
Monday 27 July 2020

T sTands for a new challenge aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you enjoyed your weekend - have a great, new week!

This evening we will be starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday. Pinky , who is a fabulous and very talented crafter, is hosting and has chosen the theme - Christmas. Not my fave theme in July, but if we get some hot days it might be good to concentrate on cold and snow.... My tag features a photo of a tree on the street where I live, with some images from Serif. And  we all need peace and joy all the year round. Tags of all formats are welcome at Tag Tuesday, and you have 2 weeks to join us. This could be your chance to 'start early for Christmas!' The challenge goes live this evening at 8 pm:

And Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday also begins this evening, so here a warm welcome to the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

I always like looking in the windows of this huge 'Trödel' - flea-market shop. I don't go in just now, but enjoy seeing the myriads of treasures in the window - here lots of table ware among other things:

And I went twice to my fave ice cafe last week. I enjoy sitting outside watching the people who go by. We all have to wear masks when we are in shops, buses and trams but outside people mostly carry their masks ready to put them back on when necessary:

I got a differently coloured mug each time.  On the table you can see the list where people 'sign in' as a corona control:

I made some quick sketches while sitting there to show how people carry their masks.  Some ladies carried the folded mask like a little handbag, others wore the mask as a bracelet. And others were 'button danglers':

Some use it to keep their chins warm, and others push it onto their foreheads:

And of course, there is the classical one ear-dangler

I put my mask into a little plastic bag and put it into my pocket....but the important thing is to wear it when other people are about!

Pretty cups and more in the interior-design shop:

Some pics from our 'main' street:

Lots of shops have reduced their prices to encourage people to buy:

I enjoyed walking by the lakes here:

The weather has been very changeable, but we only got a few spots of rain:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good Morning Val! Hope you had a good weekend. Glad I saw your blog before I have to go out, I have an appointment this morning. Leah is going out with the kids. Mum is doing well, we visited her yesterday. Love your new tag, always good to be early! And your little sketches are such fun, great idea. I've seen lots of different ways to wear them here, too! I can just imagine you, sitting with your coffee, sketching - great idea. Have a lovely day, take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! Hope your appt goes well. Have a fun day. Take care!

  2. Hi Valerie oh wow your tag is stunning,I love it ,well done my friend on your fabulous work. How amusing what people do with their masks lol. Oh I love looking in Windows too Valerie and love the coffee cups,hope you are well my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. Yes, people are funny with their mask fashions! Have a great week, stay safe!

  3. I love your tag, but also agree and not keen on Christmas in July. That said, if you make your cards and gifts, especially if to sell, you have to be working now. Those lustre mugs in your coffee shop are so beautiful, I would go there just to have a hot drink in such a pretty mug. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Thanks Deb. Christmas will be starting the shops in a few weeks, and it's not a trend I like. Those mugs are gorgeous. Have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  4. Great tag especially the doggie with the glasses on. Great pics. x

    1. Thanks Annie. I wonder if Monte would Like wearing glasses?

  5. Good morning dear Valerie!
    I truly like your Christmas Tag and the cute dog wearing a hat! So clever idea and beautiful Christmas images!
    I really enjoyed all your gorgeous photos and laughed how people are caring or wearing their masks!
    Wonderful sketches!!! Fantastic photos of the horses and the lake! Thank you for sharing!
    Have a lovely new week! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Good morning dear Dimi! Yes, people are strange, but always fun to watch. Have a great, new week, stay safe!

  6. Good morning Valerie: Christmas in July always seems like a bit of a stretch to me, but we too have been having very hot weather, so to dream of icy wind and snow is perhaps a natural reaction. Yesterday Miriam came up with a new hour, Wine O'Clock. It is quite movable, but commemorated in July with chilled Sauvignon Blanc on the patio. I was quite happy to join her at the anointed time and I am happy in the knowledge that it will come around again. The European Robin on your Christmas in July tree is lovely to see. After all, how else would we know it is Christmas. You do drink out of some funky coffee mugs! Adds to the pleasure, no doubt. Were you wearing your funky shoes to complete the picture? I was very amused with your sketches of the mask- carrying techniques. We see them all here too, so it is a cosmopolitan trend. The thought occurred to me that had those sketches been dashed off by Picasso, the sale of one of them would be your retirement income! Until tomorrow. Gros bisous de ton ami David

    1. Hi David! Wine o'clock sounds like a GREAT invention. Coffee o'clock could happen sort of once an hour....I just came back from my walk, it's trying to rain outside but not having much success. And es, I ALWAYS wear funky shoes, today turquoise and pink sneakers were on the programme! Fun to think that the mask carrying trends are universal. Sadly, I'm not Picasso, so I shall have to continue with my low-income retirement....Have a wonderful day, take care of yourself, hugs to you and M.

  7. Great tag theme ~ right up my alley! ~ I love your mask sketches, they made me smile. It's interesting to see all the different ways we are sporting this new item. I'm on my face- or around my neck- or in my purse kinda gal. The mug and the heart design for your coffee make it so much more of a treat then the typical to-go cup we see. Lovely photos of your walk, thank you for faithfully sharing the beauty you see! Blessings on your week ~

    1. Thanks Karen. Glad you are happy with the theme, I know a lot of people like to start early. Fun to see how quickly we have adjusted to the masks and are turning them into fashion accessories! If I go for a coffee I like it to be nicely served, and most places here really do that. Have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  8. Beautiful joyful work! Have a lovely week!

  9. Thanks Natalia! Have a great week!

  10. Lovely Xmas art but not ready for that yet! Glad you are out and about safely in the shops or outside window shopping. Funny mask sketches.

    1. Thanks Christine. Have a good and safe week!

  11. Anne has been posting Halloween and autumn themes on her blog this week, and now this. I guess we need to be thinking about Christmas, but I am definitely not ready for it. I like yours, though. I especially like how the children and the darling dog are gathered in front of the tree.

    Wow, those mugs and cups are wonderful in the shops. I would be tempted, but they are still a bit out of my price range. They are certainly all colorful, though.

    Speaking of colorful, so are the beautiful cups you are served when you go to the coffee/ice cream shop. I can see why you enjoy going.

    I had to laugh at your adorable sketches of mask wearers. I loved them. It's unique how people choose to carry them. Here, we wear them everywhere, not just indoors. It's been mandated since we have so many COVID related deaths in the States. Thanks so very much for sharing your photos, your tag, and your cappuccinos in beautiful cups with us for T this Tuesday (or nearly Tuesday).

    1. Thanks E. I prefer seasonal things in the right season, too, but I have made several tags ready for the challenge. In a few weeks here the shops will be full of Christmas goodies. Those cups are lovely, but still expensive, as you say. Oh well, I still have plenty at home. Have a great day!

  12. I have a question. I do have one more tag for challenge of 13th. Should I post it today on my TSFT post, or post tag for new challenge. I am a little confused because we post Monday evening for TSFT.

  13. Beautiful tag here in the states in usual times there are allot of christmas sales in July and of course the two Hallmark channels on tv do 24 christmas movies for a couple of weeks.
    Lovely cups this week too-and I always enjoy your photos. Happy T and new week Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, happy T Day and have a great week!

  14. I love how they make your coffee so special -- nice looking mugs and a beautiful design on top of the coffee.

    1. Thanks, when it looks good it tastes even better! Have a great week!

  15. Christmas in July?! A great tag nonetheless Valerie. I love your sketches of how people carry their masks, so funny.
    Lovely photos too, your coffee looks delicious in that beautiful mug.
    Alison xx

    1. Yes Alison, my thoughts exactly! It was fun watching and sketching, I might do it again this week! Have a great week!

  16. Beautiful tag:) This coffe looks very delicous :) Very interesting photos ;)

  17. What a gorgeous tag Valerie, I love that beautiful snowy tree and that cute little dog! The coffee mugs are beautiful and I love your sketches of the masks, so cute and funny! Have a great week.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! Glad you like the mask sketches! Have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  18. Love your tag Valerie!! No excuses, I am sure we can squeeze another few out lol. I know people who are Christmas crafting all year long!! End of July is just about right in my book lol. Gorgeous photos and the coffee and treats are so lush!

    1. Thanks Pinky, I have really made a pile of tags, enough for all of my neighbours for Christmas! Now I can get back to art journaling and play till the new year comes....Have a great week, stay safe!

  19. Some beautiful snaps there...

  20. Christmas in July is sort of like an un-Birthday a la Lewis Carroll. You did a great job.

    I love those cups - every time you show them. I think - ooo, what a great page background that would make.

    Your cartoon drawings are great. I wear mine as a bracelet. Those are interesting observations. Signs of the times.

    Your pretty colorful photos today put a smile on my face. The dragonfly photos - wow!

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  21. I am back to wish you a Happy T Day! Your Christmas tag is beautiful, and I love all the photos especially of the shop windows. Wouldn't I just go crazy in those shops! Thanks for sharing, and for answering my questions so promptly. Sending hugs.

    1. You're welcome, Sharon. Those shops are fun! Happy T Day!

  22. super tag but as hot as it is here I still don't want to think about snow-or Christmas- or winter weather.
    I do however love that as you, we can be out and about a bit- using the same precautions as you have described. I love your mask illustrations!!
    And of course it's always a pleasure to window shop:)
    Your dragonfly photo is fantastic! Happy T day!

  23. Happy Christmas in July. That is a fun tag. And your sketches of masks is a lot of fun. I have seen them all, but my favorite is when people wear them over their faces. Smile. Your sketches are wonderful though. And those coffee cups are really cool. I didn't know they came in different colors. I hope your ice was yummy. Are you still getting the dark chocolate? Hope it's a happy T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Those cups come in lots of colours! Have a great da!

  24. your christmas tag is delightful and i especially love your drawings! be very well (and try to stay cool!) xo

  25. Christmas in July is what friends in Perth just had - it´s winter there now ("winter") :-)
    Happy T-day!

  26. Fun tag Valerie, Happy Tuesday

    much love...

    1. Thanks Gillena, have a great day, stay safe!

  27. That snow is a refreshing sight. I like the window boxes. They add so much joy to the street.

    1. I like snow when I'm sitting in a warm room!

  28. Wow! I love your tag Valerie! We may well get ahead with Christmas ! The coffee cups you were served are fabulous - biscuits too...!! Your sketches really made me smile as I have been quite amused today watching folk with masks while we waited at the supermarket for our Click and Collect trolley to arrive! No headbands or button danglers but it is good to see that folk are heeding the advice at long last - maybe the heat of a fine did the trick! The shops look great, the flying pig coaster made me smile as did the animal mugs. Some lovely scenes by the lake. I see we both have contrasting skies pics! Have a great T day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Yes, it's been changeable weather all over Europe. Happy T day!

  29. Hi Valerie, Christmas is not my favorite any time. Even in Dec. You have made a nice piece though. Love the photos too.

    1. I thought I was the only Grinch! Have a great week, stay safe!

  30. Hi Valerie. That tree on your tag is really amazing! What a picture perfect winter tree with the snow.
    Lovely window displays. That is one of the things I love most about your posts. I can see all the beautiful items in the windows. I spotted a few bowls that are lovely!
    Your coffee shop certainly has a beautiful collection of mugs. I love the glazes on them.
    And of course your sketch is spot on! A sketch that will certainly be a keepsake when this is all over.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. That tree ist next to the house here. The shop Windows are always tempting. I Hope Corona will soon be a memory. Have a great week!

  31. Fabulous post! I love your tag, that photo of the Christmas tree full of snow is gorgeous and we all need some peace and joy 😁. Your drawings are such fun too, we have to wear masks here in shops too now. The advice is that you should take your mask off completely and store it like you do (yay!) rather than push it up or down your face beacuse if you have the virus on your skin where you moved the mask to you'll pick it up and that's not good when you come to put it back in place - which makes sense 😁. Your photos of the shops and countryside are gorgeous too, loving those blue skies! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. Glad you Like the drawings. Happy T day, have a great week and stay safe!

  32. I LOVE your mask sketches! These as a collage would make a great poster of how not to mask!

  33. Great tag, lot the little dog. So cute.

  34. It is a lovely Christmas tag you made, although I prefer not to be reminded of Christmas right now. I'm not in the mood for that. Everything has its season.
    Thank you for taking me window shopping. I love the flea market shop and I love all those colourful mugs and lots of other goodies in the shop windows.
    I had a giggle at your mask wearer's sketches. So true. I suppose I'm an ear-dangler as I onñly take my mask off 50m before I get to my front door, which is an ally that nobody else walks along.
    As always walking along the Rhine is beautiful. I love those horses.
    Happy belated T-Day,
    The (Bristol?) coffee shop you regularly go to certainly has beautiful mugs.

    1. Thanks Lisca. I know what you mean, I don't like Christmas in July either!. Bristot is an Italian coffee brand. Have a good week, stay safe!

  35. Lovely artwork and photos. Happy belated T-Day!

  36. you will not believe it but I thought about Christmas too :) and I like your tag, beautiful photos that document everything perfectly!

  37. I love your tag and thoroughly enjoyed your photographs.

    I carry my mask in a plastic bag in my handbag.
    It was interesting seeing your sketches as to how others carry theirs.

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  38. Your Christmas tag is too cute! And the mask sketches made me laugh, as I always think: Oh, I didn't see this one yet!, when someone comes up with another creative way to store the mask in between wearing. Enjoy your week. :)

    1. Thanks! People are very varied i how they wear their masks. Yesterday I saw someone with the mask squashed between nose and mouth, like a moustache.


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