
Wednesday 4 November 2020

Midweek post

 Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing a collage made during the Lifebook Taster Sessions with Amanda Trought. This was a many layered collage:

We started off by making a collage:

I gave the collage a coat of gesso:

Then I did a layer of scribbling with oil pastels:

The next layers were with structure paste:

Then another layer gesso:

Then it was time to start doodling and working with stencils:

As as there are 2 small birds on it, I am linking to Wendy's challenge at AJJ.


By the Rhine:

The seagulls were bobbing along in the river:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful layered collage. The photos are lovely today.

    1. Thanks Christine. This was a fun piece to make. Have a great da, stay safe!

  2. Your collage is fabulous.
    Your photographs are fabulous too, the sunrise is stunning.

    Happy Wednesday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  3. Interesting layering. It is amazing colors from your collage still show through.I just love your doodling on it. That shapes all together are fantastic. It had to be a fun process. Happy midweek! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it was indeed fun to make, Have a great day, take care!

  4. I like how much this changed between the first layer and the last. It really took on a life of its own. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey, too, using Wendy's theme.

    Great photos of your walk. So glad you were able to get out. I think I've finally got my house as clean as it's going to get for awhile, so I may even take a walk soon, too. Stay safe, dear.

    1. Thanks E. How can anyone do housewo** when they could be enjoying art or walks? Okay, I might do a little bit this week, but that's all! Stay safe!

  5. Amazing! The effort that went into the different layers is amazing. Loving it very much.
    Sunrises and sunsets are beautiful.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  6. Super gorgeous post and the journals are amazing and beautiful photos. x

  7. Magnificent art and pictures! Thank you!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Love your collage, I'm sure you had fun making all those layers and covering them up, great idea. Beautiful photos, too. I've just been watching the sun rise here, little S loved it, too, you've got 2 new skygazers now! Have a lovely day, take care, hope you feel better, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Glad you two ladies enjoyed the sunrise. IT's such a beautiful time. Hugs to you and the little stargazer!

  9. das sind wunderschöne Seiten und wie die sie als Collage gebastelt hast sieht toll aus!
    Fantasie pur!
    Die herrlichen Sonnenaufgänge und andere Fotos und mit dem Fahrrad, das könnte ich sein *zwinker*
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke! Jetzt ist eine wunderbare Zeit um Fotos zu machen, bald is Winter hier! Pas auf Dich auf, bleib gesund!

  10. I wish I didn't sleep so poorly and have a skewed sense of time, for I miss most of the beautiful sunrises, unless I haven't slept a wink and then I am too tired. I think I must have missed thi particular Life Book Taster!
    Stay safe and well, Deb

    1. Sorry you sleep badly, too. I always wake up at first light, so winter gives me more sleep. Perhaps you didn't like this sort of messy collage, and just left it out?! Have a good and safe day!

  11. This collage looks like a lot of work, Valerie, but the kind of project to work out your angst! I am feeling angst this morning when I look at what is happening south of the border. I stayed up until almost midnight last night and went to bed knowing that things were not going well for Biden and the democrats, and this morning the results are still up in the air, with Trump already declaring the process a fraud and claiming victory. It stuns me that after four years of Trump, the cozying up to dictators, the assault on the environment, the constant lies, the vitriol, that anyone other than his rabid base voted fir him. The US has taken leave of its senses. And the denial of COVID is not going to help them. I will need to go for a walk today, Valerie. The birds at least will be faithful companions. I hope you are doing well and that your fingers are behaving. Thank goodness we are not young in this world that is being turned upside down. Hugs from across the waves, David

    1. Thanks David. I think we all have Angst today, I've been listening to what Monster Man is claiming and threatening, and it is scary. I cannot understand how anybody could vote for this caricature of a madman. We now have to wear masks in the whole town, you can only leave them off in parks etc if nobody else is around. Our local politicians seem to be realising that Covid is serious! And I wouldn't want to be young again in the world today. It was bad enough growing up in bombed and flattened London. I am not feeling happy today. Who is? Have a good day, stay well and safe. Hugs to you both!

  12. Great sunrise on your blog, Valerie. And I think it fit perfectly with the sunset on my blog! Ha ha!
    What a gorgeous spread you made, my friend. I finally had the chance to watch all the videos of the Life Book tester but still I have not found the time to make any creation. Let's hope that soon I will be able to make something using the techniques I learnt. Hugs, sweetie, and keep inspiring me!!!

    1. Thanks Mia, sunrise and sunset are my fave times every day. I am doing a new course just now, keeping myself busy so I don't have to think too much about the situation in the world just now. Stay well and safe!

    2. Hi again, Valerie. 3 things, my friend:
      1. I am attending an online course too! We are in similar situation!
      2. I read all your posts until back to September and I admire all your creations taking inspiration from the Life Book courses. Let's hope that soon I will manage to make some creations too.
      3. I need to tell you how sorry I am for the attack in Belgium. Let's hope that this madness will stop here.
      Hugs, my dear friend.

    3. Yes, attacks everywhere - Belgium, France, Austria, where will all this lead to? It is scary. And with Trump threatening to declare that he has won and wanting to have the rest of the votes disregarded, it's a bad situation there, too. Let's hope for better times!

  13. A very interesting collage, with lots of layers, looks lovely. Some wonderful sunset pictures as well.
    Hugs Wendy

  14. Thanks Wendy, it was a fun collage to make, to watch it changing. The pics are sunrise, my balcony faces east and I can enjoy the sunrise everyday when it's not cloudy! Have a great day!

  15. Thanks for taking us on your collage journey. It was nice to see each stage. It gave a sense of relaxing more and more with each layer.

    1. Thanks Teresa. It was fun to make and see it change. Have a good and safe day!

  16. I LOVE the layered collage! Today's photos are gorgeous too!

  17. I really enjoyed your process and the sunrise pictures of a new, bright day. Thanks for sharing that thought. Take care.

  18. The layered collage is gorgeous! I do really like this. Nice!

    I haven't seen a sunrise in decades, but I don't have a horizon view from home even if I were to get up for it. I enjoy your photos to bring the sunrise to me. Your Autumn river views are beautiful :)

  19. Thanks a lot. The sunrise is the best thing in my apartment. No, it's the ONLY good thing! Stay safe!

  20. The seagulls on the water are so pretty.

  21. More fun pieces and beautiful photos.

  22. It js interesting seeing the layers come together on your collage Valerie. Beautiful sunrise photos and I enjoy a wander along the Rhine very much.

    1. Thanks. It was fun seeing it change. Stay safe!

  23. Ain't that collage page just delicious, so many layers all as precious as the next. Life would be much simpler if it was black & white but I wouldn't be without those pops of colour that keep us on our toes. Fabulous mixed media page, and the bridge & bicycle pic is awesome. Safe Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I love that photo, too. Have a great day, Valerie

  24. Great collage, I enjoyed seeing how it all came together and it looked such fun to create! Your doodles look fabulous and finish it wonderfully 😀. Loving those photos too, I always enjoy walking with you and the golden sunshine seems so warming today! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  25. More beautiful photos Valerie, and I love your mixed media page!
    Alison xx

  26. Wow Valerie, this looks like fun! I loved seeing the different stages! Your photos are fabulous once again.
    The leaves around here are falling very quickly now we have had some frost! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. We had frost Yesterday but today was Sunny. Stay safe!

  27. Oh I love this, the layers look amazing and I loved seeing how it all came together. Take care, Sue xx

  28. Love the page and love that you shared how you made it too! Wonderfully done. I need to try something like it. Great pictures too. You live in a magical place. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! I had fun with this one. Stay safe!

  29. Wow the end piece looks nothing like how it started off. I wish I could do something like this - guess I will never know until I try so I might just give it a whirl one of these days. I love how you have built up the background and the texture in this piece and then added all the little elements. I think I could have fun with this ad a jar of Gesso to begin with and then see where it takes me. Went to our local ark yesterday and had a lovely time, enjoyed the sun on the tops of the trees and as I took photos of the Canadian Geese I thought of you and the lovely photos you take. Mine are only with my phone camera. So enjoyed yours.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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