
Saturday 25 April 2020

Never stop looking up

Hi Everybody!

We had another warm and sunny day here, but still no rain, so everybody's hoping that some moisture will soon come our way and water the fields and trees which are suffering under the drought.

For my 'geometric shapes' theme at AJJ I have another hybrid journal page. The background is one of my van Gogh knockoffs, drawn with pastel chalks on a background painted with blue acrylics. I digitally added the sky disc of Nebra, a beautiful artifact found near Nebra in Saxony.

You can read more on  Wikipedia

And I have some more photos from my walks:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Simply WOW!
    Lovely art and a beautiful selection of photographs from your walks.

    Have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan! You have a good and safe weekend, too!

  2. Nice banner and really beautiful art. Looking up can mean so many things. A good piece with a good saying. Looks like everything is in bloom there. We are in another storm with so much rain I had to bring some of my seedlings indoors. Have a great weekend.

    1. The rain never seems to be fairly distributed! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Im so jelly of the beautiful spring you have :)

  4. Awesome geometric page and beautiful spring flowers, even the 'weed' one. It seems you were just being flooded not so long ago and now it's a drought?

    1. Oh yes, since then it has been dry and much too warm for the season, and now it's dry everywhere, and we had the first trees and moors burning!

  5. Sensational post and love all the gorgeousness here...Have a good Saturday.xx

  6. Hi Valerie I love how you made the moon,beautiful work my friend,well done and I love the happy spring pics ,Thankyou for sharing stay safe xx

  7. Starry Night is one of my favorite paintings so of course I love your Look Up. Oh, and Spring is so far along at your house. My grass is just starting to turn green after a week of rain. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ, hope your spring soon gets going!

  8. I love the shape. As for the rain, we are due for more and I'd be happy to send you some.

    1. Thanks! We had floods in winter and weeks of non-stop rain. Since then - nothing! Stay safe

  9. The information about the sun disc was extremely interesting Valerie. First time I've heard of it. It looks so good in your artwork...the green against that rich dark blue sky. Have a good weekend

    1. Thanks June. It is a fascinating story indeed, and such a beautiful artifact! Stay safe!

  10. Grau hier heute...
    Oh ja, ich vermisse denn perfekten Sternenhimmel sehr. Also Autralien.
    Hier hatte mein Vater eine Kuppel mit Celestrons und hat uns in kalten Nächten geweckt, um zu gucken.
    Boah, fand ich das langweilig als Kind ;-) Was würde ich heute dafür geben!

    Ja, gestern war so schön blau, der Himmel. Schöne Fotos! Einen schönen Tag dir, GlG, Iris

    1. Danke Iris. Wenn ich Sternen sehen will gehe ich runter zum Rhein. Hier ist zu hell wegen des Flughafens. Bleib gesund.

  11. We also wait for rain, so needed for our fields. Oh wow, your work is amazing, the contrast of colors amazes me! Stay safe and healthy everyone ☺

    1. Yes, we have had no rain in Europe, the fields are all dry and cracked. Stay safe!

  12. I always like to stare at the sky in the bright summer nights ...
    I didn't know about this particular artifact ... how wonderful he is! The same is your journal page!
    "Starry, starry night
    Paint your palette blue and grey.."
    Starry Night by Van Gogh is a perfect match, and so is the song Vincent!
    The pictures are so beautiful ... we have such a clear blue sky in recent days too but today, unfortunately it is gray and cold!
    Enjoy your weekend, Valerie! Hugs! xoxo

    1. Thanks Ella. I love that wonderful Vincent song, too. I did a post with one of my Vincent paintings and that song some time back. The sky is always beautiful!

  13. Kreativ hast du die Formen in diesen fantastisches Mondbild hinein gearbeitet!
    Einfach Toll auch die Farbenwahl.
    Schön wie alles blüht und in so eine Farbenpracht.Wenn es noch regnen würde wärs noch besser alles und auch der Heuschnupfen würde es beser gehen.
    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag und bleib gesund!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Die Blumen sind zur Zeit sehr schön, aber wir brauchen dringend Regen! Bleib gesund!

  14. Wonderful hybrid piece, love it. Such lovely photos from your walk, looks so inviting. Have a great day. x

  15. Wow, your trees are blooming way ahead of ours, and it all looks very springlike where you are, Valerie. The Canada Geese should have young by now and they would be very photogenic. Hint! Hint!

    1. I would love to see them I hear the geese making lots of noise when I go past the lakes but can't get nearer to take pics, they are all under lockdown, as are the parks which I could reach on foot. They never nest at the Rhine.

  16. Your piece is beautiful. And the reminder to look up is an important one. I have to say, I am so eager for spring!!

    1. Thanks, and we really need to keep looking up!

  17. Great talent on the Van Gogh representation! I saw it before I even read what you were doing...wonderful piece!

    It's been dry here, too. Hope we get some rain soon. It will help clean the air and earth and give the flowers and trees a nice drink.

    Gorgeous photos always!!!

    Hugs and Stay Safe 🌷

    1. Thanks Jan. Our climate has changed a lot these past couple of years, nothing is as it was.

  18. Wiosna to najpiękniejsza pora roku , wszystko kwitnie i budzi się dożycia. Piękne sa twoje prace i fotografie. Dużo zdrowia i dobrych chwil:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Spring is really a wonderful season. I wish you health and happiness, too, stay safe!

  19. Beautiful photos, the sky is so blue! Your artwork is wonderful, I love the addition of the artifact.
    I think we are getting some rain next week, so the farmers and gardeners will be happy
    Keep safe,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. We have been promised rain here, too, hope it happens. Have a happy and safe weekend.

  20. Beautiful spring photo walk with you ~ looks like Spring where you are ^_^ ~ Love the 'green world' creation ~ thanks ^_^ ~ great sentiments ~

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. Hi Val, good evening to you! Hope you had a nice day. Thanks for the masks which arrived today, we all love our personalised ones. Love your beautiful art again, the sky disc is wonderful. Next year it will be shown in the British Museum. Great photos, too, I love seeing your view of the world. Take care, hugs, Sarah

  22. Thanks Sarah. Glad you got your masks, I hope the kids have fun with them! Stay safe!

  23. I wish we could send you some of our rain lol

    That Nebra disk is gorgeous, and the art piece with that quote is the perfect setting for it. You see such lovely sights on your walks :)

    1. Why is it either non stop rain or none at all? The Nebra disc is really fascinating.

  24. Lovely, colorful art. I love the blue, green and yellow colors.

  25. The nebra disc is fascinating. I read a couple of articles on it and the story of finding it is also quite interesting. It looks interesting in your art also. We have rain coming in tomorrow and maybe snow on Monday. I don't think spring is actually going to come this year. WE'll be right into summer. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. It is a very beautiful artifact indeed, and fascinating. Stay safe!

  26. I apologize for not visiting sooner. I was awakened yesterday by such a loud noise, it shook my entire house. It also knocked my electricity out for over 20 hours. Then I couldn't get on the internet, but AT&T was FINALLY able to reset my internet from their facility (for a change).

    I love your Starry Night background and the Nebra Disc artifact. Very intriguing. I must learn more about it. The images go well together. Thanks for yet another wonderful entry using your theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

    Obviously, we've had rain every day this past week. I'm so tired of rain and the ground being so saturated. Your lack of rain is surely disconcerting to you, since it was SO wet earlier this year. Your blossoms are beautiful and those tulips are incredible. Mine are now history.

    1. Oh dear, what was the explosion? Did you find it out? I'm happy to say we had no excitement here! The rain is once again being badly distributed! We have light and sandy soil here, so it doesn't hold water well, and this leads to floods or extreme dryness!

  27. Sorry I am late calling in again Valerie.
    The post and the photos were good to read.
    I love your journal page, you are creating super inspiration pages for your AJJ theme, the Nebra disc will have me seeking more information, I'd not heard about this find.
    Take care and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Don't worry, there is no late here! I'm always happy to see you when you come! The sky disc is really fascinating, it will be shown in the British Museum next year!

  28. This is stunning Valerie, I've not heard of the Nebra disc so I've had a little read up - what a fascinating piece! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. It is indeed fascinating. It will be on show in the British Museum next year.

  29. Truly, truly, beautiful post!! Love it all! Thanks my friend! Stay safe!

  30. That Nebra Sky Disc is very cool!

  31. Love the disc - it looks fab in your artsy page! Fun colors too. Your walk pictures make me want to go do some walking. Another fun post. Hugz

  32. Love your Van Gogh inspired sky - and what a perfect setting for that amazing Nebra disc - it's so beautiful and evocative and powerful. And oh the blossom!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. The Nebra Disc is coming to London next year!


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