
Tuesday 21 July 2020


Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT - summertime.
As always, you have 2 weeks to link your creations to our blog, and all formats and styles are welcome - it should just showcase our theme. For more inspiration have a look at our blog and see the pieces made by the other 'girls' on the team.
I started with an A3 page which I brayered with gesso and small amounts of blue and pink acrylic paint. I added a sprinkle of glitter while the paint was still wet.The flowers, heron and dragonflies were collages with napkins, and the dance figures stenciled. One of the dancers was given a pink tulle skirt. The edges were stitched and the quote was added by hand. I am also linking to Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJ:

Today I have some more pics from my visit to Neviges, a very modern cathedral, dedicated to Mary. You can see the first installment here.  The castle from the middle ages is near Neviges:

The brutalist architecture of the cathedral is not everyone's taste, but very impressive:

The rose is the symbol for Maria :

Some of the older buildings in the town:

The cathedral looks like a mountain in the background:

I will show more pictures of the wonderful interior in my next post.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks for coming by!


  1. Love your page. Love the oclour of your background with the images. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Anesha, you have a wonderful day, too!

  2. Was für ein tolles Ideenreiches schöne Seite, liebe Valerie!
    Mit der Hand geschriebene Worte noch passend dazu. Schöne Impressionen hast du mit gebracht von diesen Ort!Ich freu mich shcon auf diesen Beiträge!
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Es ist sehr hüdsch dort. Dir auch einen schönen Tag, ich muss jetzt zum Zahnarzt! Dir Alles Liebe!

  3. Good Morning Val! LOVE your beautiful new page, you have really captured happy summer feelings here. Wonderful colours and style, great to see these dancers dancing for summer joy! Great photos, too, it's a fantastic place. We're all off to the park today, so I'm taking a picnic, and we can buy ices for the kids on the way home. Have a lovely day, good luck at the dentist! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad you like it. Have fun in the park, don't eat too much ice! I'm off in half an hour, thanks for the good wishes!

  4. Brilliant pages and gorgeous photos. Bit lost for words when I come here as everything is always so interesting in it's own beauty. xx

    1. Thanks Annie! Have a wonderful day, take care!

  5. La página está llena de color, me encanta la falda de la bailarina!

    Muy interesante la visita a otros rincones de impresionante el contraste de una catedral tan moderna en un lugar tan pintoresco.


    1. Muchas gracias - actualment necessito colores en mi vida. Me gusta Neviges mucho,
      Un lugar lleno de contrastes y sorpresas!

  6. You have created a lovely piece of art there. Great photos of Neviges. I love the old and the ancient, not so much that new cathedral, although it would make a great topic for discussion.

    1. Thanks Deb. I am not always a fan of brutalist architecture, but the inside is so beautiful, it takes my breath away. More pics to follow. The old houses are streets are always worth looking at. Have a great day!

  7. Hello dear Valerie!
    Love your gorgeous page with the beautiful background and the dance figures!
    The detail of the pink tulle skirt is so preety!! You are so talented!!
    Great pictures ! Such a beautiful place! I love castles!
    Have a happy day! Take care! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, dear Dimi! It is a beautiful place to visit. Have a wonderful day, take good care of yourself. Hugs!

  8. I love this summer piece for TIOT as well as AJJ. The pink skirt is a fantastic pop of hot color. And who doesn’t start dancing when the weather is nice? Thanks for linking up to AJJ also. And I am enjoying my armchair trip to Neviges. I can’t wait to see more of the cathedral but I am fascinated with the architecture. There’s none of that style in New Hampshire. Hope it’s a great day so far. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Nice weather makes us happy. This is the only Church I know here with this architecture, and its very impressive, especially in contrast to the ancient surroundings. Have a lovely day!

  9. I love the Summertime ... But today I will be playing with the dandelions. I did not know that the rose is the symbol for Maria. Great photos of Neviges. Have a great day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. The rose is one of the symbols for Maria. It's a great place to visit. Enjoy your day, hugs, Valerie

  10. The modern building of the church looks like a fascinating addition to a very traditional town. I'm looking forward to your additional photos.

    be well... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. The town is full of contrasts. Have a great day!

  11. Good morning Valerie: I am quite sure that if I go outside dressed in flowers and dance in the sun, someone will be calling the authorities - after they collapse in mirth, that is! Better that I out in my old birding hat and slouch down the street, and then people will simply say, "There goes, David." I made the news recently and for the second time in the past couple of years made the front page of the newspaper, so there is a certain degree of cachet that goes with my battered hat, tastefully decorated with splashes of bird poop here and there! Gotta look the part! I confess that I have never heard of Neviges. Is it in Germany or did you visit a neighbouring country? The cathedral looks very splendid indeed. For a brief moment I thought those red barriers (or whatever they are) were a Canadian flag. "Oh Canada" was rising in my larynx and I was reaching for the Maple Syrup, but I soon got over that. Have a great day today and every day. Enjoy your afternoon nap and your dozen coffees too! Bis morgen. David

    1. Hi David! Just came back from my midday walk. I am disappointed that you are not prepared to dress up and dance. Your poopy hat would look great strewn with flowers and you would probably hit the front page on national news if you wore a pink, beaded tutu! I'm sure Miriam would sew you one. Neviges is about half an hour's drive from here, and is always worth a visit. Canadians are welcome, too, I'm sure the pilgrim's cafe would treat you well! I'm just enjoying my early afternoon coffee and then it's feet-up-and-nap time. Greetings from your winged landsgeese I met today in Hofgarten, they seem to be conquering the world!

  12. Such a beautiful summer page! I love the words and how you interpreted them with the dancers and pretty flowers 😁. I enjoyed looking around Neviges with you too, it's a wonderful place to visit. Take care and wishing you a lovely week! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! It is indeed a wonderful place to visit!

  13. I think the architecture is striking, and such a contrast with the medieval-era building. That rose is a fascinating element, a new take on an old symbol.

    1. Thanks. Striking is a good word, it really bowls me over. The interior is also really impressive, like being in a huge stone tent, Pictures tomorrow!

  14. STUNNING art journal spread! LOVE all the softness of it and all the images!!! Just beautiful! ((HUGS)) Helen

  15. Its a a gorgeous page Valerie, I love the words and the wonderful happy dancing silhouette figures.Thank you for linking with us all at AJJ as well, its great inspiration for both the challenge themes.
    I wish I could have escaped and joined you on your walk today and I did enjoy seeing your photos of Neviges, I look forward to seeing the interior.
    I hope to get back later to catch up on the posts I missed.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I wish I could take you on a walk with me, that would be fun, and then we could have a natter and a cuppa afterwards! Stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  16. Beautiful page full of movement and thanks for this wonderful tour!

    1. Thanks Christine, glad to have you on board!

  17. The page you made is beautiful. The colors and the quote are perfect! I love the dragonfly and the skirt material. All of it works so well together.

    Looks like you had a nice visit and lots of great pictures. Amazing all the different styles of castles out there! Thanks for sharing. Stay safe!

    1. Thanks Jess! I had fun making the page. We have lots of castles here, that's true! Have a good and safe week!

  18. I love the dancers in your art. They look like free spirits.

  19. What a a joyful Summer scene. Beautiful colours and the dancers putting their all into celebrating Summer! Neviges looks to a great place to visit! Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! A nice Summer day ist something to celebrate!

  20. dear so stunning photos you gave to us:)

  21. What a beautiful town. Love that rose mural.
    Your piece and the saying that goes with it are wondrous. Being a child of the 60s.I especially appreciate it.
    Hope you are well and pain free.

    1. Thanks Sandra! The pains are not too bad just now, thanks for asking!

  22. A stunning page and lovely photos of your trip Valerie!

  23. What a beautiful piece Valerie, so gentle and dreamlike. Fabulous photo's too, what a very modern cathedral! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. The cathedral is very impressive. Have a great evening!

  24. I can feel the summertime joy in your page - and i could be there dancing about too! Old (esp European) buildings, towns, churches and cathedrals have always been a love of mine and oh how grand it would be to walk about this town and cathedral in person! But , since I can't thank you for the virtual tour;)

    1. Thanks Linda. At the moment we all need happy things and colours. We are lucky to have so many old cities and buildings here. Glad you walked with me!

  25. What a stunning page Valerie! I love the beautiful colors and fabulous images, fantastic quote too! Beautiful photos, the architecture is amazing, what a great walk! Take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I was thinking of people dancing and celebrating midsummer. Have a great afternoon, stay safe!

  26. Love your happy summertime page Valerie with your dancing ladies


  27. Once again, I'm fighting my internet. I'm SO sorry I'm late visiting. I DO like that summertime journal page. I love the silhouettes and the lovely skirt you added to the dancer. This is a real beauty and a wonderful entry for Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I am really enjoying this visit to Neviges. I love how the old is mixed with what appears to be new. These are simply stunning photos and I was most impressed by how the wall was deteriorating and how beautiful the cathedral looked at a distance.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I'm fighting with a too slow internet today, which is annoying. The mix of old and new in Neviges is really amazing, and something I like very much. Spellcheck keeps trying to turn 'Neviges' into 'Negligees', not quite the same thing....Have a fun day!

  28. What lovely art and photos today, Valerie. I do love that blue!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Blue is always beautiful! Stay safe!

  29. A gorgeous page Valerie, love the silhouette images dancing against your beautiful background, the colours are fabulous.
    Great photos from your visit, it looks a lovely place.
    Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, glad you like it. Have agreat day!

  30. What beautiful photographs again Valerie, I always look forward to seeing your photography.
    Love your journal page - first of all the blue background has impact in the way you have used the blues mixed with Gesso and touches of pink and then added silhouette type figures to illustrate those lovely words. The addition of the pink tulle skirt for one of your dancers is very inspired and adds just the perfect pop of colour with the flower beneath it.
    I really do like this page Valerie.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! Glad you like my page. Have a wonderful day!

  31. Your dancers own this delightful page Valerie, as silhouettes they really stand proud. I'd say the girl in the Tutu is the lead, i'd be just as happy dancing around the page amongst those beautiful flowers, like wee fairies at the bottom of the garden.. especially if I was wearing the Tutu :)) Fab Summertime page, thank you for the inspiration.
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Okay, if I do another dance party, you get to wear the tutu! Have a fun day!


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