
Thursday 9 April 2020

Rains Thursday Art Date and more!

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all managing well and staying safe and fit.

Rain's theme today is 'Easter'. I don't usually celebrate it, but do enjoy all the seasonal themes and celebrating spring and new life.

First up I have an A4 Easter Bunny which I made for my challenge at AJJ, geometric shapes. I stenciled the rabbit onto some spotted DP, which I then sewed to another piece of DP with a geometric pattern. I added the quote and gave him a stitched bow tie, also with a geometric pattern. The row of black gemstones were part of a candy I got recently. This was quick and easy to make:

And I have some spring /Easter pieces from previous times:

And I have lots of photos showing this wonderful season:

And I must include the animals I meet on my walks:

The shops are all full of Easter decorations:

And the very special Easter moon, taken Wednesday evening at 10 pm:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Cute bunny and nice collection of Easter pieces. It was too cloudy to see the pink moon here last night.

    1. Thanks Christine. I was soooooooooooo happy that the moon was so clear here, sorry you didn't get to see it!

  2. Love your bunny!! You have made lots to beautiful Easter pieces. Always good to see the spring colour, those little watering cans in the pot plants are cute.

  3. The bright colours of all those flowers are a real spirit lifter. How can one not feel good seeing them? The rabbit is cute to be sure, but we have many in our neighbourhood and right now they are busy nibbling away at every fresh green shoot that comes out of the ground. i suspect that they are not too popular! Stay well, Valerie.

    1. Thanks David. The rabbits are not popular in the gardens here, either! Stay safe!

  4. Love the pussy willows, sheep and the bunny photos best ~ Your creations are wonderful, and the latest has a beautiful request of love ~ so much visual pleasure for sure... I'm going to go back through again!

    1. Thanks Karen, glad you enjoyed the photos and art. We need lots of love in the world just now!

  5. Very nice Easter post. I really love the photos of the flowers. Be Safe and Elbow Hugs

  6. I do love that bunny stencil. He must be a very smart bunny with those cool glasses. He is styling. And I enjoyed seeing all the spring art and photos. The colors are sure lovely and exciting after the bleakness of winter. Hope you have a super Thursday. Hugs-Erika

  7. Liebe Valerie
    ich freue mich über deine tollen Oster-Tags, lustig und bunt wie Ostern sein soll. Ach herrlich der Herr Hase mit Brille und deine Fotos toll die Tiere und die Blumen. Dein Vollmond in einer Grösse sagenhaft!
    So ich wünsche dir ein schöne Osterfeiertage und hoffe dass du gesund und gut erlebst.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Der Hase mit Brille erinnert mich an meinem Nachbar! Bleib Gesund!

  8. Love your Easter creations. Really lovely happy colours in your post. Stay safe and enjoy the sunshine.

  9. Schöne, passende Quote! Aber der sieht so ernst aus, der erste Hase. Naja, auch passend.
    Das Fahrrad ist toll.
    Und die Krähe. Schlau wie die Quote. Und Mäh :-)
    Dir einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

  10. It is a wonderful bunny stencil and a great page for your AJJ theme. I loved his studious glasses and the sentiment you added
    Its difficult to think that Easter is just days away , all the photos you shared look beautiful and cheerful.
    Stay safe and well
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Hope all is well with you and yours. This will probably be one of the strangest Easters ever! Stay safe!

  11. The rabbit is so cute, Valerie!
    Pretty and colorful work, nice spring pictures!
    Stay safe and well! Hugs!

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, so kind of you to visit. Stay safe!

  13. Fabulous Easter goodies displayed here. I love Easter and do celebrate it as it is part of my Catholic upbringing...Love the fabulous colours you have and the gorgeous photos...big hugs.xx

    1. Thanks Annie. It's good to celebrate things which connect us to our past and to our families and traditions.

  14. Oh you don't know what a boost your blog did for me this morning! I so needed some sweet photos and good cheer! Your creations are wonderful-as always! Thank you for making me happy this morning! Hugs!!

  15. Hi Debra, glad my post gave you a boost. I think we all need good cheer just now. Looks after yourself and thanks for visiting!

  16. Your easter bunny is cute. And I also like bird paintings .... it looks very beautiful.

    Happy Easter, Valerie

  17. Oh my gosh. Too many wonders to mention today. LOVE them all. Thank you.
    Elbow bump sent with much caring.

  18. Valerie,

    Lovely Easter art! That's a handsome rooster. It looks like those sheep need shearing. I guess it won't long before that'll happen. The seasons come and go so quickly. Great job on capturing the Pink Super Moon. We looked for it but it was a bit early as we retire to bed before it's peak and we did notice a bit of glow in the sky, so if the moon was out at all it was in a place we couldn't see it from our front window. However last night just before bed I did notice the moon. It was really, really bright. Unfortunately between us and the moon was a tree with foliage blocking a lot of our view. *sigh* Please continue to be healthy and stay away from the sickly. Thanks for dropping by today! ;)

    1. Thanks Cathy! The moon was glowing bright and directly in front of my window, I was lucky! Stay safe!

  19. Your Easter Bunny is so cute. Love his or her glasses. Thank you for posting all the bright and beautiful photographs. It's very dreary today which was putting me in a mood. I'm glad to see the color and images here to lift me out of the doldrums. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ! Hope your weather soon gets brighter. The bunny looks like my neighbour!

  20. I feel great joy reading this -- the bright colors of the daffs in your pretty vasse, the eggs; the sweetness of your walking animal friends and your wonderful art. That bunny is darling and I love the ones with the eggs. Oh, so glad to be here today!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. We need things to cheer us just now. Take care!

  21. Zając jest dostojny , taki zając profesor.:) Jestem zachwycona twoimi pracami. Spotkałaś wspaniałe zwierzęta kogut, owce i zajączek to symbole to są symbole tych świąt Miłego wieczoru:)

    1. Thanks, I love the idea of a professor Rabbit! Have a great day and a good easter weekend, stay safe!

  22. Lots and lots of beautifully created art today!
    How cheerful! I love what the Easter Bunny is bring to us...thank you.
    Without exception your photos are always beautiful!!!

    Stay Safe...Hugs 🌷☕

    1. Thanks Jan! I think we all need things to make us happy just now. Stay safe my friend!

  23. Your post is so colorful and uplifting and I love the Easter Moon. I saw that same moon over my house, though I didn't take a picture ... tells me how small the world really is and how close together we actually are. Easter was hard here, not much celebrating , but the flowers are starting to show up and spring is in the air ... something we all need after a long winter (though our winter was not a hard winter). Prayers are in the air for the season, but also for all those who are suffering the pain of the virus ... Be well and safe, Valerie and thank you for helping all of us through these difficult times.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea! It's somehow comforting that we all see the same moon and the same sun, and are connected, and not just through the corona virus. Glad spring has come to you. Enjoy! Stay safe and well!

  24. Your stencilled rabbit may have been simple to do but it is very effective. I love the addition of his bow and the gems across the bottom.
    The tags are lovely and uplifting with the bright colours you chose to illustrate them with - are the eggs real ones and are they complete or halves? They intrigue me.
    Thank you for such a bright and happy post with all those beautiful pictures/photos you have collected. After some of the tragic stories I have been reading with this virus your post was just the tonic I needed.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. The eggs were plastic ones from the 1 Euro shop, I just cut them in half lengthways with sharp scissors. Stay safe and well!

  25. Wonderful art pieces and photography! Blessings!

  26. Awww I love your stenciled Rabbit Valerie and the bow tie is so cute! Gorgeous pieces of art and photos today, all so colorful and the eggs are amazing, the look real!
    Take care & stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! The rabbit is really cute, that's true!

  27. I love that bowtie and all those sweet birds and flowers. So perfect for springtime :) It must be a treat to meet sheep and bunnies and chickens on your walk :)

    1. Thanks! And sometimes I meet goats and horses, and mostly lots of dogs walking their people....

  28. Oh I love your Easter piece Valerie, that stencilled rabbit is fabulous, and he looks very dapper in his bow tie! Wonderful photo's too, it's so good now that Spring has finally arrived. Have a very happy Easter and take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! Yes, spring is good. You have a great Easter, too!

  29. What a charming bunny and I love the sentiment. Such gorgeous tags too! Your photos are also so beautiful.

  30. Hi Val! Sorry, I am playing catch up again, time just runs away from me. Too much chaos just now. Love your beautiful work as always. Take care of yourself, hugs, Sarah

  31. Such a fun bunny rabbit stencil and I love the page you created, the ribbon bow tie is perfect 😁. Such beautiful tags and spring photos too - Happy Easter! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, it's good to have a handsome bunny in the house at this time of year! Stay safe!

  32. LOVE your request to the Easter bunny - we should all wish that! Wonderful creations from the past and lovely pictures. Lovely post! I always love to visit you!!!!

    1. Thanks Nancy, we all need some bunny magic to send love and health through the world! Stay safe!

  33. Amen!!! Happy Easter Valerie

    much love...

  34. Beautiful Easter art and photos Valerie!
    Good Friday blessings to you,
    Alison xx

  35. Love the glasses on the bunny. The moon is brilliant. I missed it this year, thankfully I get to see it on blogs. So fun. And the colours of the flowers make my eyes happy. Cheers and boogie boogie, Ivy.

    1. Thanks Ivy.-I'm always in love with the moon and sun.

  36. Hi Valerie :)) I LOVE your bunny! He looks so smart! That is a fun piece!! Your older pieces are spectacular, I love how you brought the eggs into your art! How creative! I love all of the photos. The ones of the flowers are so pretty, I can't wait to see some flowers blossoming! The critters are great, you got some good closeups! Nice Moon photo!!!


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