
Thursday 6 August 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Challenge and more

Hi Everybody!

Today I have some pieces for various challenges, so this post is a bit  rather long.
Rain's theme this week is 'abstract'. I found a definition on Wikipedia:
'Abstract art is art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect. Wassily Kandinsky. Cossacks 1910–1. Tate. Strictly speaking, the word abstract means to separate or withdraw something from something else.'

My idea of abstract art is to use shapes like circles, squares, rectangles, geometric forms, combined with one another and in colours that I like. Here I have a few examples of artwork made by me in recent times. One thing I like to do is to take calendar pictures with modern art and cut them art to make new pieces. Here I cut strips and wove them together:

Then I added it to a white A3 page and added the dancers and text with stencils:

This piece was made in the same fashion:

Here I started with a huge sheet of white carton and painted the background before adding the circles with diluted acrylics:
I cut a strip off to make it the right size to make a book cover for a journal. The strips that were over were used to make bookmarks;

The painted squares here were used to make an art tote for storing large paintings:

Here I painted irregular squares and oblongs, added some stenciling, then some sewing and made it into a cover for an A3 journal: 

The finished journal:

This piece was also used to make a cover for a journal - I like to make art that I can use:

This was made into another art tote:

A journal page:

Parts of another journal page:

At Tag Tuesday our them this time is Christmas, chosen by Pinky. Not really my theme, but I am trying. (Sometimes my teachers at school said I was very trying....)
I made a selection of mini tag-cards to hang on little presents for my neighbours - not really exciting, but the theme fits! They are each 2" x 2":

Courage, dear friends - this is the last challenge for today - a journal page for Alison's 'Put a tag/pocket on it' challenge at AJJ. The page was painted, stenciled and collages. the little cameos on the sunflowers were made from coffee-pods which I painted and stamped. The tag is the reverse of a clothes-tag that I have re-used:

As I was going to bed on Tuesday evening I saw the moon and snapped a quick photo with my telephone:

And this was the beautiful sunrise today (Wednesday) which I watched while drinking my first, wonderful coffee of the day:

Well done to all who got through it all!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your book cover is spectacular and I adore your bookmarks. All the art, of course, is lovely and I really appreciate your abstracts, which are so colorful and make me smile. But the cover and marks -- the best!

  2. You have such great ideas for reusing things Valerie. Love your covered journals. I see there are planes flying over you there, we don't hear them much these days.

    1. Thanks. We are near the airport, so unfortunately lots of planes! Stay safe!

  3. Oh this was a fun post and not too long. I remember most of these abstract pieces but they were a pleasure to see again. I have a hard time wrapping my brain around abstract and so seeing the shapes and weavings all together makes more approachable for me. And nice Christmas tags. My parents always said ( and my mother still now) tells me I can be trying also. And I love the piece for Alison's challenge. I like the shapes and the very traditional looking silhouettes. Thanks for linking up. And have a great Thursday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Glad to meet another 'trying' person! Have a great day, stay safe!

  4. YAY abstract my favorite. I remember most of these piece. The first one my fave. Wonderful photos too.

  5. You have really captured the abstract theme with your pieces. the Christmas tags are so good. Lovely page for AJJ and stunning photos as always.

    1. Thanks Christine. Have a wonderful day. 'See you' at Rain's later!

  6. Love seeing your fabulous creative makes, stunning all of it..xx

  7. I remember most of your abstracts, but I really enjoyed seeing them again. There were even a couple I have somehow missed (or maybe forgotten).

    Those tiny tags are really clever. I think they will make great TO/FROM cards, too.

    I'm really impressed with the journal page you created for Alison's theme. I like how you combined warm and cool colors and came up with this great entry. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey.

    Beautiful moon shot and sunrise shots, too. I'm off to finish my Abstract post now.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Glad you liked what I have put together. Have a wonderful day!

  8. Faszinierende Ideen, die sprudeln bei dir nur so raus. Jedes einzelne Bild, Tags, Abstraktes sind wundershcöne Kunstwerke.
    Schön deine Fotos von der morgendlichen Sonnen aufgang und Mond!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag und pass auf dich auf bei der Hitze!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Sonne und Mond sind für mich immer sehr speziell, und ich schaue morgens gerne zu wenn die Sonne aufgeht! Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  9. Hi Va, good morning! What a lovely post, full of goodies from start to finish. Great art and wonderful photos. We saw the moon, too, it was beautiful, but I'm never up with the sun unless it has to be! The kids have settled in well again. The main bathroom is still a building-site, but we've got the smaller one to use, so we will have to manage! Take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, Glad you're getting along at home, and hope that the builders will work super quickly and well! Take care!

  10. Morning Valerie, what a super post just what I needed whilst nursing my first cuppa of the day before I head off for my last care duties of the week. Beautiful blues in the first piece, the weave transforms them even more especially set against a white backdrop. My favourite had to be the etcetera piece with those scrummy pops of orange.
    Nice addition of the words on your tag for AJJ, we all need to do much more of things we love especially when it's art.. and finally your tags are very sweet, perfect size for gift tags. Take good care of yourself, i'll be round for a catch up this weekend, look forward to seeing more amazing snapshots of scenery Hugs Tracey xx

  11. Thanks Tracey, look after yourself as well as others!

  12. Not too long at all, full of lovely arty things you've done. Isn't paper weaving fun? You never know how it will turn out, so it's usually a lovely surprise. Even if the Christmas tags aren't quite your thing, they are going to be loved by your neighbours! The vibrancy of the colours on your journals is eye catching. Enjoy filling them with more of your creativity. Have a tremendous Thursday!

    1. Thanks Deb! Paper weaving is really fun, I used to do it with the kids at school. We always collected old calendars and used the pictures from them, and they had such fun weaving, arranging, re-arranging! Thanks for the kind words! I'm off out now before it gets even hotter. Have a great day, stay safe!

  13. Especially love the A3 Journal cover. The shapes of the blocks and colours used with the occasional words and the linking of the shapes looks very striking. The first photo where you cut the magazine page up is lovely with those gorgeous shades of blue, something I like to do also (weaving the strips), and then you added the stencilled figures and it was a striking page.
    Lots more followed, love your journal page for AJJ and the photographs taken with your phone. Very atmospheric.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks so much Neet. Using blocks of colours is somehow a very satisfying way to paint, and weaving is always magical. Have a great day, hope you are feeling better!

  14. Your mind must be percolating with ideas all the time, Valerie. It is amazing to me what you can come up with. Your abstract art is very appealing and has a whole sense of colour and symmetry to it. I am quite sure that the compartment of my brain concerned with this kind of creativity is devoid of cells, for I could never dream up the items you produce, let alone actually make them. It is a pleasure each day to see what you have for us to see. The sunrise you experienced is fantastic and no doubt your first coffee got all the neurons fired up for the day that awaited you. Until the next time hugs and kisses from your friend, David.

    1. Thanks David, perhaps it's the percolating coffee that keeps my mind going! I'm sure you could do a lot if you had the time for it, but it's not as if you sit all day twiddling your thumbs. We all look forward to your bird articles, and I am green with envy every time I see you have seen ospreys or eagles or aureoles. The sunrise is always beautiful, different and yet the same day for day, it makes my early starts each day worthwhile. It's very ho here, and will be so for the next week or so, not what I like, as my apartment heats up dreadfully, and more than 30 degrees inside is not good! But we have to accept what we can't change. Have a wonderful day amongst your birds, butterflies and hopefully muffins from Miriam! Hugs!

  15. Wow ~ What a wonderful post of different abstracts. I love the idea of cutting up calendar images to make into an abstract collage. I appreciate art that is useful too and love what you've created here. Your mini Christmas tags are wonderful ~ Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Karen. Cutting up and putting together again is always fun! And things I can use are my faves. You have a great day, too and stay safe!

  16. Such wonderful creations, love the book cover. Have a great day.x

  17. Valerie,

    I can tell by all of your abstract art examples that you had tons of fun putting these together. I said it once and I'll say it again, my brain doesn't seem to work well doing such things. I betcha you are good with puzzles, are you? That's the way I see abstract pieces of something that I can't put together easily. Maybe I try too hard and should just go with the flow allowing myself to get lost instead of thinking logically or within bounds. Perhaps, I'll find a way to cut loss to do just that. Thanks for enlightening post with all of your wonderful art pieces. Have a artastic day!

    1. Thanks Kathy. I am not good with puzzles, at least, puzzles are something I never do. Abstract art is more about separating than putting together. Just try with some shapes and see how you can arrange them, they don't need to fit together! Just play! Have a great day, take care!

  18. Fabulous art creations and I love the 'abstract' ones with the shapes and pieces linked together to create a super new look.
    Awesome photos of the moon as well. I hope you are keeping well and safe.
    Yvonne xx.

  19. Thanks Yvonne! Have a great day, look after yourself!

  20. Cool abstracts. I really like the weaving. As always, your sunrise photos are awesome.

  21. These are beautiful. You have the eye for design I wish I did. I settle for Canva templates, call it done!

    1. Thanks Jacqui! Templates are always fun to use. Have a great day, stay safe and thanks for visiting!

  22. You do abstract well.
    Love the mini cards.
    Great shots, as always.

    1. Thanks Sandra, have a great day, stay safe and well!

  23. I love your idea of making art that you can use ... and then the rest of the world gets a chance to see your creations when you take them places. All of these pieces are beautiful each in it's own way. I love the sun flowers (I think I have a thing for sunflowers because they always draw my attention). I love the blues and greens of the book cover and book marks but my favorite is your first one with the dancers and the feathers. The whole creation is amazing. Love it all, Valerie ... you never disappoint :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea, much appreciated. Your words do me good. My mum always said I had been a disappointment to her from the time I was born, so it's good to hear something different. Have a great week, stay safe!

  24. I love all of your art Valerie, and thanks for linking your tag page to my theme at AJJ. Gorgeous photos of the sky too.
    Alison xx

  25. I like your abstract art. The interwoven one is nice. And I love the dancers, too.

  26. Happy Thursday Valerie, lots of nice abstracts.

    much love...

  27. I like your woven bits and those feather dancers made me smile. I like the vibrant colours of the piece with blue and orange. Your Christmas tags are lovely and elegant. hugs, Teresa

  28. Awesome art work today Valerie! I love your fabulous woven piece with the rich blue colors! Beautiful blue & green journal cover, the circles are so fun! Cute mini Christmas tags also. Gorgeous photos of the sunrise, awesome silhouette effect.
    Take care & stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks for the nice words Tammy, much appreciated. Have a great day, take care! Hugs!

  29. I got through it and I thoroughly enjoyed your post :)

    Fabulous abstract art, wonderful colours.
    One of our sons always enjoyed abstract art themes at school, still to this day I can remember the amazing pieces he came up with.

    I like your Christmas tags too.

    Happy Friday Wishes ... where do the days of the week go!?

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, today was hot and the time just melted away!

  30. A brilliant post on the subject of abstract art. I love your geometric take on the idea. (I get a bit cross with the current use of "abstract" in the online art/craft world when they are referring to a painting where you can clearly see what the subject is, but it's just a bit messy!) The woven piece really appeals to me, and I particularly love the art journal extract photos.

    I think your tiny festive tags are really sweet (I find Christmas impossible to deal with craft-wise in the middle of summer!) and the tag page is great - love those floral petals around the portrait frames.

    I've been dwelling on your skyscape photos... heavenly (in all sorts of ways!).
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison! One of my pupils in art class at school said, ' abstract is when it's sort of colourful but mad so you can't recognise what it is.' I thought it was a fab description!

  31. I love the woven abstracts, and also the way you arrange the shapes to make your art. The compositions are wonderful, and I like how you use your work to create totes and book covers... Kandinsky is a favorite of mine. Non-representational art appeals to me for some reason :) People work so hard to _make_ there be a recognizable subject, and I find it freeing to look at art that isn't a picture of something.

    1. If I want an exact image of something I take a photo, apart from that I prefer abstracts!

  32. Such beautiful abstract art! The woven blue painted papers with the lovely dancers are perfect and the Christmas tags are a delight too 😁. Your journal page is amazing, the cameos with the orange petals are gorgeous and I love the quote - so true! The sunrise is spectacular, thanks for sharing as I don't think I'd ever be up as early as you to see it ... lol 😀. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I love the sunrise, but sometimes I would like to sleep a little longer....

  33. I love your abstract art Valerie, especially the woven pieces, absolutely stunning! Take care, Sue xx

  34. There just is no end to your talent Valerie. Loving your projects today and your tag cards are just so cute!!

  35. Absolutely LOVE the journal covers! Such a great idea! And the mini Christmas tags are very cute. Your neighbors will love that for sure. Good to have them on hand and not having to make them during the hectic Christmas time.

  36. Hi Valerie :)) I love your first piece, the colours are gorgeous, I'm a blue-hue gal myself! :) Those feathers are very pretty! Oh I do the same, I make bookmarks from m paintings! Lovely! Your journal cover is pretty special, I love it, and the pages are so brilliant, I can tell that you have a lot of fun with your pieces. Beautiful sky photos, I love those wispy clouds in the last photo!


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