
Sunday 26 April 2020

Sunday post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend as much as possible under the circumstances. It was cooler here today, and started off grey and cloudy, but in the afternoon the sun came out again.

For AJJ I have another hybrid journal page for my geometric shapes challenge. The background was hand painted, textured and dripped. The silhouettes were added digitally and the sentiment is from Leonardo da Vinci:

Here at home I have done a lot of reading, thanks to Kindle I have as many new books as I want. And I have been sewing more masks. They are not perfect, I am still having difficulties with my fingers, but they will do the job. And I am using up lots of recycled scraps, which is good. I have given away more than 30, and have more now for those who still need them:

And flowers brighten my day:

Some photos taken on my walks:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The flowers in your vase and glimpsed on your walk are absolutely beautiful.
    Your masks and your willingness to help others in need is a wondrous thing.
    Ya gotta love da Vinci.

  2. Beautiful flowers in your post today, the wisteria over the wall is beautiful.

    1. Thanks, wisteria is always so lovely. Stay safe!

  3. That sentiment is so true, especially in these times. I love the ladies across the front. They are strong looking images. Your vase is beautiful, especially with the flowers, and I still can't get over how green it is on your walks. It looks like summer. We are still pretty bare, but the grass is getting greener. Happy Sunday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The flowers are blooming everywhere....your spring will come!

  4. Fabulous hybrid page and gosh the ladies are wonderful...Your beautiful photos are so appealing as I love flowers and these are stunning...
    We have strange weather, today it's like another summer's day...a change on the way I think.x

  5. Lovely art and beautiful flowers, including the 'weed'.

    1. Thanks! I love all flowers, wild or cultivated!

  6. fabelhafte seite hast du gemacht und traumhadte wald und blumenbilder,ich liebe flieder und dahlien,wunder wunderschöner post heute .
    hab einen schönen sonntag,liebe valerie.
    bleib gesund.

    hugs jenny

  7. thank you for those stunning photos;)

  8. Selam güzel gün

    1. And a beautiful day to you, too, stay safe!

  9. Good Morning Val! Hope you have slept well and are feeling fit. And I bet you've been soaking in the bath tag - I know your Sunday rituals! Love your ladies across the page, they look so bold, and the LdV quote is wonderful. Great photos, too. Looks like you were in the Diakonie? They have such lovely gardens. Take care and have a fun day. We'l be eating in the garden again, the kids like it and it keeps them happy! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hmmm, that should have been bath TUB not tag!

    2. Thanks Sarah, have a fun day in the garden, enjoy it as long as the weather good is!

  10. Werbung macht so vieles kaputt! Ich hatte sofort die Slip-Einlagen-Werbung vor Augen wo die Frau....
    Ach, schlimm ;-)
    Ich steh gleich auf, um die Ecke haben wir Leonardo´s Arbeiten als Kunstwerk hängen, das ist viel besser - damit meine ich nicht, dass deine Arbeit nicht gut wäre, aber die Assoziation!!! Hrgh!

    Hoffentlich können wir bald auf diese Masken gucken und sagen: Nie mehr!
    Aber toll dass du das machst, trotz der Finger, die nicht so können wie du möchtest, Respekt von hier.

    Schöne Fotos, endlich ist Frühling, wenn auch kalt - ist da eine Geschichte hinter der Statue mit dem Soldaten - so das einer ist - der das Kind hält?
    Hast du das Video über den Britischen Soldaten Tom Moore gesehen?
    Hab einen schönen Tag, GlG, Iris

  11. Beautiful art and such wonderful photos from your walks! I loved seeing all the bright sunshine, greenery and flowers, it looks like spring is in full swing where you are and summer is its way 😀. Happy weekend and stay safe! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, everything looks wonderful just now. Have a lovely day, stay safe!

  12. There's nothing more stunning than repetition. This was a beautiful entry at AJJ, dear. It makes me smile, especially since I love da Vinci. The background is soothing, too.

    I love the flowers you bought and those vases are both beautiful. Your walks are incredible and show how things are truly blooming in your world, dear. Please stay safe and take care of yourself.

    I know others appreciate you, but I am so grateful you made those masks for people who are unable to.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I'm happy to be able to help others now and then, sometimes I just feel so useless, so this does me good. Have a great day, stay safe!

  13. Love the background in your hybrid piece. It is so vibrant. Great face masks as well. I might try and make one. Enjoy your day. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. Try to make a mask, it's fun! Have a great Sunday!

  14. That's a super Da Vnci quote you added to the fabulous page you shared today. there is always so much to look at and I love the silhouette shapes. Another super AJJ inspiration page for your theme.
    The masks look good and will be so welcomed by the folk who receive them. The government hasn't decided if we should be wearing them here yet, that could change in the days to come.
    Take care and look after yourself.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! The governments all need a lot of time to decide things, but I must admit, it's not easy for them just now. Stay safe!

  15. The fact that you have sewn those masks with your wonky fingers makes them even more special, Valerie. Bravo! You have lovely areas for your walks. Yesterday it felt a little like spring here with bright sunshine and the temperature climbed all the way to sixteen degrees. Stay well!

    1. Thanks David. Wow, 16°, things are looking up over there! Enjoy it!

  16. Beautiful art for today ... but the "wisteria" ... is gorgeous!
    Is so nice that we can still enjoy the beauty of the flowers!
    “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s Party!"
    Today I'm late with my comments ... I was sitting outside in the sun ... and now I'm going back! :))
    Wishing you a nice afternoon and a great week ahead! Hugs!

    1. I love Wisteria, too, always so beautiful. Have a fun day.

  17. Your having gorgeous Spring weather. The flowers! I love the dandelion puffs (all those wishes!) and the wisteria. It's been raining almost the entire month of April. We had sun on Saturday and another week of rain. I like the colors on your page. Like you brought the flowers from your walk inside. So kind of you to make the masks for others.

    1. Thanks! I can never pass dandelion puffs by. In England we called them fairy clocks.

    2. I never heard the name fairy clocks before. How cute! 🧚‍♀️

    3. You count how often you have to blow to get the seeds away and that's fairy time!

  18. Wow,these green on your photos isso beautiful! We stay home as mucg as we can, so photos like this are such a joy. Have a lovely day!

    1. Thanks. Those beautiful gardens are just along the road, I love walking there.

  19. Wunderschön dein Posting mit dienem tollen faszinierndes Journal dazu. So hübsch auch dein Blumenstrauss da smacht doch Freude genauso in der Wohnung.
    Ich wünsche dir Besserung für deine Finger und schönen Sonntagabend!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ich bin immer glücklich wenn ich ein paar Bumen in der Wohnung habe! Dir enen schönen Abend, bleib gesund!

  20. You have such a beautiful, uplifting blog. David bought me a mask at the market for $5.00. It fits me fine.

    1. Thanks, that's a lovely thing to say. Much appreciated! Glad you got a mask. Stay safe!

  21. Valerie you are so lucky that you can get out and walk around. Here is my town it is dangerous. People don't believe that covid is true and tourists are still coming into town. Even though nothing is open. So we stay in our yard and house. So your photos are a joy to see. Your art piece today is one of my favorites. I love the movement of the silhouettes. Have a very nice Sunday.

    1. I need to be out and mostly I go out at 5:30 in the morning which gives me time till others come out. Early mornings are lovely.

  22. I love your da Vinci quote. Your masks look perfect to me! And I'm sure all your recipients were grateful :) Those flowers are gorgeous, and that woodland trail is calling my name :)

    1. Thanks. Walking along woodland trails ist always a wonderful experience.

  23. Very nice Sunday here. Chilling out on Hubby's small couch in his office. We're all hanging out. Yesterday I got to be outside much of the day. Friday too. Very nice weekend.

    I hope your fingers feel better. The masks look good.

    1. Thanks Ivy. Chilling ist sometimes good. I had a lazy day today and enjoyed it. Stay safe!

    2. These are fun kinds of days. Very nice. Tomorrow, back to work but today, no!

  24. What a fabulous piece Valerie, the way you combine your physical art with your digital is genius! These photographs are beautiful, everything is so fresh and clean, and full of life. Take care and stay safe, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I love combining the various art forms, it's fun. Stay safe!

  25. I love the red plaid! That's a great one. And the wisteria -- WOW! I've never seen anything like that. It's stunning.

    1. The red plaid is an old shirt from my neighbour which he donated for the good cause.

  26. Fabulous art and beautiful blooms Valerie. You're doing a great job with the masks too.
    Have a good week,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Have a good start in the new week.

  27. What an amazing page, Valerie! I love the Leonardo's sentiments!!!
    I am glad to see that you sew more masks for people in need. This is so kind of you.
    Have I told you that my favorite colors for the flowers are white, yellow and orange? So, I llllllove your yellow tulips. And your photos from your walks are beautiful, as always. Hugs, my friend, and please take care of yourself.

    1. Thanks Mia, they are my fave colours, too. Stay safe and well!

  28. Cool art piece! Very wise words too! Good for you making the masks!! Thanks again for bringing smiles to us with all the gorgeous nature photos! Big Hugs!

  29. Very cool page! That quote works well with the people and feel of your bg. It is very true - we are all connected to each other and everything. Very cool! Your mask look cool too - wish I could make them. Love your flowers too - the ones in your house and all your fun pictures! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. Just now we notice the connections even more! No man is an island unto himself!

  30. A stunning background and the silhouettes look great against it. I completely agree about flowers brightening one's heart. I have my birthday roses still going strong, and the lilac from the tree just outside by the garage, as well as some Queen Anne's Lace from the driveway (meadowflowers!). Each time I glance up from the computer I smile. Just as well, as we are due a rainy week here after lots of sunny days just like in your beautiful photos.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks. I love being surrounded by greenery and flowers at this time of the year, it's just perfect and very uplifting!

  31. Such beautiful flowers/blooms in your photographs.
    The wisteria is wonderful.

    All the best Jan


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