
Monday 27 July 2020

Tuesday/Wednesday Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying life.
We even had a few rain-drops again on Monday, not enough to make anything wet, but at least something!

Today I have a hybrid piece put together from  photos taken at various times, seen on my balcony or on my walks. The blackbird is my most frequent visitor here, if there's no food outside he complains long and loud till I put some out for him. I am linking to Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJ - birds belong to summer days:

One of my balloon flowers:

I was in Düsseldorf last week and the flower beds look good:

The town has allowed lots of booths selling food and refreshments to open up. Many people are afraid to eat / drink inside and prefer to be outside. This helps a lot of businesses which have lost trade during the Corona Pandemic.

Fruits dipped in chocolate:

Fried sausages and chips (fries):

Then I went through Hofgarten:

The cormorant was drying off:

Here he looks like he's lost his head:

Morning gymnastics:

Lots of gulls:

The Canadian Geese were taking a midday stroll:

On the other side of Hofgarten a little cafe has opened up:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val! Hope you had a good sleep. I LOVE your journal page, it must have taken an age to cut out all those birds and arrange them, but the result is fabulous. Lovely photos, too. Glad there is more catering outside these days. I have a whole day with no appointments, what a luxury, I'll see what the kids would like to do when they're all up and ready. Have a lovely day, take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Enjoy your day and hope you all have fun. Stay safe!

  2. Hello dear Valerie!
    What a great post!
    Love your digital page and the birds theme from your pictures!
    Düsseldorf looks like a lovely city to visit!
    Great captures of the cormorant and the preety swans!
    I would love to have Fried sausages and chips from the Cantine!
    Thank you for sharing! Have a lovely day! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks you, dear Dimi! Düsseldorf is a nice place, there#s lots to see and do there. I had a sausage and it was VERY yummy! Have a lovely day, stay safe!

  3. Wie schön ein Naturkunstwerk von dir mit vielen Vögeln darauf, gefällt mir sehr. Mit der Amsel dein wildes Haustier sozusagen, toll!
    Schön der Hofgarten mit all den Vögeln und das Cafe. Gut dass sie so es machen die Schausteller bei uns ist z.B. der Eiswagen aufgestellt.
    Bei mir war es gestern wneigstens zum Radelen einigermassen gut doch heute ist es windig und auch bisschen Regen immer wieder dabei.Mal schauen wie es heute mittag ist.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ja, der Amsel bleibt mir treu! Hofgarten ist immer schön, ich laufe dort gerne. Eis hab ich bisher wiederstanden, aber irgendwann werde ich zuschagen! Hoffe das Wetter bleibt schön für dich und dass Du schön radeln kannst. Viel Spaß heute, bleib gesund!

  4. Beautiful page, love the idea of your little balckbird coming for his food. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Anesha! My blackbird is really cute! Have a great day, stay safe!

  5. I must look up hybrid. Your balloon flower is incredible. Glad you are able to get out and about some, safely. I will be a long time before I feel comfortable eating out again, not that I did it much before the pandemic. Stay safe, and have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks Deb. Hybrid art is put together using real and digital crafting - some parts painted, or made by hand it all gets 'fed' into the graphics programme and then it' possible to make digital additions. I don't mind having a coffee or a sausage outside if I see that the place is keeping to the rules. But we have to be careful. Have a great day!

  6. This is obviously a superior post, Valerie, with birds abounding in the artwork and photographically. Naturally the 🇨🇦 CANADA Geese are the best of all, the undisputed lords of meadow and pond. I have no doubt that you genuflected as you passed by. Dining outside has become commonplace here too. The only spot where Miriam and I have eaten out is RiverSong, and I confess that I would be a little leery eating indoors with others. Everyone wears a mask going in,of course, but it has to come off when eating, and conversation around lunch or dinner with friends can become a little animated, expelling aerosol droplets farther into the space occupied by other diners. Perhaps one day, we will be able to greet each other normally, shake hands, hug, kiss cheeks, and chat. I long for the day!

    1. Hi David, I thought you would like this one with all the birds topped by that wonderful Canadian specimen, the wild goose! Genuflecting is hard these days, Not good for people like me with artificial knees. Dining outside is certainly a better option just now, and I'm happy that it's people. They have made extra space for tables and chairs everywhere, and that's good. I, too, hope that one day things will get back to normal and that Alexa will no longer be my only companion! Have a wonderful day, take care! Hugs to you both!

  7. Fun journal page with all the birds. I love the encouraging words as I am one with not a great voice! The message is sweet and true. All your pictures are so fun and I would totally love all this outside food vendor/places. They look very well done and I know they are yummy. I haven't gone out much to get any restaurant food here - I wish they wold do something like they are doing in your area. Cool post! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. I always encouraged all of the kids in my class to join in the singing, even those with bad voices, singing is so good for everyone! Have a wonderful day, take care!

  8. We've been getting showers finally and I got caught in one bike riding an actually enjoyed it ~ I felt like the flowers in need of a good soak :) I've never seen a balloon flower ~ it's beautiful and vibrant. Your food booths look tempting & I enjoyed the birds ~ Blessings on the week ahead

    1. Being out in a nice rain shower can be delightful, especially in hot weather. Hope you feel better for giving your roots a soak! Balloon flowers are pretty and grow well everywhere. Glad you like the birds! Have a great day, take care!

  9. That is a fabulous summer page Valerie. The summer variety of birds is always amazing. Last time we went into the boat we saw some baby eagles flying around and certainly heard them making a lot of noise. I have photos to show you once I get through AJJ this month. And this is also the season for flowers, isn't it? Your photos looks lovely. Thanks so much for that fantastic bird page for AJJ. It is a great addition. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I had fun making something different. How wonderful to see baby eagles flying around, I would love to see them but no chance here. I am very much looking forward to seeing your photos. Have a wonderful day!

  10. A beautiful page and wonderful photos Valerie. I love the cormorant pics.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. He had just come out of the Lake.

  11. Oh, how I love those balloon flowers, as I love the color blue.

  12. I love your piece and balloon flower. Again you got some joyous shots.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

  13. I'm looking forward to outings again, but in the meantime I'll join you virtually :) Thanks!

  14. Birds definitely belong - anytime! This really is fabulous, love all those birds that you have seen! The town looks good although like here, not very busy, although I confess this is only from news items I have seen and what my son tells me! The geese taking a walk made me smile too! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Birds forever! In comparison to normal Times Düsseldorf was rather empty, but I don't mind. More people go out later in the day.

  15. Hi Valerie. It's me, Bill! Hope you are doing well!

  16. Thanks Bill, nice to see you here!

  17. Hi Valerie, I love your bird collage & how you have put together, it's pleasing to look at. Also, I have enjoyed seeing glimpses of your country & daily life, so thank you for sharing
    Jane 🌴

  18. What a beautiful collection of birds in your piece. I really do like it and it's great for the theme.

  19. I really enjoyed your hybrid entry you shared with us at Art Journal Journey. This is beautiful and I agree about the birds sentiment, too. It's a great way to honor Erika's theme.

    As always, I enjoyed your photos, too. The booths look like they might be the answer to a few people keeping their restaurants afloat.

    1. Thanks E. The town is trying to help the owners of restaurants and cafes etc.

  20. Love your hybrid display and fantastic photos. Monte and I had a great walk today and after the rain, he found a few huge duck ponds and had a ball jumping in and out of the water, yes, I left my camera home!!

    1. I can just imagine the scene - dogs and puddles or ponds seem to be made for each other. Sorry about the camera, but you have the lovely memories! Enjoy!

  21. Thank you for the lovely tour of your town. I love the food stalls and the birds in the park. Your closeups of flowers are pretty.

    be well... mae at

    1. The food stalls are always very tempting, especially in these times when going inside' is a problem. Have a great day, stay safe!

  22. Wonderful page with all the birds. I enjoyed your stroll through the gardens too. Great to see food places opening up again.

    1. Thanks a lot. Hope you are enjoying your retreat!

  23. Fabulous photos , the gardens look so inviting.
    Its a fantastic page you linked to Erika's AJJ theme as well.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  24. A lovely art page.
    Loved seeing all of your photographs, that balloon flower is such a nice colour.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. I love the balloon flowers, too. Have a great day!

  25. It's a great page full of birds, and goes well with your headless cormorant! The water looks so inviting, and your balloon flower is utterly stunning. What a colour!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison, I love the balloon flowers. Stay safe


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