
Tuesday 18 February 2020

Midweek post:

Hi Everybody!

We had another wild and windy day here, but at least the wind kept the rain off most of the time, so that's something!

I have one more tag for my 'Spring is in the air' challenge at Tag Tuesday. I used the masterboard for the background and another stamp from Catherine Moore. She seems to be related to the other bird girl I showed last week. And I couldn't resist using another bunny, I just love those bunnies! You still have a week to link to us, and there will be a prize for one participant picked randomly, so hope to see some more people joining in:

And here are all 5 together. I made 6, but still haven't found the sixth one, although I cleared everything off my table. It has just disappeared. I hope I find it one day!

I made these little birds to send off together with a card as happy mail to David. As they have already landed in Canada I can now show them. They were hand cut (with a lot of difficulty) from a piece of card recycled from some packaging and painted and textured with pink and blue acrylics. I am linking to TIOT, recycle or go green:

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment in Düsseldorf, so made the most of the few sunny minutes before the rain came down again to take some pictures:

This mural is an ad for a bookshop (The quote has been altered to read, 'You can only read well with your heart'):

On both sides of the rail-tracks they are building more and more apartments and offices, and they are really expensive. I can't imagine anyone wanting to live here and even paying lots of money for it:

I'm always happy to come back home and enjoy the river, meadows and the sheep and other animals and birds:

Last week this path was covered by the Rhine. It has receded a lot, but is still quite high:

  The Canadian geese love it:

Kids were writing in the mud on the path:

And I'm always happy to see spring flowers:

A man working in an elevated position:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good evening! Another lovely post. The tag is gorgeous and and I love I sweet birds, I have some similar ones here that you made me. The photos are lovely, as always, the sheep have a good life. Have a great evening, hugs, Sarah

  2. Great tags and love the birds. Looks like spring has arrived in your town. Have a great evening.

  3. These tags are fabulous, so happy! I love your bunnies tail, little thing eh lol. Those Spring flowers look so lovely, so delicate yet when you think what they have to live through they must be really robust. Have a fun and crafty week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Sometimes I need to cheer myself up with happy things like bunnies 🐰🐇 and birdies 🐦🐦 and 🐑 sheep.

  4. I love the series with the little bunnies! And let's hear it for the sheep -- don't they look content in their field? Lovely reflections, too!

  5. Sheep always look happy and contented.

  6. Your tags are amazing Valerie! So colourful, bright and very artistic! Those birds are a treat. How you cut them out so well with your poor hands I do not know!! I'll bet David loved them. Gorgeous, colourful photos!

    1. Thanks Pinky. Cutting is difficult just now, but I hope it will soon be easier.

  7. There is quite a contrast between the serenity of the countryside and these residences by the railroad track. I would be horrified to have to live there, but to each his own I suppose. The little birds have taken up residence in our house, Valerie, and seem to be quite happy! Thank you again.

    1. Thanks David. I have friends who love living in the middle of town, but it's not my thing!

  8. Great collection of tags Valerie, bright and cheery. I would much rather live near green and the outdoors than by the railway tracks, but I guess it appeals to lots of people being so central. The birds are super cute.

    1. Thanks. Some people love living in the centre of town - not me!

  9. The tags and birds are so cute Valerie and just love those little bunnies. Great photos too and so lovely to see the signs of Spring.
    Have a lovely week, Fliss xx

  10. Beautiful tags and spring flowers!

  11. Das sind ja allerliebste Tags, wie süss ich bin ganz begeistert von allen! Die Vögel sind auch so toll gebastelt süss da wird David sich freuen.
    Toll wie die Buchhandlung zu sehen, o ich kann mich gut erinnern wie ich damals darin war und herumstöberte und all die anderen Fotos sind so toll man könnte meinen es wäre schon März.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Mittwoch!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Ja, es ist eine schöne Buchhandlung.

  12. The set of tags is most impressive when shown all together. I liked each individually, but as a set, they are even more impressive and appealing.

    Your incredible birds are SO unique. I'm so impressed with these beauties. I can only imagine how long it must have taken you to cut and shape them. They are truly incredible and absolutely perfect for the recycle challenge at TioT.

    What a contrast between the country side of the Rhine and the city side. I have a dear friend who sold her single family dwelling in the suburb to move into a high rise in town. Granted, it's a security building, but I prefer green grass, a lawn, and my own private space. I agree with you, those high rises are not my thing, either. Hope your fingers are slowly getting better.

    1. I grew up in London, but I wouldn't like to live in the middle of town again. Fingers are getting better, but too slowly for my liking!

  13. You made a great spring collection of tags. They are all cute and work together so well. And feel like spring. And those birds are adorable. Thanks for sharing them with us at TIOT also. They are perfect for the new challenge. Hope your fingers are improving. But I can imagine cutting was difficult. Well at least the wind will dry some things up a bit. Stay warm and dry. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The wind keeps bringing us rain, too, so I hope it will soon dry out!

  14. Uuuund Puschel :-)
    You missed a whole... ach, dieser Sprach-Mix! Einen ganzen Tag, also "tag"? Ich hoffe, du findest ihn! Der ist doch sonst einsam und traurig...

    Oh. Ich hoffe es geht dir/deinen Fingern gut?

    Ohhhh. Eins meiner Lieblingsbücher! Ich habs hier im Original - und ich kanns sogar noch lesen, Le petit Prince.
    Aber... "dürfen" die das? Es heisst ja sehen, nicht lesen... (Ich habe das Deutsche Zitat mal in Kalligrafie als Muttertagsgeschenk gemacht. Himmel, das brennt sich ins Hirn (und Herz) ein!).

    Au weia, ja, ist das hässlich! Wer will da wohnen?! Das erinnernt and den "...-Streifen" zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland!
    Dann lieber Schafe!

    GlG und Alles Gute, Iris

    1. Ja, mein Tag ist einfach verschwunden - vielleicht von Aliens entführt? Ich hab auch noch meine Schulausgabe von 'le Petit Prinz' von 1958, - lang ist es hier! Hmmm -Vielleicht nicht ganz wie den 'Streifen' - hier wird nicht geschossen!

  15. Post full of colour and exquisite makes.xx

  16. The tags are gorgeous and the birds so sweet. While Düsseldorf seems to be a vibrant city, you're area is so green and beautiful.

  17. Lovely to see the Spring tags together, the little bird girls are lovely and those bunnies so cute. Love the little birds from your recycled card, thanks for sharing these at TioT, I can imagine they would be difficult to cut and it's good to know they arrived safely in Canada. Lovely photos of the spring flowers - I'd much rather live on the outskirts of town than beside a railway line.
    Have a good week and I hope the fingers keep improving.

    1. Thanks Avril. It's much better for me living here.

  18. I love the variety of the architecture. The Little Prince has always been a favorite around here :) I understand why you're always happy to get back to that idyllic setting. The spring flowers are glorious!

    1. Thanks a lot. The Little Prince is a wonderful story.

  19. Look at all those bunnies! Beautiful pictures as always.

  20. ein wundervoller Post, Valerie.

    Vielen Dank für's Teilen auf TRY IT ON TUESDDAY

  21. Wonderful art and photos Valerie! I love the 3D birds and the birds in their dresses! xxx

  22. A stunning set of Tags that woolly sheep..x

  23. Lovely tags
    Lovely photographs
    Lovely post

    All the best Jan


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