
Wednesday 29 April 2020

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well!
My challenge at Art Journal Journey  has just one more day to run. I have had fun playing with my theme of geometric shapes. Today I have an A3 piece with my fave Einstein. The face was stenciled with black acrylics onto white canvas-paper. I sewed it with zigzag stitch to red/white striped backing paper which was backed with white paper. The red/white paper was some wrapping paper from a present, which I ironed to make it flat again. I made a row of black and white zigzags and dots to finish it off. I like this one! And it's a good reminder for black, white and one other colour at TIOT:

I put it into a frame I got from a neighbour and will hang it in my kitchen when I get round to re-organising things:

The day started out cloudy and made me hopeful of rain:

Some photos of my walks in the past days:

 Coffee on the balcony is always a good way to start the day:

  My flowers are still doing well:

The birds get up early and wait for the sunrise:

And this afternoon it did rain for about an hour, so I pulled on my raincoat and went for a wet walk through the fields - lovely! When it rains everybody else stays home!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fun art work Valerie, I am enjoying your walk photos, I like walking in the rain too, so long as it is not too windy 😁 your flowers are lovely.

    1. Thanks a lot. Walking in the rain is good. Keep well!

  2. I like your art …

    Beautiful colour in the skies and your flowers look lovely.
    We had quite a lot of rain Tuesday, it was very welcome and I think more is to come.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I hope we get more rain, we need it just now. Stay safe!

  3. Our pup Wiggy loves going for walks in the rain. I don't have my rain coat anymore but when I did, I loved it too. And, I love standing out in the pouring rain and just taking it in for a bit. Your pictures are lovely.

    1. Your Wiggy knows what's good. Raincoats, umbrellas and rubber boots are very necessary here! When it rains, it rains!

    2. :-) That was supposed to be a fully smile-face but I hit the wrong key.

  4. The birds are smart to get up early, and some of us humans enjoy getting up with them. I bet Einstein would have been in that group! As for walking in the rain, if it is gentle rain on a warm day, it is very pleasant indeed.
    Stay well, Valerie. Say hi to Nathalie.

    1. Thanks David. Early morning is always a good time. The rain was wonderful yesterday! Stay safe!

  5. OH I love your coffee cup - me, too! It is also my blood type, LOL! What a fabulous Einstein page with the white and black and red - and I love your walking photos. Always makes me smile to see your town! Stay safe!

    1. Oh great, we have the same blood group! Have a nice day!

  6. I did recognize Einstein, lovely art. Enjoyed your photos today too!

  7. I absolutely ADORE your tongue in cheek art today, Valerie. This is phenomenal. I say that because I LOVE Einstein. And I am a fan of Star Trek, too. This was so clever and a welcome and unique entry for your theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Some very lovely photos today. In the photo with the arch, are those daffodils behind the arch in the green grass? Possibly my favorite photo today, other than the awesome photos of your plants that are doing so well on your balcony. Oh to have that view every morning would be divine. Stay safe and healthy, dear friend.

    1. Thanks, Einstein always makes me smile. The arch is under the castle, and there are still some daffodils growing there. Have a fun day!

  8. Yap. Einstein hat wohl zu großem Teil recht! Auf ins All!
    Sieht super aus!!!
    Ich hab hier ein Foto meiner Mutter am PC mit derselben Geste und ich hatte die Zunge damals online blau gefärbt. Passt :-)

    Hier hat´s nur gedröppelt. Für ein paar Minuten...

    Grau hier, vielleicht haben wir heute mehr Glück, ich vermisse Regen! GlG, Iris

    1. Hier regnet's, hab einen schönen Spaziergang gehabt. Wir brauchen den Regen dringend. Bleib gesund!

  9. *wow* ein Einstein der es in sich hat lach Bild ist klasse und das wird ein toller Hingucker an der Wand werden.
    Wie schön deine Fotos von deinem Spaziergänge und von daheim mit dienen Blumen auf deinem Balkon!
    Bei mir regnet es auch seit gestern Mittag mal mehr mal weniger
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Gut das es regnet, ist nötig, auf jeden Fall hier! Bleib gesund, die einen schönen Tag!

  10. If I stick out my tongue, will I also become as intelligent as Einstein? LOL
    There was a lot of rain here yesterday afternoon, and today is cloudy! Very badly needed the water rain … I was not as smart as you and I would have left without the raincoat ... I came back very wet, but was not bad!
    I wish you another rainy day ... then you can sit at home and draw!
    Enjoy your day, Valerie! Hugs!

    1. Well, Ella, you could try! Glad we have rain, it is so necessary. I don't mind getting wet if I can come home afterwards to dry off. Have a great day!

  11. Such a fun fun post, love that red tongue. Fabulous photos.xx

  12. Thanks Annie - you gotta love Einstein!

  13. A wonderful, fun page Valerie, you sure have inspired us with your theme at Art Journal Journey this month and today's is fantastic, I love the quote and had a big grin as I read it.
    Beautiful photos from your walk, but I think I may have passed walking in the rain.
    Stay safe
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. We need some fun just now! Just came back from another wet walk!

  14. Such a fun page! You should come over here. We've had rain 16 days out of the month of April so far. The sun is out today and more rain for tomorrow and Friday. Rain or shine I always enjoy your photos. Take care and have a good day.

  15. Thanks CJ. Einstein was and is awesome! Perhaps you could send a little rain over?

  16. Lovely images as your spring is waking up! I love Albert -- perfect quote!

  17. Hi Valerie love your page and gee it looks great in a frame well done my friend . Also love your beautiful pics and your flowers are very pretty,stay safe xx

  18. Too funny! perfect red tongue ~ Lot's of beautiful blooms and feathered friends ~ Blessings

  19. I do stay home when it rains :) Coz no rain boots and no rain coat :(

    1. That's a good excuse! Have a fun day, hope it stays dry for you!

  20. Wow, this is an amazing piece, love it. It has rained all day yesterday and lots today as well. The garden is loving it. Keep safe and well. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. We had some rain but not enough! Stay safe!

  21. your photos always made me happy and calm:)

  22. I love your flowers! Your pictures really are so uplifting especially during these depressing times.

  23. I love that Einstein picture. Would Einstein have loved star trek. I bet he would.

    1. I'm sure he would have loved it! Have great day!

  24. Love that Einstein art piece!
    That red tongue really pops and makes this piece fun, too!!!
    Gorgeous photos as always!!!
    What a talented artist and photographer you are!!!

    Stay Safe and Big Hugs Always ☕🌷

    1. Thanks a lot, Jan. We need fun just now! Stay safe.

  25. A brilliant page and great photos!
    Alison xx

  26. I love that you framed that for your wall :) "Beam me up, Scotty" is a common cry these days ;)

    1. Oh yes, we would all rather be somewhere else!

  27. Fantastic page Valerie, love that quote and what a great idea to frame it! Beautiful photos and gorgeous flowers on your balcony! Stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I had fun with this one! Take care!

  28. Valerie it has been fun seeing all of the geometric art. I know I have written this before but I just love where you live. Thank you for sharing it with your photos. We have so much rain here I need to build a boat. LOL Enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks Nicole - you'd better call Noah, he had experience with building boats after too much rain!

  29. Herrlich dein Einstein und der Kommentar dazu einfach perfect.
    Wunderschön wieder deine Fotos. Wir hatten Gestern und heute Nacht Regen und bekommen hoffentlich noch etwas mehr davon. Der Garten und natürlich die restliche Natur brauchen das dringend. Heute ist das Grün hier richtig explodiert nach dem Regen. Der Fliederbusch des Nachbarn verströmt jetzt einen betörenden Geruch. Hoffe dir geht es gut und du kommst mit gut klar mit den Corona Einschränkungen.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

    1. Danke Sabine! Ich hoffe es geht dir und deiner Familie auch gut. Bleibt gesund! Der regen war sehr nötig, wir könnten mehr gebrauchen°

  30. You did a great job with black and white with one color, as well as your geometric shapes.It's been a great challenge this month. You were a super hostess Valerie. Happy Thursday as it will probably be that day when you read this. Hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, it's Thursday! Thanks a lot Erika, and also for your wonderful support this month!

  31. Oh I love this, just brilliant! xx


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