
Monday 17 February 2020

T sTands for a Tag and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Here we had spring like temperatures up to 19° together with high winds and lots of rain. The storm was worse in other places, but there was less damage overall than in last week's storm. The weather is really crazy, with the temps soaring up and down from one day to the next. And some people are still not convinced that the climate is changing!

For my 'spring is in the air' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag made from the same masterboard. And I still hope that a few other people will join in!
The background stamps are from Artemio. I added a bunny again, as I love these little creatures, and I saw some real ones today:

And I have another journal page for Elizabeth's 'hearts' challenge at AJJ
made using elements from Serif, Mischief Circus and me on a hand-painted and glittered background:

This evening will be  time for our weekly T sTands for Tuesday gathering at Elizabeth's blog, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies who visit. Our local ice-cream parlour opened again this week after 2 months winter-break, so we went there for our afternoon snack. Nathalie had  a Latte Macchiato and I had a cappuccino, and we both ate waffles, as we hadn't had any lunch:

And we went back another day, but this time just for drinks:

And yesterday I cleared my working table in the kitchen. I forgot to take a 'before' pic, but suffice it to say that the bowl was NOT visible under all of the 
junk stash that was on the table:

And my window-ledge garden is blooming nicely:

These pics were taken on my Sunday morning walk:

And I still have a couple of photos from the garden centre I visited last week:

This shop is in our little town:

More photos from today's walk:

The paths were very muddy:

 But the trees are enjoying the warm, wet weather:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Kthy, I'm ready, too, although it's still very early.

    2. i now but spring is so wanted:)

  2. Good Morning Val! Hope you had a good sleep and are feeling well today. It's cold and wet here but at least the wind has died down, so that's something. My mum is now back home, so I hope she'll be alright on her own. Love the tag, and the beautiful, romantic journal page, it's beautiful. Love the Beatles' quote, too. Lovely photos, your indoor garden is looking great. No budding trees here, either, but perhaps I just didn't look! Have a fun day and a wonderful week, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have a good week and give my regards to your mum when you talk to her.

  3. Puschel-Alarm :-)
    Und so viele Herzen, so ein schönes Banner!
    Und die beiden, so schön.
    Was? Eis, schon jetzt?!!! Und kein Eis dann! "Frevel"! ;-)
    Ja. "Live in the moment"!!!

    Oh, jeh. Ich hatte eine "Frosch-Phase". LOL. die ist aber... "hübsch"! ;-)

    Auf eine schöne, neue Woche, GlG, Iris

    (P.S.! Der Löwe war auf der Rückseite der Katzen-Karte!)

  4. Wow, well done on getting your table cleared!!! Another great tag. Your altered art is beautiful. Looks like you had a lovely weekend. Have a great day.x

    1. Thanks Anesha. I'm wondering how long my cleared up table will stay that way!

  5. Beauties here and you are ready for spring, great tag and gorgeous froggie statues, love your fabulous post....all looks awesome...Monte sends puppy hugs.xx

    1. Thanks Annie - hugs back to Monte, such a sweetie!

  6. Your town is soooo lovely! I enjoy your pictures so much. Super fun stuff at the shoppes and obviously much history and flora.

    Your creations are wonderful. The tag is great fun with that dotted bunny and the page is very romantic and sweet. The sentiment is perfect for the couple.

    Another fab post.

    1. Thanks Nancy, Our little town is indeed beautiful and goes back 1300 years.

  7. Beautiful art and photos Valerie! Can't wait for my Tuesday walk tomorrow :-)
    Have a great week,
    Alison xx

  8. Gorgeous art today Valerie. Thanks for that stunning piece for Elizabeth's challenge at AJJ. And your spring tag is another happy one. I have another tag which I will post later this week. And oh those waffles look yummy! It is breakfast time and I would enjoy some right now but I'd have to make them. OKI will stick with my shake since my time is limited. And your table is looking good. Mine gets that like-too often unfortunately. Have a great T day and thanks for linking up to AJJ again Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Those waffles were really good, but a shake is probably healthier! Have a great day!

  9. Liebe Valerie
    wie schön wieder dein Tag ist und das Paar ist ist wundervoll! Wie hoch wieder der Rehin ist und wie wild er wirkt bei dem Sturm, herrlich bei dem warmen Wetter wie die Knospen überall auf gehen bei euch. 14 Grad war es bei mir auch dafür heute wieder kühler und immer noch Stürmsich. Schöner Spaziergang war das bei dir!
    Schönen Wochenstart wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Heute ist wieder stürmisch hier! Dir eine gute Woche!

  10. Lovely art today, as always. The bunny tag is adorable. Love the view from you kitchen window and the bird decals. Cute idea. Your window ledge garden is so pretty. Still too cold and flowers in pots would freeze on my windowsills. We're about 2 almost 3 months behind you for Spring. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ! Spring is usually early here as our temperatures are mostly mild because of the Rhine.

  11. So many flowers blooming already, Valerie. I am sure that they brighten up your walk, but are nevertheless out of sync with their usual cycle of inflorescence. The two youngest grandchildren are coming to visit this weekend so there is a chance we might get waffles here! Enjoy the week ahead. David

    1. Thanks! I hope you enjoy your waffles - grandchildren, waffles and coffee - sounds fab!

  12. Your photos bring me happiness.

  13. I love the cotton tail bunnies. That's a plate full of waffle! Looks Delicious! That's a lovely fruit bowl, and the "Live in the moment" reminder is perfect. Your indoor flowers inspire me. I really need some blooming bulbs :) Spring has truly arrived for you. Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks. The fruit bowl is one of my fave pieces from Borowski Studio Glass.

  14. Beautiful art! The coffees look good. Your window ledge flowers are beautiful, spring has come to your area.

  15. beautiful photos, the lake looks flooded :(
    Have a good eve dear

    1. Thanks, we're having a lot of floods just now.

  16. Farbenfrohes Tag und mit Hase und Blume schon ein Frühlingsbote. Die Valentins-Seite ist auch wunderschön gestaltet. Deine Fotos vermitteln auch schon Frühlingsfeeling mit den schönen Blümchen. Immer wieder sehenswert deine Fotos von deinen Spaziergängen und dem was du dort entdeckst.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  17. So many wonders today. Love the frogs and the polka-dot bunny.

  18. Sorry it has taken me so long to get here. While you were out walking, drinking, cappuccinos, and taking photos, I was watching the All-Stars Basketball Weekend. Basketball is MY thing, and this year it was extra special.

    I adore your tag. Another nod to spring, which is only a dream here. At least it warmed enough to melt the snow we got on Friday and the start of the weekend. Bunnies and flowers signify spring, which makes me smile.

    Your walks these past two days have been lovely. I enjoyed seeing the beautiful flowers that are starting to bloom in the fields, but that path you take worries me that you might slip and fall in the mud.

    The photos from the garden shop are adorable. I somehow doubt Chris would like them as much as I. Those frogs are absolutely PRICELESS. EVery time I see a frog, I think of Chris and her not wanting them on our pages we made for her art journal.

    Your art journal page is adorable. I love how the silhouettes are holding hands and sharing love. This is an absolutely adorable entry and a great addition to my theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I should never come here on T Tuesday because I am going to leave either needing another cup of coffee, or wanting to eat. Yours and Nathalie's waffles look wonderful. I was taken by the way the silverware was presented in those little pockets, too. Just wonderful photos of your two drinks, twice even, and your waffles, too. Thanks for sharing your incredible tag, your beautiful journal entry, your walks, your trip to the garden center, and your drinks and waffles with us for T this almost Tuesday. Hope your fingers are starting to get better.

    1. Thanks E. Glad you enjoyed your basketball, it's not my cup of coffee ☕! The paths are all wet and muddy just now, I rely on my good boots! My fingers are still bad😚

  19. Love the bunny tag.
    Your window-sill flowers are doing very well.

    It certainly looks from your fabulous photographs that Spring is springing in your part of the world …
    Lovely to see.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks so much Jan. You have a good week, too!

  20. Another lovely colourful tag Valerie and some fab photos. Isn't it lovely to see all the flowers coming out and hopefully the end of all this rain must be soon.

    1. Thanks Wendy, Last year we had no rain, this time we've had floods....

  21. Adorable bunny tag and a beautiful, romantic page for AJJ! Your delicious looking coffees always have me wanting to reach for one immediately-but oh no- not at the end of an evening for me lest I wish to be up all night;) Such fun garden frogs, gnomes and such- that and all the blooms really have me longing for Spring . Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, I hope spring comes soon to us all!

  22. What a cute tag with the bunny. Surely makes me think of spring. :)

    We have had crazy up and down temperatures here too. Super cold one day and then almost springlike the next. Crazy!

    Those waffles and cappuccinos look yummy. :)

    1. Thanks Jess. This crazy weather seems to be all over the world!

  23. I have missed the tea parties! I absolutely love your tag! It is gorgeous! And you created a lovely journal page for Elizabeth. Your waffle and cappuccino look yummy for sure. Thanks for sharing the great photos. I especially lie the frog in the bikini at the garden center. smiling... happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Sharon. Those frogs at the garden centre were wonderful!

  24. Hi Valerie, love your bunny tag and also your Heart journal page-always love your art.
    Amazing to me that you have spring already with all the lovely flowers-enjoy. Always a lovely post with photos-Happy T Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. Hope spring soon arrives at your place!

  25. Wonderful photos from your walk, so nice to see the spring flowers coming along. Beautiful art work once again Valerie.

  26. Amazing photos. Beautiful work.

  27. Lovely art, Valerie, as usual. The bunny is such a cute touch.
    I so enjoyed seeing all those lovely flowers starting to bloom. Although we have had high temperatures too, there isn't a flower in sight except for the almond blossom. I hope your local flowers are able to continue to grow as frost and snow at this point would kill them all.
    Your coffees look very nice and my mouth waters at the waffles. I love waffels. That is the reason why I will not buy a waffle maker as it would be a health hazard in my case.
    Happy T-Day dear Valerie,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I only allow myself to make waffles when I have visitors!

  28. Valerie your artwork is lovely, I love the bunny tag, very spring like and all those beautiful flowers, love the photos again of your walks, coffee and waffles, I only eat them when visiting our son in San Francisco, he always makes them on our first morning there, an American breakfast he always says, with maple syrup, I love it.
    The blossom is coming out over here too, the trees are looking lovely.
    Have a great T day
    Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan. I always love seeing the trees blossoming!

  29. Love your table setting and window.

  30. Even with the storms your spring is so far ahead of ours. We're still snowcovered. So these photos bring me great joy and anticipation too!

  31. So many beautiful pictures and creative projects ~ Lot's of signs of spring too ~ Enjoy!

  32. Oh I love your bunny, and your journal page is stunning - so striking! Your photographs are wonderful, Spring is definitely in the air. Take care, Sue xx

  33. Beautiful art work! Those waffles look so yummy and how lovely to see all the spring flowers, so pretty 😁. Your walk looked fabulous too! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  34. I am in love with the little bunnies you are using on your tags.....just too cute.
    Enjoyed the walk with you, all the spring flowers blooming. How cheerful your window ledge looks.
    Belated T-day wishes

  35. Lovely artwork again this week. Great assortment of photos. That waffle looks delicious. I can't believe how many flowers are blooming where you are. We are still weeks away from that here in Connecticut US. Happy Belated T-Day!


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