
Saturday 27 June 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - enjoy!
I'm hoping very much that the weekend will bring us some rain and a cool down before I dry out completely and turn to dust!

Today I have a digital piece to share, using elements from me, Serif and Mischief Circus. I was talking to some neighbours who recently lost their son, and they are, of course, devastated. So I made this piece with the title 'sorrow' to sort my feelings. The poem is the first verse of the 'sad shepherd' by William Butler Yates. My auntie Betty  used to read poetry to me when I was a kid, and this was one of my faves, and I asked to hear it again and again....I think she gave me a lifelong love of poetry, and that is a great gift:

The Sad Shepherd

There was a man whom Sorrow named his friend,
And he, of his high comrade Sorrow dreaming,
Went walking with slow steps along the gleaming
And humming sands, where windy surges wend:
And he called loudly to the stars to bend
From their pale thrones and comfort him, but they
Among themselves laugh on and sing alway:
And then the man whom Sorrow named his friend
Cried out, Dim sea, hear my most piteous story!
The sea swept on and cried her old cry still,
Rolling along in dreams from hill to hill.
He fled the persecution of her glory
And, in a far-off, gentle valley stopping,
Cried all his story to the dewdrops glistening.
But naught they heard, for they are always listening,
The dewdrops, for the sound of their own dropping.
And then the man whom Sorrow named his friend
Sought once again the shore, and found a shell,
And thought, I will my heavy story tell
Till my own words, re-echoing, shall send
Their sadness through a hollow, pearly heart;
And my own tale again for me shall sing,
And my own whispering words be comforting,
And lo! my ancient burden may depart.
Then he sang softly nigh the pearly rim;
But the sad dweller by the sea-ways lone
Changed all he sang to inarticulate moan
Among her wildering whirls, forgetting him.

I still have several poetry books that she gave me, and although they are old and tatty I treasure them.
Some photos from my walks. I haven't been far, it's been too hot!

The green man is  dressed well for this hot weather!

The horses are sensible, they stand in the shade:

St Swidbert keeping watch over the town:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art work Valerie, very sad to hear your neighbours lost their son. I like your header photo. Lots of lovely blue sky photos, the green man is probably the coolest in the hot weather!!

  2. So sad your friends lost their son. Your aunt did give you a priceless gift. Beautiful photos, the flowers are spectacular.

    1. Thanks Christine, the flowers are really wonderful just now!

  3. Beautiful weekend post as always, love the photos as always and your art...hugs.xx

  4. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Oh so sad your friends lost their son,its tragic...
    Love your digital piece and your new header!
    Great captures from your walk! Like the flowers and the cute horses!
    Thank you for sharing! Have a lovely weekend! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks, dear Dimi. It's always sad when younger people die, his parents are having a hard time trying to cope. I love watching horses. Have a wonderful weekend, too!

  5. such beautiful art in expression of sorrow, and a beautiful poem. sending love. xo

  6. So sorry your neighbours who lost their son. Lovely creation and poem. Hope you get some rain, we did and it much nicer now. Stay safe. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. Glad you got some rain, I hope we get some here today - at least it's cloudy!

  7. Interesting banner!
    It must be awful to loose a child, not it´s not awful too loose a person in general.
    Sadly poetry was never an issue in my family, so I don´t really "get" it.
    Yips, the statue sure is happy being naked... Unlike you it can´t get hot enough for me. But, yes, we need rain for the flowers to stay beautiful. And we won´t have you vanish to dust, either, to a great weekend :-)

    1. Danke Iris. Es ist zumindest grau in grau heute, aber wir warten noch auf Regen!

  8. A beautiful page Valerie , a gentle calmness in a time of sadness.
    The poem was a good one to use on this piece.
    Its good to have poetry books close by, I liked to read them at bed time, perhaps one will be beside me tonight.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Glad to hear you like poetry, too. Have a good weekend.

  9. Good morning Valerie: The poem is quite wonderful. Oh to have the skill to write like that! I know few people who read poetry any more and I suspect that it is not a great part of a school curriculum. The poetry books you love so much sound like a few people I know - old and tatty but treasured and delightful! I had planned to go out do some birding before breakfast this morning, but it is raining, so that puts an end to those plans. i am sure you enjoy walking by the green man on your daily peregrinations! As you say he is dressed for the weather. I think they should have provided him with a female companion! The weekend is upon us, but I am quite sure that for those of us who are retired it makes little difference. The biggest daily question we have each day is, "What will we make for dinner?" Last night was simple, a little chicken, and Greek salad, followed by cherries and watermelon. Tonight? We will see! With hugs and kisses, David.

  10. Thanks David! Lucky you having some rain, I'm still waiting and hoping for a cooling shower here! Glad you like poetry, too. At the school I went to it was highly thought of, so we got lots of it, which was good for me. And what to make for dinner? I've been lazy in the heat and had yogurt and fruit every day, with a piece of cheese when I needed a nibble. Today I've been extravagant and made eggs and bacon....I have a quiche in the deep-freeze so might make that if the weather cools off. Enjoy your day, hugs to you and M!

  11. Hi Val, hope you are enjoying your Saturday. Love the beautiful piece you made. Sorry to hear that your neighbour's son has died, that's very sad. Poetry was always your thing, and this poem is indeed lovely.Your photos are fantastic as always. Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. It is really sad, reminded me of Graham's death. Anyway, life has to go on. Have a great weekend, keep cool!

  12. I'm sorry to hear of about your neighbor, your poem reference and digital piece are beautiful. My grandmother shared poetry with me, she loved to read and passed that on to me too. Your photos are wonderful ~ It's hot and humid here and I started walking in my skirted bathing suit bottom rather then washing underwear and shorts every morning :) Enjoy the weekend! As close to the green man's outfit as I can get (hahaha)

    1. Thanks Karen. Green man costume sounds great, and well done on finding a nifty outfit which makes less work. Have a great weekend, keep cool!

  13. Pretty flowers, horses, sky, all nature is perfect :)

  14. Beautiful art and poetry, and lovely photos Valerie. So sad to hear your neighbours' son died.
    The temperature is much cooler here today, hope it's the same for you.
    Alison xx

  15. Thanks Alison, good for you. It's still unpleasantly hot here, tomorrow will hopefully be cooler. Enjoy your weekend!

  16. I am glad you have a lifelong love of poetry. Poetry and art go together. Blessings!

    1. You're right they so indeed! And music goes with both as well.

  17. Beautiful poetry and your art is gorgeous!
    My heart aches for your very sad.
    Thank you for sharing more of your beautiful photos!!!
    I love horses! We used to have our own years ago. I miss them.

    Big Hugs and Stay Safe 🌷☕

    1. Thanks Jan. Poetry ist always welcome and you know I love yours, too!

  18. Very sad to read about your neighbours son.

    Thank you for sharing your art, the poem and your wonderful selection of photographs.
    It was the colourful hydrangeas that took my eye - so beautiful.

    Have a good weekend, hopefully a cooler one.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. The hospital gardens are always wonderful, I love walking there. Have a great Weekend

  19. Ooooohhh the colors on that art piece are just wonderful. Also a very nice walk today.

  20. Love the new header. I bet it feels like Italy with your heat. And your page is both beautiful and a little bit mystical. Perfect she is thinking of the man who is not really there. Great page. Hoping you have some cool weather ASAP Valerie. Hugs-Erika

  21. Very beautiful photos and colors!!!Kisses from Greece!!!

  22. Hi Valerie what lovely digital pages you have made ,I love the poem and I am very sorry about your friends loss so sad ,hope you have a lively day my friend xx

  23. Thanks so much Sheryl! Have a great day!

  24. Sorry I'm late visiting, Valerie. Sadly, I'm playing catch-up. I'm even two and three days behind visiting several of my blogging friends. You were in the queue, but apparently, not fast enough. I apologize.

    Your grief inspired poem is beautiful. I hope it helps ease the pain of a family losing their child. I absolutely adore this digital entry.

    You found some beautiful flowers as you walked the hospital grounds. And that green man is dressed like I would be if I didn't have to go outside as I have for two days. He DOES need a mask, though (grin).

    1. Thanks E. He only needs a mask here if he goes into a shop or cafe!

  25. That poem got to me! Your piece is beautiful Valerie. I love that you post photos of your walk, the horses are such wonderful creatures, I never tire of seeing them and the flowers are so lovely!

    1. Yes, it's a very special piece with meaningful words. There are horses at every corner here, so I always pay my respects when passing by! Have agood, new week!

  26. Your response to this poem when you were a child is lovely, so that you would remember it and use it in such a beautiful expression of sympathy.

    be well... mae at

  27. Thanks Mae. It's strange that some things stay with us forever, but that I sometimes forget my telephone number! Have a great week to come!

  28. What a beautiful piece and poem Valerie, but I'm so sorry for your neighbours, I can't imagine the pain of losing a child. Those horses are gorgeous, and far too clever to stand in the sun. I hope you're still there and haven't turned to dust lol. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

  29. ThankS Sue, I hope some of me will be left after I have showered the dust off! Have a good week,

  30. That poem is lovely. I wasn't familiar with it. And I love the treatment on your page -- the image, the colors, they all work so well together.

    It's grim hot here, too. Do your best to keep cool!

  31. Gorgeous page! So many great details and such a cool feeling to it. The poem is very cool too - I have never read it before. I need to read some more poetry. Lovely flowers and pictures. You see the real beauty in the world. Always love visiting you and sorry I am late catching up!

    1. Thanks Nancy. Poetry is wonderful the Psalms are all Hebrew poetry, so you do read poetry often!


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