
Tuesday 22 October 2019

Midweek post- the witching time is coming nearer

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another tag to share for my anything goes theme at Tag Tuesday.

This time I used an image from Gecko Galz, which I sewed onto 2 pieces of matting. The little dog belonged to my great Auntie Fanny when I was a kid. The witch's hat and broom are die cuts (Sizzix), the little bats and pumpkins were found in my autumn bit-box:

Linking to Rain's art date

An older hybrid  journal page, using elements from Serif and me, which I have altered and updated:

The heron often goes fishing in the stream that flows by here - much to the annoyance of the ducks, who try to mob him away:

Perhaps that's why he always looks a bit grumpy:

The Nile geese are also frequent visitors:

Ducks of all sorts love the stream and lakes, too:

The hawk scares the pigeons away, but often gets mobbed by the crows, who evidently don't like him:

The cormorant drying his feathers, the seagull was watching:

My balcony black-bird - these photos were taken through the glass, so are not really clear - perhaps I should try cleaning the windows!

Storks don't really live around here, so I always wonder where they come from. The freshly ploughed earth is always good for feeding:

A reproachful look - perhaps the feeder was empty?

Always busy looking for food:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely tag and hybrid piece! The photos are beautiful, nature's wildlife is amazing.

  2. Good evening Val, hope you had a good day. Love the new tag and the spooky page is fabulous, little R. loves it and wants a broom to fly on! The photos are wonderful, what a variety of bird life you have. I never see so many here. Hope we all soon have some better weather! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Gorgeous tag Valerie, and I love your bird pics! X

  4. Lovely artwork. I enjoy seeing your Halloween pieces. Great photos of the Heron: those blues really pop. Nice assortment of bird photos.

    I photographed a Great Blue Heron here in Connecticut US this week, but it's more of a grey than a blue like yours. I chuckled when you said the ducks try to mob the Heron away. Around here, they seem to ignore each other. I've only seen Herons have minor fights with each other, with one flying off when the other gets pushy about who has "rights" to the "fishing" area.

    1. I enjoy watching the birds and their squabbles, and often the smaller birds are more assertive than the big ones.

  5. A fantastic page and page Valerie. The dog wearing the hat looked so cute.
    Super photos of the birds today. They can get so territorial especially at this time of the year, even in the garden they can make such a din chasing each other.
    Yvonne xx

  6. I really enjoy your work. Photographs of birds are great, birds are known to me.

  7. Great series of bird images. Those ducks had better be careful when they irritate the heron. Herons have been known to eat ducks! It is amazing what they can swallow.

    1. I've only seen them eating fish and smaller filed animals up till now, I didn't realise they could swallow such large pieces.

  8. Fabulous pics of our fabulous nature given to us free...will be away for a week so catch you upon my return.xx

  9. Your tags are both so wonderful and great for the season, too. Both are adorable, and I always love your sewing.

    I've never noticed the blue heron's markings before. You captured them perfectly. And am I imagining (probably) the stork is banded on one leg? You found some excellent bird photos today.

    1. The stork is banded, which probably means that it 'lives' in a park somewhere.

  10. Sehr schöne Werke, der Hund ist sicherlich der Mittelpunkt, wunderbare Erinnerungen, schätze ich.
    Ja, die Vögel kommen auch hier zur Futterstelle an meinem Fester zurück. Auch unser Eichhörnchen kommt täglich für seine Erdnüsse.

    1. Die Viecher sind schlau und wissen genau wo sie was finden

  11. You've expressed the colors of the season just perfectly! Hugs, RO

  12. I love that witchy pup Valerie. What a cute tag. And I like the updates on your window scene. That would be a scary sight I think, but it makes a wonderful Halloween piece. And gorgeous bird photos today. You sure do see a lot of variety on your walks. Happy Wednesday. Hope your day is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. He was really a fun and lovable dog.

  13. Beautiful tag and page. Fantastic bird photos.

  14. The sweet dog on your tag reminds me so much of my long-ago Jack Russell Terrier, Jack. And wow -- Bravo on the herons. Truly stunning!

  15. OH Jeanie beat me to it! I was going to say that the puppy in your first tag looks SO much like my dog, Buddy! He's a JRT! We came home from Germany where we met one and had to have the same dog - and found one! Love your walk about and the beautiful birds! Here in Miami, we have many egrets and of course, Flamingos :) Have a fabulous day, my friend!

    1. They are wonderful dogs. I wish we had flamingos here!

  16. You have a delightful variety of birdlife! Right now about all we're getting is sparrows lol. I mean they're fun enough to watch, but I love what all you get and appreciate the photos :)

  17. I love your pieces.
    Your bird shots are just amazing. I love the blue in the heron.
    Thanks for sharing the rain:)

  18. I love sparrows but we never see them here, I think the larger birds scare them away.

  19. I love those bird photos, so beautiful, especiallu the blue one!☺

  20. How Wonderful are your Artworks Valerie !! I looove this Halloween tag, it´s Amazing, I ´ve got the same pumpkins :) have to use them too. The bats are great, love the background, Super beautiful. Your hybrid page is Gorgeous, love the cat.
    Thanks so much for sharing these fabulous photographs from the birds, the heron is awesome, love the black bird, well, love all of them
    I wish you a very nice Thursday, and send you biiig hugs,

  21. Wonderful tags especially the black cat. Your bird photos are amazing.

  22. I love how you used your great aunt's dog in your piece Valerie.
    Lots of theme going on in them :D)
    Loving all the heron photos, and the dear little blackbird (they always make me smile at how industrious they are in the garden).
    Lovely to catch up, cheers! xx

  23. Ya veo que tienes todo preparado para la noche de brujas me gusta la página del diario y el tag decorado.

    También me gustan tus fotos de la naturaleza, las aves en su hábitat, y ya sé dónde están las cigüeñas de España, aquí han dejado sus nidos vacíos, de marcharon a visitarte.


    1. Thanks for sending your beautiful birds to visit here!

  24. Valerie,

    I like your journal page - very nice entry and great Halloween contribution for Rain's theme. You sure did capture the birds which I know how difficult it to snap the shutter fast enough to get a picture. The Nile Geese is something I haven't seen before - very interesting creature. With its pale colors and dark coloration around the eyes, it makes me think the poor thing is sick but I'm sure it's quite healthy. Do you know I don't think I'd ever seen a black bird before, either. Crows I've seen plenty of but they aren't they same birds. Maybe, they're related. I think a crow is bigger, am I right? Have a good day!

    1. The Nile Geese come from the Near East, and have settled down here along with the Canadian wild geese, and can be seen at all the rivers and lakes in the meantime. They look like they are wearing eye makeup! Crows are related to ravens and magpies, all of which we have a lot here. I love watching them, especially my balcony visitors.

  25. Hi Valerie :) Oh your bird photos ARE FANTASTIC!!! I love them. I have always thought that birds look so prehistoric, and the heron is the one I always think of most when I think of dinosaurs! Lovely photos!! Oh, don't bother cleaning the windows lol...I just looked at my office window and it's got cat and dog "licks" on it...I'll never have clean windows! I love your tag piece too, what a cute little witchy dog!! :)

  26. Well, I started out looking at your take on Jack O' Lanterns and ended up paging through a lot of birds ... awesome birds at that. We had a Heron who came and cleared our yard of chipmunks one year, much to my surprise as I have always thought of them as fisherman :) No bird likes a Hawk around, especially if they have babes in a nest, so I am not surprised that your hawk is getting mobbed. A wonderful post, Valerie ... Hope your next week is filled with the thrills and chills of Halloween :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  27. Oh, I did enjoy all of your bird photographs … they are fantastic.
    We have a few that come around the garden, and I sometimes find myself talking to them!!!
    I'm sure the robin who visits thinks I'm daft! LOL!

    This week seems to be flying by, but so far it's been a good one :)

    All the best Jan

  28. Great journal page Valerie. I really enjoyed your bird photos, the pecking order is interesting isn't it!

  29. Fabulous Halloween art Valerie! I LOVE all of the bird photos! We often see Buzzards being chased off by crows!! Hugs, Chrisx

  30. I love your tag, the dog looks very happy here amongst the bats and pumpkins. These are wonderful bird photo's, they do pose nicely for you xx

  31. Love the tag and the photos are wonderful, I love birds and you seem to get a really good selection where you live.
    Hugs Wendy

  32. What fun to find your wonderful eclectic artwork on Thursday Art Date! I joined last week for the first time! I just love your blog and your art, my Friend. Happy Thursday Art Date! :D

  33. Both art pieces are so much fun! The dog is too cute! I am in aww of your nature photos! Love seeing all the wildlife! Thank you! Big Hugs!

  34. Super Tag...loving the birds in your photos, great captures x


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