
Tuesday 7 April 2020

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you, your families and friends are all well and fit. 
Take good care of yourselves, and stay safe!

Today I have another hybrid journal page to share at Art Journal Journey for  my theme of geometric shapes. The background was hand painted with acrylics. The orange circles were die cut from an old painting. I put it all together in Serif, and added some digital elements. The figure is from Mischief Circus:

Today I had a pleasant surprise - Nathalie went shopping and discovered toilet paper, and brought me a packet! Wow, I never thought I would scream with delight and dance around clutching a packet of toilet paper, and all thanks to 'Corinna', Nathalie and LIDL.... And toilet rolls are geometric shapes! Can it get better?!

The moon was beautiful yesterday evening:

The day started off with a beautiful sky:

I loved the shadows on the curtains:

And then I went for my walk! Early morning is a wonderful time to be out and about. A neighbour has a tree with 2 colours of blossoms on it:

The path through the fields was empty:

The lake was beautiful:

The hawk was sitting alone in a tree - a good example of social distancing:

But the pigeons were not so sensible:

Perhaps they were influenced by the birds on the house opposite:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Toilet Paper Win! Congratulations!

    Your sky photos are stunning :) I've never seen a tree like that before. Pretty! The hawk is keeping an eye out. Maybe he'll take care of socially distancing the pigeons for them ;)

    1. Thanks! Yes, I never, ever thought I could get so excited about Toilet paper - for the times they are a changing! The Hawk would Love to disturb those pigeons!

  2. Good evening Val. This is another wonderful post. Congrats on the toilet paper, wish I had seen you dancing with it! Beautiful page, love the colours and the quote. Great photo as always! Wonderful skies and trees. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I'm sure my dance was good! Have a nice evening!

  3. Wonderful journal page and great news about the toilet paper. Have a great week.x

  4. Valerie I have a vivid picture in my head of the happy dance you did when you received the shopping. I used to keep a toilet roll on the craft table to mop up mess, not any more they are so precious.
    Lovely photos , I think you will have enjoyed your early morning walk, like being let out of school after a long day.
    Your journal page looks fabulous and colourful, perfect inspiration for your AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I am sure it was funny when I danced, it made Nathalie laugh.And yes, being out was a big treat. Take care!

  5. Oh the pigeons are so stubborn aren't they? :) Your walk looks lovely Valerie, and isn't it kind of nice to be alone, quiet on a walk? I know that some people think it "eerie" but I LOVE it. I walk Charlie every morning in peace and quiet and I don't see another person or car. That's my kind of life. Your sky pics are great! The Full Pink Moon was gorgeous wasn't it? :) Congrats on scoring TP!!! :)

    1. I love my solitary walks, too. Time to look at everything, take pics, think about this and that. And who ever thought toilet paper could make us so happy!? Stay safe!

  6. Hello Valerie! Great to see your latest art, brimming with creativity - good quote too :D)
    Isn't it funny how excited we can now become with the very ordinary things in life! We too are able to have toilet rolls once more (I guess the hoarders have more than enough now ;D) lol).
    What beautiful shots of the moon and, wow, how utterly wonderful to see the photos of your walk, so lovely.
    All the very best xx

    1. Thanks Sue, good to see you around again! Stay safe!

  7. So good to see you were able to get toilet paper, simple things make us happy these days huh!! Wonderful y9uare able to get out for a walk, lovely to see the spring blossom.

  8. Your hybrid piece is stunning Valerie, great quote too!! Beautiful photos, your walk this morning looked beautiful, love that tree with the 2 colors of blossoms! Congrats on the TP too :)
    Take care & stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. The tree really was stunning, I will admire it again today when I go out! Stay safe!

  9. Glad you were able to get out. The photos are lovey and the art is fabulous. Be Safe and Elbow Hugs.

  10. Hooray to a full pack of TP! how strange that seems ~ Terrific art & sentiment ~ LOVE the full moon and the beautiful blooms ~ especially the tree with 2 different kinds of blooms! Such a pretty hawk among so many inferiors :)

    1. Thanks Karen, this shows that a crisis can bring us back to basics, and help us be joyful about little things! Stay safe!

  11. Hi My friend! I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy!
    I love your art piece and I love the quote you used! Isn't it funny to get excited over toilet paper! LOL! Gorgeous photos! I love the moon! I love your shadows! I love your birds! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacey, great to see you around again, stay safe!

  12. Glad you got out on your lovely walk and yay on the toilet paper! Vibrant art.

  13. I absolutely LOVE this latest journal page. It is fabulous. I love the zig zag lines, the circles, and the message. This may be my favorite you have made this month. So glad you are hosting this month and made this latest beauty for us at Art Journal Journey.

    Had to laugh at the TP. I would have unrolled the three ply and used the TP as single ply. At least I'm glad you scored. Good for Nathalie.

    1. Thanks E! I hope it doesn't get that bad that I need to unroll all of those rolls. Although it might be a meditative exercise!. My cat used to unravel rolls of TP for me, one of her fave pastimes when she was small!

  14. Lovely post and creative ideas.x

  15. Das Mädchen strahlt so viel Freude und Leichtigkeit aus!
    Nein, ernsthaft? Was ist das mit dem TP??? bärenstark, oh, Hilfe!!! :-)
    Hab den Mond verpasst!
    Schöne Photos. Leider hat Ingo Zwangsurlaub, das verführt zum "Ausschlafen", aber danach werde ich es dir gleich tun mit den Spaziergängen.
    Dir einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Danke Iris. Ich war schon spazieren, war sehr schön! Bleib gesund!

  16. We were lookin at the moon yesterday, too, my son loved it, cos he recently got to know what moon is!😊

    1. That must have been a very special moment for you!

  17. I am sure it was great to get out and walk, Valerie. The bird you call a hawk is in fact a falcon, Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Always a nice bird to see. I hope he was able to catch a fat, juicy mouse for breakfast! Stay well!

    1. Thanks David. He often sits in the tree behind our back garden and then swoops down for his take-away. The other birds don't like him at all!

  18. Hi Valerie! Just stopping by to see how you are doing. Looks like all is well with you. I absolutely love all of your beautiful photos. And I love your art journal page and quote. I especially enjoyed seeing how you screamed for joy over TP! We are the exact same way here. I am actually off to the store to see if I can scrounge up some paper towels! LOL! All kidding aside, I hope all is well with you and your family. Stay safe and healthy, my friend. Virtual hugs!!!!!

    1. Hi Sharon, lovely to see you around again. These are difficult times and we seem to be having the same problems on all continents. I hope you manage to get some TP, too, and will be able to scream for joy after your shopping! Take care!

  19. Love all your pictures, beautiful! I hope all is well with you and your love ones!
    Stay safe!

  20. Yeah! Toilet paper! Seems to be a worldwide problem.

    Loved the moon last night- so beautiful and showy.

    Gorgeous pictures and artwork. Love the words that go with your piece this week. The sky looks magnificent in your photos and I am so glad you are able to get out for a nice walk. So much beauty to see. Stay safe!

    1. Thanks Jess. The momentary problems really seem to be connecting the world! Stay safe!

  21. You always take good photos, but you've got some outstanding ones today.
    Woohoo, Nathalie. What a way to score.
    Another fun and perky piece.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.
    Elbow bump.

    1. Thanks Sandra! Stay safe, a bump back at you!

  22. Lovely page. Like all things are balanced in the life of that figure. And we're all excited you got toilet paper, too! I bet toilet paper will be the best hostess gift instead of wine or flowers. Really gorgeous photographs of your walk and the sky. Take care.

    1. Thanks! Who would have thought we could get so excited about toilet Papier?

  23. Congratulations on having good friends who give you gifts worth more than gold!!!
    Your art is incredible! A great use of the geometric shapes!
    Your photos are always beautiful.

    Hugs and Stay Safe Dear Valerie ❤💗❤💗❤💗❤

    1. Thanks so much Jan. Good friends are really priceless. Have a great day, stay safe!

  24. Your photos of the moon and the trees are quite beautiful. Congrats on getting the toilet paper.

  25. Pretty and colorful work, nice spring pictures♥

    1. Thanks Kinga, hope you are keeping well and safe!

  26. wunderschön die Formen auf deinem Journal die tanzende auf dem Kreis! Tolle Schriftzug und die Farben.
    Der morgendliche Sonnenaufgang ist immer wieder so schön und all die anderen Fotos, klasse!
    Klopapier o ja das kann ich verstehen lach würd emir auch so sein aber jetzt hast du es bekommen.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend und bleib gesund!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Es ist irgendwie seltsam sich ueber Klopapier zu freuen! Bleib gesund!

  27. I have a great vision of you kicking your heels at the sight of those toilet rolls, my Daughter brought over 16 toilet rolls in her suitcase from Sweden she was upset I hugged the toilet rolls before her hee hee.. How funny that your theme is geometric shapes at AJJ too, did you know something that we all did not now :D It's a very free flowing and relaxing journal spread, those A to E's really draw my eye back into focus. Love the warmth of your colour choice. I can see by your photographs you have been enjoying the outdoor air even more, how fabulous is that double bloom tree. I'd have escaped early morning just to catch a glimpse of that.
    Take good care & stay so so safe, i'll catch up with you over the weekend i'm sure.
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Hi hi! Then you know what a good feeling it is! It's so good being able to get out again.

  28. Wonderful photos Valerie, and I love your beautiful page with its rainbow of colours!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! Look after yourself! Hope you got milk in he meantime!

  29. It must have made your day to take that walk.I went out after working all day and it was nice. And yes, I understand your joy about getting toilet paper. It is the little things sometimes, isn't it? And very nice art today. I really like circles as a shape, and that lady dancing or maybe balancing (but dancing is more fun) on the circle works perfect. Stay safe my friend. Hugs-Erika

  30. I am just elated you can get out of the house and walk these days. Such good news. And three cheers for toilet paper. I'm down to five rolls. Hopefully things will stock up by then!

    1. Thanks, getting out does me good. Coming Home to Coffee and toilet paper, too!

  31. I love your photographs, too many of them speak to me so I cannot choose individual ones to mention but i will say i like the first of the shadows especially.
    Before I forget, I must say how much I like your new blog header. It is so full of the promise of lovely days ahead and a reminder that there is new birth ahead for all of us.
    Your page, which is why I came on here, is fabulous! I love the vibrancy of it, it is alive, full of life and bursting with energy. It certainly makes me feel brighter and at this time I really do need that.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  32. Very cool hybrid page. Super colors, and the lines are a great idea for the geometric theme! Of course, I love all your pictures. Such a treat. That tree with the two colors of flowers is amazing! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Nancy! That tree is really amazing, I stop and look every time I see it. Stay safe!


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