
Friday 23 October 2020


Hi Everybody !

It's Friday already, where did the week go?

The first piece I am sharing today was made after a lesson in the Facebook Taster Course by Alena Hennessy:

And I have another spread in my junk journal using owls which are hand carved lino-cuts, each about 6" high. I stamped them onto tissue and then I was able to reverse one to get them looking at each other:

I am linking both pieces to AJJ, Chris', 'hold the line' challenge and to Paint Party Friday.

And some autumn photos from this week:

Waiting for the tram? 

Some pics from the botanical gardens:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Some great pics, especially that first one!
    The pieces are great:)
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

  2. Glad you are enjoying your lessons, beautiful art! The fall photos are wonderful.

  3. That gold really pops off those beautiful rich colors. That freebie class has some amazing lessons. And I adore the owls. Those are fantastic lino cuts. You have some fantastic autumn photos too. Have a great Friday. Hugs-Erika

  4. Lovely art work, I love the owls! Enjoying your autumn photos, someone is seed collecting there I see.

  5. This looks pretty cool, love the colours and great inspiration. xx

  6. I absolutely ADORE your owl linocuts and the page you created with them! Had to laugh about the photo with the flower and the bags for collectiing the seeds. Good to see, I'm not the only crazy one doing that. *LOL* Have a great day!

    1. Thanks a lot. Those seed bags are everywhere at the Botanical Gardens! Stay safe!

    2. Is that the one with the nylon bags on the plant? I was wondering why they were there...

  7. Good morning Val! Hope you had a good night. LOVE both beautiful pieces today, your owl is so intricate. Great photos, too. I see you were at the Botanical gardens again, did you visit the animals, too? The kids love it there. Have a great day, stay safe! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks! I had fun making that owl. And yes, of course I visited the animals in Süd park, too. Have a great day, take care,hugs to all!

  8. I am in love with your owls, and such a clever thing to do with them. The eighth picture of landscapes is so beautiful, such a blue sky with speckles of amber orange leaves. Delightful! Love seeing the pumpkins too, and the seed heads. What a clever idea to catch seeds using little bags. I once covered sprigs of ripening blueberries in the same way so the birds could not steal my fruit!
    Stay safe and well, hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, I do like owls and always wanted an owl stamp like this, so I made it. At the botanical garden they always catch the seeds like that, it is a great idea. Have a great day, stay safe!

    2. You made it?! WoW!!! I am Impressed!

  9. Hi Valerie :) I love that leaf-filled pathway! Pretty pictures. The art is nice, I'm very interested in linocuts...going to look that up, I love your owls and the wise words! :)

    1. Thanks Rain, lino cutting is fun! Stay safe!

  10. Two stunning creations, I love your lino print. Wish I could do that. Have a great weekend.x

  11. I guess this was the week of the owl for both of us, Valerie! And, of course, you show a crow who is always on the right track - one might even say the straight and narrow! When I was still working we used to look forward to Friday as the end of the week, but now we look forward to Friday as the day we meet up with Lily and Heather to go for our walk. Heather was envious of our sighting on the Barred Owl so we are going back to Hillside Park to see if we can locate it roosting in the same general area. Wish us luck! If we do, Lily will see her first owl at just four months and three days of age! How many people are able to claim that honour! The fall is still wonderfully vibrant at Balconia-by-the-Rhine, but a few days of rain here have taken care of most of the leaves on the trees and they are now blanketing the ground. Some people frantically rake up every last one, but we leave most of ours in place over the winter and clear up in spring. Have to clean out the eaves troughs today, however. Not my favourite chore but it needs to be done. I hope you have heat now. You are overdue! Hugs from Canada. David

    1. Yes, this was an owl week. But I do wish I could see the owl which lives over the other side of the field! The crows and gulls often stroll about on the tram lines, people sometimes drop food from the kiosk there. How lovely to be able to look forward to a trip with Lily and an owl, 2 exceptional beauties! Here the ways and parks are frantically being cleared of leaves before the get slippery and mushy. But in a garden I would leave them, too. The heat is on,but not yet full power, they are still working on it....The administration seems to be rather useless here. They only move quickly if they want us to pay money for something! Hve a fun afternoon, stay safe. Hugs to all!

  12. Oh lovely artwork! I love how beautiful and bold the first ones are. The blue and green and how you added words to your pieces. I love owls and I just adore the owl art. so beautiful! Your autumn photos really capture October. Stunning! Have a beautiful Friday and a lovely weekend as well. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks so much, Autumn is my fave season. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  13. Fun page. The owl stamp is fantastic. Beautiful photos. Will the crow be able to take the tram or are they still on strike?

  14. Very pretty and the owl is beautiful. Enjoy your day.

  15. Gorgeous art and I love all the beautiful fall photos!

  16. Specially like your owl! Very stylish art!

  17. Beautiful page Valerie with awesome colors! Oh I LOVE your hand carved owl, it gorgeous!! Fabulous photos today. Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Have a great day, stay safe!💖🎃💖

  18. Look at those pumpkins! Great shots.
    I love the rich blue and purple in your first piece.
    Take special care. Hope your day is healthy and creative.

    1. Thanks Sandra, enjoy your Weekend!💖🎃💖

  19. My first question is are you warmed up yet? These pages are both brilliant Valerie! I love the vibrant colours in the first one but owls will always win for me! Beautiful colours around once again I love seeing carpets of leaves - lovely to walk through too ! Have a good weekend, Chrisx

    1. The heating is back on, but only partly usable....the never ending story! Glad you like my pages, I'm having fun working on them!

  20. I love the first piece of art. Very pretty. You should frame it and hang it up.

  21. a beautiful Alena Hennessy inspired piece Valerie. Your carved owls are super!! And I love the spectacular photos showcasing the gorgeous colors of the season. Happy PPF!

  22. Wonderful artwork of mixed media and Your photography is divine and so autumnal~ love the crow on the tracks ~ ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Thanks, a crow on the straight and narrow! Stay safe!

  24. I actually watched that lesson. I thought I might be able to make it, but of course, after seeing yours, I'm pretty certain that isn't going to happen. You did SO well with the flowers and leaves. Beautiful. And of course, I'm in TOTAL awe of your carved owls. That is amazing. The design is so well done and you are a master at lino cut carving. Just lovely and perfect for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey, too. You have totally outdone yourself this month, Valerie.

    I love all the photos you shared of your walks this week. My favorite would be the collection of seeds in the little bags. I thought that was SO clever, I did it myself with coriander. And I love your beautiful autumn that is in full bloom in your area.

    1. Thanks E! It was a lovely lesson, give it a try, it's not hard. I'm hoping I will be able to do some more lino cuts if my fingers don't get bad again. It is a clever idea indeed with the seed bags. Take care!

  25. Love the owls - great Lino cuts - and the Mirror effect. Happy PPF!

  26. The colours in your first piece make me feel very happy. Luv your owl on the oak and thanks for sharing your photos. I saw some familiar caladium leaves in one of your shots, bravo
    Happy you dropped by my blog today


    1. Thanks Gillena. Have a great weekend, take care!

  27. Colour is plentiful in your post today, lovely art and photographs.
    This is such an amazing season isn't it.

    Happy Friday and weekend wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, it is indeed an amazing season. Have a great weekend!

  28. Fabulous pages! The delicate gold flowers against the blue background look stunning and those owls caught my eye - love them! Beautiful skies and leaves, I'd love to walk down those paths kicking the leaves and hearing them crunch 😀. Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! Autumn is a fun time, I love scrunching leaves, too. Have a great weekend!

  29. Stunning photographs, intricately drawn owls, and I love the page with jewel tones and gold flowers. Happy weekend to you, Teresa

  30. Love the owls! Such pretty colors and great photos. :-)

  31. Ich bin begeistert liebe Valerie von deinen Arbeiten, wunderschön alle Zwei!Die Hintergründe sind so schön passend dazu.
    Die Fotos ich komme ins schwärmen... schön!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  32. Your artworks are unique. Bright colours make it more appealing. And very beautiful shots. Nature is so captivating!☺️

    1. Thanks Tarang. Nature is always the best artist of all! Stay safe!

  33. Both are wonderful! Love the colors in the first one! Lovely photos!

  34. What fabulous pages Valerie, the colours on your first one are wonderful, and I love your wise old owls. What stunning photo's today too! Take care, Sue xx

  35. Hi Val, Bill here! Lovely Post!

  36. I love your use of color in your art and the wonderful color you found in nature. Gorgeous!

  37. Thanks Bill, have a great Weekend!

  38. The art looks great Valerie, and your photos are wonderful as always! xx

  39. Wow, your owls are amazing, Valerie. Very cool and even cooler looking at each other. The words are really something we should all consider.

    Love the photos! The bird waiting for the tram is my favorite along with the pumpkins.

    Fab post. They are always a treat. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. The birds love the tram trails, I suppose they find food there! Have agreat week!

  40. Your owl pages in the junk journal are fabulous. I love that image and the stars, the backgrounds are quite perfect. Your area is beautiful at this time of year. I love that bush with the bows!


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