
Thursday 22 October 2020

Thursday Already

Hi Everybody!

This week is flying by like a bat late for Halloween and I am just trying not to get too far behind.

I have another 2 spreads in my junk journal to share. Once again I kept the paint transparent and the theme is autumn/ Halloween. Here I painted the trees,stamped the witch, broom, cat and hat, stenciled the stars and collaged the raven. I am linking to Chris' 'hold the line' challenge at AJJ

This one is in the same colour scheme. The face in the background was in my stash, the eye on the left is stamped, the stars are stenciled. The little girl, leopard and eagle were collaged:

Today stared off misty:

More photos from my walks:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful spreads and fall photos!

  2. How gorgeous a page full of autumn colours and wonders of nature...absolutely beautiful. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, glad you like it all! Stay safe!

  3. Awesome pages Valerie, I love the Halloween one with that cute witch and cat! Gorgeous autumn photos, the red leaves are so beautiful! Take care of yourself.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, I'm having fun playing with this theme! Stay safe!

  4. Your art just keeps getting better and better, love these today! Your fall photos are really gorgeous too! Heat yet? I worry about you. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. No need to worry, it's at least got warmer outside which has improved the situation somewhat. Have a great week, stay safe!

  5. We had rain today too. It was supposed to clear out, but it didn’t. Loving both your journal pages today. I like your fall/spooky trees. The way they bend and have a nice shape is cool. Nice collage too. Hope you have some nice sun on Thursday and a good day. Hugs Erika

    1. I think rain is good, we all got too little in the summer. It rained here, too, raincoat and wellies weather! I like making these bendy trees for Halloween. Have a good and safe day!

  6. OMGOSH, all your photos are beautiful today. What incredible beauty you shared. Autumn looks SO lovely in your world, Valerie.

    Speaking of lovely, both of your journal spreads are great. Four beautiful, spooky in a good way, and fun pages you gave us today. I especially like the one with the girl in the background. It is almost ghostlike. I also loved how you kept the pages transparent. Thanks for yet another two spreads for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey. You have truly outdone yourself this month.

    1. Thanks E, I always have fun with autumn and Halloween. Have a great day, stay safe!

  7. Good morning Val! Hope you slept well! I went to bed early as I had a bad head, but I feel fine today. Love your beautiful journal pages and photos, it's looking so pretty over your way. Mum is being very good with the kids just now, we're keeping her here for the time being. Take care and have a good day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, glad you are feeling better today. Sorry you have so many headaches these days. Glad your mum is staying with you for a time, and that she is quieter now. Have a good and safe day!

  8. The trees are turning colour now so beautifully. I wonder, do you have snow where you live? I love snow, but we hardly ever have any. They say this year will bring a hard winter, but that does not mean it will snow.
    Stay safe and stay well, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. we don't usually get that much snow here, we are in the 'lowlands'. But wait and see what winter brings....Stay safe!

  9. Loving the header Valerie and those rusty tones of Autumn in your pages. The cat looks like he's seen the biggest of spiders hee hee.. The words in your second page are so wise, think my little one is testing them to the limit atm. No rain today for us and i'm glad because I got soaked thrice yesterday out doing what needed to be done. Thank you for the Birthday wishes was a strange one so i'm claiming this weekend for me, no planned post so I can play a much needed catch up.. stay safe Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I think all birthdays and festivals this year will be different to what we usually do! Hope you can enjoy a good and peaceful weekend with lots of time just for you! Hugs!

  10. Hurra der Herbst ist da und was wunderschöne Fotos sind das und so auch diese Journalseiten sind grossartig ausgedacht von dir, mir gefallen sie und sie sind nicht gruselig das finde ich gut.
    Der Header das wollte ich shcon immer sagen ich liebe ihn udn zu dieser Halloween passend!
    Bei uns steigen jetzt so langsam auch die Zahlen pro Tag an und heute Morgen sehe ich nicht schlecht wie da welche Horden grosse Einkauswagen alles voll die spinnen echt.Mein Zeh ist schon besser war nur kurz mal zum testen mit einkaufen gewesen.
    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag und pass auf dich auf!!!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ja, Herbst ist hier und es sieht sehr schön aus überall, ich mad die Farben so sehr! Hier auch, Leute sind wieder am bunkern von Lebensmittel und Klopapier und es sind überall Schlangen. Freut mich dass Dein Zeh sich bessert! Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  11. You have much more colour left in the trees than we do here, Valerie, a couple of recent heavy rains have pretty much battered the leaves into the ground, and the branches are bare, appropriately gaunt for Halloween perhaps. I hope you have your broom all polished up ready for your ride through the neighbourhood, and have been practicing your shrieks! But the question of the day is, "Do you have heat?" You have been far too long without it already. Yesterday we met friends we hadn't seen for a while and we gave them a tour of SpruceHaven to show them all the changes we have made, and they told us that the have just invested in screens for their patio and a large heater, and are experimenting with eating out there even as the weather gets cooler. If all works well, then we have an invitation for outdoor autumnal dining in the offing. Covid-19 has triggered creative thinking in ways we could never have imagined! On Sunday morning, I will be leading another series of walks for our naturalists clubs. They have proven very popular and all spaces are taken within a couple of hours of announcing the walks. It is very satisfying, and lots of fun too. Take care, stay safe, stay warm, eat well, walk often, drink coffee, think good thoughts and receive warm, affectionate hugs from across the miles. David.

    1. Hi David! Here the leaves won't all be down till the middle of November. It's cool and rainy here, which is good, as we need the rain. Once again, the heating should be repaired by this evening....Screens and heaters for the patio sounds good. A lot of the restaurants here have similar attractions, with 'Heizpilze' - heaters shaped like huge mushrooms so that the customers can sit in comfort. I haven't been anywhere lately, perhaps I'll go for a coffee tomorrow if the trams aren't on strike again. Glad your walks are popular, that's a good attraction for a lot of people. There are similar events here, but mostly they start out somewhere way out with no way for me to get there without a car. So I just keep walking alone....I was thinking of using the vacuum cleaner instead of a broom for my Halloween ride, something different! Have a great day, stay safe, hugs to you both!

  12. Fun pages. Of course, I like the black cat the best. I like how his tail ant the tree are the same shape. The brilliant red leaves against the bricks are spectacular. The holly leaves and berries are beautiful even though they are rushing the season. I hope you have heat. Enjoy your day

    1. Thanks CJ. Of course you like the black cat best! My Kitty was black with one white ear and a white sock, so pretty! I love the colours of nature just now. Have a safe day!

  13. Fabulous spreads Valerie! Love the colours and that face in the second one along with that quote! Not that we want to spread our wings too much at the moment - we are going into stricter measures from tonight - I just hope folk follow the rules, so many don't, despite leaders saying how well we are all doing! They should come out with us sometimes! Love your photos, gorgeous colours around at the moment are't there? Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. The seasonal colours just now are wonderful. Everything is getting stricter here, too, and still there are people without masks....So much stupidity! Have a great day, stay safe!

  14. So many fall wonders to see ~ love the berries and the beautiful leaves ~ Enjoy it all!

  15. The fall colours are so pretty, ours are all gone...the wind just blew all the colour away! Your art pieces are lovely, but that sexy witch is my favourite! :)

  16. A lovely selection Valeie


  17. Beautiful Autumn photos, and wonderful spooky art! xx

  18. Your Autumn colors are so vivid! Gorgeous!

  19. Very nice post with wonderful art and photos.

  20. Your art look so spooky. I love your pictures of Germany. Blessings.

  21. autumn is so beautiful on your photos;)

  22. Always nice to see your art.
    Fabulous Autumn colours in your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  23. I am so far behind it would be hard to catch up. This whole month has flown by.

    Your journal pages are fabulous and inspiring. Love the witch and broomstick. Very cool. My costume this year is a witch costume but I didn't wear it Saturday (the only get together I knew about) so it will have to wait until next year. Love the colors too.

    More fab pictures of your area which is beautiful!


    1. I always went as a witch to our Halloween parties, nature will out! No celebrations this year, though!

  24. I love these Halloween spreads. They're quite mesmerizing and dare I say, not even Halloween? And the colors in your community are just beautiful -- so very fallish and colorful. Like your art!

  25. I love the trees you painted in your first spread. The tree on the right with the yes in the trunk looks as if it is in conversation with the lady with the pointy hat. I am sure it is bent over in conversation but with its eyes still on the lookout for someone who may be watching. Perhaps they are cooking up a secret spell.
    The second spread has a spooky atmosphere about it with that child's face by the tree. As soon as I saw it I felt it was a haunting look that she was giving out, maybe she is safeguarding the little girl from the tiger. The tree certainly has some branches reaching out to ward it off.
    Two brilliant spreads in your journal - both equally enjoyable yet so different.
    Thank you too for the photographs that follow, I love to see what you walk by and marvel at your expertise with a camera - I love the red of the leaves. We have a small tree as you turn the corner on the way to our caravan that is a beautiful red acer and it reminds me of that so much.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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