
Monday 20 July 2020

T sTands for advenTure

Hi Everybody!

Hope you enjoyed your weekend - now have a great start in the new week.

I have another tag for Sandie's 'sea' challenge at Tag Tuesday. I made a painted masterboard again which I chopped into 3 pieces and mounted onto kraft paper to make three large 11" x 5" tags. I added some quick embellishments and made a 'nautical knot':

And I made a hybrid journal page for Erika's 'when it's hot' theme at AJJ. The lady is looking pensive, it's too hot in her garden and she's staring a out of the window and wishing she was at the sea, because she saw my tag....

This evening we will be starting Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link parTy, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visiT here.

Two years back I visited Neviges, a town with a fascinating, modern Cathedral, and very interesting sights all around.  I will show more photos in the course of the week.  First we drank coffee. This was in the pilgrim's centre, and there are no fixed prices, you are just asked to give a donation if you can:

After doing some exploring we visited this flea-market café:

And of course, there was more coffee:

Later we visited this lake:

I enjoyed seeing all the turtles in a row:

Have  a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val, have a happy new week! Just saw your post, so thought I'd comment before my chaos takes over. Love the beautiful tag - is that a real starfish on it? And a fantastic idea to put it into your journal page, well done. You have the best ideas! And lovely photos of Neviges. We visited there once, long ago, I can remember it, and the choir that was singing there. Take care of yourself, and hope you soon feel better, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Have a lovely day stay safe!

  2. the tag is marvelous, I live the fuzzy sea star! then I love how you incorporated it into the journal page. clever! have a great week. xo

    1. Thanks Michele, I had fun making this one! You have a great week, too, stay safe!

  3. Exquisite post, love your tag and the gorgeous sea life. Great pics. x

  4. I love your tag ... and your photos!
    Have a nice new week! I haven't had internet all weekend ... very bad!? LOL

    1. Thanks Ella. No internet - sad! I hate to be without it. Enjoy your day!

  5. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Love your wonderful tag and the embellishments !
    Your journal page is absolutely gorgeous! What a clever idea you had to put it into your page!
    I really enjoyed all your stunning photos from your tour! Such a lovely place to visit!!
    Have a happy day and a lovely new week! Take care! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, dear Dimi! Neviges is really beautiful, I love visiting there, so much to see and discover. Have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  6. Love these art works and pictures so much! Full of creativity!
    Nice Post! Have a great day!

  7. Your tag is amazing. I love how the star fish looked like it was dancing. I also like how you incorporated it into the hybrid journal page for Art Journal Journey. What struck me was the way you

    1. ....And now I will never know the end of the story!

  8. What a lovely way to start the week! Your tag is so colourful and very splendid indeed, and I think your pensive lady sums up our current mood. What an amazing place Neviges is! Thank you for taking us along to such an intriguing place.

    1. Thanks Deb. I love the seaside, it always brings back good memories. And we all do a lot of thinking about things these days. Have a great start in the week!

  9. Hi Valerie what a cute tag and love your hybrid page ,beautiful work my friend well done. Oh the flea market looks like a wonderful place to search for treasures hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. The flea market was great fun!

  10. Great tag ~ I love how the women is seeing it through her "window" and longing for the sea ~ Very clever!! The flea market cafe is right up my alley ~ I would LOVE to shop there. Looks like the turtles and a duck found a nice spot to rest in the shade as well ~ Blessings on your week & happy T day!

    1. Thanks Karen! The whole lake there was full of ducks, swans and turtles, very fascinating to see them all together

  11. Lovely sea/beach themed tag, Valerie. Love how you used it in your journal page for AJJ too. She does look pensive and her skin is doing some fun things! Lovely details and colors. Wow, your trip looks so fun - love the different and unique things you captured with your camera. Such great details. I love the idea of a place you just pay what you can - that is soooo cool. Wish we had things like that here. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! It's a great idea there at the pilgrim's café that everyone is welcome, and can pay what they can, and still enjoy something if they can't. That's love your neighbour being practised! Have a wonderful week!

  12. Terrific tags today Tootsie! The lady does indeed look pensive. Perhaps she was dreaming of a visit to Ontario in the falls when the colours on the trees take your breath away, and the air is crisp and clean, and the beavers are preparing for winter. There is even hot coffee for breakfast, with eggs and home-fried potatoes. And speaking of coffee, Valerie Dahling, I must remember to sneak a peek into the latest version of the Guinness Book of World Records to find your name inscribed in the coffee drinking section. I have little doubt that you are there. No doubt the local municipalities have to enlarge their holding tank capacity when you visit! The week is just beginning. Enjoy every moment of every day! Big hugs from me to you.

    1. Hmmm, Tootsie!Well, I've not been called that before! Yes, Ontario in the Fall is surely spectacular, pit my tram doesn't stop there! And don't worry about holding tanks, we have a river here, plenty of room for more....I just got back from a little trip into town, and of course, I had to drink a coffee....Have a great day. Hugs to you and M!

  13. That should say "in the fall" not "in the falls". Each morning some little gremlin takes control of my fingers and types whatever she wishes!

    1. Those gremlins are everywhere! I must get out my spell-book again!

  14. I bet you wondered what happened earlier. Somehow I hit publish, then my internet went offline. It took forever to get back on again. I've been fighting my internet since then.

    I don't remember where I was going with that sentence, but I DO want to thank you for sharing your journal page with us at Art Journal Journey.

    It's amazing about Pilgrim's Center. So charitable. And that flea market is one I could browse through for days on end. So many wonderful items caught my eye. I especially liked the tea and coffee sets that were displayed on tables in the cafe. Simply beautiful and incredible. And your coffees you shared with us, too. How wonderful to see both coffee and cappuccinos being consumed. Thanks for sharing these with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

    I enjoyed all the photos, but I think my favorites today were the turtles. I've NEVER seen turtles lined up like that in the waters in the states. This was an amazing sight to see, I'm sure. I hope all is well in your world and your eye is healing nicely, too.

    1. I was wondering what happened, and I thought it might be your internet! I love the idea of people paying what they can, it's so hard for those who have nothing to pay for little luxuries. The flea-market is really incredible, a fun place to be! And I have never seen a row of turtles like that before, the whole lake was full of ducks, swans and turtles, a little paradise! Enjoy your day! See you later at 'T'

  15. That tag is awesome and I like how it's the daydream of the young lady. The seashore is the place to wish to be today. (Though I will be home) Another hazy, hot, and humid day. I don't mind. You don't have to shovel humidity. 😺 That flea market is so delightful. All the teacups, teapots, and I love the Charlie Chaplin. Take care and enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks CJ. I'll send you over some cool vibes. Here it's mixed today, sun, clouds, not hot, not cold - I like it! Have a fun day!

  16. I could use a lovely outing like that right about NOW! Wonderful memories. Lovely large tags and a beautiful page today.

    1. Thanks Christine. In these difficult times we need to concentrate on all of the good things we have experienced. Have a good week!

  17. Wonderful tag and journal page, love the textures. Hope today is a beautiful day for you. x

  18. Hi Valerie :) I love your nautical piece, great knot! Great photos! I love that tea setting and the golden rabbit! Oh I loved seeing the turtles!

    1. Thanks Rain! The knot took longer than the rest of the tag! Have a great week!

  19. Good morning Valerie, I love your tag-and then that it is included in your AJJ journal page too-awesome.
    what a very neat cafe with flea market-great idea and glad you were able to get out and enjoy it. all the turtles in a row-nice. always enjoy all of your photos. Happy week and Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. The turtles in a row were such fun. See you later at 'T'

  20. Great photos and beautiful art Valerie!
    Happy new week,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, you have a great week, too!

  21. You make coffee look so good and so appetizing. I cannot drink caffeine, but now I am seriously considering decaff just to have a taste of coffee.

    1. I'm sure decaff tastes good, too. Have a great week!

  22. I agree with the pensive woman. I'm certainly wishing I was at the sea because I saw your tag :) I enjoyed the virtual outing, and I'm feeling cooler just looking at that lake. Happy T Day!

    1. I would love to be by the sea, too! Happy T Day!

  23. What a gorgeous tag Valerie, I love all of the embellishments/textures and how you added it to your beautiful AJP! Fabulous photos today, the pictures of all of the turtles are sooo cute!! Enjoy your week!
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Hi Tammy! Thanks so much, glad you like the tag! Yes, those turtles are really cute, and I have never seen them queuing up like that, either - too funny! Have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  24. Very clever the way you incorporated that darling tag into a hybrid page. The embellishments on the tag are very cute and the hybrid page is lovely.

    What a nice idea to have a cafe where people pay what they can. I wonder if people who can afford more leave a little extra for those less fortunate.

    That's quite an upscale flea market. I wonder if they're all so nice in Germany or maybe all over Europe. I saw many items I would be interested in.

    I loved the turtles in a row. I've never seen turtles do that!

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen, this is a theme I like, it is has so many possibilities. It could be that some pay more at the cafe, everybody decides for themselves what they give. The servers are all volunteers, and the place has a great atmosphere. There are indeed a lot of nice flea markets here, and 'Life style' markets with food, drinks and music attract more customers. Have a great week and a very happy T Day!

  25. Great art work Valerie, hope the pensive lady gets some relief from the heat 😁 interesting place you visited, so many things to look at. I have never seen turtles lined up like that, maybe they were enjoying the sunshine.

    1. Thanks, those turtles were really fun to see like that. Have a great day!

  26. LOVE the starfish on your tag!! And you turned it into such a pretty journal page too. In love with the recycled singer sewing machine table!! Hubby has done something similar to one I inherited but wasn't able to restore with the machine:)
    The turtles in a row are a special photo op and a delight to see.
    Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. The sewing machine table is pretty indeed, I used to have one like that but didn't have room for it when I moved here. Have a great week!

  27. I like your nautical take and well done on your nautical knot!

    The town of Neviges is charming and very old world. I love the cafe. I have never seen turtles all lined up in a row but that is an interesting sight.

    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. I used to love making knots, but it's hard on my fingers these days! Happy T Day!

  28. Valerie you do have a fun sense of humor. I had to laugh at (in a fun way) at your idea of the girl looking at your tag and wishing to be at the seashore. The tag is great and so is the page. Thanks so much for joining in at AJJ. And Nevinges looks like a good place to drink coffee. That is an interesting cafe and decorated with some fascinating things. Have a super T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The tag made me want to be by the sea, I haven't been there for so long! Have a great day!

  29. Immernoch kalt hier, brrr. I´d like to be... under the sea....
    Schöne Fotos, einen schönen Tag dir.

    1. Danke. Hier auch sehr gemischtes Wetter, aber es könnte schlimmer sein! Happy T Day!

  30. Tienes mucha creatividad gran etiqueta marinera es perfecta, todas pensamos en el mar... la playa... al verla, también soy como la chica del cuadro.

    Gracias por el paseo por Neviges, rincones con encanto, el mercado de antigüedades...las cafeterías... el lago...bellas imágenes.


    1. Muchas gracias Maria José, que tengas un dia bueno!

  31. Lovely artwork and great photos. Happy T-Day!

  32. What a fabulous tag! I love that you made the young lady want to visit the beach! Neviges certainly has a lot to show! The coffees look great! Happy T Day! Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! I want to visit the beach, too! Happy T day!

  33. Oh what a great post! Yes, that flea market is somewhere I would looove to browse.
    And your tag is wishful thinking. I don't think I'll get to see the sea this year, other than in tags and journal pages.So I sympathise with the lovely lady in your page.
    I remember when you went to Mariendom,as I had never seen the cathedral and I love the unusual style and symbolism etc.I can't remember the name of the style, something like brutal, brutalistic or something.Fascinating.
    Thank you for the beautiful photos of the lake. Turtles! I love turtles. I have a postcard of turtles all lined up on a tree trunk, like in your photo. Perhaps they like doing that to rest or dry out. I don't know.
    Wishing you a very happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I would love to visit the sea, too. I haven't had any holiday at all since 2002. Neviges is a very interesting place to visit.

  34. Fabulous pieces Valerie, I love how you've incorporated your nautical piece into your hybrid, and what a wonderful place to visit xx

    1. Thanks Sue. The only was the hardest part! Have a great week!

  35. Oh, I love all your tag and journal page, they are done so well, and are pleasing to the eyes. Love the photos of your visit to the flea market with all the statues. What a great place for some great photos! Love the Alice and Wonderland reference one, and the singer tea table! They make me smile. Have a wonderful T Day!

    1. Thanks Sharon, glad you liked them. The flea market there is very special! Hve a happy T Day, and a great week!

  36. A super post and as you will guess I am on catch up mode. I loved the photos and seeing your art.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  37. That looks like a charming town. I'll look forward to more posts from their -- and adore the turtles!

    1. Those turtles are such fun sitting like that! I loved them, too!

  38. Another gorgeous the star fish.
    Thank you for joining in with my theme Valerie xx

    1. Thanks Sandie, I love star fish, too. Have a great day!

  39. I have never ever seen turtles in the wild. How wonderful. Seeing something like that would make my day. Fab photos as always and I think I saw a hint to Alice in Wonderland somewhere - but how fascinating those cafe's were.
    I love your journal page and the little story of the lady looking wistfully through the window at your gorgeous tag. I have never thought of including a knot on a tag and I used to love tying knots when I was in the Girl Guides (many many years ago). I am pretty sure I can still tie most of them.
    It is a lovely tag, gorgeous blue background and that starfish is exquisite. No other word for it - a fab tag for the journal page.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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