
Tuesday 28 April 2020

T sTands for TIOT and more

Hi Everybody!

Today a new challenge is starting at TIOT. I  have been asked to join the TIOT team again, and it's like going home, as I was in the DT there for quite some time.  Thanks to Yvonne and Avril for asking me back! The challenge this time is to use black, white and one other colour.  You have 2 weeks to join us, and projects of all formats are welcome.

I made an A3 journal page which was given a coat of white gesso. I painted and splashed over it with diluted ink in turquoise. The birds were stenciled with black archival ink and the feather was doodled.

 I added lots of stripes, zigzags and circles so I can also link to my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ. The sentiment was computer generated:

Today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang.

A photo from the days when the cafes were still open - I hope we will soon be able to visit them again:

This was my breakfast one day - a whole-wheat croissant with pumpkin seeds, yummy:

My neighbour is to blame for this one - she brought me some delicious apple cake:

I made a pot of kohlrabi cream soup, served with sour cream and roasted pumpkin seeds:

And for those who can't go shopping, some photos from our shops here.
Lots of beautiful crockery and vases etc:

The florist's:

The bookshop:

Summer shoes:



More pots and table ware:

And the stationer's is always my fave shop, and has been here at the same place since the middle of the 19th century:

And armed with mask and gloves I went shopping there. It was early in the morning so I was the only customer:

Footnote - Nathalie relaxing on her balcony after moving into her new home!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Boah, ist die Feder schön!
    Und...ohhh, das croissant sieht so lecker aus!
    Ach, hör doch auf! Mein Zahn wacht auf! Warmer Apfelstrudel mit Vanille-Eis, mmmmmh! Das wär jetzt was!
    Ohne Zuckerschicht ;-)
    Kohlrabi als Suppe. Ich hatte/habe Rote Beete-Suppe jetzt.

    Ach, verführerisch, aber ich hab genug Krams. Aber schön zu sehen! Und die Schuhe!! Nee, ich geh jetzt nicht los. ;-)
    Sonnig aber kalt hier.
    Dir einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Ich mache meistt die Augen zu wenn ich am Leckerbäcker vorbei gehe, die Croissants sind abartig gut. Schuhe brauche ich auch, aber ich warte bis ich in die Stadt wieder fahren kann. Bleib gesund!

  2. Und happy T-day... manners!!! Mine... missing ones.

    1. Manners are sometimes overrated and people seem to get farther without them, sad but true! You have a happy T day, too.

  3. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are well and got some sleep. Love your journal page, the feather is fantastic, it must have taken you hours. Great photos of the shops, too. We all need new stuff here, but it will have to wait until more shops open up. Have a great day and take care, we're off to the garden again! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! I had fun with the feather, but it's still very difficult to draw as my hand keeps cramping and shaking, so it takes a long time as I need to take breaks in between. But sooner or later it has to get better! Stay safe!

  4. Love your new piece, your doodled feather is wonderful. Love your shops they are all so very pretty. Have a great day. Lots of rain here, the garden loves it. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. Lucky you with rain, we're waiting for it here, still not a drop! Stay safe!

  5. Congratulations dear Valerie for being DT (back home) at TioT!! Enjoy and have fun!
    Your Art journal page is spectacular ! Really amazing your feather, I looove it. Great !
    Thanks so much for showing us the shops, they are all beautiful, love the crokery, those teapot are so lovely. It´s nice to see shops, here they are closed, don´t know exactly when they will be opened again. Children could go out for one hour every day from this last Sunday, let ´s see.
    Happy T-day !! Your coffees are always delicious.
    I wish you a very nice day, stay safe, and big hugs

    1. Thanks Caty, that#s sweet of you. Glad you like the feather. The shops here are always very tempting. Hope you soon get more freedom, stay safe!

  6. Everyone says something about the feather ... so ... it is incredibly beautiful!
    The flower shops have always fascinated me, and the stationer's shops!
    Not all shops are open here ... and I miss my hairdresser terribly!
    Yesterday was a very busy day in the garden, today I'm tired and I don't have a new post!
    Enjoy your day, Valerie!

    1. Thanks Ella. Sorry you are so tired today, get a good rest. I am going to have a nap this afternoon, as I am also tired. My hair is also badly in need of a trim,luckily it is long enough to bind back. Have a great day, stay safe!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks - I would like to have some money to spend in those shops! Have a great day, stay safe!

  8. Congrats on the return to Try it on Tuesday!!!! LOVE your art journal spread, and that doodled feather is gorgeous!!!! ((HUGS)) Helen

    1. Thanks Helen, much appreciated. Have a great day, stay safe! Hugs, Valerie

  9. Great journal and some pretty awesome doodling there. Very artistic. Love the way the windows are dressed and the fabulous relaxed look of the feet of your friend, nice she has a lovely balcony in her home.xx

    1. Thanks Annie. I like doodling when I get the chance. Have a safe day.

  10. Its lovely to have you back home in the TioT's family Valerie. I love the page with the feather, the doodles on the feather look fantastic and its perfect inspiration for the themes at TioT's and AJJ.
    Stay safe when you are browsing in the shops although like me. I think it would be looking in the windows not going inside to be tempted to spend to much money. The photos were super
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I don't go into the shops much, just the stationer's, the shops are good for window shopping but too pricey for me these days. Stay safe and well!

  11. A big welcome back to TioT dear Valerie, it's wonderful to have you back! Your page is gorgeous, I love the beautiful blue background with the pretty feather 😀. That breakfast looks so yummy and wow, I'd love a slice of the apple cake too 😉. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, it's good to be back again. That Apple came was wonderful, I hope she makes some more soon! Look after yourself!

  12. Lovely piece of art Valerie, I love your doodled feather. Felt quite envious on your photos, missing my treats


    1. Thanks Joan. I can imagine that, love is not easy just now. Stay safe!

  13. It's so good to have you back at TIOT. This feather is absolutely wonderful and I love this page! I would love the croissant- I really miss going out for coffee! Thank you for the peek into the shop windows- they all look so pretty! Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! I think we will both be happy when we can go for coffee again! Stay well!

  14. Now when you start out your blog with birds and a feather, you know you have my attention right away! Did you know that there is a book entitled "Hope is the thing with feathers"? It is on my shelf downstairs. The author is Noah Strycker if I am not mistaken. Parts of it are pretty good. Tell Nathalie she has great looking feet! Stay well, stay occupied, stay safe, stay creative, and drink coffee! That's Dr. David's recipe for sanity!

    1. Thanks David. I didn't know about the book, I will look for it on Kindle. I will pass your compliment on to Nathalie, that will please her no end! Good recipe, right up my street. Perhaps a few cookies as well to go with the coffee?

  15. Hi Valerie, I could eat a slice of the apple tart, it looks so delicious, thanks for showing the shops, I love seeing them as they decorated so beautifully, all the lovely crockery.
    Congrats on being asked back to TIOT, your artwork is gorgeous,.
    Have a happy T Day
    Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan. I ate the cake all on my own, and it was good! Have a great day, stay safe!

  16. Congratulations of being asked on the TIOT team.
    And also congratulations for Nathalie on her new house. In spite of the restrictions, she has been able to move. Well done.
    Thank you for taking me to the shops. I really like that Nordic Haus. And I noticed that the book shop has re-opened. Great.
    I also love stationar's shops. When I was a child there was one by the tram stop and I would look in the window while waiting for the tram. Many a time I forgot and missed my tram! I see you have bought those white gel pens. I can't get them here and there aren't many websites that do them (and ship to spain for a reasonable price)
    Your apple tart looks delicious but for now I think I would rather have your croissant. I have never seen one like that and it looks really delicious.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. Nordic House has lots of pretty things, and it's right next to the river. Stationer's shops are very fascinating. The apple tart was good, but the croissant is the best ever! Great with coffee!

  17. Such fun! Your artwork is great-love the colors. Enjoyed peeking at the shop windows-thank you!

    1. Thanks Debra, nice to see you here. Have a great week!

  18. Das ist eine sehr schöne Seite die Feder ist toll gezeichnet und auch die Vögel sind passend zu dem Himmel. Nathalie gefällt es in dem Haus und auch mit dem Balkon das ist toll!
    Lecker ich mag so Apfelkuchen auch sehr gerne und das Croissant mit Vollkorn und den Körner habe ich heir noch nie gesehen das würde ich lieber wie ein normales essen, Schaufensterbummel war interessant bei dir zu machen all die verschiedene Läden zu sehen.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke, ich liebe Federn! Ja, Nathalie ist glücklich in ihrer neue Wohnung. Schaufensterbummel ist immer schön, ab und zu wäre es schön auch was kaufen zu können, aber die Geschäfte ier sind recht teuer. Bleib gesund!

  19. Love, love, love your art today!
    The colors really appeal to me.
    That feather is gorgeous and the details are exquisite!!!
    That Apple slices photo had me drooling...or maybe it was just me being me :)

    Hugs and Stay Safe 🌷

    1. Thanks. Apple slices always get me drooling, and when I'm at home so much the temptation to bake cookies or cake is great! Stay safe my friend!

  20. Your tag is lovely! I have always wanted to learn zentangle but it looks so difficult. Your made a simple yet elegant feather. Now I want to give this a try again.
    I always love when you share shop window displays with us. I feel as though I am right there with you. I loved the plate,cup and teapot ensemble in the first window display. It looks like a coral pattern. And my daughter prefers the window with the lamb and the horse.
    Thanks for sharing these pretty displays with us. And that apple cake looks yummy! What a sweet neighbor.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate: Doodling is always fun, I just start and let it run. A friend rang me up ad said her little daughter kept pointing at the lamb and horse and saying, Wannit, wannit! That shop is a little paradise, always so much to see. Take care!

  21. I sure did enjoy window shopping with you today. I really am chomping at the bit to go to one of our favorite restaurants that is right on the beach where one can sit on the patio and watch the ocean. They have the best hamburgers with all the fixings. I make homemade Greek style yogurt - it sure is good and we eat it every day. Sure wish I could share some with you. Your soup looks good.
    Keep your art work coming with your fantastic photos which I so enjoy!
    Sandy xx

    1. Always good to see you Sandy! That restaurant sounds good, I think we are all longing to go somewhere again. I love yogurt, my fave food next to cheese! Stay safe!

    2. I can tell you this - the yogurt I make is out of this world and no added sugar of preservatives - just plain old milk made into yogurt.
      My Mother is 94 and in a nursing home - she has just been diagnosed with COVID 19.

  22. Those goodies look delicious. I would like to have a bite.

  23. ooh, great ob on your doodled feather Valerie!! Good thing I am full yet from my oatmeal cuz your food looks SO good. Thanks for taking us out and window shopping too. So many lovely things to look at. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. Oatmeal is always filling, that's true. Stay safe!

  24. Lovely artwork. Nice photos from when we were all allowed to roam around freely. Nathalie's new place looks great. I like the lights hanging on her balcony. Happy T-Day!

  25. I look forward to eating out, but contact-free delivery is spoiling me lol Those teapots in that shop window are delightful! I like her nice balcony view :) Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Thanks! I prefer to go out, I haven't ordered a meal in the past 15 years! Stay safe!

  26. Beautiful page Valerie, I love that doodled feather! Great photos of all of the different shops and that whole wheat croissant with the pumpkin seeds is my kind of breakfast, it looks delicious!
    Stay safe and healthy.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! Those Croissants are really delicious, Wish I could send you one! Keep safe and well!

  27. Love the doodled feather. Your walk brought you by lots of wonderful windows.
    Take care and Happy T day!

  28. Lovely art and delicious food featured today. Thanks for the window shopping, so glad you got into an actual store!

    1. Thanks Christine! It's an adventure to go shopping these days!

  29. Congratulations on your return to TioT. I think it's a match made in heaven. I'm so in awe of that feather. Must have taken you forever to create it. My hand cramped just imagining how you made it. It's fabulous.

    You know I loved tagging along with you to all those shops, but of course, my favorite was the one with the rocking horse. It's a beauty.

    We are still on lock down here at least until May 4 and maybe longer, and there are strict guidelines for eat in restaurants. That's for my state, but others are handling it differently, either opening sooner or later. I'm sure you will be happy to get a cup of coffee you didn't make yourself, since you truly love your cappuccinos so much. And your sandwich looked fabulous. Made me hungry and I just got up, so shouldn't be hungry yet. Thanks for sharing all those goodies you (and your neighbor) made to give me a sugar rush. Beautiful food, loved the soup, and what a great croissant. Thanks for your great art, a walk through the fancy shops in your town, and your wonderful images of cappuccino and food with us for T this Tuesday. Looks like Nathalie is enjoying her new home, too.

    1. Thanks E. I thought you would like that horse! All Restaurants here are takeaway just now. I make my own Cappuccino at Home. Stay safe!

  30. Cafes and book shoppes. I love them both. The birds are very pretty on the art. Well done work. You are beyond brilliant.

    1. Yes, they are my fave places! Thanks!

    2. We have a store called Barnes here and we used to go there all the time. It has a cafe and books AND cookery magazines. Very, very fun. Do you have a Barnes & Noble in your area?

  31. Well done, going in the store.I haven't been to a store since March 17, when I went to the grocery. I miss it. Those windows are so colorful. I love that you can find uhu glue -- it has always been my favorite but it has been very hard to find in recent years. I don't like the others nearly so well. But I DO love those white signo pens. I use them constantly for teeny detail work in watercolor.

    1. It feels strange to get excited about going into a little shop! But I enjoyed it. Uhu glue is really good. Signo pens are great.

  32. The photos are glorious, especially the foodie shots! If I lived closer, I'd invite myself over on a regular basis...and gain a gazillion pounds. Ha. Love the piece. Hope indeed has feathers.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

    1. And you would be very welcome! And a nice, long walk afterwards keeps the pounds at bay....

  33. I love your page, Valerie, especially that gorgeous feather that you doodled. OMgosh, the page I just posted today fits the TioT theme. So I'll join you there too.

    All the food looks yummy. How wonderful that some of your shops are open again.

    Footnote - lol.

    Belated Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen! Good idea to link to TIOT, too. Have a great week, stay safe.

  34. Lovely post Valerie, love your doodling 😁. I enjoyed the look around your shops, stationers shops are the best, always lots of goodies to find .

    1. Thanks a lot. They are always great shops to look around in, so much to see and find!

  35. I love your feather ~ it's wonderful! Congrats on being added back to the TIOT team ~ Very exciting! I'm so glad you got to shop in one of your favorite stores again ~ Hooray! ~ I will post a picture of me in the thrift shops when they re-open :) The apple dessert was a nice surprise I'm sure ~ Blessings to you

    1. Thanks Karen. Thrift stores are wonderful, we have a little one here behind the hospital, I'm looking forward to it opening again! Stay safe!

  36. Love your feathered piece, and your food pictures especially the apple cake - yummy :)

    All the best Jan

    1. The apple cake was great, good I don't get it too often!

  37. Welcome back to TIOT Valerie. That is a great first entry. Such a giant cool feather. And I like your new pens. Those white stabilos are amazing.You reminded me I need some new ones which I should look for. And all your food made me hungry. Croissants and apple cake and soup, yum. Hope it was a super T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Food is somehow important when we spend more time at home!

  38. A beautiful page with a great quote Valerie, and lovely photos.
    Keep safe,
    Alison xx

  39. It's lovely to have you back with us at TioT Valerie, we have missed your fabulous inspirations. I love this page, the doodled feather looks stunning against the blue of your background.
    Lovely photos of the shop windows and I'm glad you were able to get what you needed while the shop was empty.
    Stay safe, Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, it's good to be back! Stay safe!

  40. Valerie, i'm really over the moon to see you back with the TioT team as you were the one who guided me there it certainly must feel like returning home. I'm so happy for you.
    Fab first project, freedom certainly does come with wings.
    Playing catch up after being offline for a few days so please excuse my stalking..
    Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Natalie's balcony looks very welcoming :))

    1. Thanks Tracey. It is like being back home, that's true!


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