challenge at More Mixed Media

 Hi Everybody!

Things are hotting up here, and the powers that be in Düsseldorf have mandated that masks have to be worn on all streets in the whole town and environment, with exceptions only for woods, parks and green spaces where there is plenty of space and few people. They are threatening with fines up to 25,000€ for not being masked. I hope this will help stop the rapid rise of Covid here.

Today we are starting a new challenge at More Mixed media. All of our challenges are anything mixed media goes, this time with an optional colour choice, black.

I made an A3 mixed media collage page using an image of Beethoven. I threaded a piece of cord through the right corner as I can't sew in my journal! And I sewed the textile ornament under the bust of Beethoven:

For Wendy's texture challenge at Tag Tuesday I have a tag. The background is part of  a recycled TH packet, the sunflower was stenciled:

The moon from Tuesday evening:

Some more walk photos from last week:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely Beethoven page, a very good photo. Not sure I knew what he looked like. The sunflower stencil tag is gorgeous. I enjoyed those interesting leaf photos.

    1. Thanks Christine. We had a photo of him on the wall when I was a kid at school. Have a great day, stay safe!

    2. Valerie can I have permission to paint your curled leaf photo and the leaf with the hole in it, and your red berries?

    3. Of course you can if you can't download it fell me and I'll send you a copy by email

    4. Thanks Valerie, I saved them on my Pinterest, should be good enough. I will credit you in my post of course!

    5. You're very welcome, any time!

  2. Love your MM page and most stunning photos. The tags are just glorious. stay safe. xx

  3. Your Mr. Beethoven page looks fantastic. I like all the texture you added to it. And nice sunflower tag too. That looks like a good piece to add to some other art. Hopefully if nothing else worked the fines will do. Hit people in their wallet where it matters. Numbers are bad here too and keep going up. UGH! Have a great THursday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I think you're right, fines might help to make people more sensible! Keep safe! Hugs, Valerie

  4. I love the Beethoven piece. It reminds me of Rick and his Covid hair! I wish they'd enforce fines here. Our state never will but I think it's the only thing that will help. Good luck and stay well.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I think if our local government is enforcing fines things are worse than they're telling us! Stay safe!

  5. I was truly impressed with the Beethoven entry. Great minds think alike. I swear, I was picking up around my desk and found a piece of fabric I had sewn to some lace, which looks very similar to yours. Mine has been around so long, I don't even remember what I first created it for! I also found some sheet music I had punched out of circles. I threw most of them away because they had gotten dirty. YOU created a beautiful entry and yours is clean and neat. I love it. Wish I'd thought of that.

    Your sunflower is wonderful. I also like how you managed to recycle used packaging. Good for you.

    I have to admit, your moon shots look wonderful, but that last photo with the brilliant red bush just made me swoon. Stay safe and keep wearing that mask, dear.

    1. Thanks E! Packaging is often very good quality card, and this one was even distressed and ready to use! Why buy what you can use for free. My tags are nearly all made of recycled stuff! Autumn is a wonderful time! Stay safe!

  6. OH how this is marvelous! I love the music nod to the great portrait mixed media - just lovely! I like your walking photos too, especially the horsies :) Hugs!

    1. Thanks Kelly. Music and horses are both wonderful. Stay safe and well! Hugs!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you have slept well. It's grey and misty here this morning, and cooooold! Love your Beethoven piece, very nicely made, and your tag is gorgeous as are the lovely photos! All is well here, Mum and the kids are well and still getting on well together. Have a lovely day, take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, good morning to you! We seem to have similar weather, it's grey and very chilly, I was already outside taking a photo of the mist over the stream here. Right now, the sun is rising up through the clouds, lovely! Have a wonderful day, stay safe, hugs to all!

  8. I wish masks were mandated like that here. Only mandatory inside public areas. This mornings press is full of the revellers in England on a last night out before lockdown begins again. Still, your sunflower tag puts a smile on my face, and your photos are creative and lovely to see. Thank you!
    Stay safe and well, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. This is a step they should have done much earlier, and I hope it will help. Have a good and safe day!

  9. Das Tag mit der Sonne ist grossartig und dein Beethoven Bild mit dem Stoffteil und Kordel ist spitze!
    Dein Vollmond ist so schön und die anderen Fotos!Hat wieder Spass gemacht dein Posting an zusehen.
    Ich finde das sher gut die Strafe ohne Maske rum zu laufen. Wir wären auch froh wenn sie die Urlauber wie Schlweswig-Holstein es macht raus gehen müssen und sogar Tagesurlauber. Aber nein wollen noch Geld verdienen. Bei uns setigt es auch in die Höhe.
    Pass auf dich gut auf
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Viele Dank, liebe Elke. Ja, es ist gut dass die Sache jetzt ernst nehmen, ich hoffe es hilft. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  10. Love the tag you created and the textures in the journal page. Stay safe and well. We have started lockdown today. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha, lets hope the lockdown helps. Stay safe

  11. Beethoven! Now there's a name for the ages. It is difficult, if not impossible, to pick a favourite piece of music, because it depends on time and circumstance, but if I were hard pressed to make such a choice, I think that the slow movement in the Ninth Symphony would probably make it. So thank you for this quintet (or two) of crafts, Valerie, this splendid symphony of delightful images, this overture to nature, this coda of clouds and colourful trees. It is in sum a beautiful orchestration conducted by Mother Nature. By now you are probably, quite understadindably, ready to throw up! But you have provided the inspiration for today. i will listen to some Beethoven. The election in the United States is still unresolved. It stuns me to think that so many people voted for a misogynistic, loud-mouthed liar who cozies up to dictators, destroys the environment, and tweets conspiracy theorists, but they did. If I had to pick the Coronavirus or Trump the virus would win! Yesterday it soared to an amazing 18 degrees here and today is predicted to be even warmer. Maybe it's all the hot air from Trump's mouth drifting north! Stay well, stay sound, stay safe, stay sane, keep calm, drink coffee, read good books, listen to Beethoven, sleep well, dream sweetly. Hugs and kisses from sunny, warm Ontario. David

    1. Hi David, thanks. Your post always make me smile! Beethoven was indeed a wonderful musician, and always good to hear. Such a contrast to some of the 'stars' today, with their awful songs and bad music. It's difficult to understand how anyone could fall for the show that madman is making, it's scary to think how many disturbed people have been indoctrinated by his lies and false insinuations. I have a blog friend who almost worships him. She and her husband only listen to Trump's broadcasts, they have been warned not to listen to mainstream programmes as they are all bad, full of lies and deceit etc. I wouldn't want to breathe in Trump's air, though, it could be poisonous....It's cold and frosty here, we had a thick frost overnight and mist this morning, but it did look pretty. Just a bit cold outside on the balcony in PJs taking pics! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you both!

  12. Your journal looks lovely and you wee so creative with your tag. Once again you've shared so many great pictures of your world so we all feel as if we're right there with you. Hugs, RO

  13. Beautiful art and photos and that moon, wow! Please stay safe out there Valerie!

  14. I like the circle of notes around his head and the textures on the background are brilliant. Lovely tag too.

  15. Lovely big moon and beautiful colours on the sky. Great photo of the horses too.
    Your page is gorgeous, Valerie. I love your journaling and the cord you added. As for your card, the sunflower looks stunning! Hugs, my friend.

  16. You got great shots of the moon! And your Autumn nature photos hold a sense of peace.

  17. Hi Valerie, it's Bill here. Lovely Post. Look after yourself! Wear your mask.

  18. Gorgeous page Valerie, I love the the journaling and textures! Beautiful stenciled sunflower too. Fabulous photos, love the large mushrooms.
    Take care,
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, this is a great time of year for photos! Stay well and safe!

  19. Great art work Valerie, I like the texture on your first piece and the sunflower on the tag. Those red berries are stunning.

    1. Thanks a lot. I love the red leaves and berries, too. Stay Safe!

  20. I do like your Beethoven piece.
    Another lovely collection of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  21. So cool how the textured look on Beethoven's face echoes the look of antique cracked oil portraits - wonderful! Lovely golden sunflower tag, and such amazing photos again.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. Taking photos just now is really good!

  22. Loving your mixed media page, the texture is fabulous and I love how it's showing through the image! Wow, that tag is so beautiful too with the golden flower - gorgeous 😁. The autumnal colours on your photos make me happy and you captured the moon so beautifully - I love it 😀. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. Autumn is a beautiful time, and the moon is always wonderful. Stay Safe!

  23. Beautiful photos Valerie, and I love your tag and page!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Alison xx

  24. These are wonderful pieces Valerie, and the photograph of the moon is just stunning! I always think the moon looks amazing on photographs, so mysterious! We are in lockdown again here, yet we still only need to wear masks in shops. Have a great weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Masks are mandatory for all here now, I hope it helps.

  25. Sitting here drinking my coffee and catching up on your fab posts. Love the page - that ribbon is soooo cool and your words are inspiring. He looks so handsome here - I love a cleft chin. My hubby has a little cleft.

    Your tag is super pretty - love that you recycled and the gold is lovely.

    Your spooky pictures are really awesome and I love the fall leaves and berries.

    So pretty and such a lovely post, Valerie. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! Hmmm, men with cleft chines are really handsome, that's true! Have a great day, stay safe!

  26. A lovely piece of work in your journal - I do like the circles of music surrounding the figure head and am impressed by your idea of the sewing. Well done on that one. I have always wanted to sew on a page but cannot think how to do it without taking the page from my journal.
    Fabulous photographs too. Very Atmospheric at the begilnning.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Yes, sewing is difficult in a journal! So I have to think of alternative methods! Take care!

  27. love your collage for More Mixed Media..great texture xx

  28. Such creative and very COOL projects today Valerie! I especially love the gold embossing. Wow isn't the moon just fascinating. My husband is always stopping when we are out to take photos of it.

    1. Thanks Pinky. The moon is my great love! Stay safe!

  29. stunning Beethoven! stunning photos! and love that stenciled textural tag! xo

  30. i liked the fine idea ,probably our govt should try it too

    these are absolutely gorgeous images ,you have a brilliant observant eye and wonderful way to capture the nature before you ,each pic looks like a beautiful painting :)
    thank you for sharing

    1. Thanks so much! Glad you like the photos! Stay safe!


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