
Tuesday 26 November 2019

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Today has gone by much too quickly again, and it's already getting dark. We got out for some nice walks again, and somehow ended up in a cafe where they had delicious cake, but that's a story for another time!

As autumn is drawing to a close I wanted to show the journal page in autumnal colours, a mixed media page using painting, collage, stamping and tissue transfers. The text has been added digitally:

Today I am linking to Cathy's Wild Wednesday

And I have some pics from our visit to the Christmas market in our little town last Friday evening:

You can buy food to eat, lots of different hot and spicy drinks as well as beer and lemonade, gingerbread and  candies:

Nathalie looking at the gingerbread love hearts:

Here is the booth selling 'Reibekuchen', fried potato cakes. We shared a plate garnished with smoked salmon and sour cream, yes!

Delicious crepes:

Traditional winter candy with herbs:

The sausages are always in demand:

We walked through the main street:

Then along the Rhine, a bit spooky!
The photos are a biz fuzzy, they were taken with my phone.

The castle ruins:

And here we are enjoying our drinks, Nathalie had mulled wine and I had cocoa with Bailey's, really not bad at all!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Schöne Quote.
    Leonardo hängt hier gleich um die Ecke im Flur :-)
    Hmmmm... Reibekuchen! Wir nennen sie Kartoffelpuffer.
    Vor ein paar Jahren gab es hier heißes Kirsch-Bier, nicht so süß wie Glühwein und wärmt auch :-)
    Mal sehen ob/wann wir hingehen.
    Schöne "Nacht"-Fotos!

    1. Hier sagt man manchmal auch Puffer, aber meist Reibekuchen. Und ich kenne sie aus meiner Kindheit als Latkes. Hauptsache die schmecken gut!

  2. Hi Val! Glad to see you and Nathalie having fun at the Christmas market. It seems to be well visited! I'm sure the Latkes were very yummy, always my fave, and with sour cream and salmon, extra good! It really does look spooky at the Rhine when it's dark, but very atmospheric. Love the Leonardo piece, too, I remember when we visited the Leonardo exhibition in London, long long ago! Have a great evening, hugs, Sarah

    1. Yes, it was wonderful, those drawings were so fascinating.

  3. Oh, how fun to walk through the Christmas Market. My area doesn't have anything like that. I can just imagine the sounds, music, and the smell of delicious food. The gingerbread hearts look so pretty as do both of you with your festive drinks. Love the pictures you took along the Rhine. Very spooky. Enjoy your day!

    1. Yes, the Christmas markets are fun, especially the sounds and smells. And the food and drinks are not bad, either!

  4. The Christmas Market looks like the perfect seasonal treat! The food sounds delicious, and those warming beverages are just the thing when you're out in the cold.

    1. Now you see why I like going out in the cold....

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry Alison, I deleted your post by mistake instead of writing a reply! My bad!

  6. There's so much wonderful depth and detail in your da Vinci page - it's beautiful. I love how the images and text hover in and out of view. Lovely to be able to join you at a proper German Christmas market too - thank you for sharing the pictures!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. Da Vinci is always very fascinating for me!

  7. The Christmas Market looks so good … a joy seeing all of your photographs.
    I just love this time of year … I even managed to write a few more Christmas Cards today :)

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  8. I love your Da Vinci piece, the more you look the more you see. This market looks like fun, just the place to go on an empty stomach. Have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Good one, nobody goes home with an empty stomach, that's for sure!

  9. Potato cakes, smoked salmon and sour cream sounds about as good as it gets. You know how to live!

  10. Love this page and your piece is just gorgeous. The Christmas market looks absolutely fabulous, what a fun place to visit.xx

  11. The Christmas Market looks magical. I love it and wish I could attend. It looks so festive and the treats looks yummy. Glad you had so much fun. Have a lovely week! :)

  12. What a wonderful post. The Christmas fair looks like a lot of fun. I so wished I could come visit to see all the amazing things where you live.

  13. Looks like a festie time and I love crepes

  14. I never tire of the colours of Autumn, thanks for sharing Valerie.. it's certainly looking Wintery out today. I'm taking my Mom into town today as she needs to stock up on her Marks & Spencer essentials so I may get to see a glimpse of our German Market although i'd much rather see it during the evening. Lovely pictures you share.
    Sending warm hugs your way Tracey xx

    1. Have fun. The evening is always the best time to go!

  15. I totally feel Christmas ambience from those photos;)

  16. You do orange better than anyone! And oh, how I want to one day visit the Christmas markets. I hate traveling in the cold, but for this -- I would!

  17. Valerie,

    Your autumn color art designs are beautiful with the warm earthy tones of orange and brown. I'm delighted you decided to join my WildWednesdays linky party. The Christmas market is so festive. I'd love to visit a place like this but that will never happen. Since you'll never catch me travelling abroad we do have plans to return to a little town in northern Georgia called Helen, about a 3 hour drive from where we live. Helen has a strong German connection and the community made a point to erract Bavarian-style buildings. It's a lovely little city. We went last year for the first time in many and had a good time, so we very much wish to go again in December. Oh yes, I will tell you that I made a stollen to take to my parents' last weekend. I found a nice recipe online a few years ago and after trying it I learned that it wasn't such a scary thing to make after all. The end results are always delicious! Thank you for sharing your lovely photo essay of your time spent at the Christmas market. I hope to see more throughout December. Happy WW!

    1. Did you say Stollen? How yummy. I Always look forward to eating it at this time of year. Helen Sounds great, too.

  18. Love Christmas markets like this one, so beautiful!☺

  19. Beautiful creations as always Valerie! Your markets look amazing. Wish ours looked that like!

  20. ich mag die christ kindel märkte auch so gern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ihr habt ja viel spass.
    deine seiten und bilder sind klasse.
    hab ein schönen abend.

    hugs jenny

    1. Danke Jenny, freut mich dass du wieder mal in Blogland bist!

  21. Still playing catch-up. I haven't even gotten through the T group yet, much less Monday Murals or AEDM. However, when I saw the DaVinci art and the Vitruvian Man, I had to stop by and tell you how much I love this journal page.

    It's really sad Christmas markets haven't caught on in the states. I would LOVE to visit one, ride on the carousel and eat some great food, too. It all sounds so much fun and it looks like you and Nathalie are enjoying your time, especially with the gingerbread hearts.

    1. I knew you would like this one. Take your time with catching up, don't overwork your hands.

  22. Wonderful post Valerie, the market looks wonderful and the food sounds great.

  23. That is a fun page Valerie. I really like little bit of fun you put into it with those building elements. And the Christmas markets always look so fascinating. Some day I need to come and visit them. Hus-Erika

  24. Oh Valerie!, I love your Journal page! Christmas markets are always more fun when the Christmas lights are twinkling! Hugs, Çhrisxx


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