
Monday 7 September 2020

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!
This evening we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time I am hosting. I have chosen 'down on the farm' as my theme. Anything farm related is welcome - farm animals, dogs, cats, ducks, chickens, sheep, farmers, farming implements, tractors, haystacks, milk cans - if you can find it on a farm, it's right for the challenge! The challenge runs, as always, for 2 weeks, and tags of all formats are welcome. I have made a large tag using collaged scraps from a printed napkin. I sewed it to a darker background and added feathers as embellishment.  And this time I will be giving a little prize for one, randomly drawn participant. Hope to see YOU joining in!

Today we are also starting Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.
Last week I went into Düssedorf for an appointment and went for a coffee at the 'cheap', self-service coffee shop where you get a huge cup of cappuccino for a small price. I sat inside by the open front, enjoyed my coffee, and watched the people and traffic going by:

The tram passed by, too:

On Friday I used up some frozen puff pastry and a small portion of meat and veggies to make a delicious pie for my evening meal, and it was good:

There are lots of restaurants using outside space now, as most people prefer to be outside:

This is a Polish restaurant, where they serve very delicious food:

This one now has seating in the road on the parking strip:

This is the ice-café where I often have a cappuccino:

I had a long walk home afterwards, the tramlines had problems, and in a few minutes the subway was so full that I decided it would be better to walk than to wait and travel in the crush of people, so I walked all the way, and was tired by the time I got home.

My favourite times are always evenings and mornings.

These crows were having a conversation up in the tree top:

The moon shone brightly:

My feet enjoying a rest:

And once again, we had lots of wonderful skies:

This cloud was really black:

The pigeons enjoying the last rays of the evening sun:

Social distancing:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val! Love the beautiful Tag and the header today, nice theme. Great pics as always, that black cloud Looks dangerous. Hope you enjoyed your quiet Sunday. We had a peaceful weekend, too. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a good, new week, hügs to all!

  2. Beautiful tag, very nice photos:) Have a nice day :)

  3. Loving your tag and anything to do with poultry brings childhood memories back. Your bird photo of distancing is funny , great post. xxx

  4. Hi Valerie perfect theme my friend and your tag looks awesome. We are only just starting to open cafes up like that in certain places ,though its too cold at the moment to eat and drink outside,lovely pics my friend,thankyou for sharing them with us ,stay safe and take care xx

    1. Hi Sheryl, it's a possibility to go for a Coffee and stay safe. They have blankets If it's cool! Have a great week!

  5. Good morning Imperial Tsarina of the Crafting Crowd: Your tag looks fabulous, that's what I say, and I hereby award you first prize, so all the pretenders to your crown will be vying for second place at best! The picture of the crows exchanging bon mots reminds me of the intelligence of these birds. If certain politicians, especially two with strawlike wacky hair who come to mind immediately, had half the mental capacity of these two, the world would improve in an instant. Too bad that public transit was bedevilled with problems and you had a long walk home, but it looks like you had on strong, funky shoes to make it possible at least. It is reassuring that the sky which you portray in its various moods is a constant in our lives, and we carryon our daily routine under different bits of it. During the night we had a fierce storm with thunder and lightening, and it is forecast to rain some more. I was to lead a bird walk with a limit of four participants plus Miriam and me, but I may have to call it off. I don't have funky shoes anyway. Hugs and kisses from your Canadian devotee, David

    1. Thanks David! I am sure crows are much more intelligent and social than he who must not be named and others of his ilk. It was indeed a long walk home, but better than standing around for an hour with hundreds of others and then travelling in a tram packed with people like sardines in a tin! I love watching the changing sky, and it always reminds me of the saying Change is the only constant thing in life!' Sorry you don't have funky shoes, and that you might have to cancel your walk, that's a shame. Have a good day, whatever you get up to, hugs to you and M!

  6. Lovely tag. It would make a perfect advert for a Farmer's Market. Nice to be able to sit and enjoy your cuppoccino 😉 The outdoor restaurant spaces look very inviting. Here, they just throw picnic tables outside in the parking lot. No effort to make the space welcoming. We've done take out because eating in a restaurant parking lot spoils the ambiance for the Little Princess. Awesome sky photos. The talking crows made me laugh and the birds sitting in the trees look like musical notes. Take care and enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks CJ. The restaurants go to a lot of trouble here to make their outdoor terraces welcoming, and that's good. The crows sat and 'talked' to each other for about half an hour, it was too funny watching them. Enjoy your day, I'm off to put my feet up, it's nap time!

  7. Loved your dawn/dusk shots and bird shots VJ

  8. Love the tag. Hope you have a great day.

  9. I love your bright cheerful rooster tag. You have lot's of great restaurants and coffee stops to choose from. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Karen! We do indeed have a Lot of choices here, lots of temptation! Have a good week!

  10. Lovely farm tag. I like cheap places especially if the coffee is good. Lovely photos, interesting how the restaurants have adapted quickly to eating outside. We have a problem in Toronto as the weather gets nasty.

    1. Thanks Christine. Good coffee for less money is always good!

  11. Such a beautiful tag! I love the napkin with the rooster/chicken, so lovely just like your blog header at the moment 😁. I can see why that time of day is your favourite, the sunrises and sunsets are gorgeous! Happy T Day wishes and have a great new week! Hugs, Jo x

  12. Your tag is absolutely gorgeous! I love all your photos. I love evenings and early mornings too. Love the birds social distancing lol. Have a great week :)

    1. Thanks Martha! The birds seem to be more sensible than some people!

  13. I adore those shoes so much ❤️. With all the walking you do, and all the beautiful scenery you see, it's clear that I should hang out with you so I can get lots more exercise 😁 Great way to use leftovers too. Yummy 😋 Thanks for that amazing postcard!!! It smelled so good, and is lovely. I've been showing it off to everyone 💞

    1. Thanks Ro! They are my fave shoes! Glad you got the Postcard! Have a great week!

  14. That was one serious looking black cloud! Oh, the sunsets -- or rises. How beautiful. I can see why you love morning and evening. And smart to walk versus the crowded tram. And love the chicken tag!

    1. Thanks, I've never Seen such a black cloud! Walking was surely better than being stuck in with so many people. Have a great week!

  15. I hope the expanded patio seating I'm seeing stays with us after the pandemic lessens. I'm a big fan of outdoor seating :) I love your crow photos and your skies!

  16. Beautiful art about the farm! Love it. I would not want to ride a crowded subway, either.

    1. Thanks! Crowded subways are never good, and especially just now!

  17. That's a rather resplendent rooster tag you have made. I love a pastry topped pie, yours looks yummy. I wonder how the imminent inclement weather will affect the trade of cafés and people sitting outside? Have a great week! Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. Most Cafés have rain protection and offer blankets for when it's chilly. Many also have heating for outside. You have a great week, too!

  18. Your tag is wonderful and I love your theme pick.
    I think that's perfect to enjoy food at a restaurant outdoors-On a food network show they were doing that too setting up outdoor eating to be able to serve people safely.
    great restaurants near you!
    I love those soft colors in many of your sky photos. Happy Monday here for me right now (a holiday weekend here in the states) and Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Enjoy your Holiday. Happy T Day and have a great week.

  19. Wow!!!
    Love your header and your beautiful art... gorgeous!!!
    Love these stunningly beautiful photos!!!
    You are so talented and see beauty and capture it no matter how you are being creative.

    Hugs 🍂☕🍁

    1. Thanks Jan, there is so much beauty around us. Have a great week.

  20. A great tag Valerie, I will try and join in this time.
    Great photos and I think those crows must have fallen out by the looks of the las photo of them.
    Have a good week, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. It looked like a married couple quarreling! Have a great week.

  21. Your tag is so beautiful and vibrant Valerie! And I love your photos, especially the birds and skies! Morning and evening are the best times of day, I agree.
    Happy new week,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, glad you like it. Yes, mornings and evenings are really the best!

  22. Your poulet is wonderful. I love the napkin you used on the tag and the added embellishments, to. I'll look through my stash and see what I can find this week. I might actually be able to play this time.

    People watching while enjoying a drink, especially a cappuccino, is something I miss. It's simply not safe here and won't be until we all wear masks when we go out. Your outdoor shots showing how restaurants are now trying to accommodate customers are wonderful. Some seem to liven the tables better than others.

    WOW, your pot pie looks better than any I could make. I like the puff pastry top. It is making my mouth water because I've not eaten today.

    LOVE your photos today, the FIRST being my favorite. Thanks for sharing your farm animal tag, your walk home (better safe than sorry), your leftover pie, and your people watching cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I don't go out for coffee so much these days, but I do enjoy it when I can. The pie was really yummy, it's a good way of making more from a few leftovers. Have a great week, take care!

  23. What a beautiful, colorful tag Valerie, I love the napkins you used and your fabulous stitching! It looks like you have many restaurants/cafe close by... I would love to have places within walking distance. Gorgeous photos, love the social distancing one, so cute! Take care, Hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. We have lots of stores, cafes and restaurants here, and several castles, but only one, small supermarket! The birds behave better than some people!

  24. Oh I need some rest too, Valerie! I love the rooster on the tag and the great photo of crows. Hugs, my dear friend.


  25. Lovely farm theme tag, Valerie. Great composition.

    So many restaurants serving - how nice. Our state is red again, so it will be a while before we see that here.

    Beautiful photos. I've never seen such a black cloud! I laughed at the social distancing pigeons.

    Happy T-Day. Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen, sorry you can't get out there. The cloud was really black, and it never even rained! Stay safe!

  26. Great bird silhouettes! I enjoyed your post about your town.

    be well... mae at

  27. That is a lovely tag.
    Wonderful collection of photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, glad you liked it. Have a great day!

  28. Lovely post and art. I so enjoy the photos of your town. The shops, the eateries all of the places seem so nice.

    1. There are indeed a lot of nice places, here and in town. Have a safe week, Nicole!

  29. That's a fabulous colourful tag Valerie, reminds me of a traditional country kitchen. You've made me question if I have anything *Farm* related within my greedy crafty stash.
    In awe of those clouds, now that's a picture I could paint clouds fascinate me..
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! Perhaps a nice Cat or a Dog or a mouse?

  30. Happy T day Valerie. I love the farm tag and the new theme. And it is nice to see the street photos as you had your cappuccino. And you pot pie dinner looks yummy. I love meals like that but not the hubby. And nice photos. I do think the ends of the day are always the best too. Now sunrise is getting later here as is sunset. Summer is really winding down. Have a great T day. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! The pot pie was very good, I might make another one this week! Yes, sunrise and sunset are getting nearer to each other. I'm happy that the light isn't waking me at 4 or 5 a.m. these days! Happy T Day!

  31. Your pie looks yumm-me. I used to hear rooster crowing about 3AM in the morning but not anymore now i hear the rumbling of garbage trucks about 3.30 AM
    Happy Tuesday Valerie


    1. The pie was yummy indeed, I love using up leftovers. Roosters are better than garbage trucks!

  32. because of the quick actions of your president, your country can return to some normalcy, not here, as everyone knows. Denial of the facts doesn't help anything. Your pics are always so good, as is your art

    1. Too true. That awful man only knows how to help himself and increase his riches and power. He reminds me of he who must not be named.

  33. A lovely new header to match the farm theme for the tags. Yes, your tag is great.
    Beautiful pictures from your walks. That cloud does look very black!
    How far did you have to walk? I think I would also prefer it to a crowded tram or underground.
    Outdoor cafes and restaurants is the thing. But it will get cold soon and we shall have to stay home. But with a pie like you have made, who wants to go out! (That pie looks delicious!)
    Happy T-Day,

  34. Thanks Lisca! It was the blackest cloud I have ever seen! The walk home was about 10 ki!ometers, but better than the crowds! I'm planning another lie for the weekend! Have a great week!

  35. Gorgeous collage tag Valerie!! Love how you changed your header for the new theme too;) I'm so happy to see more restaurants providing outdoor seating- it makes it much nicer and safer for people wanting to get out for a bite.
    Your sunrise, sunset and moonlight photos are so beautiful. And that formidable black cloud is amazing.
    And my your special dinner pie looks yummy! Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda! It's a great Idea with the outside seating. Have a wonderful week.

  36. We have the same setup with restaurants here.

    1. That's good, it makes it possible to go out for a bite or a drink!

  37. Love the new header! Your tag is fabulous, love that rooster! Great view from your cafe seat - just watching the World go by! A lot of cafes here have introduced pavement tables and seating although some are in places that have restricted movement for prams, wheelchairs etc and there have been some complaints! I love your photos, that black cloud!!!!! A very belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  38. i adore this farm tag -- it is a stunning collage. i'll get my farm tag done very soon! sweet moon photos. xo


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