
Friday 29 May 2020

Paint Party Friday

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, and nearly weekend - where did the time go again?

I spent a lot of time in my arty kitchen - when I wasn't outside walking - and tried to use up as many scraps as I could by making collage. I made an A3 mixed media collage, using scraps of paper napkins, stamping and a printed image. The paper was first given a layer of gesso which I textured with a script stamp. When it was dry I added pink and yellow acrylics before collaging it. I added some sewing as a finishing touch:

This is just a part of the huge amount of 'scraps' I have collected, so I might be occupied for the next year or three using it all up!

Here in the close-up you can see the script in the background:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to AJJ, Mia's flowers challenge.

The second piece is a hybrid piece. The background was made in 2 minutes by rolling left over acrylics over the page. When it was dry I stamped the tulips with black Archival. The sentiment (Mischief circus), figure and my blackbird photo were added in Serif.

Today we had wonderful weather, so I had 2 good walks. The photos were taken on my walk through the fields and along the Rhine:

I am so delighted to see so many poppies this year, they make me so happy!

My second walk was long, and  on the way back I visited Schloss (castle) Kalkum to see if the goslings have grown - and they have! The photos are still on my camera, I will show them in my next post. But I did take a little video on my smart phone:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art Valerie, the script and butterflies are great. Wonderful to see the poppies on your walk, we used to have them in the garden, must get some more seed. The goslings have grown, seems one minute they are fluffy babies, the next small adults!

    1. Thanks. Poppies are so beautiful! Have a great day!

  2. I always enjoy seeing poppies and there were certainly a lot of them to see on your walk.
    I did enjoy the video and look forward to seeing the photographs.

    Wishing you a Happy Friday

    All the best Jan

    PS Lovely art on your post too :)

    1. Thanks Jan, the little geese are growing up!

  3. Lovely mixed media and hybrid piece. The poppies are gorgeous. The video is so peaceful.

    1. Thanks. Kalkum is a peaceful place to be. it's like stepping into another world!

  4. I love seeing your bits and pieces art. And those poppies just take my breath away -- they're so very beautiful!

  5. Beautiful field of poppies and the video has made my your posts as you know.xx

  6. Look at what you create with scraps. Just beautiful. I also like the silhouette,there is so much grace. Love the photos.

  7. Ohhhhhhh- Banner!!! Sehr schön! Wie auch die Arbeiten, sehr kreativ, das fehlt mir leider.
    Schön auch (?), dass man nichts mehr von deinen Fingern hört, alles gut?
    Lieblingsblumen "overload"... nee, kann ich nicht genug von kriegen, danke :-)
    Dir einen schönen Tag, GlG, Iris

    1. Danke Iris. Poppy Zeit ist immer sooooooo schön. Ich habe keine Nekrosen mehr an den Fingern, but auch wenig 'gefühl', die Hände sind oft taub und zeimlich kraftlos. Immerhin schaffe ich Alles wieder, dass ist die Hauptsache. Dir einen schönen Tag!

  8. Wunderschön die vielen Mohnblumen und das süsse Video von den jungen Gänsen.
    Du hast wieder zwei wundervolle Seiten ausgedacht, mit all den schönen Details!
    Eins auf Nostalgie und das andere Modern .. klasse. Die Reste sind doch toll!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönen Freitag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ich hab immer noch sehr viele Reste, also muss ich weitermachen! Bleib gesund!

  9. Your collages and the photos are so lovely! I specially love the background you created. The second one is fabulous!

    Happy PPF,

    1. Thanks Soma. I love making backgrounds, and often just paint anything/nothing, have fun, and put something on them another time. It's very relaxing! Stay safe!

  10. Wow, the poppies are blooming ...
    That's coincidental and funny ... I just wrote on Iris blog that we go out and catch butterflies ... and you have the butterflies on your page! Very well done!!
    So ... are you coming outside to catch butterflies too? LOL
    Have a great day! Hugs!

    1. That#s good, I have the butterflies ready for you! I am going out now for my morning walk along the Rhine, and there are always flowers and butterflies at this time of the year. Have a wonderful day!

  11. Good morning Val, hope your weather is as lovely as ours here. The kids are all clamouring to go out, so we will go to the park again and then they can run round a bit. Mum likes it too, so that's something! Love both of your art pieces today, both so different and each gorgeous i its own way, well done! And the photos are gorgeous, I can picture you going into raptures over all of those beautiful poppies. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Have fun in the park! Hope mum behaves herself today :) Look after yourself!

  12. Two beautiful pieces Valerie! Love the collage piece, must try this one day. Those photos of the Poppies are so pretty. Have a great weekend.x

    1. Thanks Anesha. Collage is fun, but once you start you can't stop! Have a fun day!

  13. Good morning Pal Val. I am pleased to see that you are using up your stash of scraps, rivalled only by Miriam's stash of fabric scraps, offcuts, odds and ends, little bits that might be useful one day......But, I have to say it is incredible how many kerchiefs she has made from leftovers and they have been selling all over the world. A lot of that material was used to make masks too, of which she donated well over three hundred. The goslings are looking wonderful, healthy and strong, and it appears that predators have not been successful in getting to them. You do take great walks, with a spring in your step fuelled by your funky footwear, no doubt. I will look forward to tomorrow's episode to see what capers you get up to on the weekend. Big hugs, David

    1. Thanks David! I am trying hard to use the scraps. My teachers at school always said I was very trying. But I am setting myself a limit - what I haven't used by the end of June must go, perish the thought! And as Miriam say, they just might be useful one day. But short of pulling the stuffing out of my mattress and replacing it with paper scraps, I have to act. Sometimes I get visitors and they actually expect that I shift the piles of paper of the armchairs so they can sit down, sigh!! My funky footwear helps, but the arthritis in my left foot is getting worse, but as long as I can still get out. ...And I'm off out again now, the weather is too nice to stay home. Hugs to you and Miriam!

  14. I love these works, different style, but both amazing! Stay safe and healthy everyone, have a lovely weekend ☺

    1. Thanks Natalia, keep cooking those lovely recipes!

  15. Lovely... as always. We've got a ton of "scraps" around here, too. Things I'm gonna use... "some day"... plus the things I brought home from my mother's after she died, the things she intended to use some day, too. They'll all be going to my daughter next, I reckon, but she's a very artsy-crafty person, so they might actually get used. :) Heck! I should give them to her NOW!

    Have a super weekend. Hugs.

    1. Scraps seem to be a problem! Give them to your daughter! Have a great weekend!

  16. What a wonderful painting, Valerie - the pink and yellow paint textures are gorgeous in the background, and I love the collaged elements and stitching detail. It really is full of warmth and love. The hybrid piece is great too, with movement and drama, and I'm so pleased to see I'm not the only one with hoards of scraps! Glorious poppies (I will tell Cestina, my mother, to come and visit - they are one of her favourite flowers) and I'm looking forward to seeing the video.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. I find poppies wonderful, so fragile and just - well, just poppies! Have a great weekend!

  17. Two fantastic pages Valerie, I love the way you used the scraps, but as we all know they seem to be able to multiply faster than we can use them. The poppy photos were lovely, I miss being able to get out to see them for real.
    thank you for linking your inspiring art with Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I think it could be a fact that scraps multiply on their own! Enjoy your weekend!

  18. I love how you are using your scraps. Your scraps look SO much better than mine. You have two beautiful entries today, dear and they are both gorgeous. Thanks for sharing these with us at Art Journal Journey. I hope you get those scraps used in time (I saw your comment about end of June).

    I am in LOVE with your poppy field. This is gorgeous and I can see how that Flanders Field poem was written after seeing these glorious poppies in the field.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth The poppies are beautiful, and I always think of Flanders and the poem. And yes, the scraps must go, they are taking up my whole space!

  19. Wow, what a stunning page! I love the vintage style and images that you used, that's such a beautiful way to use up those scraps - amazing 😁. The poppies looks so beautiful too, such a lovely discovery on your walk! Happy Friday and Weekend! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, it's always fun playing with scraps. Have a great weekend.

  20. Wow, what an example. Luv the way you used your scraps. Thanks for sharing your poppies. Happy you had a good walk

    Thanks for dropping by my blog


  21. What a peaceful life you have. I like that face of the girl in your art.

  22. Your "scraps" are gorgeous!
    Love the poppies. You have so much beauty in your life and you are very kind to share it with usxx

  23. wonderful art Valerie. Amazing how those scraps do accumulate:):) Of course I am in love with the poppy photos especially! happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda. Yes, it is indeed amazing! Happy PPF!

  24. Beautiful pieces Valerie, I love all of the butterflies and script background on your first one! Gorgeous photos of all of the poppies too. Enjoy your weekend.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy. You have a good and safe weekend, too!

  25. Wonderful collage, love the background script.

    1. Thanks Lin. The script stamp is one of my faves! Have a great weekend!

  26. Thanks Laurie, I am happy the goslings all survived. Have a lovely day!

  27. What fabulous pieces Valerie, I really love your roll off piece. Poppies are one of my favourite flowers, they always look so happy growing wild. Take care and have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks, I love making quick backgrounds from left overs, always fun. Enjoy your weekend!

  28. Fun use of scraps, Val, and beautiful scenes, as usual!
    Happy PPF!

  29. Fabulous flower art today. That scrap pile looks like mine. I need to do some weeding out. One of these days. They are perfect for Mia's challenge so thanks for linking up at AJJ. And another virtual walk. That's good since it has been very hot and humid here and with work I haven't had time to walk early in the day. Hope it was a great Friday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Scrap piles seem to grow overnight when nobody's looking! Have a great day!

  30. I absolutely love your works of art! I also am in the process of using up all of my"scraps" and things hanging around for years!

    But, I do have to ask, where did you get the print of the beautiful lady in your first collage? Just love her!!

    Like everyone else, I also so enjoy all of your pictures of your homeland and the beauty it has. Makes me homesick to travel to Europe again....soon, I hope. Take care and be safe...

    1. Thanks! The print of the lady was a freebie from Mischief Circus. Have a great weekend!

  31. Two marvellous pieces of art Valerie, and lovely photos!
    Happy weekend 😊
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, you have a great weekend,too!

  32. I enjoyed the video with the ducks going for a walk! Ha ha! Great! Thank you so much for making me smile, Valerie! Please post videos more often!
    I love the way you used your scrap paper to make the hybrid page! Great recycle!
    And I adore your A3 page. You are always so creative, my friend. We all have a lot of scraps but you are so creative with them! I feel lucky to get inspiration from you, my dear friend. And thank you so much for joining again my challenge at AJJ. Kisses!

    1. Thanks Sweetie, the ducks and geese are all so sweet! Have a great weekend!

  33. I like how different your art pieces are. Cool! So many poppies! Drifts of them! Gorgeous :)

  34. Great piece using up scraps! You do have a lot and the ones on this piece are wonderful. Love the bad example page too - probably some truth to that statement as well. LOL. Lovely pictures! Hugz

  35. If you run out of scraps, I'm happy to send you some! Oh, those poppies! They are so incredibly beautiful.


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