
Monday 30 March 2020

T sTands for This , That and The oTher

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good weekend in spite of 'Corrina'. I was sad not to be able to go out as the weather was cold and frosty, just right for walking, but  I was at least able to see it from my balcony. Some places got snow and/or sleet. It's extremely cold again today, a strange beginning to summer time! Things just have to get better! But it did give me time to prepare posts, tidy files on my computer and do lots of reading, all positive things! My laptop is also misbehaving, the 'a' doesn't want to work, so I need to bash the key several times to get a result. Not good when your fingers are sore. My laptop is suffering from old age, like me, and sooner or later I will need a new one. 

I have another tag for Michele's bunnies and butterflies challenge at Tag Tuesday to share. This time I used Beatrix Potter figures. The quote is also from her:

This evening we will be beginning ElizabeTh's T sTands for Tuesday parTy, so here a warm welcome to all the lovely ladies of the T gang who come by.
I found this piece in a book I picked up, I don't know when I scribbled it, but it fits for today, anyway. I guess I mixed up my breakfast and mouse....But I must confess, my desk is never that tidy! 

Coffee at home tastes good, too!

My head is always filled with dreams of coffee:

Today I have some pics from my balcony flowers:

Nathalie has been sorting out at home as she will soon be moving, and gave me these 2 beautiful tins of French soap, which look and smell delightful:

And of course, my fascination with the sunrise continues:

I wrote this poem when I was at school, I recently re-discovered it in one of the old school magazines from 1960. My fascination with sunrise is not new:

Dark sky changing
Through rainbow hues
Into the clear light of day
Spider trembling in its web, waiting
The golden sliver of the rising sun
Sliding over the horizon
Filling the world with fire and light.

The flowers close in the evening and welcome the sun by opening up again:

Have a good week, stay safe,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 28 March 2020

This and That from now and then

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend. Enjoy it and  stay safe in spite of everything! Just had my coffee on the balcony and watched the sun rise, always a great way to start the day for me.

Today I have another journal page to share. For this one I printed off a lino print  in green from a plate that I made back in the 90s. It is A4 size. I digitally faded the edges with a filter, and then added the greenery and the quote. This was fun to make! I am linking to Eileen's green challenge at AJJ

Today I am sharing photos taken back on this day 2015.

The blue-tit is a bit blurry, I took the photos through the window:

And I loved watching the sunrise back then, too:

This was a strange man in a flying machine on the other side of the Rhine:

Crows are always in the garden looking for food:

Lots of water fowl at the castle in Kalkum:

The blue-tit turned his back on me as I took the pic:

And somebody was having a stylish ride in a carriage:

Have a great weekend, take care and stay safe, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!