
Friday 17 April 2020

Three men, a tiger and a turtle....

Hi Everybody!

This week is flying by again, I don't know where the time goes.... Hope you are all keeping well and safe. This week I felt like doing something else, lately I have been doing a lot of more or less 'pretty' pieces, and I just needed a change.
I painted an A3 page with gesso, sprinkled some black infusions on it, sprayed it with water and let it drip. When it was dry I sprinkled it with some red paint drops. The men are some drawings made a long time back, and inspired back then by an ad in a magazine. I printed them out in  b/w and glued them to the page with art potch. Then I outlined them with red pastel-chalk and rubbed a bit of colour around the page:

I transferred some bits from a black and white napkin and added a sentiment, written in white on a red rectangle:

I am linking to my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

And I have some geometric photos from Tiger and Turtle, a huge art installation in a neighbouring town, with great views over the surrounding industry and town. It looks like a roller-coaster, but it's a huge walkway, and is also called 'magic mountain' .Great for those of us who love geometry and running up and down stairs! I'm looking forwarded to visiting there again when 'Corinna' has been kicked out!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful geometric photos and page!

  2. Wow, Valerie! Your page is simply stunning! I can't stop admiring it! Congrats, my friend.
    And thank you for the Tiger and Turtle photos. I had never seen this interesting place.

  3. Valerie I love this piece. Great photos too.

  4. Wonderful art work Valerie, love the photos of Tiger and Turtle, what an amazing place to walk.

  5. Cool art page. I like how the men look like birch trees.
    That walking bridge thing is crazy. It looks like a roller coaster.
    BTW, my blog has a new name and URL. There will be occasional posts from Terry, as well as myself. You can find us at:

  6. Oh wow!!!
    I love this!!! It looks so modern and a great use of color...muted yet bright!
    Love your photos, too! Perfect for geometric shapes!

    Hugs ☕💗

  7. Brilliant show piece today and that roller coaster, errr, not for me..xx

    1. It's a sculpture, it doesn't move, only the people move on it!

  8. Wow very awesome page-is that a sculpture to walk on? that looks nifty Happy weekend

    1. Thanks Cathy! Have a great day.

    2. Schöne Arbeit, ach, was ist real?
      Hilfe, Wahnsinn! Au weia, niemals... Ingo wĂŒrde sofort den "magic mountain" erklimmen, ich nicht ;-)
      Hoffe, so sonnig bei dir wie hier, GlG, Iris

    3. Danke Iris! Ich freue mich wenn ich wieder dort hin kann! Hier ist sonnig aber kalt. Egal, ich ziehe eben wieder eine warme Jacke an.

  9. It was liberating to do this, right? Great result!
    Have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks. Yes, it was liberating. Have a great day!

  10. I just love this piece, really gritty!!!! Great photos as well. Keep safe and well. Hugs Anesha

  11. Wunderschön kreativ warst du Valerie und toll diese wahnsinns Treppe das passt alles zusammen in dieser heutigen Zeit!Das musste sein da hast du recht!
    Pass auf dich auf und bleib gesund!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  12. I love this piece. The red and black work well together. Love those photos, too. I feel a bit jealous though. I can't get out with my camera at the moment. But hey, it could be worse.

  13. Thanks John! Sorry you can't get out now. I love my early morning walk each day. Stay safe, that's the main thing!

  14. That is an amazing page and I think it would have been fun to create as well. Its a strong colour combination and I can relate to the quote you added, super inspiration for your AJJ theme.
    The photos of the installations are fantastic, did you walk over any of them?
    Don't think I would be brave enough to join you there, far to high and open for me.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I had big fun creating it. It's fun to walk over the installation, but perhaps hard if you don't like heights.

  15. Wow, that sculpture is quite something, and you could get some serious exercise walking up and down its curves. It's an interesting, interactive concept. Stay well, Valerie.

    1. Yes, it's a great exercise. I was there a few weeks back with a friend, we ran all over it, up and down and then had Pizza for lunch!

  16. Wonderful art work, Valerie!
    I will be very happy if I have such a huge walkway in my city!
    Is quite a good way to keep the silhouette!
    Have a nice weekend ahead!

    1. Thanks Ella! Yes, that installation is fun - and it's free! Stay safe!

  17. Your figures look amazing. They feel very cosmopolitan. That red pops- even though you haven't used too much of it. And I remember that walk which looks like fun. Oh I am ready for some normalcy to return but I also get why we must remain in this social isolation. And think it is best to be patient too. Hope you are well. And you are really inspiring all of us this month at AJJ. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I like red now and the, and even made some red splashes on my cupboard door while I was playing with the paint! We all need some normalcy back in our lives, and sooner or later it will happen! Enjoy your weekend!

  18. Wow, that would be quite a work out! Your geometric people are wonderful! You have done a perfect background for them. Happy PPF

    1. Thanks Susan. Yes, three times round the installation should be enough! Stay safe!

  19. You live in an amazing place! I would love to walk on that crazy thing!
    But your art piece is stunning!
    Stay well-take care!

    1. Thanks Debra. It's fun to walk over it, and healthy! Stay safe!

  20. WOW Valerie, your page is amazing! I love the colors and red around the men, awesome design! That walkway is so cool, that would be such a fun workout! Enjoy your weekend and take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks so much, Tammy. That really is a cool place to visit!

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Amazing post Valerie. Happy PPF


    1. Thanks Gillena, Love and hugs Back!💖😁💖

  23. I love the texture of your men! (And, those geometric photos are SO cool!)

    1. Thanks Kristin. Nice to See you around again! Stay safe!

  24. How can anyone walk on that thing? Awesome!

    1. Easy. It's just stairs, up and down and up....

  25. What a so so Wonderful Art journal page Valerie !! Great background and men figures. So strange this structure ! but very interesting.
    Wish you a very nice weekend, stay safe and well,
    Biig hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks Caty, enjoy your weekend and stay safe!

  26. Love 'men' creation ~ wonderfully done and so creative ~

    Your photography is excellent and they are good visual for this crazy world situation ~ totally upside ~

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol. Yes, the world is crazy just now. Stay safe!

  27. Lovely art, Valerie! Your piece is fabulous. You have chosen a great AJJ theme.
    Stay safe and well.
    Hugs, Mar

    1. Thanks Mar, glad you like the theme. Have a great weekend and stay safe!

  28. I love your post today. So expressive in the colors and the well-covered"health care workers". I know you didn't say that but that's what they suggested to me. Very powerful! That staircase is unbelievable. That must have been very tricky to construct! Have a safe week.

    1. Thanks Gloria, that's a great interpretation! Stay safe and well!

  29. very cool grungy art page Valerie!! great shots of that monstrous structure- and NO, I would not walk on it-yikes! happy PPF!

  30. What an amazing structure, I'd love to walk on it. Great art creation.

  31. I like your piece a lot today, Valerie. It's really interesting -- mesmerizing. And so are the rollercoaster photos, although I freak on those things (I almost got vertigo just looking at the pix) they are very artistic.

    1. I don't like rollercoasters that speed up and down either, but this is just a fun staircase to run up and down.

  32. The gents looks like birch trees to me. Pretty cool. I'm not sure I would like to climb the Magic Mountain. Definitely wouldn't want to ride that as a roller coaster đŸ˜±

    1. Thanks. I wouldn't want to ride a roller coaster either, but this is fun for a walkabout!

  33. Your male figures are so cool!!! Magic Mountain is amazing! Wow! I think I would be afraid to climb it though! LOL! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacey. It is an amazing place. Stay safe!

  34. I loved the journal page you created. It is so well done and I agree the men look like they could be birch trees. I love those pops of red.

    Always love seeing your photos of this incredible Magic Mountain. I loved it when you actually climbed the stairs and took photos for us, too. What beauty.

    1. Thanks E. I'm looking forward to visiting there again.

  35. Very cool creation - I love the bits of napkin and your words are perfect. We all have a bit of a different reality and that makes us interesting. I am thinking our realities are changing as well during this time of crisis. Love the pictures of that cool walking sculpture - that looks so fun to explore and your pictures are awesome! TFS! Hugz

    1. Thanks. I'm sure reality is different for everybody, and we can never really say what 'normal' or real is. And just now we are all faced with a rather grim reality that we don't want. It will pass!

  36. That's an absolutely stunning page - drama and intensity with the amazing figures emerging from the shadows of the background, and the red accents are so vivid. The words capture a really powerful idea with humour.

    Your studies of the tangled twisted shapes of the rollercoaster against the sky are hypnotic. Amazing, thank you.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison, glad you liked it. That installation is a fantastic place to be!

  37. Wow this is fabulous, very powerful! That walkway looks amazing I would definitely like to walk that (I think) Have a great week, Sue xx


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