
Tuesday 19 November 2019

Midweek This and That and an Egyptian Cat

Hi Everybody!

We have had 2 days of non stop rain, and even though it is good for the earth, it's not doing me good!  This afternoon it stopped at last, and even the sun showed itself before settling down for the night again. But I still went for my walks, took drippy photos and came back home cold and wet. Thank goodness for wellies, umbrellas, and the good clothes we have to wear!

I have another tag to share for Wendy's cats challenge at Tag Tuesday This is a hybrid tag made of some hand-painted pieces and a moon photo digitally put together onto a black background. The goddess Bastet was responsible for the moon, and watched over it at night to stop it being eaten away by mice. She is also associated with women, fertility and dance. I have shown her here in both her forms:

I am linking to Wild Wednesday

And I have some more photos of some of the paintings, installations and exhibits from Friday's visit to Art Düsseldorf:

This was all about making more room in art for women:

This huge piece made from ceramic tiles was most impressive:

Geduld = patience:

The stone floor is still the original one from steel-work times, it has just been glazed, but apart from that not repaired or improved:

 I saw these people a lot on Friday:

And last, but not least, and rather late,  a handmade butterfly for Mia

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie wow what a fantastic day you had lots of interesting things to see at the art exibition.
    I love your tag and hope the rain stops for you,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

  2. Good evening Val! Glad I caught you before I fall into my bed. The little one has been sick all day, and I'm exhausted. Love your tag, you always were fascinated by all things Egyptian if I remember rightly! Great photos, too, you gals had a fun time and it shows. Lots of different sorts of art and installations in that fantastic place. Sleep well, hugs, Sarah

  3. Wow, I love your Egyptian art! It's gorgeous. The exhibit looks very impressive too.

  4. Great tag once again. I enjoyed the Exhibition, not sure I understand all the art there, but loved the ceramic tiles piece.

    1. I think it's very hard when not impossible to understand modern art. But it's always something different and there were lots of things I liked.

  5. I love Egyptian art!!!!!!!! And your tag is fabulous, Valerie!!!!!!!!
    The exhibition looks lovely!!!!!!! Hugs, my friend.

  6. Your tags are very creative, Valerie, and there is a wide range of art in the exhibition to make everyone think. Even though it is not always to our taste, difficult to understand even, it is good to reflect on the creative process and expose oneself to something new. Otherwise we stagnate.

    1. You are right. We need new impulses and fresh ideas.

  7. Love your tags here.
    Interesting to see your photographs from the art exhibition. Not all pieces are to my taste, but it's always interesting to see something different.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  8. I like your tag. It has two of my favorite themes: cats and Egyptian. More wonderful photos from the art exhibit. I like that they kept the original floor of the building. Sorry you had so much rain that you got drenched during your walks. I hope you don't catch a cold. Head colds seem to be going around right now in Connecticut US.

    1. Thanks Anne. The charm of the place is really the old architecture and flooring.

  9. Lovely tag and wonderful photos from the exhibit! Sorry about the weather.

  10. Neat tag with brilliant colours. Love the photos.xx

  11. i love the egyptian cat, well done! fab art in dusseldorf! xo

  12. 4 Grad, lange Unterwäsche liegt parat!

    Oh, das erinnert mich an den Ägypten-Urlaub mit meinem damaligen Freund.
    Aber sehr schönes Tag!

    (Wir wären damals einige der letzten gewesen, die die Pyramiden von innen hätten sehen dürfen. Er entschied, ein Kamel zu reiten und dann war das Geld alle. Himmel!!!!)

    Die Köpfe sind passend, so oft sehe ich das, respektlos an der Supermarktkasse, nichtmal da nehmen viele diese Dinger ab. Und, nee, die sind auch nicht cool, finde ich - haha, ich bin alt :-)
    Dir einen schönen Tag, gLG, Iris

    1. Hier ist auch sehr kalt, 1°, frost und Nebel am Anfang des TaGES ABER JETZT SCHEINT DIE sONNE!

  13. Fabulous tag Valerie. Love your Egyptian art.
    The art gallery looks very interesting.
    Avril xx

  14. Valerie,

    Do you know I've never been to an art gallery, I mean never! I think there's one in downtown Knoxville or at least there used to be. I guess I need to check into this and perhaps DH & I can go the weekend or even on one of his off-Fridays. That might be fun. :) Your artwork is the best, though. Thanks for visiting and joining me for Wild Wednesdays, my friend!

    1. Thanks Cathy. I love galleries and art museums and often visit, it's just fun!

  15. I love your darling Egyptian (w/cat) tag. Bleubeard definitely feels he was born in the wrong century. This is stunning.

    I'm really enjoying your visit to the Art Fair. I really LOVED just about everything you showed, except for one installation about half way through. Although I liked most of it, the way the artist placed the "broken pieces" on the floor detracted the overall beauty of the piece (IMHO). Maybe if I had known the name of the installation, I might have liked it better. Other than that, these were absolutely INCREDIBLE beauties. I think ANYONE might get inspired by these fabulous works. Thank you for sharing them. BTW, I simply adore that floor. I like the aged look to it, and of course, the high gloss shine, too.

    1. I must admit, the floors and the rusty columns etc were my absolute faves, and the wonderful old chimney!

  16. Cool tag! I didn't know about Bastet watching over the moon so the mice wouldn't eat it. I wonder if that's where the idea the moon is made of green cheese came from? So much to see at the museum. Hard to decide what to look at first. Hope the sun comes out for you today. It's another grey cold day here.

  17. What a fascinating exhibition! We've been getting sunshine lately after days of record-breaking cold and rain, so I hope you also find your rain followed by days of bright sunshine :) I love your Bastet tag.

  18. Excessive rain gets a little much, doesn't it? But at least you have a wonderful array of photos from your trip to be able to share (and make us all a bit green with envy!)

    1. And today the sun was shining again! So wonderful.

  19. We have rain and dark skies again today also. I hope you sun has come out. I love the 2 views of bastet. That is a cool tag. And I love seeing more of the art. So many interesting pieces. I went to an art museum a few years back and they had cards left around the museum referring to woman and art. I hadn't much thought of it before then but it is true how few women creations hang in art museums. Time for more definitely. Thanks for sharing. Hugs-Erika

    1. Exactly. And women get paid less for their art. It's still a man's world!

  20. I love the tag and that Bastet guards the moon from mice. Is that where the idea of the moon being made of cheese came from I wonder?
    Fascinating pieces.
    Wishing you comfortable weather.

  21. We have had the rain all week too Valerie and it's been so dark inside the house. We still have no car back yet either so very annoying! But like you I have went on walks with the umbrella lol. Love your very amazing photography skills. You certainly have a good eye for the camera. Keep them coming!

  22. Bardzo ciekawe są te dzieła sztuki. Twoja praca to tez male dzieło sztuki. Pozdrawiam serdecznie:)

  23. And THANK YOU for participating in my birthday candy, Valerie!!!
    Congratulations, my dear friend. You are a winner!!!!!!! Hugs!!!

  24. More wonderful photos from the exhibition, you must have spent hours looking at all the super things on display.
    Its a fantastic Egyptian cat tag as weel.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Another great tag, love the Egyptian cats. More great photos even though some of the art leaves me shaking my head.
    Hugs Wendy

  26. Lots to see at the exhibition. !
    Such a wonderful butterfly creation for Mia. Really gorgeous xx

  27. Adoro gatos e os egípcios são especiais. Adorei passear com você pela ART DÜSSELDORF, exposição incrível! E a borboleta ficou linda! Beijos

  28. I love your tag Valerie and the great Egyptian theme. What a fun day you had! xx

  29. Another lovely tag! The art exhibition certainly had a variety- no so sure about some exhibits though :-) Chrisx

  30. Fantastic egyptian tag Val, and beautiful butterfly for Mia!
    What a great day in the art exhibition, besitos...


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