
Friday 25 September 2020


Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by and it's Friday once again - have a good one!

For Sandie's 'book-print' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag with printed paper in the background:

For Jo's challenge at AJJ I have another A3 mixed media page with a textured background. The centre-part was created with paint, Brushos, stencils and doodling. I added some 3D stickers to give more texture. I am also linking to PPF:

And some photos from this past week:

I visited the Nile geese and their young at Castle Kalkum, and the parents were very defensive of their young and sent them into the water:

This pair looked so happy together:

The colours of autumn are creeping in:

This was my view from the bench where I sat and ate my sandwiches, which I had to share with the birds:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Every single piece of your art and all of your photos are all totally frame worthy - beautiful Valerie!

    1. Thanks Martha, that#s so kind. Have a lovely day!

  2. Nice tag. That is a cool background book paper page. It has a circus feel almost. And great page for Jo's challenge at AJJ. I love the bold splashes of color and the texture on the page. That's a great quote too. Thanks for joining us again. It's been a fun month, hasn't it? It looks like a nice day on your walk photos too. Have a wonderful end of the week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, much appreciated, have a lovely day!

  3. Lovely tag and journal page, that is a great quote. Looks like a lovely calm day for your walk, the reflections in the water where you had your lunch are beautiful.

    1. Thanks a lot. We have had good weather, but now it seems to be changing. Have a great day!

  4. Oh ducks again! How lovely!!!!!!!
    Valerie, you are so talented! I do not know which one of your creations I like more. Both the tag and the page are GORGEOUS!!! Hugs, my friend.

    1. Thanks a lot Mia.I love ducks and geese and birds, as you ma have noticed. Have a great day!

  5. Lovely tag and page. Stay away from defensive geese!

    1. Thanks, I will! They can get really aggressive! Have a lovely day!

  6. Hi Val, good morning. Just got up and am enjoying my first coffee while the littl'uns are still sleeping, lovely. Love your beautiful tag and journal page, you really make splendid art. Great walking pics, too. Have a great day, take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks a lot. Hope your day stays quiet. Take care when you go out. Hugs to all!

  7. Love the tag! Made me somehow think of Ernest Hemingway and Africa, not sure why. Happy PPF!

  8. Dein Tag ist toll und den Regenschirm brauche ich heute bei dem Wetter! Die Journalseite ist wunderschön so romantisch mit den Farben und das Zitat klasse ausgedacht.
    Schön wieder deine Fotowelt!
    Ich wünsche dir ienen schönen Freitag
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke. Hier ist es grau und windig und kalt, aber noch trocken. Dir einen schönen Tag, pass auf dich auf!

  9. I love your twist on what I call the Tim Holtz Man with Umbrella. Oh, aren't Brusho such fun? That water is so still in your reflection photos. Have a lovely day, and stay well, Deb

    1. Hi Deb. Brushos are indeed fun, and as I like surprises, they are always good for them. The umbrella man is one of my fave die cuts. It's nice to get reflections on a still day - today is grey and windy, so not the same! have a good and safe day!

  10. Love your tag, great use of patterns. Adore the soft colours in your journal page, beautiful. Have a great weekend. x

    1. Thanks Anesha, much appreciated! Stay safe!💖💖

  11. Super fantastic post as always.... have a lovely weekend. x

  12. Good morning Your Exalted Valerieness: Brushes, stencilling and doodling you say! Now, I think I could get right into that! I am sure that if I put my mind to it I could doodle with the best of them. David the Doodler I might be called - in fact Miriam might agree that the moniker fits! I am glad to note that you are still communing with the geese and ducks, and even though you bring only good will and sandwich crumbs, one cannot hold it against the Nile Geese that they are protective of their young. All humans are not so benign, especially those with aggressive dogs allowed to be out of their control. The images around the moat are quite fabulous with the reflections in the water. You will have to add an image of yourself gazing wistfully into the limpid pools. I am quite sure we would all enjoy seeing that. The weekend is upon us so what better time to do it? I hope you are able to relax and enjoy whatever you plan, including putting your feet up a little and taking a nap or two. If I lived close by I would come over, bring wine and cheese, and we could nibble and share bons mots. We will have to be content with doing it in the ether, Valerie! Enormous hugs, COVID or not! David

    1. Hi David, thanks for the smiles. Your fun comments are always the highlight of my not very exciting days!Kalkum is a lovely place, and I will visit again at the weekend if the weather permits, as they are threatening us with very autumnal weather and strong winds. I hope we get some rain. Amazon just sent my new mouse. the poor thing fell off the desk yesterday and somebody - whose name I will not mention - trod on it. Mouse kaputt, Valerie sad, new one was ordered straightaway and is now working for me, yesssssssss! Wine and cheese sounds good. I've got cheese and Cola, so will have to make do with that, as David does not live round the corner. A hug would be good, too! Anyway, sending you both lots of virtual ones! Have a great day!

  13. Lots of green this time - in your art and photos.
    Have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks, soon it will be autumn and the colours change! Have a good weekend!

  14. Your talent is so amazing! Every piece of artwork you do is truly lovely and so creative. Thanks for the perfect scenery shots too! Hope you're feeling well and sending some hugs from across the way! RO

    1. Thanks Ro, much appreciated, especially the hugs! Stay safe!

  15. Wow, Valerie, your creations are beautiful. Love the patterns on the first - makes me think a lot about how things around us influence us. Your AJJ creation makes me think of the influence we have on others. Love that you tied in the concept of how we color others lives. I have to tell you that you have colored mine - I discovered your blog during the pandemic and have enjoyed seeing your world and your area - your posts are refreshing and make me feel not so isolated.

    Love the pictures of the moat - very interesting and cool!!!!


    1. Thanks Nancy. Blogging has been a big help to me during this bad time with Corona, life would have been very grey without it! Seeing how and where others live broadens our horizons and shows us people and ideas we would otherwise never have met, this way we can really colour each other's lives. The moat at Kalkum is nice. Here in our little town the moat is now a park and playground, surrounded by the ancient walls, I like it. Have a great day, and enjoy your weekend, hugs!

  16. Beautiful birds photos, have a lovely weekend!

  17. Thanks Laurie. The geese and other birds are often better parents than some humans! Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  18. Your Mr. Umbrella tag is fabulous and I'm loving all the texture on your page too! The Brusho bursts look amazing and I'm in awe that you achieved such a pure white with the stenciling and words as Brushos always seem to bleed into everything for me 😀. Gorgeous photos too, the autumn colours and leaves are captured beautifully in your shots! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Art Journal Journey! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I gave the brushos a spray of clear binder, it still bleeds a bit but not quite as much. But the binder stinks! Happy Friday!

  19. Good morning Valerie, I love your art-they are always Wow for me.
    Gorgeous photos too loved all the ducks and the reflections you captured in the water. Happy Friday and weekend Hugs Kathy

  20. Wonderful quote. Lovely photos around the castle. The picture of the Mama Duck made me laugh after you said she sent all her children to the water. She doesn't look happy. Maybe she's jealous of the happy duck couple. Enjoy your day

    1. Thanks, I like it, too. The geese are very protective of their young, especially when people let their dogs run free!
      Have a nice day.

  21. Luv those 2 ducks hanging out, no social distancing needed there.
    Thanks for todays share of lovely art and photos Valerie
    Happy you dropped by my blog today


  22. OMG just read David's comment 😁
    "Good morning Your Exalted Valerieness:"


  23. I like your tags, especially the second one. Lovely views of your environment.

  24. Thanks a lot, stay safe and well.

  25. Gorgeous tag Valerie, I love the papers you used and stunning AJP, what a fabulous quote! Love the photos, the geese are beautiful creatures. Enjoy your weekend and stay safe.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, much appreciated! Geese and ducks are indeed beautiful, I love visiting them.Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  26. The page you made for AJJ & PPF is simply beautiful, Valerie! What a perfect quotte for Jo's AJJ challenge. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. Have a wonderful weekend, take care!

  27. Wow, what a gorgeous page and I love your tag as well! The photos are so full of charm too!

  28. Really gorgeous artwork Valerie, so colourful and really love that evocative quote too.
    Great photos and glad to see you had a good time and lovely weather. The trees here have lost a lot of their leaves before they've even had the chance to turn which is rather sad as I love the autumn colours so much.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

    1. Hi Fliss, nice to hear from you. Same here with a lot of the trees, the acorns are all empty, too - poor squirrels! Have a great weekend!

  29. Cute tag and your journal page is gorgeous. I love those brilliant colours. hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, colours are always so important. Have a safe weekend!

  30. Lovely tags and journal page, everything is so colourful.
    Always enjoy your photographs, and the trees are taking on their Autumn colours aren't they.

    All the best Jan

  31. So lovely and creative tag and journal page.
    You always amaze me with your artistic talents.
    These photos are exquisite!
    Wow!!! The architecture and bridge...all beautiful!

    Hugs ☕

  32. Lovely photos Valerie, and two gorgeous pieces of art!
    Have a great weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks a lot Alison, have a fun weekend. Stay safe!

  33. A great tag Valerie..I have that die too and I really should use it more often.My daughter used to tell me I had too much craft stuff so I forget what I have actually got, she was right, I forgot about this die until I saw your tag..naughty me,lol.

    1. Thanks Sandke. I am often surprised by dies and stamps I had forgotten!

  34. I like all the pattern in your tag and all that texture and color in your page. What a perfect quote for it! You have a great spot with good views no matter what the season :)

    1. Thanks! Yes, that's my favourite place for a break.

  35. I always love your versions of the Bowler Guy. And that quote you used is really perfect. I like that a lot. Beautiful walk photos, too. All good. Happy weekend!

  36. you took book print art to a whole new level by also using the paper piecing with the images. fabulous! love it, take care, xo

    1. Thanks, I had fun with this one and got rid of paper I didn't really know how to use! Stay safe!

  37. Another delightful bookpage tag, and your page for Jo's texture theme is wonderful. From the Schweitzer quote - fantastic - to the gorgeous framing texture and explosions of colour in the central panel it is a rainbow treat. Happy PPF too!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. Sometimes I need colour! Have a great week!

  38. I just love that page you did for AJJ - the colours and the imagery really work and I love the quote you chose for the illustration.
    A great tag - love how you have represented the umbrella man - fab!
    As always I thoroughly enjoyed your photographs, especially the Nile Ducks at Castle Kalkum.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  39. Love this tag with all it's pattern ~ Wonderful ~ and so is the mallard couple ~ Too sweet! Love, Karen


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