
Tuesday 8 September 2020

Tuesday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week got off to a good start. Time is flying by, and we are already in the second week of September.
I have another A3 mixed media page to share. I made a textured background  and used various stencils for the birds and the girl with the balloon. Instead of painting circles I cut them from some flocked material to add more texture. I am linking to Jo's texture challenge at AJJ:

And I have some photos from my walks:


I love walking through the castle ruins when nobody else is around:

I often see this cat near the ruins, and today she stopped to talk to me:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning my lovely friend oh I love your mixed media page the colours are beautiful and the words so special,well done Valerie. Oh I love the horse photos ,Thankyou for sharing all your beautiful photos with us my friend stay safe and take care xx

    1. Thanks so much Sheryl. Glad you like the words, too. Have a wonderful day!

  2. What a beautiful cat! You made a new friend in the castle, Valerie! I love the photos of the horses. Gorgeous A3 page, my dear. These circles are really amazing. I am in love with this stencil (but you already know it) and your sentiment! Kisses!

    1. Thanks Mia. The cat is really sweet. Have a great day, take care!

  3. Beautiful art as always and I love the horses and all the beautiful sky shots. Adorable little kitty too. Have a great week :)

    1. Thanks Martha, much appreciated! The sky is always beautiful. Have a fantastic day!

  4. Wonderful art work Valerie, love your sky photos and the ruins, and the reflections of the beautiful old buildings in the shop windows. That cat is a beautiful colour. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Thanks a lot. I love seeing the reelections in the shop windows, too, it gives a new angle to the scenes. Stay safe!

  5. Lovely art.

    The skies look so beautiful in your photographs, and I always enjoy seeing the horses too.

    Have a great Tuesday.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I love the skies, too - always different, always fascinating!

  6. Beautiful textured page and photos today, a beautiful cat you 'talked' to.

    1. Thanks Christine, I enjoyed talking to the cat! Have a great day!

  7. Lovely texture on your gorgeous page love the quote and I have admired your photos once again.....x

    1. Thanks Annie, I enjoy creating the texture. Have a wonderful day!

  8. I really like the silhouette of the little girl and the texture in this piece. All of your photos are excellent but I could not stop looking at the horses.

    1. Thanks Nicole. The horses are beautiful indeed, I love to watch them. Stay well!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Peggy, much appreciated! Have a good week!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks Monica, she is indeed a cutie. Stay safe!

  11. Awww the kitty looks so much like our Finny! How super are these photos and always a joy to see your walkabouts :) The page is so pretty and I love all the texture! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Kelly. Have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  12. Ein wunderschƶnes Journal mit den Kreisen und dem Zitat und die Fotos wie goldig die Katze aber auch von der Ruine und dem Rhein.
    Hab einen schƶnen Tag., pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Die Katze war wirklich sĆ¼ss, und so freundlich. Ich glaube sie wohnt im Restaurant neben dem Burg. Dir auch einen schƶnen Tag, bleib gesund!

  13. Ah, the beautiful horses! And I love the window with the house reflection! Great photo!

  14. Those reflections of the houses are awesome, very appealing in design. A great piece to shake off our worries, I really love the concept of all our worries blowing away. I'm happy the cat stopped to chat :)) Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! I need to hold onto that thought of worries blowing away just now! Have a great day!

  15. I LOVE your A3 page today! There's a smidgeon of Banksy in it, and I have to ask, did you paint the flocked paper to match, or is it the same colours as your background? Curious minds and all that, it's FAB~u~lous! I also love those red brick arched windows a lot. Have a terrific Tuesday! Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. Actually it was the other way - I painted the page background to go with the flocked material. It's not paper, just a very soft non-woven material. A friend sent me lots of little rolls in various colours. The brick arches in the castle ruins are beautiful indeed. You have a great day, too!

  16. Wonderful mixed media page. Great textures. I love that ginger kitty. Have a great day.x

  17. Love your fantastic art!
    You can see the thought that you put into each idea.
    The colors, the theme the cleverness.
    Love the horse photos and the gorgeous reflections photos.
    You are such a talented artist in all you do!!!

    Hugs ☕

    1. Thanks for the compliments, Jan, you are very kind. Have a great day!

  18. You had better take great care walking around the ruins of that castle alone. You never know who or what might be lurking behind the crumbling walls! Maybe legendary Rhine monsters or new birds that even you have not discovered, or sprites and hobgoblins, spirits and trolls. I had better stop this right now, Valerie, or I will have you scared out of your wits and fearful of walking there again. Your art as always is a feast for the eyes and I am quite sure that all your crafting cohorts are filled with envy. I still think I need to have a go at this background paint smooshing one day. That could be followed by pinning the paper to the wall and flicking paint from a distance. Imagine how therapeutic and liberating it would all be! My walk yesterday was able to take place by the way, the rain held off, and a fine time was had by all. There is pent-up demand after long periods of isolation caused by the pandemic. If you lived here you would be able to come along. How I would brag about my famous friend from Germany! My artiste du jour!

    1. Hi David. Up to now the only bad surprises were men who need to pee in a corner of the castle grounds - there's a public toilet a few yards further! Paint smooshing and flicking is indeed very therapeutic, when I was teaching we had a wall which was just for this purpose, and the kids loved it. So did I! But choose your wall carefully, I don't know if Miriam would be happy with it otherwise! I'm glad you walk was able to take pace, and look forward to seeing your report about it sooner or later. I hate having to stay home, so can understand people wanting to get out and see beautiful flora and fauna. So, your artiste du jour is off for lunch and then a nap! Have a great day!

  19. Those horses are beautiful. Have a great day. ��

  20. I'm still working on T Tuesday and you are already posting something new. I can't keep up.

    I can see the texture in that journal page. It is wonderful. I just want to run my hands over it and feel how dimensional it is. Thanks for sharing this Banksy inspired journal page with us at Art Journal Journey using Jo's theme.

    I have two very different favorite photos today. First are the photos of the shop windows with the reflections of buildings across from them and second are the photos of the arches and the grounds around the old Castle. Great photos and lovely journal page, dear.

    1. Just take your time! I always love our shop widows and their special reflections, and the castle is a wonderful place just to enjoy! Have a lovely day!

  21. Your art piece is inspiring-love the writing with it too. I'm so intrigued with the castle! Your photos are so beautiful.

    1. Thanks Debra. The Castle Ruins are indeed fascinating. Have a great week!

  22. Wonderful page with a good quote for me to read today. I would love to explore the castle grounds ~ Lucky you and the furry grounds keeper to be open to adventure. Enjoy

    1. Thanks Karen and glad you like my quote. It's fun exploring the Ruins, I am that Kitty finds lots of mice there!

  23. Lovely sentiments on your wonderful piece. The balloons look like they're floating.
    Also love your header. It pops. Pictures are great, especially the horses and kitty:) It looks healthy.

    1. Glad you like the sentiment! The kitty is a sweetie, and we'll cared for! Have a good week!

  24. These tags are very interesting ;)

  25. Your page is beautiful Valerie, I love the Banksy image and that wonderful quote.
    Great photos too, I like the reflections in the shop window, and nice that the ginger cat stopped to say hello to you. I will always say hello to all the creatures I see on my walks. Lol
    Have a lovely evening,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! I'm glad I'm not the only one who talks to dogs, cats horses etc when I'm out and about. Have a great evening!

  26. I love those magnificent horses! And the cat has a beautiful orange coat.

    1. Thanks a lot, they really are splendid horses.

  27. Beautiful page Valerie, I love the textured circles and that awesome quote! Gorgeous photos, the castle ruins look amazing and what a beautiful cat. Take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

  28. Fabulous page! The texture that you created looks amazing, the flock material is beautiful šŸ˜. Lovely photos too, loving the skies and clouds! Thanks so much for playing along at Art Journal Journey and enjoy the rest of your week! Hugs, Jo x

  29. I love that sweet girl in your art piece. It's lovely. And the reflections, too. But you know that my heart is full with any marmalade cat! So I'm glad your new friend stopped to chat with you!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. She was a sweet cat, and very friendly. Have a great day!

  30. What a lovely page - I love the background (Colour and the way you have used the paint). The circles are a fabulous idea, I would never have thought of using my embossing folders in this way to add texture, what a brilliant idea.
    Thank you also for the photos, I too would want to walk through the castle, such lovely photographs and your new friend, the ginger cat, how lovely that you stopped for a chat.
    I am hoping that all those photos (love the black silhouette one especially) mean that you are feeling much better Valerie. Long may it continue.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you like it. I love circles. The circles were cut from flocked material and already embossed. I am feeling better, thanks, just a bit low on energy still, so need lots of breaks inbetween!

  31. Its a gorgeous journal page and those words you added spoke to me today.
    Stay safe and I do hope you are feeling a lot better now.
    Yvonne xx

  32. I can't imagine living in a place where horses and castle ruins are part of your walks :) Magical :)

    1. Thanks! That's why I love living here. We have three castles within walking distance, and others quite near, too.

  33. Impresionante las texturas y colores que has elegido para la nueva pƔgina...

    Un paseo por la historia de los viejos muros, ahora la naturaleza pone vida y color.


  34. Wow! Really love the texture on this page and that sweet girl too! Great shop window photos, love the reflected buildings too! Your photos are fabulous, what a handsome cat you met! Love those skies too! Hugs, Chrisx


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