
Thursday 24 September 2020

Crops and farming- Rain's TAD

Hi Everybody!

Rain's theme today is 'crops and farming'.

I'm starting off with a piece I made inspired by a painting from Wilhelm Morgner, which can be seen in the Kunstpalast Art Museum in Düsseldorf. It's called 'The Sower'  I didn't paint mine, but composed the picture from pieces of torn paper  sewn together:

And this is the original from Wilhelm Morgner, and I loved this painting from the first time I saw it back in the 1970s:

Van Gogh also painted lots of pictures with crops/harvest themes, which always remind me of the verse in Genesis 8:22, 

'While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”

Living here outside town I am confronted everyday by fields, farms, crops and animals, which I love to see:

This is the farm at the end of the road where I live:

I love the changing face of the landscape at various times of the year:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What an amazing piece of art you created, love it! All the photos are beautiful too. I especially like seeing the horses, they are so gorgeous! I can wait to see your photos through the fall :)

    1. Thanks Martha. I enjoy walking around and taking pics. Stay well and safe!

  2. Love your sower, very clever. Living at the edge of town you get to enjoy the seasons and natures changes. Nice to have the horses nearby and to be able to see the farmer working.

    1. Thanks. I like living here, it's a good place to be!

  3. Lots of wonderful art today Valerie. Your collaged piece is just gorgeous. And nice farm photos too. You certainly really covered the theme today. Have a great Thursday. Hugs-Erika

  4. Fabulous photos of life on the farm, so real. also your artistic desires have gone beyond imaginations of all. Love it. xxx

  5. I loved your art, Van Gogh, and all the photos. I am a farm girl at heart-my Mom was raised a farm girl I have always been more country than city Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. I grew up in the middle of London! Have a great day!

  6. Lovely examples of crops and farming both in art and photos.

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good night. Love all your work today, the sower you sewed (sounds strange) is so good, a wonderful piece of art. Have a fantastic day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Glad you like it. It's a great theme, and one which is always present here. Have a happy day!

  8. OH he's a wonderful artist and I love his use of color and dimension in his work but yours is like WOW! I love the torn paper and sewn edges! The walk about is just so fun - the piggy peeking out of the stall! I hope that's a pet and not dinner :) And I love that spotted horse - such a wonderful coloring! God's own paintbrush at work! Hugs! xo

    1. Thanks Kelly. Glad you like my piece, too. The spotted horse is fun - nature is the best artist. Have a great day, hugs!

  9. Da hast du dir ein wunderbares Bild von dem Künstler aus gesucht und dein Bild passt wunderabr ins moderne gebracht dazu.Klasse mit den Nähten und die kräftige Farben!
    Wunderschön die Landwirtschaft mit den Feldern und den Strohballen,Sonnenblumenfelder ach herrlich wenn sie sich wiegen im Wind ich mag es und mit all den Tieren. Ich bin froh mehr auf dem Land zu wohnen wie in der Großstadt.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag und pass auf dich gut auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ja, es ist schön mehr auf dem Land als in der Stadt zu wohnen. Hier bin ich schnell in der Stadt mit der Bahn, aber mitten in der Natur, und das ist gut. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  10. The colors of your work are amazing!

  11. Great interpretation and technique today. Loving all your photos of the Autumn countryside, my favourite time of year. Have a lovely day, hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, it's my fave season, too! Have a great day!

  12. What a wonderful job you did in reproducing that picture so faithfully. Talent just oozes from your pores, my dear! And thanks for showing us all the Van Gogh paintings, that poor, demented soul who died in misery and in poverty. Perhaps the only joy he derived from life was to paint. It is staggering to contemplate the sums for which his paintings sell at auction today. My fingers get tired from writing all the zeros. I can see why you always enjoy seeing the horses, Valerie. My word they are splendid creatures. In one of the barns where we monitored a colony of Barn Swallows they had two horses and they would snuggle up against you just like pet dogs - not always a good thing when you were on a ladder checking nests! The harvest is obviously well advanced, as it is here too. We are about to start making soups using local produce, and we are starting to wonder whether we need to stock up in a few things again as we seem to be entering a second phase of COVID. Yeast and flour are two items that spring to mind. They were at times hard to find during the first incarnation of the pandemic. I was due for cataract surgery that got cancelled by the restrictions on elective surgery imposed by the Coronavirus and I just got rescheduled for October for the left eye and November for the right eye. I hope it doesn't get cancelled again. Hope the rest of the day is fantastic for you. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Thanks David! I think if anything oozes from my pores it's probably coffee! I often think of van Gogh and his miserable life in spite of his enormous talent. Life's often not fair. Yes, stocking up again might be a good idea, things are hotting up again on the Corona front here. I hope you are able to get your cataract OPs done, that makes such a huge difference to be able to see clearly again. I can just imagine you up a ladder checking nests and being budged by loving horses! Harvest is over now, they are sowing the winter crops now. Hava a wonderful day, dear David, take care and hugs to you both!

    2. The horses were friendly as could be, Valerie, but if you get into a shoving match with a 1,500lb horse it's pretty obvious who the winner will be!

    3. Even friendly horses are heavy. A horse stood on my foot once, the horse won!

  13. Beautiful sewn paper creation, Valerie. Wonder what he is carrying - a giant melon or gourd or rock or emotional burden. So cool! Your version is happier, both are wonderful. Love all your painting shares and pictures of the farm and season. Such a lovely post. Many hugz

    1. Thanks a lot, have a wonderful day, take care and stay safe!

  14. Beautifully created art of a colorful and wonderful painting. You got everything right and your stitching was the perfect touch!
    The whole theme for your post today was perfection!!!

    Hugs and Stay Safe 🍂☕🍁

  15. A lovely Thursday spread. Abd i luv the quote from the Bible

    Happy Thursday


  16. I love your stitchery version of the painting. I also love Van Gogh.

  17. Always intricate and beautiful.

  18. Terrific piece that you created, and I love all the farm photos. Enjoy the day ~


  19. Van Gogh is one of my favorite Impressionist painters. Your works and photos are beautiful. Have a nice Friday:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, he is one of my faves, too! Stay safe!

  20. Those horses are so beautiful. And that goose and pig are just wonderful:) All your pieces have such a strong connection with the land.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

    1. I love seeing the horses, this is a good place for me to live! Stay safe!

  21. Each artist has a particular way of interpreting the theme, so even though each is a representation of Autumn each is different. Cool!

  22. Your fabric art is wonderful Valerie! Beautiful photos too!
    Keep safe and well,
    Alison xx

  23. Valerie,

    I like your artsy recreation using paper. It's a very good likeness of the original. :) Your photo captures are wonderfully earthy and the essence of this week's crops and farming theme - well done! I'd love to find such a place to photograph. I'm going to have to make time to slow it down when we're out. I'm sure there are places like this to capture. Have a wonderful weekend, my dear!

    1. Thanks Kathy. I'm lucky here to be surrounded by fields and farms. Have a great Weekend, Take care!

  24. Wow you nailed it. The art is amazing and all the great photos. you know I got stuck on the horse photos. Enjoy your day.

  25. What a clever art technique. Very nice results. hugs, Teresa

  26. Bleubeard and Elizabeth here using my friend's account. I STILL have NO phone or internet, but want you to know I appreciate you stopping by and leaving such kind comments. Sorry I didn't link the second tag I made last week.

  27. Horses, hay, geese and glorious art -- both yours and others. Very nice indeed!

  28. That "unknown" comment from Thursday morning is me (Nancy). My Grandson borrowed my computer and I couldn't figure out how to get it show me on comments until this morning - lol!

    1. Thanks, That's one mystery solved! I just got a new mouse and am trying to work it out, it has too many functions! Have a great day!

  29. Your crops and farming piece is awesome. Looks like the harvest is in full swing at the farm. Enjoy your day

  30. Such fabulous art and a wonderful collection of photographs.
    A M A Z I N G

    All the best Jan

  31. Where you are almost always the first to post a comment on my blog, I suspect I am probably almost always the last to comment on yours. My weeks seem so busy and yet I am not sure what it is that keeps me consumed. I love the Wilhelm Morgner piece, both your version and his. It speaks in such a subtle way to the hard work of the farmer. And to be honest I hadn't seen many of the VanGogh pieces that you have here. They are wonderful as are most of his works. Love your farm pictures. Love the animals, the horses and especially the pig peeking out over the door in the barn. It would seem that you live in a rural area ... I so envy you that. I love the farms and the farm animals. This was a lovely post, Valerie ... every week you outdo yourself :) Hope all is well ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea! I think there's a verse with the first shall be the last and the last shall be the first! That picture of the pig peeking over the barn door 'talking' to the goose was pure serendipity, a second later they had both disappeared. I live just outside Düsseldorf, in a tiny, ancient place by the Rhine, surrounded by fields and green, it's a good place to be. Have a good week,take care!

  32. There is such harmony to this entire post from the very first photo of your wonderful translation of the Morgner painting into fabric, so brilliantly done with the stitching adding such lovely texture - to the Morgner itself, to the Van Goghs (I'm not sure I'd consciously noticed how often he painted fields and field workers - though I know each of those paintings individually) to your photographs of the agricultural landscapes and farm workers closer to your home. It really made me very happy looking through all of it.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. Farming is always harmonious, I can calm down wandering these fields. Things like this keep me sane.

  33. Hi Valerie :)) I love your version of The Sower, how original to create it like that! I love the stitching too, did you do it all by hand? That's a lot of work! Van Gogh's work is always lovely to see, he's one of my favourites! I'm so happy to see the farm animal photos!! That little piggie is so cute looking out from the barn! And I'm a big fan of hay bales, it's just so "country" lovely photos!

    1. Thanks Rain, this is a theme I love, too! Have a great week!

  34. Absolutely gorgeous photographs. I love the farmyard ones, especially the one with the little piggy face peeking over the board. It made me smile from the inside and I felt a warm glow just looking at it. Valerie, you have the knack for taking photographs - you could make a fortune with the ones you do I am sure. Another one which I really liked was the crop growing in the field, not at all sure whether it is wheat or what but it is a lovely. photograph. There are too many to mention individually as they all have something about them.
    I just loved the paper piecing picture you did of the sower in the fields. What a fabulous rendition you made there. And I love how you linked the work of Morgner to Van Gogh the latter of who is a favourite of mine, especially i his potato eaters period.
    Thank you for a delightful post.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. That was a serendipitous photo with the piggy and the goose! Have a great week, stay safe!


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