
Saturday 18 April 2020

Geometric shapes and cats

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

According to the latest statistics the virus seems to be receding here in Germany,
which will lead to some 'improvements' from next week.  Smaller shops - like those in our little town - can open again providing they have a suitable hygienic plan in place and can prevent overcrowding etc. We still have to take precautions, keep our distance from others etc, and I hope people will not be reckless and think they can now do what they want - we shall see. And masks in public transport and stores are recommended. Pubs, cafes and restaurants will not be allowed to open yet. We will have to wait and see how things develop.

For my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ  I have a hybrid piece today - a hand-painted background with a playful cat (Mischief Circus) swinging in a circle:

And I have more photos showing geometric shapes, all taken on my walks at various times:

Looks like Lili has a halo:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Cute cat in your art work. Is Lili your cat? She is lovely. I enjoyed your photos.

    1. Thanks. Lili is my neighbour's cat, and very affectionate and sweet!

  2. It is hopeful that at least a few of the restrictions are being eased. Hopefully, people will realize that they have to still exercise caution and common sense and not take foolish chances. Can you imagine how good it will be to have your first coffee in a café again?

    1. Yes, I hope people will realize that we still need to exercise great caution. I'm looking forward to coffee in a cafe, but that will take some time still!

  3. Wonderful job on the geometric shapes and lovely cat piece. Interesting to learn of the planned 'improvements' let's see how things go.

    1. Thanks. I hope they are not doing this too soon!

  4. I'm glad things are getting better in Germany! Things are still up and down in Canada. Please take care of yourself! I love your cat art! So cute! Gorgeous pictures! Truly loved them all! Lili is so cute!!!! big Hugs!

  5. Let's hope that the whole Europe will come back to normal rythms soon, Valerie. I love Lili!!! Glad to see photos from your walks and hope that soon you will be able to go out and take new photos! As for your page, your flying cat is gorgeous! Hugs, my friend.

    1. Thanks Mia. Cats are always such fun to watch when they play! I very much hope that things will soon get back to normal!

  6. Hello Valerie! Lovely to see your header photo - so sweet :D)
    The kitty art is delightful and I also loved all your photos in the geometric series.
    Hope you're getting on all right through these times xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I'm managing with some help from friends. Stay safe!

  7. The cat in your art today reminds me of those rings people manage to keep upright and twirl in. That is one clever kitty! Gotta LOVE the way you tied it to your theme at Art Journal Journey. I am trying to play catch up and not doing a very good job, I fear. I really love everything you have created this month so far. I know others appreciate seeing you back with us at AJJ. It just feels so natural to see you here.

    As I was checking out your photos, I nearly fell over when I saw Lili. That could be Bleubeard incognito.

    I especially like the photos of what looks like a mosaic of many tiny images behind a barrier.

  8. Lovely post as always and good to read the curve is straightening in your part of the world. It to is doing so here but restrictions are still in place.xx

  9. Katzen können doch fliegen, oder? ;-)
    Danke. Ohrwurm. Und ich mage den Song nicht, Hilfe!!! ;-)
    Schöne Photos, sonnig hier, GlG und einen schönen Tag dir und danke für den Hug, habs erst heute morgen gesehen!
    Das alte Huawei ist ein bisschen löchrig!

  10. Danke. Ja, Katzen können fliegen, klar. Das lied ist 'awful', eine der alte Damen im Alten heim wo ich gearbeitet hat stand immer auf ihrem Balkon und hat es laut gesungen....Katzengejammer vom Feinsten!

  11. Love your hybrid piece. Is Lili your cat, she is beautiful! Have a good day x

  12. I believe I can fly too! LOL The cat is so funny!
    I want everything to go better in Germany (and also in the Netherlands)! I miss Kaufland terribly! I can't wait for the entry ban to be lifted!
    I love all your photos with that blue skies … gorgeous!
    Enjoy your weekend, Valerie! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. I'm Sure the bans will be lifted sooner or later, and then Kaufland will be waiting for you!

  13. wunderschön dein Jornal mit flying the cat!!! Deien Fotos sind auch toll Formen.
    Ja, ich hoffe dass es besser wird und die Vorsicht bleibt. Nun, wenn ich es mir an schaue wie es nicht sein sollte mhm... Hoffen kann man nur .. die Leichtsinnigkeit der Menschen fängt schon an was ich gestern udn heute erlebt habe...!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Es ist auch meine Befürchtung dass die Leute wieder unvernünftig werden, und dann können wir alles wiederholen. Aber ich hoffe trotzdem dass es klappen wird. Dir einen schönen Tag!

  14. wow,deine seite ist großartig und deine bilder von lili und dem tollen eisentor der kirche ist klasse,ich liebe solche alten tore und burgen.
    schön finde ich auch die buchsbäumchen.
    hab einen feinen samstag,liebe valerie.

    hugs jenny

    1. Danke Jenny. Dir auch einen guten Samstag, bleib gesund!

  15. What a fabulous flying cat - I love it! It looks like you are having a peaceful time on your early morning walks, your photos are beautiful 😁. Lili is gorgeous too! Wishing you a happy weekend and keep well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, flying cats are something special! Stay safe!

  16. I do like the cat and Lili is lovely too.
    Always enjoy seeing your photographs.

    Keep on taking care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  17. Cute cat! I also hope for people to be reasonable, cos it is surely not over yet with the virus. Stay safe everyone!

    1. Oh yes, you're right there. But some people still don't think / don't care!

  18. Please tell us all more about Lily. She's such a beautiful cat! (And I love your new banner!). Fabulous shapes in your photos -- definitely spring in your world. And I am glad you are gently opening up. I hope everyone is very careful so there is no fall back, but this is a hopeful start.

    1. Lovely Lily is my neighnour's cat. Very loving, always convinced she's starving, and regards all visitors as laps to sit on with hands to cuddle her! I, too, hope there will be no fall back, people can get silly so quickly!

  19. So glad things are improving there. We are hearing of some loosening restrictions here but I don't agree with them yet. Love the kitty creation. I think cats kind of think they have a bit of flying ability and sometimes I agree - lol. Lovely pictures - especially love your kitty! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. Cats can definitely fly, or think they can....My dog was always devastated that our Kitty could just float up onto a shelf or cupboard while she couldn't!

  20. I wondered if you still had your cat, and you answered that. I like her halo (though I wonder if any cat is so angelic to get one). And those additions to your header made me smile. Especially the kitty in the right corner, but I think the cat in the photo does have some chickens to get back in the enclosure. And nice art today too. You have a cat theme going in this post. And one last question. What are all the little rectangular photos in the photo you took? With The black around them? Happy Saturday.Hugs-Erika

    1. The photos are part of an art installation in the subway between the concert hll and the art academy in Düsseldorf. There are thousands of those slide-sized pictures behind glass lining the whole of the passageway, it's really impressive. Have a fun day!

  21. You are an artist, that's for sure! You even have a beautiful cat!!!
    Stay safe-long distance hug!

    1. Thanks Debra. Lovely Lily belongs to my neighbour, but I am allowed to look after her, too!

  22. Very interesting post. Your blog has very cool content <3 i love cats
    I am following you and invite you to me

  23. Our life on our tiny island in Northern Florida sounds very much like your village in Germany. We were slow in getting the virus here but unfortunately the number of new cases is growing. I did order new face masks today. I enjoy visiting your blog with your art and especially the pictures taken on your walk. You have such a lovely area to walk in.
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks for visiting, Sandy, it's always nice to hear from you. Take care and stay safe. e are getting to be a world full of masked people!

  24. The rooster herding cat, the kitty in your banner, the kitty in your artwork, and Lili made me smile. I enjoyed looking at all the shapes on your walk. Take care and enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thanks! And today I met a delightful marmalade cat on my walk and we had an enjoyable conversation! Have a great day!

  25. We have pretty much the same rules here to begin opening up again.
    It worries me without enough testing for everyone.
    Be safe and be careful my friend.
    I love your cat art and the cat in your photos...which BTW are all gorgeous 🐈🌷

    Hugs and Stay Safe ❤

  26. I'm glad to hear things in Germany are improving. I hope we're not far behind. I like your saintly cat ;)

    1. Thanks. All cats think they are saintly....Have a good weekend!

  27. I am glad that there are fewer virus cases over there. Yes, people still need to wear masks and keep their distance from others.

  28. Sorry I am late calling in Valerie, it was good to read the latest news about letting some of the smaller shops open, I just hope everyone will follow the guide you have been given to stay safe. We are to have at least another three weeks staying home.
    I love the fantastic cat page you created for your AJJ theme and the new header on your blog.
    All the photos looked lovely as well.
    Stay safe and take care.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Your not late, there's no train to catch! Thanks for coming by and hope you are keeping well!

  29. Yes, well done to Merkel and the federal legislatures and the German people for taking it seriously and cooperating to protect one another. I hope the downturn in cases continues, and that we can all take heart from the good news.

    Once again, it's a great post full of geometric inspiration, from your fun page (which reminded me of some of the videos of cats in treadmill wheels I've been seeing - on youtube just search cats in running wheel to have a look), to the fabulous architectural structures and details in your photos. I also love Lili in her halo!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. Merkel is good, she got people on her side and things are looking up. I just hope people stay sensible when the rules are relaxed a bit! I'm off to look at those videos!

  30. Hi Val, I'm way behind with visiting, S is sick, Mum is crazy, as always, and the rest is just the usual chaos! Love your fun cat, and Lili is a beauty, too. As always great photos. Look after yourself, hugs, Sara

    1. Sorry, Sarah, look after yourself and let me know what the doc says! Hugs!!!!

  31. Great photos Valerie and I love the cats! X

  32. I love your piece Valerie, such fun! I think most cats believe they can fly. I'm glad that some of your restrictions are being lifted, we are all set for another 3 weeks of lockdown here so it's more early morning wlks for us. I hope you enjoy your first cafe coffee when the time comes xx

    1. Yes, cats have special talents. Hope the lockdown will end sometime!


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