
Wednesday 19 August 2020

Midweek Post

 Hi Everybody!

The weather here has cooled down a bit, and I'm happy to have temperatures under 28° in my apartment. We still have a few hot days on their way, but when they are through, it should - hopefully - be back to 'normal' weather, for which I will be very thankful!  I managed 2 short walks today, which is a great improvement - things are looking up, slowly but surely. But I till need a lot of patience! 

Today I have an A3 mixed media  page in my large journal to share.  I am not really happy with, but it's done now and will just have to stay as it is! We all have to live with our faults! I put a little tag on it, so I am linking to Alison's  tags and pockets challenge at AJJ:

And for Michele's Alice challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another Alice tag:

As I couldn't get out to take photos I had to let nature come to me, and was happy to have some wonderful skies to enjoy!

Early morning:

We had lots of clouds but not much rain, just a few drops:

And yesterday evening we had a wonderful rainbow which glowed for more than an hour till it got dark: 

The pigeons sat in 'their' tree to watch it:

A magpie came by for a short visit:

The rainbow faded slowly:

The clouds were coloured by the last rays of the setting sun:

All in all, a wonderful evening at home!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot or coming by!


  1. Well I like your art work Valerie and all your photos are wonderful, must be the time of year for rainbows, we had a beautiful part one yesterday.

    1. Thanks. We have had several rainbows these past days, I love seeing them. Have a great day!

  2. Beautiful art Valerie, and, yes, so grateful for what we have.
    That was a magnificent rainbow! Your Sky photos are wonderful. Glad you managed a couple of little walks... each day, something more, well done xx

    1. Thanks Sue, the skies are always so fascinating. Day by day a bit more, that's what I'm aiming for!

  3. Awesome photos Valerie, you had quite the view with the rainbow and birds.
    and I love your art page-I think it's wonderful-hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy. There's always something to see from the balcony! Have a wonderful day!

  4. Hi Valerie oh wow i love your mixed media art and the Alice tag is awesome,my mum loved Alice in Wonderland. Oh my what stunning pics of the rainbow thankyou for sharing them with us my friend and hope you found a pot of gold at the end of it,lol. Staye safe Valerie and take care xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. t would be ice to find a crock of gold at the end of the rainbow, but it was still pretty even without it. Stay safe and well!

  5. I like your page you are too hard on yourself! Lovely tag and photos too.

    1. Thanks Christine. Perhaps you are right! Have a lovely day!

  6. You have magpies in your part of the world? Gosh, amazing, thought they were only here in Australia. Lovely rainbow photos, gorgeous works of art, you are an inspiration. xx

    1. Yes, we have magpies. There are a lot living here, the are pretty. Enjoy your day!

  7. That is a great tag and a great page for Alison's challenge. And the sentiment is so true for all of us. A good day is when you (in general not you Valerie) believe that. And cool Alice tag. I have one I'm putting up tomorrow. And hopefully you can manage for the rest of the heat and then enjoy. We've had a couple of wonderful days here. I'll see if I can send you this weather. Thanks for joining Alison's challenge. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Yes, it's important to be thankful, we have so much in comparison to others who are not so fortunate. Looking forward to seeing your Alice!

  8. I adore your bright floral art ! Thank you for my rainbows and skies!!! Stay well!

  9. I'm glad you are back on your feet Valerie! I know they say get back on your feet as soon as you can but take it nice and slow, my friend! LOVE the tag! Alice, of course :) And I love your cloud photos - have you seen the new cloud stencil that is 'breaking the internet?" It's super! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Kelly. Clouds are always beautiful, but I haven't seen the stencil. Will keep my eyes open!

  10. Good morning Val! Hope you slept well! It was cooler there this past night, that was good! Hope you are really starting to feel better, and please, keep taking it easy, don't be too ambitious! I LOVE your journal page, it's beautiful, and the photos are fantastic. We din't see a rainbow, but we did get some rain, so that was good, too. Have a great da, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. It was cooler here, too, and earl this morning was really fresh, I had forgotten how cold air feels! Have a lovely day, hugs to all!

  11. Two lovely creations, love the colours in your jouranl page. Enjoy your cooler weather. We have been having lots of lovely rain. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. Glad you got some rain, send some over here, please!

  12. Wonderful art and beautiful skies Valerie. Thanks for joining my theme at AJJ.
    So pleased you are getting out on your walks too.
    Alison x

  13. Was für fantastische Kunst das ist und so süss finde ich es mit dem Herz dazu das Journal und so goldig die Alice Bilder!
    Die Regenbogenfotos sind klasse, wie kräftig er war und die Wolken sind grossartig fotografiert!
    Hab Geduld es wird bald wieder besser, Geludl ist auch nicht meine Stärke *zwinker*! Es hat sich auch bei mir etwas abkühlt, da bin ich auch froh heute Nacht war es noch so warm beim schlafen.
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir und erhol dich gut!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank liebe Elke! Der Regenbogen und die Wolken gestern waren einfach sagenhaft. Es freut mich dass es bei dir etwas abgekühlt hat, hoffentlich ist das Wetter bald wieder normal. Bleib gesund!

  14. Terrific page and I loved your clouds and rainbow :) Your quote on contentment is a good reminder for me this AM ~ I made an Alice tag too that I'm going to post soon ~ Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Karen. I need to keep reminding myself to be contented. Looking forward to seeing your Alice Tag! Have a great day!

  15. To me, your art is always beautiful and your photos gorgeous!!!
    You are so very talented!

    Have a beautiful day 🌷

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Jan! Have a great day!

  16. Love your art-the colors are fantastic. "Be thankful-" perfect! And thank you for the photos-rainbows mean a lot to me. Your sky is so beautiful.

    1. Thanks Debra. We all need to be thankful for ll we have, and forget it so often! Rainbows are very special indeed!

  17. This is a fun page. Loads of color and movement. That makes me smile!

  18. What's wrong with your art? It looks great. I like that saying, Be thankful for what you have. So true.

    1. Thanks. It Just wasn't as I had envisaged it. But I still tried to be thankful for it!

  19. Love Down the Rabbit Hole and see no problems with the other.
    A double rainbow. Always wondrous.

  20. Hi Valerie, it's Bill here! Hope you are well.

  21. That rainbow! And those clouds!

    They say patience is a virtue lol, but I sometime have trouble putting that into practice. It sounds like you're on the right path, gradually building back up. It's good to hear :)

    1. Yes, they were wonderful! Patience is one of the things I am not good at! But I am trying!

  22. I am glad to hear that you were able to get out for a couple of short walks, Valerie. We just returned home after a long walk with my daughter. The weather here is very pleasant and the woods were dark and cool. We will be back home tomorrow evening, so back to normal after that. Take good care. Hugs from David

    1. Hi David! Great to hear from you and glad that you are enjoying Ottawa and the time with your daughter. Dark and cool woods, that sounds inviting. It's heating up again here, but hopefully just for a few days this time. Enjoy your time together, and have a safe journey back home tomorrow. Hugs to you and your ladies!

  23. I think it's a very nice page. It's pretty and I especially like the addition of the tag. I'm glad you're starting to feel stronger. hugs, Teresa

  24. That's a beautiful rainbow VJ...nice clicks

  25. Great suggestions for the summer!

  26. LOVE the journal entry you don't care for. I think all the images work well together. It's wonderful that you also chose to share this with Art Journal Journey using Alison's theme.

    I laughed at the Cheshire Cat. It looks just like I envision him. Great tag, too. I wish I had gotten into Alice, but I just read about the tale a year ago.

    Wow, what great sky shots. Wish I was out and about in an area that early where there were no trees overhead. What an amazing rainbow, too. You got some incredible shots. Hope you are feeling better, dear.

    1. Thanks E. We always have spectacular skies Here. Have a great afternoon!

  27. Beautiful page Valerie, I love the flowers with the white highlights and that tag is so cute and fun! Gorgeous photos, the one with the two birds and the rainbow in the background is beautiful! Take care, hugs Tammy

  28. Thanks Tammy! Alice is always fun. I enjoyed the skies yesterday evening, it was serendipitous that so much beauty came together.

  29. Love the way you have coloured the page in your journal - that background is lovely and I can see the strokes which makes me happy when I achieve that effect. Great to have the red and the pops of turquoise.
    Love your Alice tag. I love all things Alice and these are gorgeous images - a bit Mabel Lucy Atwell.
    Take things easy and two little walks are good but rest inbetween.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! The background was brayered - thick blogs of gesso with a bit of colour and then squished over the page with the brayer, always gives a lot of texture. I am taking things very easy, I have no choice! Good luck for tomorrow!

  30. What lovely pieces, and those rainbows look fabulous. Well done on your 2 walks xx

  31. Another super tag..I love the illustration with the little girls going "soosh" cute. xx

  32. Sorry I am late calling in Valerie. The page looks so fresh and bright. Its a great tag as well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Look after yourself and don't worry about commnting!


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