
Wednesday 27 November 2019

Rain's Thursday art Date

Hi Everybody!

First and foremost I would like to wish all of my friends, fellow bloggers and family in the USA a very happy Thanksgiving!

Rain's theme this week is greys and browns, so I have tried to find things in these colour schemes. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.  First up is a journal page, showing  various generations of my family taken at different times. I'm on there, too!

And a vintage journal page with script as theme:

A steampunk tag:

And a journal page using a photo from somewhere-in-London:

Some doodles and sketches from my sketch-books:

And some old sketches made back in the 1990s:

Lastly I have some old family photos as they fit the greys/browns theme, too.


Her brother Ralf:

Her cousin Emily:

My great-grandmother Rachel:

Great Auntie Fanny:

My grandparents:

Great grandmother Rachel with Sadie and Fanny:

My mother:

Here she is second from the left, and the only one smiling at great Uncle Benny's wedding, together with her sisters, Betty and Pauline and the rather unhappy looking bride:

And here she was  about 3 years old:

 Having photos taken must have been tiresome, as most people look very unhappy!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So good to have a collection of family photos Valerie. Wonderful art work.

  2. A wonderful way to commemorate Thanksgiving in greys and browns Valerie, lovely post!

    Who is the couple on your header?

    1. I looked after the lady when I was working at the care home, and the man was her first husband. She was beautiful!

    2. a good looking couple. And Happy Rain's Art Date too, her themes are really inspiring.

  3. Hi Val, good evening. Glad I saw this before I go to bed. Love the header, and great to see the pics of your family. I'll show them to mum, she might remember some of them. Wonderful art, too. A really fabulous post. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Gosh I love your tags and your drawings old and new are so beautiful! Thanks for the thanksgiving wishes as well.

  5. I love that kind of memories ❤

  6. What a wonderful post.
    I enjoyed seeing your art and your photographs. Old photographs are just so special and bring back precious memories.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  7. Love seeing old photos from days gone bye, I have a gorgeous couple of albums designed by myself of my parents in Poland and special.xx

  8. Hi Valerie wow love all your work my clever friend and how wonderful to have all those lovely photos and memories to look back on,Happy Thanks giving day Valerie xx

  9. So much fabulous art today Valerie. I love the new header and wonder if the women is related to Nathalie. They look a bit a like. I do enjoy old photos so those were great to see and I also enjoyed all the beautiful art pieces. You have been a busy lady. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes and have a wonderful day. Hugs-Erika

  10. I loved the art you shared today. I immediately recognized Erika. She is often in your art. The pages you created are amazing. They are certainly indicative of the colors. Such beauty in the old photos, even if the people don't look especially happy.

  11. Your art is quite outstanding and the retrospective of your family both interesting and heartwarming. Well done, Valerie.

  12. I loved every photo you shared today. The art is beautiful -- it always is, but how you speak to us. And I loved seeing the old photos. I've come to know and love seeing your Erika.

  13. Sehr schönes neues Banner! Sie sehen so glücklich aus.
    Tja, andere feiern die Ernte und hier müssen Bauern auf ihre schlechten Arbeitsbedingungen aufmerksam machen, wie traurig ist das.

    Wow, das Journal ist toll!
    Ich habe überhaupt keine Fotos von meiner Familie außer meinen Eltern. Naja und unserer Generation. Ein paar von meiner Omi, das wars.
    Schade. Das ist eine tolle Arbeit, sehr schön umgesetzt!
    Die Zahnräder, oh! Der Vater meines Vaters war (auch) Uhrmacher. Zusammen mit dem Schmetterling, wundervoll.

    Schöne Architektur-Quote.
    Und großartige Zeichnung! Gesichter finde ich sehr schwierig!
    Und die Aktzeichnungen - oh, ich hoffe, das waren mehr als 90 Sekunden, sonst "stinke ich echt ab" ;-)

    Tolle Fotos, die Hochzeit, waren das die "Goldenen 20er"?
    Ob die nächsten "golden" werden ist ja eher fraglich...

    Ja. Wie am Flughafen. Der Scan... Der Mitarbeiter instruierte mich, die Arme zu heben, tief Luft zu holen und... "30 Minuten halten" ;-)
    Und lachte sich kaputt, weil ich wohl wirklich dumm geguckt habe. So muss es gewesen sein, fotografiert zu werden, damals!

    Toller Post!

    1. Für die Aktzeichnungen hatten wir immer knapp 5 Minuten, und die waren eigentlich zu wenig! 30 Minuten Luftanhalten? Das wäre schwierig!

  14. Liebe Valerie
    das ist ein wunderbarer Beitrag zum Thema deine Zeichungen finde wunderschön und die alten Fotos grossartig ach wie sie aussahen damals herrlich an zusehen!
    Deine Bastelwerke auch allerliebst!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  15. I love, love love all the photos today.

  16. i love old photos! They are incredible :)

    1. Thanks Kathy, they are indeed, and I am happy that I have them.

  17. What a beautiful post today Valerie, so many wonderful memories shared. I often wonder the same about old ways of photography as we see so little that smile, a bit like a passport photo haa haa! Thank you for sharing your drawings, I especially love the figures. Fabulous shades of browns and greys I've never thought of grouping makes together like this. Maybe something to think of in the future..!
    Sending Thanksgiving hugs & well wishes to all that celebrate Tracey xx
    P.S Happy PPF if I don't get chance to pop back tomorrow x

    1. Thanks Tracey, you have wonderful day, too

    2. I get to enjoy these all over again and take in those amazing family photographs once more.. Fabulous to have those little pieces of history.
      Sending PPF Hugs again Tracey xx Have a super day

  18. Such beautiful eye candy, today. A real feast! And of course, I just love the page with the script theme. Most of all, the pictures of your family are just real treasures. Love those fashions. Have a wonderful day.

  19. A fabulous post Valerei, the art and journal pages you shared all look wonderful, I spent ages looking at each one of them.
    It was good to see your collection of family photos, maybe there weren't so many smiles as they had to pose and stand still for much longer than we would today.
    Have a good day and I hope the weather is fine, its rather wet here.
    Yvonne xx

  20. What a wonderful post. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes. :)

    Loved seeing all the family photos. Always interesting to think about how photos have changed over time and how many people take today because it is so fast and easy.

    Beautiful artwork- loved the variation in the pieces. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. I love what you did with those colors. I'm loving that mechanical pencil :) It's wonderful to have old vintage family photos. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I have one just like it, it was one of my husband's treasures!

  22. Hi Valerie :)) Your journal entries are so pretty and full of meaning and heart...I LOVE how you do that, I need to start this kind of journaling art, it's so beautiful. I'm a sucker for steampunk, I just love it! Your doodles are works of art, and those nudes are really good! I never tried doing that, but now that I'm on the charcoals, I may try some more portraits and try to draw humans more lol...I mostly stick to animals! Lovely memories you have with your photos, I love that photo of your mom!!! :)

    1. Thanks Rain! I Love your animals, you really capture their Essence.

  23. Brilliant art work and I enjoyed the family photos so much. Just beautiful.

  24. Fabulous art and photos Valerie! Xx

  25. What beautiful artwork today, and the family photographs are wonderful. I wish I had some photo's of my grandparents on my dads side but I don't think there are any in existance. I love your new header too. Take care, Sue xx

  26. Wow!! Fabulous art today Valerie as well as those super family photos!Chrisx

  27. Lovely fog with the Browns and loved your doodles and sketches, Valerie! The old photos are a treasure!
    Happy PPF!
    ❤ Nadya

  28. Such beautiful art! I love the vintage styles that you created and wow, all those photos are amazing 😀. It's so nice to have photos of your family and I guess the long exposure time wouldn't put a smile on your face, you probably couldn't hold the smile for so long anyway 😉. Happy Friday and wishing you a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  29. Your family photos are precious. Thanks for today'lovely art and photos.My favourites today: The photo of your grandfather and grand mother AND your Happy Thanksgiving card

    Much 🎨🦃🎨love

    1. Thanks, they were a sweet pair and she was always the Boss!

  30. I was SURE I had left a comment, even though your blog was still sitting open on my desktop today. I think I'm losing my mind. I can't believe I didn't leave a comment when I visited earlier. I must have been called away or had to "go." I decided to look back through the comments one more time. See? I AM losing my mind. How do I spell STRESS?????

    1. It's probably hiding in the same place as mine....😁😁😁

  31. Wow, I absolutely adore old photos like those! Such a treasure!:)

  32. wonderful art projects Valerie, and those vintage photos-love!! Just precious. Happy PPF!

  33. Your artwork is terrific, as always, but I'm absolutely smitten with the old photographs. Each one is fabulous in its own right.

    Your piece featuring the cursive writing is really nice, too. Penmanship mattered when we were kids. We had to sit up straight, feet flat on the floor, with our paper angled just so. Somehow, using a fountain pen and a bottle of ink seemed to make a positive difference, too. Nowadays, most kids don't even know how to write in cursive. The times, they are a-changing. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  34. I have a lot of the old sepia photos of my family, though at this point I don't know if I would remember who is who. That was a fun project for you and for us ... I may have to explore this option. Your art is excellent as well ... and you nudes are perfect. I find it very hard to recreate the human body even though I know anatomy ... it is a talent for sure. And thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes ... it was a wonderfully fattening day :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Love your description, 'It was a wonderfully fattening day'. Great!

  35. Love how you used your old photos! So many wonderful details! You sketches and drawings are wonderful!

  36. So many treats, but I think my favourite part of this post is your collection of family photographs - wonderful in the pages and out. There's so much character and story in those faces and figures. Your sketches are also great, especially the nudes - beautiful work. The page spread full of script and writing motifs is amazing too - so many details which appeal to my love of words and writing.
    Alison x

  37. Interesante post Valerie! Me encantan tus composiciones y dibujos...ah y las fotos familiares perfectas colores sepia, blanco y negro, grises, muy interesantes.


  38. I really enjoyed reading your post this evening. There's a lot of great stuff here! I especially adore the family photographs, they are wonderful. Great artwork as well. Hope you have a blessed week!

  39. Amazing artwork! I love your sketches, woman's figure is a work of art, I love to draw it too. And lovely old photos of your wonderful family, treasured memories.


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