
Friday 7 August 2020


Hi Everybody!

Had a busy day again although I didn't really do anything. It was very hot here, inside and out, so perhaps the time just melted away as I did!

For Alison's 'put a tag/pocket on it' Theme at AJJ I have another A3 mixed media piece. The pocket was made from an envelope that was originally filled with scented pearls. I sewed the centre piece, the tag and the pocket. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday. The animal die cuts are from LaBlanche:

And some photos from Hofgarten, always a good place to hang out in warm weather:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great art work again Valerie, the jungle give you a hot humid feeling, good for this week as we are cold and wet, have had snow in some places and we had hail. I know it is winter it it is a surprise after a week of almost spring weather. Love your park and farm photos.

    1. Thanks a lot. There was even snow? Oh m, it must be cold, it's much too hot here - let's swap!

  2. Beautiful tag page and lovely refreshing photos.

  3. Nice pocket and tag. I like the tropical jungle theme. That is fun. The animals are cool additions. And the Hofgarten looks like a great place to walk.I'm excited to meet a friend and walk a rail trail tomorrow. Something different for a change. But I think the dogs will be sad as they have to stay home. Happy Friday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Have fun when you meet your friend to walk, that's nice. I miss having company on my walks, too. Poor doggies! Look after yourself!

  4. Wow Valerie this is really a wonderful piece of art. It is warm here for a few hours during the afternoon. It rains at night and is only about 59° when I get up at 4 or 5 AM. You had a nice walk thanks for sharing the photos.

    1. Thanks Nicole. The weather everywhere is different. We'e in for sweltering days for a week or so! Take care!

  5. More lovely artwork with your tag, and the pictures of the sky are just wonderful, Valerie. Hope you're feeling better these days! Hugs, RO

    1. Hi Ro, nice to see you. Thanks, I'm slowly feeling better, but still need more rest than usual. Have a wonderful day! Take care.

  6. Love all the beautiful animals in your photos and your artwork! So nice! Happy PPF!

  7. That journal page is awesome. It is SO dimensional. I want to reach out and touch it. It's beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us using Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey. I especially like how you recycled the sachet bag and turned it into an amazing pocket. The toucan tag was beautiful, too.

    The sculpture in your walk reminds me of a Henry Moore. And of course, you know I HAD to say something about the black swans, my favorite fowl. SO glad they are doing well. I hope the babies have made it, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glAD you like it. The sculpture IS from Henry Moore. The black swn babies are all grown up and doing well. Have a wonderful day!

  8. *wow* ist das schön was ganz aussergewöhnliches mit den Tieren und Pflanzen, die Tasch darauf zu nähen ist klasse da wäre ich nie drauf gekommen. der Tag ach fabelhaft sieht es aus. Du bliebst eine Künstlerin ich kann von dir noch viel lernen.
    Der Hofgarten, ach wie süss die Jungen zu sehen und all die Vögelarten. Das Hummelchen wie es brummt und eifrig ist. Überall sieht man die Mähdrescher jetzt, ich musste gestern direkt an einen vorbei fahren war das ein Staub!
    Die Hitze ist jetzt auch bei uns an gekommen aber natürlich nicht so schlimm wie bei dir! Das langt mir schon!
    Pass auf dich gut auf und schwitz nicht davon, was macht dein Rücken hoffentlich besser wieder.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ich mag eben gerne Nähen! Hofgarten ist immer einen Besuch wert, so viel zu sehen und erleben. Es ist schon sehr heiß hier, über 30° und es ist nocht nicht 9 Uhr....Ich gehe jetzt spazieren vor es noch wärmer wird! Bleib gesund, pass auf dich auf!

  9. Lovely post and spectacular pics again. The days go so quickly for me and now in lock down again they seem to go quicker, busy all the time.... Have a good weekend. ♥🎊

    1. Thanks Annie! We need to keep busy through these difficult times, it makes things bearable!👩😍

  10. Hofgarten looks like a fun place to visit. The pictures of harvest are so evocative of Autumn days ahead. Your artwork today makes me think of those great Victorian explorers, and maybe even a little of Marianne North.

    1. Thanks Deb! The harvest here gets earlier each year, perhaps because of the heat and dryness. I remember seeing an exhibition of Marianne North at Kew Gardens when I was at school in London, thanks for the memories. I love her work. Have a great day, take care!

  11. What a fabulous exotic page - your pocket is completely gorgeous, with those vintage bird images, and I love all the colourful ribbons on the tag popping out of it.

    It was certainly very warm when we were staying with our friends near Bonn last week - if I hadn't been out for my walk by 10am, it was too hot to do it! It's a little cooler here in the Czech Republic at the moment, and we're not forecast to get quite the same high temperatures as much of the rest of Europe (which is the opposite of normal). Glad to see you are finding time to get out and about though - the harvest is looking good here too.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison! Last week was warm, this week is really hot. I had 30° in my flat at 8 a.m. Outside it's going up and up.....Happy weekend! Stay safe!

  12. Love your creation, such lovley images and details. Stay safe and cool.

  13. A gorgeous, interesting page and tag , I spent a while looking at all the animals and birds you included. Thank you for adding this to Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Super photos from your walk, the water birds seem so content swimming about while the humans must be suffering from the heat.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I wish I had a lake to swim in! Look after yourself!

  14. I can see that it was Ornithology Day at Balconia-by-the-Rhine, both from an artistic standpoint, with birds adorning the tags you made and a whole plethora of the real thing down by the lake. It will come as no surprise to you that the main topic of appreciation for me is the presence of glorious Canada Geese. Hip Hip Hooray did I hear you shout? And look at all their offspring in various stages of development! How wonderful they are! Black Swans and barnyard geese are ignominious by comparison. Do you remember a while ago I blogged about Lily, Heather and Shane's baby? Well, today we get to meet her - at a safe distance of course. Heather is going to "wear" her and we will all go for a walk together. Maybe we will see Canada Geese. Gotta start 'em young with the good stuff, Valerie. See you tomorrow! David

    1. Hi David, glad you appreciate my artistic support of the aviation population of the world! I think you would like our Hofgarten, it's always wonderful to see so many birds of all sorts, large and small, flocking together and (mostly) peacefully. The geese do have their hissy fits sometimes and the swans their tantrums, but mostly it's okay! Yes I remember you telling us about the baby. Have fun visiting the new world citizen, I wish her lots of luck and blessings in this life. Have a great day!

    2. That should of course be 'avian' and not aviation, spell Checker has been up to tricks!

  15. This is fantastic. I love the 3D elements and the depth you have achieved. Hugs, Teresa

  16. Thanks Teresa, much appreciated! Have a great day!

  17. Wonderful pictures! Today it is sooo hot, too! Stay safe and healthy everyone ☺

    1. Thanks Natalia, we have to try to stay coooool!

  18. Happy Friday Valerie, luv your photos and art. The stitching on your tag art adds so much interest.


  19. oooo the bird with reflection in the water makes me want to get out my sketchbook... your photos are always lovely and tell a story

  20. I love your mixed media art. A friend of mine used to create that type of art.

  21. Wow! That's a gorgeous tropical page for my theme at AJJ Valerie! Thanks for joining in.
    I love your photos too!
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, glad you like it! Enjoy your Weekend!

  22. Your pocket tag really adds depth to your page. The humidity dropped here for a day or so, but will be on the rise over the weekend. It will feel like your tropical page looks. The geese strutting their stuff made me smile and the goslings are so cute. I love the busy bee in the thistle. I haven't seen many bees around here. 🙁 The black swan is really beautiful. I've never seen a black swan around here. Stay cool and have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ. It's tropical here, too, 35° outside but only 34° inside!😅 I n a week it should cool down...

  23. The sculpture looks big! All the little bird families this time of year... Sweet to watch :)

  24. What a gorgeous page Valerie, I love the jungle theme with all of the beautiful die cuts you used! Awesome pictures of all of the birds, what a great way to cool off near the water. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! Those birds are living in a lovely place! Have a great weekend!

  25. Beautiful page! I love the tag and pocket that you created, the images are gorgeous 😁. Loving all those photos too, looks like you've been having a fun time! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  26. Gorgeous card design, layout and colors. Wow love all the fabulous pictures, thanks for sharing them.

    Hugs Diane

  27. I'm glad you had a nice day :)

  28. These are nice, I like that you sew most of these instead of using glue or other things.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks Lissa, I love sewing and it's better than using chemical stuff. Have a great weekend!

  29. This is fabulous, so much to see here. It's been sticky hot here today too, not very nice at all. Take care and have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, very hot here, too and it's getting hotter tomorrow!

  30. Hi Valerie, you to the TGIF words right out of my mouth.. boy am I glad the weekend is now here. Your tropical journal page is very fitting with the heat, the lazy lion reminds me of Freya hee hee.. I too feel like i've melted into the day it's still 26deg here @ 11.15pm crazy temps. Lovely pics again, especially the Bee, I wonder if they feel the heat with their fluffy coats..??
    Happy PPF Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S I bet that envelope smells lovely :)

  31. Love your page for AJJ- what wonderful imagery and layers! Of course, it's a given that I so enjoy your photos out and about as well. be well, and happy PPF!

  32. Ir felt like a jungle here earlier this week! I love your page. Love a lion!

    1. It's like a jungle here, too. But no lions....


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