
Saturday 30 May 2020

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

We have a long weekend here in Germany, so I suppose all who work will be happy to have more family time - or perhaps not, as many have had nothing else these past 'Corrina' weeks. Whatever, enjoy your weekend!

I have one more piece to share with Mia's flowers challenge at AJJ

I used a photo taken many years ago. A colleague of mine used to collect alarm clocks, so I borrowed them one day, and took photos at home along with a few of my own. I still have the clock with the winged lady, but gave the rest to my colleague, which made him happy. The picture was composed in Paint Shop. I added the flowers in Serif, once again using my photos. The bricks in the background are part of the old town walls:

And here are the rest of the photos taken when I was looking for flowers in our little town. This is the 'new' market square, built in the 1980s, before that it was just fields:

This street is built on the old town walls, and is called 'On the High Wall':

At the end of the street you go down the steps to get to market street:

Here the playground is built in what used to be the moat, with the old walls in the background:

Men at work, there always seems to be something that needs repairing:

 This is the remains of the old mill, the top got blown away in a storm in the 19th century:

Going down the narrow lane from the mill you pass several beautiful houses:

Then you are in market street again, a few yards from the river:

And I visited the waterfowl in Hofgarten - I love the reflections on the water:

Where's my lettuce?

My lettuce was soon eaten, and then a little boy fed them with bird seed, so they all trooped in his direction. The baby geese are already really large:

 These two got into an 'I-saw-it-first-leave-it-for-me' argument:

And this one trailed after me when I went, probably hoping for more lettuce....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Happy weekend Valerie. Love the poppies in your new header. And very nice photo art today. It has a nice vintage look. And time themes are always super. And nice contrast to your art with that "new" square construction. It does look modern. Always enjoy a walk with you. Happy long weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The new square is a pretty place to sit and enjoy. Have a great day!

  2. Happy long weekend, love your clocks art work. The old buildings in your town are fascinating.

    1. Thanks a lot. The buildings here fascinate me too, always something to see!

  3. Hi Valerie love your click art ,beautiful . What wonderful pics of the waterfowl and I love the different structures of the houses. Thankyou for sharing with us,stay safe my friend xx

    1. The houses here are very pretty, some go back to the 12th century. Have a great weekend!

  4. I love your cheerful poppy header! I think the clocks with the sunflowers is beautiful and a harmonious pairing. I always like your photos of the water birds: geese and ducks.

  5. Great designed post and cheery pics.xx really nice.xx

  6. Lovely art and a beautiful town!

  7. Thanks Laurie, I like it here very much. Have a great weekend!

  8. And here I sit, tic-toc-tic-toc...
    As kid I hated the noise, but having had a Father who was also a watch maker.... you had to live with it and now I have so many, too, it makes me feel "safe".
    My Dad also loved sunflowers, great composition, he´d want to have this!

    A beautiful town and I love the argument-scene! And your little follower!
    A great day to you, GlG, Iris

  9. Ich mag Uhren, und die Geräusche die sie machen. Die Enten und Gänse sind immer mega-süß! Dir auch einen schönen tag!

  10. Die Uhren sie bringen ein vieles an Gefühlen mit, toll deine digtiales Journal seite mit den Blumen!
    Ich liebe es deine Städtchen zu sehen, ach da kommt Sehnsucht auf bei mir und so manche Stelle erkenne ich heute noch mit ihren Blumen an den Treppen und Ecken!
    Süss die Gansfamilie ich kann da auch nie genug bekommen.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Pfingstwochenende( Nich bin froh wenn es wieder vorbei ist schön ist es nicht gerade die Massen von Menschen überall und die benehmen sich ojeee furchtbar wie wenn sie keine Verkehrsregeln mehr kennen oder mit dem Parken egal wer es ist ob im Auto, auf Fahrrad oder als Fussgänger und diese Hetzerei schon wieder da wird keine mehr Rücksicht genommen,grausig so agressiv Da muss ich wirklich immer suchen wo man da noch radeln kann, Mitternachts radeln lach oder Balkonia)
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Touristen Mengen sind mnchmal grausam, ich meide Kaiserswerth am sonnigen Wochenende wenn die Ausflügler kommen Kaffe oder Bierchen trinken, gräßlich! Dir einen schönen Tag un hoffentlich einen ruhigen Platz zum Radeln.

  11. Yes! ... Long weekend ... But that feels like it, from three months already ... I don't make a difference between the normal working days and the weekend days ... Maybe I'll start more on Monday, because then ales will start again to work ... metro, bus, trains ... ales on normal program.
    Funny pictures! The critters family is so funny! They can all live in peace even though they are of different kinds ... only humans cannot!
    I wish you a nice weekend! Hugs!

    1. Yes, if we're always home then long weekends don't make any difference! Glad things are getting back to normal, here, too. Although, what is normal these days?! People could learn a lot from animals, that's true. I love watching them waddling about!

  12. Lovely collage. You like in a really lovely place. Have a great weeked.

    1. Thanks Anesha, I like being here. Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Good morning Queen of the Crafters, Monarch of the Mosaic, Guru of the Gessoe, Sultana of the Scrapbook. I am very pleased to see that you are still finding time to visit the waterfowl of your area, and what a great selection you have too. Naturally, as you realize I am quite sure, the Canada (🇨🇦) Geese are the very best of all, sleek and elegant, lovely of form, graceful in their demeanour, wonderful to behold. And under the careful care of dedicated parents the youngsters are growing big and strong as Canadians are wont to do. No doubt you will be wishing to learn the words of "Oh Canada" in both official languages so that you can serenade our displaced citizens. Be sure to send me a recording. Those alarm clocks remind me of a fellow I knew many years ago who always had trouble getting out of bed so he had one alarm clock on the bedside stand, and another set at a high decibel level on the dresser across the room, so that after snoozing past the first alarm, he was compelled to jump out of bed to shut off the second one. Saturday is more than half over where you are, Valerie, but you still have a day and a half of the weekend remaining to take lettuce to the geese. Please give my regards to my fellow citizens. I will probably see their relatives today. Hugs and kisses from Ontario, David

    1. Thanks for the smiles, but it is perhaps better not to use my titles in public, we don't want everyone to know....I just came back from delivering lettuce again, your winged country-fellows send their best wishes! But I think we will have to wait with singing the anthems, there are enough old crows making a noise there without me joining in. I usually wake up early without an alarm, but if I do need one I have a watch which vibrates on my wrist and wakes me. So, it's time for my afternoon snooze here, and then perhaps a little walk later on. Have agreat day, make the most of it.


  14. A walk around your city gave me great pleasure :)

  15. Hi Valerie x I loved perusing your photographs, which are absolutely beautiful x The area where you lives look amazing....have a lovely weekend and keep safe xx

    Annie xx

  16. Baby geese look really beautiful! And I love the colors on the ducks feathers. Amazing photos with lake reflections and streets full of flowers. As for your page, it is perfect! I am especially impressed from the clocks and the statue with the gold wings and dress. Thank you once again, Valerie, for joining my challenge at AJJ! Hugs, my dear friend.

    1. Thanks Mia. The geese are lovely and fun to watch. Glad you like the clock page, that is a very pretty clock. I still have it, but it doesn't work any more.

  17. That was a lovely trip around your town Valerie, such a pretty place and I loved seeing the old houses. Great photos from the wildfowl park, the ducks and geese are so entertaining with their antics. The vintage clock photo looks good on your artwork and your winged lady looks interesting -btw I love the new heading .
    Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, nice to see you! The geese and ducks are always fun to watch. You have a great weekend, too!

  18. Love your creative art...always beautiful!!!
    Your photography talents are stunning!!!
    You were born to be the talent that you are!!!
    Hugs ☕🌷

    1. Thanks Jan, you are so kid, have a great weekend!

  19. Lovely composition with the clocks. Made me smile to think of having more time. I enjoyed the walk around your town. Modern buildings blending with the old seems to really work. Such pretty houses and flowers. I wish I had that kind of green thumb. Enjoy your long weekend.

    1. More time would be good, a few hours extra each day and I might even manage some housew**k. My thumb is not really green, either! Have a great weekend.

  20. Lovely composition with the clocks and beautiful photos of your walk ~ lovely 'village' ~ wonderful brick works ~ love all the feathered friends ~

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor

  21. I love your clock art Valerie, and your little town is so pretty. Love the birds too.
    Alison xx

  22. I don't see geese in Hawaii, so your photos of them are a visual feast. Oh my.

    1. I thought there were geese everywhere! Have a great weekend!

  23. Stunning art with the clocks. I enjoyed reading that you gave all your unwanted clocks to your friend who collects them. I wouldn't get rid of that angel clock, either. It's a beauty. It's great that you framed these clocks with your lovely flowers, which of course is perfect for Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey. Thanks for sharing, too.

    WOW, love all those homes and the way they decorate with plants, shrubs, and flowers, whether in pots or window boxes. Great to see all the water fowl together, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. It#s bed time here, so I'll wish you a goodnight even if it's not yet that late where you are!

  24. Hi Val, sorry I'm so late today, went shopping with my mum, Leah and all of the kids so that was an adventure. The all got new shoes and some other bits, and then we went for ice, which was the best! Love your beautiful clock page, I know the winged clock well. Wonderful photos, too, always a pleasure to see your view of the world! Sleep well, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, just saw this, doing a last check before I head for bed, it was a long and hard day today! Tell you more when we speak on the phone. Take care!

  25. I have a relative who used to collect little clocks. What a wonderful piece you created! All those lovely spring flowers :) and I do love the architectural variety. It makes for an interesting [virtual] walk :)

    1. Yes, variety is good, in clocks and on walks!

  26. Lovely art and lovely photographs, there always seems lots to see on your walks.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, there is always a lot to see indeed.

  27. What a lovely place you live and those photos are proof of it.

  28. Un precioso paseo Valerie, la ciudad con sus hermosos monumentos y la rivera del río con sus aves acuáticas.

    Tu composición para AJJ es muy original con los relojes... voy yo a buscar todos los relojes viejos de casa.😉

    BESOS... Feliz Domingo!!

    1. Muchas gracias! Que tengas un dia muy bueno!

  29. A lovely post Valerie, I have enjoyed my walk looking at the photos of your town. It always seems to look so fresh and clean with no litter to spoil the view.
    Your journal page for Mia's AJJ theme was gorgeous, the bright flowers and all the clocks looked fantastic.
    Have a good rest of the weekend.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. There is often litter along the river where people have picnics or grill stuff. It's no bother to carry stuff there, but much too hard to put things in the bins afterwards!

  30. Thank you for sharing the beauty around you. I'm grateful.

  31. Lovely clock collage, Valerie.

    Your village and especially the square are very picturesque. Thanks for more beautiful photos. You're a wonderful photographer. It makes me wonder what your career was.

    Have a lovely Sunday. Eileen xx

    1. I studied theology and philosophy and was a teacher for 35 years. When I retired from the school I worked for 9 years in a care home! But photography was my hobby from when I was a kid. Have a great day!

  32. Fun clocks creation. Love the flowers with it. Your clock wit the lady is so cool. I started to collect clocks a few years ago and then lost interest. I still have a few. They are fun.

    The architecture in your area is so amazing to me. I love how the new blends in with the old and it all stays very beautiful. Amazing! Hugz

  33. What a wonderful piece, you are so good at playing on your computer and making art.Your photographs are wonderful, you live in such a pretty . Those geese have no loyalty do they, always following the food - a bit like me really! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. It make them almost human, doesn't it, just following the food!

  34. I hope your weekend was terrific. I love long weekends. (Rick says, "Why? Isn't every day part of a long weekend?!" And he's right.) Your clock piece is fabulous!

    1. Thanks! We need more long weekends and less long weeks!


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