
Tuesday 18 August 2020

T sTands for TIOT and more

 Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT -  splash and splatter. This sounds like fun, doesn't it!? As always, projects of all formats are welcome and you have 2 weeks to link to us. Hope to see YOU there! For more ideas and inspiration visit our blog and see what my teamies have made!

I looked deep into my head(s) to find this theme....The heads were cut from an A3 painted, splashed and collaged piece using my stencil. I stitched around the edges before collaging some bits and bobs from Jane Davenport and some words. The dream-catcher is there to catch thoughts I don't like or need....I glued the heads to  a painted page in my large journal. And if you look at the last image you will see a special edition with a tag to link to Alison's tags and pockets challenge at AJJ:

And the tag also links nicely to Elizabeth's T Stands for Tuesday gathering:

Here I would like to welcome all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang! I haven't been out much the past few days as I was not well enough to run around. And thanks to all who left me get well wishes on my blog, much appreciated. I am taking things very easy, with just short walks here near where I live, and hope that things will soon be better.
Two weeks ago the waitress in the ice-café where I like to sit and people watch 'upgraded' my order to an ice-coffee. I don't usually drink it as it's too expensive, so this was a nice gesture - and it was delicious:

And I have photos of some beautiful  table ware and more in the shops in our little town:

On Sunday I managed a short walk along the stream next to where I live - I go down one side, cross the bridge and then back along the other side. It's about 2000 steps, not my usual more ambitious walk, but its a start again:

The path on this side is very narrow:

And some more pics from my  'store':

A frog or a prince?

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie oh wow i love your splatter dream catcher thoughts ,so interesting,well done my friend,and i love the pics of the shop windows,makes one want to shop lol,take care my friend xx

  2. Good morning Val, what a wonderful post again. Love your 'heads' and what's in them, just beautiful. Great colours, too, and lovely photos. Keep taking it easy, slowly by slowly is the motto! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, hope all is well at your place. Have a wonderful day, take care!

  3. Brilliant post again, never fail to bring beauty, information and 'food' to the world. xx

  4. Stunning art work. I love that you added the dream catcher to remove unwanted and unneeded words, since the ones in your head are filled with hope and trust. The colors are incredible and I love them. And adding the tag for Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey was great, too.

    Since I've been offline for nine days, I had NO idea you were not well. Sounds like you are trying to get back to your normal routine.

    What a lovely gesture of the girl at the ice cream cafe. Your iced drink looks amazing and I love the added goodies that go with it, like the waffle sheet, too. How sweet of her, but as much money as I'm sure you spend there, upgrading once in a blue moon would be good for business, I believe.

    Loved the photos of the items in the windows. I saw the cat pillow in the first window you shared and fell in love. Some of those tea and coffee sets were incredible, too. I especially liked the red ones, even though I'm not a red person at all.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely heads, your iced drink, and your photos from around town and around the river and your "store" with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E. This has been a hard time, and a really bad flare up, made worse by the extreme heat we have been having. Last week I could hardly stand up. It's cooling off now, so hope it will stay this way. I thought you would like that cat cushion, they have such pretty things there, but all very expensive. Have a nice day, and hope the internet stays with you.

  5. Really nice selection!
    Great post dear!

  6. Beautiful ducks and geese! And what a kind gesture from the waitress!

    1. Thanks. It was indeed a kind gesture. Have a great day.

  7. Wow, that iced coffee looks amazing. I love iced coffee, but it's not overly expensive here, but then it doesn't come with ice cream either which takes it to a whole new level and looks like affogato. Glad you're able to walk a little again, I must start again but there are so many disrespectful {of social distancing} tourists not wearing masks that I do not want to until they've gone again. Stay safe and have a lovely week.

    1. Thanks Deb. It tasted amazing, too, and probably has enough calories to see anybody through the day! It's double the price of my usual cappuccino, so I don't buy it! I'm trying to get back to walking again, and will try a little more each day. What a shame that the people are so careless. I usually go out mornings and evenings when not many people are around. Take care, look after yourself!

  8. What a wonderful creation, love the words you added as well. Love your photos as well. Have a great day. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. Have a wonderful day, take care!

  9. Splash and splatter! That sounds like the activity going on in a colony of Barn Swallows. Glad to hear that you managed a short walk, Valerie. I am sure that it was quite therapeutic. My message is a little short today. We are leaving for a brief visit to my daughter in Ottawa, and are up early to get on the road. It's close to a six hour drive door to door, and we want to be there by lunch time! Love, David

    1. Thanks David. Have a safe journey, enjoy your visit! Hope lunch is ready when you get there!

  10. Ohhh that ice coffee looks divine ~ I'm glad to hear you can enjoy walking some again. Your heads are very thought provoking ~ I like how you have two, since two are better then one (grins) The fountain frog prince is a pin-worthy shot for sure! Blessings and well wishes on the week ahead

    1. Thanks Karen - it was divine! Two heads are better than one, it makes it idea when talking to yourself....I think next time I see that frog I have to test if it turns into a prince! Have a great day!

  11. Best wishes for a speedy return to good health! The iced coffee looks very restorative, and your photos are wonderful.

    I'm not an artist like many of you who celebrate with Altered Book Lover's T-Day, but maybe I could use a splash and splatter photo of my kitchen after I cook: I'm really messy!

    be well... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. I love the idea of a splash and splatter pic of your kitchen after cooking! Cooking is definitely an art form, and a delicious one, too. Have a great week!

  12. Happy T day Valerie. Sorry to hear you're not improving as fast as wanted but hopefully the short walk is the start of something good. Your ice looks so very very yummy! And I am loving the heads this week and the dreamcatcher getting those unwanted and negative thoughts. Nice addition to the splash and splatter page. And thanks for adding the tag for Alison's challenge at AJJ too. Hope the day is going well for you. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Sooner or later I will be back to walking as I like it! I just need a bit of patience till then....It's always good to filter out negative thoughts, who needs them all the time? Have a great week, stay safe!

  13. Your art is stunning! Have you ever sold your art?
    Your ice coffee looks delish and I love the glass very much.
    Enjoyed all your photos too Happy T and have a good week hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. I never tried to sell anything, I don't think anyone would want to buy it. I sometimes make cards or albums to order for neighbours, but that#s different. Have a great week, take care, happy T Day!

    2. You are such an artist I am thinking you could sell as long as it doesn't take the fun away

  14. So kreativ mit deinen zwei Köpfe die ich bewundere wie es aussieht und sogleich so mystisch mit dem Traumfänger noch dazu, da hoffe ich dass du alles was nicht gut war in der letzten Zeit hinein geschickt hast beim bearbeiten. Langsam aber sicher geht es wieder bergauf mit dir und toll der Eiskaffee von der lieben Bedienung bekommen hast, oja sie hat es auch gemerkt dass du mal nicht da warst.Schön dein Spaziergang wieder mit all den tollen Fotos von den Gänsen und Umgebung.
    Ich wünsche dir weiterhin gute Genesung und hoffentlich nich tmehr gar so eine Hitze!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Manchmal wäre es praktisch 2 Köpfe zu haben. Und mit Gedankenfänger für Alles das man nicht im Kopf haben will. Dir einen schönen Tag, pass auf dich auf, bleib gesund!

  15. Lovely art page, we all need dreamcatchers nearby. So nice of that lady to upgrade you to an iced coffee. Beautiful photos.

  16. That drink looks like a real treat and such a sweet thing for her to do. I'm sorry you've been sick and pleased you're getting better so you can be out in the air building your strength back up. I enjoyed window shopping with you. My eye today is drawn to those 3-tier serving dishes. Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Thanks a lot! The iced coffee really was a treat! Those dishes are nice for serving, huh?

  17. Such a beautiful page! The heads look amazing with all the content you added and I love the addition of the splashes and splatters - perfect 😀. Wow, the iced coffee is something else and although I don't drink coffee I would happily try this one, it looks so yummy! From your lovely photos it looks like you've been having fun whilst out and about. Happy and creative wishes! Happy T Day too! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I like m head(s) to be well filed! I think the iced coffee would taste good to everybody, there was caramel and chocolate in it, too - heavenly!

  18. I sure hope you're continuing to feel much better, and please take it easy and rest. That iced coffee is definitely calling my name, and one of my faves! I always adore looking at the teasets. Quite lovely. Sending lots of hugs, RO

  19. Oh my gosh, I love that little frog prince bird bath.
    The colors in your piece are purrfect. The blues and yellows and lavenders.
    I'm glad you are starting to get out and about.
    Wishing you a day filled with gentle breezes, soft sunshine and energy.

    1. Thanks, it's such a pretty fountain. Have a great day!

  20. Always a pleasure to see your art and photos. I love the iced coffee you were served.

  21. This ice coffee looks very delicious:) Beautiful photos :)

  22. A fabulous piece of art Valerie, and I love the added tag for my theme at AJJ! xx

    1. Thanks Alison! I had fun 'fixing' it to fit your theme!

  23. I'm always amazed at how much detail you add to your 'heads', a fabulous page.
    Lovely photos and your iced coffee looks delicious, and how nice of the waitress.
    Glad you're getting out and about again, Take care. Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril! It's good to have something in one's head(s)! Have a great day!

  24. well, they do say that two heads are better than one:):) Fun page!
    Glad you are feeling better and taking it easy. How nice to be treated to such a lovely iced coffee. Always fun window shopping and walking with you. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, I had fun making it.
      Have a great week!

  25. Your heads piece is absolutely lovely and very unique. I love the Jane Davenport faces you included and your stitching.
    The shop windows are looking great. This week the large wooden bowel and the pink Le Creuset dutch oven caught my fancy.
    Glad you are feeling a little bit better to do a short walk. The birds are pretty.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. There are always lots of desirables in the shops here, I like looking even if I can't afford to buy things. Have a great week!

  26. Glad you got in a walk, even if a short one, Valerie. Today will be longer and tomorrow longer still. And I love peeking in the shop windows. They make me smile!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. That's it, every day a little bit more....the windows here are fun!

  27. I love the girl with the flowing hair. The tag is cute and a brilliant way to qualify for both the T-party and AJJ. The iced coffee was a very nice gesture.

    I hope you'll soon be back to your 10,000+ steps a day. I know how much you enjoy your long walks and taking photos to share. The frog prince is darling.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen! I am sure I will get fit again, I just need some patience! Have a great week!

  28. This is fabulous Valerie, I love how your Jane Davenport girl swirls about in the head. That iced coffee looks delicious, a piece of cake too and all would be perfect! Take care and have a happy (and steady) week xx

    1. Thanks Sue. You want cake as well? The iced coffee had enough calories! Have a great week!

  29. Happy T. Your drink looks so refreshing. I love these heads. Truly stellar. Your photos are great too. I would love to wander through all the shops in your area.

    1. Thanks. The shops have so much to see, that's true.

  30. Beautiful page Valerie, I love the all of the spatters and the words you added! Wow, that iced coffee looks sooo yummy, I would of been on a coffee/sugar high for sure! Gorgeous photos, I love that red tea set, so glad you are able to take short walks. Take care. Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! A treat like that keeps you going for hours! Have a great evening!

  31. Great idea of the dream catcher catching the thoughts you don't want or need! Good to hear you are having little walks, always like your outdoor photos. Your local shops have lovely things in then, I especially like the cat cushion.

  32. LOVE this art piece!!!! What a great idea!!!! And of course, your lovely photos!!! Have a super week! ((HUGS)) Helen

  33. I'm understanding patience these days😊

  34. Oh, I like your two splatter heads. One with the dream catcher and the other with keep calm drink coffee. They are both you I suppose.
    I'm glad you are getting a bit better. And that you have been able to 'keep calm and drink coffee'. That ice coffee looks really yummy. And huge too, it probably could substitute for your lunch.
    Nice photos of your walk. I love the frog prince!
    I'm sorry I'm late in commenting. My laptop has decided it does no longer wants to use Chrome or Internet Explorer and I have not been able to comment. I have an iPhone but I've tried commenting before and most comments don't arrive. So I am looking for someone to do me a blog on Wordpress (the free version). If you know of anyone who could do that for me and is reasonably priced, please let me know. I have tried myself but I have not succeeded.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  35. Really happy to read you are feeling a little better Valerie, i've just had a very nice read through this weeks posts where you have shared so many lovely art works. Always have loved your heads, these hold many of the words I hold dear in life that are so important, I did smile with the added coffee tag, good choice haa haa!
    The ice coffee looks delicious, I bet it was. If I had a pond, i'd definitely want that frog sat near it he's smashing!!
    Take care Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! I like working with my heads, too! And if I had a tag, it would be for coffee! That frog is a real beauty, huh?

  36. Sorry I am so late calling in Valerie. I loved seeing how you splashed and splattered inside those heads, mine seems to be permanently in that state. Lovely to se the photos and that you are feeling a bit better.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. My head is mostly filled with things I don't need! Please look after yourself.

  37. I don't know where you get your ideas from but the two heads in your Journal are fantastic. I just love the concept! The JD figures fit perfectly and the colouring is superb. Blue, as a main colour, to me is perfect but I love how you have other colours intertwining through.
    Love seeing the shop windows, what beautiful china - I particularly liked the tiered cake stand, so elegant and reminiscent of tea with a favourite aunt.
    Hope you are improving day by day - thank you for the lovely photos.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks head is always full of ideas for creating, but not so many ideas of doing housew**k! The shops here are always full of tempting things, which I can't afford, but it still nice to look! Look after yourself!

  38. Lovely artwork. I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. I hope you're okay soon. Nice assortment of photos. Happy Belated T-Day!

  39. I love those heads and those lovely splashes of brightness! I'm sorry that I didn't know you were poorly - we've been dealing with mundane stuff and I haven't had much opportunity to sit at the computer.
    How lovely to get an upgrade to that delicious looking iced coffee! One again it's great to see the shops and the bird life! Hope things ease for you soon! Chrisx

  40. I love the red dishes with the red teapot in the window. So pretty. That is a striking art project! I am glad to read you are feeling better. You sure poste a lot of pretty photos, and it is a wonderful post.

  41. Guess what I found tucked into my spam folder that I usually forget to check? Several of your posts, that's what. I'll be playing catch up now.
    I really like your girl with the wild hair that is shaped like a dove.


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