
Friday 26 June 2020

Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Another week has gone by too quickly, and it was a hot and humid one, too.
And we are still waiting for rain! It's a pity we can't order weather as we like it / need it!

Last week I did a big clean-out in my arty kitchen, threw away lots of scraps, and then decided to tidy my paints. After sorting them back into the right boxes and baskets I tested some which looked as dried up as I feel just now. I gave them a squeeze, and if paint came out, they were allowed back into their basket, if not, they went into the garbage bag. I didn't want to waste the paint I had squeezed out, so I took a large brush and and spread the colours onto an A3 sheet of paper, which I had already used to test my sprays. Then I printed out 3 of 'my' men which I drew a long time back, fussy cut them and stuck them onto the coloured background. I gave them some outlining and accents with red pastel chalk, added a sentiment and sewed around the edges using red yarn. I added a few red diamonds just for fun. I am linking to Art Journal Journey, a stitch in time and to Paint Party Friday:

Lavender close-up:

Another balcony flower:

The meadow behind the house:

I went for a shady walk under the trees by the lakes:

A neighbour's lavender:

I had an appointment in town, so walked part of the way through the old cemetery:

Help - it looks like somebody's trying to escape -or perhaps to get in?

Some of the stones are beautiful:

It's like being in a different world walking through here instead of along the busy road which runs parallel to the cemetery.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie,wow i love your art journal pages,i think it was a wonderful way to use up your paint and the effect is fantastic,well done my friend and i love your walking pics,stay safe and well Valerie xx

  2. Love your art work Valerie, the carving on some of the old buildings and head stones is amazing, there must have been some very clever tradespeople back in the day. The lavender is beautiful, I hope It was visited by lost of bees.

    1. Thanks a lot. I love those carvings, too, they had talent!

  3. I like what you did with that extra paint. It makes a cool background for those men. And the stitching finishes it off nicely! THanks for sharing with us. Nice summer photos, and I hope it cools down for you. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I hope it cools down, too! Have a great day!

  4. I love the painted project and using up the paint and scraps - such a nice final project! The colors are so rich and striking. That is absolutely GORGEOUS lavender! I wouldn't mind some of that growing in my yard! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Kelly. The lavender is lovely indeed, I admire it every time I go past!

  5. Lovely art and gorgeous photos Valerie.

  6. I see nothing goes to waste at your home, either. That's a lovely entry with tested paint. I really like the simplicity of this page, which is complex at the same time. I really love the sewing. It really popped on the page.

    All my lavender died. I can't seem to keep lavender, yet your neighbor has an entire yard of it. You must live in a much better climate than I. Lovely art and great photos today.

    1. Thanks E. The neighbour's lavender is really beautiful, it looks much better than mine! Have a great day!

  7. Sehr coole Verwertung der Testfarben - erinnert mich ein bisschen an die 80er Jahre vom Stil her. Schöner Lavender, hier blüht er auch (also nicht bei mir...).
    Na, ich hoffe, da wollte jemand rein, nicht raus ;-) Schöne Friedhofsbilder.
    Dir einen schönen Tag, Samstag soll es regenen, dann sind wir alle hoffentlich nicht mehr so trocken wie die ausrangierten Farben! GlG, Iris

    1. Damke Iris. Ich hoffe du hast recht mit dem Regen! Dir einen schönen Tag!

  8. I had a nice walk - those carved stones are beautiful.
    Have a good weekend!

  9. What a great idea to use your test papers to create the most amazing journal pages
    Valerie xx Gorgeous photos too xx It has been very humid here with high temperatures but the rain and thunderstorms have arrived xx

    Sending my best wishes
    Annie xx

  10. Thanks Annie. It's still VERY hot and humid here, but I'm hoping we'll get some clouds and rain at the weekend! Stay well!

  11. This paint is very beautiful but the photos of the flowers you took are even more!
    Have a good weekend walk! :))

    1. Thanks so much. Nature s always the best artist of all! Have a good and safe weekend!

  12. I love this page with the fussy cut figures and how you used the paint. The stitching framed it so well and I do like that quote. Thank you for linking to Halle's AJJ theme.
    The photos looked lovely, I can imagine the aroma of the lavender as you walk past that garden.
    Yvonne xx
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Lavender always s,ells wonderful, I always run my fingers through the blooms when I walk past! Have a good day, stay safe!

  13. Hello dear Valerie!
    Love your page with the lovely figures and the nice quote that you choose !
    Gorgeous photos of the lavender flowers and the old cemetery and the carve stones!
    Thank you for sharing! Have a happy weekend! Take care! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, dear Dimi! Glad you liked the photos, the old cemetery is very fascinating, I love walking there. Have a wonderful day, stay safe!

  14. Love your page, the figures work so well with the background. Love your photos. Was too hot her yesterday and looking like another hot one today. Stay cool and safe.

    1. Thanks Anesha. It's much too hot, isn't it? Look after yourself and keep cool!

  15. Die Reste haben wieder ein tolles schönes Seite raus gemacht, deine Fantasie ist unendlich das liebe ich an dir!
    Die Fotos sind wiede rso hübsch von den Blumen und dem Glückskäferchen aber auch von diesem wundershcönen Friedhof.
    Ich wünsche dir hoffentlich einen an genehmen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ich hab immer viel Fantastie, aber heute NULL Energie, es ist zu heiss! Dir einen schönen tag, bleib gesund, bleib kühl!

  16. Beautiful post full of wonderous beauty and art... Have a fab weekend.xx

  17. It never ceases to amaze me, Valerie, how you come up with all these creations, and you do it every day, and as in this case using up scraps, and bits of paint that most would probably jettison. You are an artistic genius! Must be something in the air - or the coffee - in Balconia-by-the-Rhine. I am very fond of cemeteries, interesting as you say to meander through and observe, but they are also very agreeable locations for a bird lover. They usually have mature trees, are quiet, yet have people moving to and fro, and the resident birds become accustomed to that and are often more approachable than in other locations. I was happy to share your tour! The weekend is upon us. Enjoy it. Walk often. Drink coffee? Big hugs, David

    1. Thanks David, I think it's the coffee! The old cemetery is a beautiful place, quiet, and full life. As you say, lots of birds, and I saw squirrels and mice. Last autumn I even saw a fox there. And lots of people hang bird food and fat balls in the trees. Enjoy your weekend, hugs to you and M!

  18. Awesome art Valerie! and super photos-loved everything-hugs Happy weekend Kathy

  19. Your page looks like a magazine ad for young men's clothing. Posh and cool. Cute ladybug on your walk, but I loved the walk through the cemetery. Those stones were beautiful I especially loved the quill and script writing. The humidity broke here, but like your area we need rain. Enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks CJ. I thought of you when I saw the quill pen and the script, I knew you would like it! It's a wonderful place to spend time. I often go there when I need somewhere quiet and beautiful to walk.

  20. Great photos!! I have been meaning to get out my camera and mess around with it during quarantine, but I was too busy studying and blogging to do so... Maybe soon! :)
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

    1. Nice to meet you Jenna! Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  21. Cemeteries are peaceful and there sure are some beautifully cut stones. They had a cemetery near where I used to work that dated back to the civil war. I used to walk through there a lot.
    Another fun piece.
    Hope your weekend is as special as you are.

    1. Thanks Sandra. There's something special about these places, that's for sure. Have a good weekend!

  22. You did a great job saving the paint and creating such cool art at the same time!
    I got the feeling of people in a modern cityscape scene!
    Your photos are so gorgeous!!!
    Have a great day and stay safe ☕🌷

    1. Thanks Jan, it does look rather like a towering city-scape. Have a great weekend!

  23. Lovely creation and used your squeezed your paint ~ no waste! ~ Gorgeous nature shots ~ favorite is the little lady bug ~ Happy Weekend to You,

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. That Carol! I don't like being wasteful. Have a great Weekend!

  24. your abstract is GRAND!!! I always love taking a walk with you... wish we could be in the same city! The close up of the red flower already looks like a painting!

    1. Thanks Lee Anna. It would be great to Hop through the Computer and meet Up with Others in another country!

  25. Very interesting post! Thanks for sharing! 🎀🎀🎀

  26. Wow I love how you create with the people. Lovely photos too. Have a great weekend.

  27. I need to sort my paints out too, I'm sure some will need binning.I'm pleased you used the paint you squeezed out. Great photos.

    1. Thanks Linn. I think I need to screw tops on properly, too, that might help!

  28. Ooh I love this, what a great way of using your testing piece. We've had thuder and rain in between the sun today but it's so muggy now so I can feel another restless night coming on. Take care and have a great weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Hot and muggy here, too, I feel like Mars Bar that's been out in the sun all day! And I wish I had a mars bar, well cooled! It can only get better! Have a great weekend!

  29. Gorgeous page Valerie, I love the men you drew with the long legs! Awesome photos, I bet the lavender smells wonderful and the stones in the cemetery are beautiful, amazing details still after all of the years that have gone by. Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, glad you like my long legged men! Have a wonderful weekend!

  30. a very modern, artsy page Valerie- love it! Good for you to tidy up your room. Mine so needs to be done again... gorgeous photos!! What's not to love about flowers, and old cemetery stones. happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda! Yes, sometimes we need to tidy Up or things get Out of hand!

  31. Sounds like you've had a busy week 😀. Your painting is fabulous, love how you used the brush strokes and paint to add the texture to the background - gorgeous! Wow, the flowers, views and carvings are gorgeous too 😁. Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  32. The week has simply flown by - it seems the older I get the more quickly it goes!
    We are really hoping for some rain, after all the hot weather it would be most welcome … but we will have to wait and see what happens!

    You've shared some wonderful photographs from the old cemetery, thank you.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  33. I love that you didn't waste your papers and created a wonderful piece with them. I enjoyed you photos around the graveyard as well. Those old tombstones are beautiful and so intricately carved. Amazing.
    Sorry I am a bit late in visiting your piece for A Stitch in Time...its been a crazy busy week.

    1. Thanks Halle, glad you visited. Have a great weekend!

  34. Fantastic art Valerie, and beautiful photos of your peaceful walk Valerie!
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  35. Luv your walk photos. Your figures in the art journal look the way shadows stretch😊 nice
    Happy PPF


    1. Thanks Gillena. It's fun making exaggerated drawings like that. Have a great weekend!

  36. I love the way you have used the tested paints to form your background which is perfect for your figures, so simply painted that they stand out against that deep background of yours.
    The flowers on your balcony look lovely and I would just enjoy a walk down that shade lane where the trees are forming a canopy. I cannot think of anything more tranquil than a walk there.
    Yes, cemeteries do have some interesting old stonework.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps love the header, reminds me of Tuscany.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  37. Those pages that you created and the thought behind that piece is wonderful. Loved IT!!!
    The lovely lavenders look like they are peeping through the fence.

  38. I like the "Go where you've never been" encouragement and that striking image. Your flower closeups are impressive! The cemetery looks like a peaceful place. It has such lovely stone decoration

    1. Sometimes it's important to choose another way! The cemetery is one of my fave places.

  39. Your balcony flower matches your page which has some very fine words and cool guys on it! Love it. Lovely pictures - TFS!!!!

    1. Thanks Nancy! Glad you liked it! Have a great week!

  40. Striking page, Valerie. I like the phrase "Go where you've never been." The pink "furry" flower is stunning. I wonder what it is. You got close-ups of ladybugs - I think that's good luck. HUgs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. I have no idea what sort of flower it is, I bought a pot of them at the market because they were so pretty. I had to tramp through the undergrowth to get the ladybird photos! Have a great week!

  41. Hi again. I tried twice to leave a comment on you two journals post ( and got 502 error each time. So here's what I want to say. (Can you tell I'm doing an end-of month catch-up at AJJ? Sorry to be so late.)

    Wonderful whimsical juornals, Valerie. The last spread is my favorite. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Sorry, I wonder what caused that? And thanks for trying!


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